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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:25 am
by Kaelik
name_here wrote:I screwed up the sweet talking.
Current situation: I'm on the second floor, every guard on the second floor is incapacitated, all bodies on higher floors are hidden. I have no goddamn idea how to get past the gigantic room of police officers in front of computers without getting noticed.

I have been trying jumping down and sprinting to the elevator, but then there's like six guys on the morgue level and no easy way to pick them off one by one. Now, my level-3 dermal armor and general FPS deadeye aim would make slaughtering the lot of them trivial, but I am trying to get through this without doing that.
Okay, did you already hack the captain's computer and the random third floor guys?

If so, leave by the roof, and go back in through the Sewers, lead you right to the morgue with like two people at most in the way.
Guyr Adamantine wrote:The thing is, stunned targets can be woken up by an ally. Dead ones can't. Personally, I mostly stuck with non-lethal weapons, if only because all of them are silenced.
I'm not talking about weapons. There are plenty of reasons you might want to use a pistol, or a combat rifle, or the sniper if you don't care about alarms or have the preorder silenced one. Not to mention the revolver being pretty good in boss fights if you don't have the Typhoon and have been upgrading it.

What I'm talking about is lethal takedowns. Lethal takedowns have the same range as non lethal ones, which is adjacent.

Since that is the case either:

1) Someone sees you do the takedown, and you are now in a firefight, and you will win that firefight, and no one will wake up your hapless friend because they don't do that while firefighting.

2) No one sees the takedown, and you have time to drag the body to hiding before anyone will find that guy.

Added reason you will never lethal takedown is that if you are ever in a situation in which you are okay with someone finding a dead body, you will use the pistol. Because one pistol shot to the head kills anyone in the game except boss fights. The silenced pistol with quantum tunneling and laser sight (so, before you even enter Derelict Row) takes a single shot to the head, to kill any enemy, can do it from impressive range, and does it quieter than a lethal takedown.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:32 pm
by name_here
There is a level-3 keypad on the sewer door. Guess it's back to the jumping plan.

EDIT: Managed it. Then I ran into some gangers and finally got to gun dudes down guilt-free.

EDIT EDIT: Even on murder run, the fight with the man who will break you in half is a complete bitch which involved him soaking an entire clip of 30 assault rifle bullets and six shotgun shells directly to the head on the failed runs.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:51 pm
by Maxus
There's a homeless lady who you can pay for info/give beer to.

She'll give you the code to the door. 2599, I think.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:33 pm
by Chamomile
Some kid raised in the ghetto, surrounded by and victimized by violence all day, his only protection and only road to success to join a gang, and then when he grows up you gun him down guilt free because you don't like the incredibly predictable result of what he's become? Like you'd do any better, you monster?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:40 pm
by Kaelik
PS first boss fight, you spawn near two gas tanks, pick them up, and throw them into him, and he staggers in the gas cloud not shooting, then do it again with the second gas tank. Then cloak/run/hide such that he has no idea where you are and you are on the far side of the thing from him, he will throw grenades at where he last saw you (right next to him) and kill himself.

Also, I think if you tranq him and then run and hide he eventually dies from just that one tranq, but I've never been able to test it.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:17 pm
by Maxus
Kaelik wrote:PS first boss fight, you spawn near two gas tanks, pick them up, and throw them into him, and he staggers in the gas cloud not shooting, then do it again with the second gas tank. Then cloak/run/hide such that he has no idea where you are and you are on the far side of the thing from him, he will throw grenades at where he last saw you (right next to him) and kill himself.

Also, I think if you tranq him and then run and hide he eventually dies from just that one tranq, but I've never been able to test it.
I'll give it a try when I get around to it. Had a wedding to go to this morning. Then watched a football game with my dad.

Roll Tide, bitches.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:22 pm
by Jilocasin
Three or four well placed frag grenades plus a couple shots to the head with a pistol will take him down too.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:42 am
by Draco_Argentum
EMP plus sniper rifle to the head. Hes not bright enough to extract you from some parts of the room even with grenade spam.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:03 pm
by name_here
Okay, just hit a brick wall in the third boss fight
I'd grabbed the biochip upgrade in the LIMB clinic, so my augments and HUD are on the fritz. I'm half-blinded by all the flickering even before his goddamn concussion grenades, and his plasma rifle can tear me apart in a couple shots, plus he spends half the time invisible and I have no idea how much health I have left, how much ammo I've got, or even if my weapon upgrades are on. My EMP grenades stun him very briefly, not long enough to matter. I have the PEPS but no rocket launcher.

Is there some sort of strategy other than reloading all the way back to before getting the biochip?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:20 pm
by Maxus
Kaelik's trick worked for me, up to a point. I hit him with an EMP, then two gas cans, and circled around to the other end of the room. He hurt himself a few times with his own grenades trying to flush me out, then go smart and came towards me.I had to finish him off with the rocket launcher that I travelled way the fuck back to the top of the facility to grab just so I could use it on him.

I dig the social combat. I convinced the CEO to tell what was in the files by taking Refocus three times and Defend for the last; I noticed he kept trying to change the subject and refused to let him do so, in a very polite and professional and concerned manner. I do dig how it takes a lot of context and sense of the appropriate.

I am waiting for a conversation where an option is "Bitchslap", though.

And I finally hit the point where I really could use a bigger battery. I feel like the setup I have going right now lets me handle the majority of what I come across.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:24 am
by Kaelik
Reload before biochip is the only thing I can even imagine.

Did you just forget the intro clip, or did you intentionally screw yourself?

