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Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:54 pm
by malak
virgil wrote:It gets better. From everything I could find on their campaign setting, Golarion, all of the planes are actually in the same physical dimension. James has gone on record stating that teleport and its ilk actually only have a intra-planetary range, which is why it takes epic-magic to teleport to the Mars expy. He's explicity stated that the cosmology permits one to physically fly from the setting's prime world to the Abyss if given an unreasonable amount of time.

Therefore, in said setting, the monk also has planeshift.
PF - A Guide to the Multiverse wrote: More than simply a conceptual model, planar theory separates Golarion’s planes into two distinct regions: the Inner and Outer Spheres. The planes of the Outer Sphere rest upon the inner surface of a great, hollow sphere, with the planes of the Inner Sphere nestled at the sphere’s core, separated by the void of the Astral.
You would have to 'dig' (or it's equivalent) through all the planes in between... so planeshift is useful, after all.

On the other hand, I cannot possibly imagine why anyone would use PF planes (or 4E planes) instead of the original planescape multiverse...

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:09 pm
by Roy
TOZ wrote:They can also turn into cockroaches.
Immortality wrote: At 20th level, a monk of the four
winds no longer ages. He remains in his current age
category forever. Even if the monk comes to a violent
end, he spontaneously reincarnates (as the spell) 24 hours
later in a place of his choosing within 20 miles of the
place he died. The monk must have visited the place in
which he returns back to life at least once. This ability
replaces perfect self.
So basically he also auto lifes every single day. Well, at least the party doesn't have to burn any more diamonds.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:19 pm
by Wyzzard
malak wrote:
PF - A Guide to the Multiverse wrote: More than simply a conceptual model, planar theory separates Golarion’s planes into two distinct regions: the Inner and Outer Spheres. The planes of the Outer Sphere rest upon the inner surface of a great, hollow sphere, with the planes of the Inner Sphere nestled at the sphere’s core, separated by the void of the Astral.
Sooo... the PF multiverse isn't really a multiverse at all?

I don't even know why I'm surprised that PF would be lame like this.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:53 pm
by hogarth
Wyzzard wrote:
malak wrote:
PF - A Guide to the Multiverse wrote: More than simply a conceptual model, planar theory separates Golarion’s planes into two distinct regions: the Inner and Outer Spheres. The planes of the Outer Sphere rest upon the inner surface of a great, hollow sphere, with the planes of the Inner Sphere nestled at the sphere’s core, separated by the void of the Astral.
Sooo... the PF multiverse isn't really a multiverse at all?

I don't even know why I'm surprised that PF would be lame like this.
"Lame" is just a matter of taste. Once upon a time, I came up with a homebrew campaign setting where you could walk from the prime material plane to the elemental planes (i.e., if you walked far enough north, you'd reach the Plane of Water, and if you walked far enough south, you'd reach the Plane of Fire). I thought it was an interesting idea.

I can't comment on Paizo's cosmology, though.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:25 am
by For Valor
I respect that cosmology; it's more sophisticated than a lot of other things that Paizo's come up with.