As for battery size, you only think that, you will never actually give a shit about your battery size, because no matter what, only the first cell recharges, and the 12-13 times in the entire game in which you feel like you really need more than 1 cell, you can use the cell, enter inventory, use candybar, use cell, use candybar, use cell, ect, till you are done with the boss fight, or whatever.

Higher capacity is fucking pointless, and literally the last upgrade you ever want to take, because if you look up into the corner, 99 times out of 100, you will have 1 cell.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:26 am
by Maxus
Kaelik wrote:Reload before biochip is the only thing I can even imagine.

Did you just forget the intro clip, or did you intentionally screw yourself?
I'm getting the typhoon soon, it's just some other things took precedence--like surviving falls, a couple points in Stealth Hacking, high jump, double-takedowns, strength/carrying capacity augments.

I have a pistol that I put all my upgrades into, including the armor-piercing one from the apartment. Since I carry a tranq rifle and I'm going non-lethal, I only use it on turrets and shit I can't hack; I also an assault rifle I put a found laser sight on and grabbed a ton of ammo. It just wasn't doing me any good to try to take him in a straight fight. I even led off with EMPs and gas barrels and the explosive barrels as a follow. Eventually, I said 'fuck it' and went back upstairs to snag that rocket launcher (and scored more points along the way, along with a Praxis point) for finding some vents I'd missed.

I grabbed the social augment after the boss fight. Figured, hey, what the hell. It's cool and interesting.

And I've never had a problem with battery, except once or twice. Which is why I went on and got an additional cell. Most of the augments I -want- take 2 to grab, and I had a spare point from a found praxis kit. Next up is the cloaking system which appears to suck down some batteries. I just started China and found the hacker's hidey-hole, so I think I'll have enough time to get two more points and grab the typhoon after that.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:54 am
by TarkisFlux
name_here wrote:Okay, just hit a brick wall in the third boss fight...
Suggestions spoilered.
If your typhoon works, you can deal with him the way you deal with the rest: walk in with enough energy stored to activate twice and an EMP grenade and light/medium weapon armed, start fight, throw grenade, typhoon, shoot a couple of times, typhoon again, win. It doesn't require much accuracy to grenade near him, then rush and explode in a radius, and you should be able to get close despite not being able to see.

If your typhoon is not active, I'd try using a laser and keeping him painted. You won't be able to toss grenades easily, but unless you have a shit load of grenades you won't be winning with those anyway so that's probably not a big deal. If you don't have a laser, there might be one in the room (I don't remember anymore) or you can grab your own plasma rifle and return fire / find ammo in the room.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:57 am
by Maxus
Edit: Mistake.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:59 am
by name_here
Well, I managed the third boss fight and found my way to the ending.
Turns out you can hide in corners like a little girl and duck away when he tries to grenade you. Combine that with 234 heavy rifle bullets and the two full laser powerpacks in the room, and I pulled it off even with the insane quantity of static.

Picked TRANSHUMANISM FUCK YEAH (Sarif) ending, will view the others in the morning.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:07 am
by Kaelik
I have a serious problem with all the endings and the way they do it.

I need to look up if it makes any changes based on your run or not, because all that "YEAH, I'm a super moral person! And I never abuse power or resources to shortcut!" shit got really annoying as I thought about this list of people who had died at my hand:
Sarif, brutally takedowned with blades, because I felt like it.
Darrow, See Sarif
Taggart, See Sarif
That Swat guy demoted to desktop, then fired because I blackmailed him into opening the Morgue for me, brutually takedowned with blades when he accosted me later.
Remember that cop who gives you a side quest going after O'Malley? Yeah, even though I had 25,000,000 credits from cheating, I still took his bribe, and then went down and stabbed the shit out of her, just because.
Josie and George Thorp: Both murdered the fuck out of with bullets in their apartment, after I got the name drop.
Zeke Sanders got stabbed the shit out of right after he handed me a PDA to help me out.
His brother, doctor sandaval, got stabbed the shit out of after I talked him out of suicide. Because fuck suicide, I convince you to live so that I can murder you myself.
Same goes for old man detective, talked him into living, then shot him in the head.
Talked to an old senile lady who saved me from a fire as a kid, murdered her with a fucking gun to the head.
So... Why the fuck did every single ending talk about how I was a fucking paragon of virtue? Who the fuck knows, not me, that's for sure, and it pissed me off.

I liked old Deus Ex endings, even Invisible War ones, way better than this, they gave you some idea what your decision did to the world, instead of this bullshit speech about how moral I am that doesn't even change between versions. (I was so moral, that no one else should be given the chance to be immoral. I was so moral, that I realized morality is all that matters.)

And why the fuck does Transhumanism require us to keep our moral sensibilities? Fuck those, they are the first damn things to go.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:31 pm
by Maxus
Yes, well, I doubt the game counted on you being a psychopath, Kaelik.

Especially the 'convince them to live so I can kill them myself' route.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:27 pm
by Kaelik
Maxus wrote:Yes, well, I doubt the game counted on you being a psychopath, Kaelik.

Especially the 'convince them to live so I can kill them myself' route.
The point is that the previous 2 deus ex games had different endings depending on who you had or had not killed, and none of those endings whined about how moral you are. Because it's fucking stupid to hale the morality of someone who you just gave wristblades and then put through a 60 hour game without some kind of check to see.

Previous Deus Ex games did take into account your actions, hell this game did keep track of whether I talked Taggart down, or hacked his computer, and it kept track of it all the way to the end, and it had a drastic difference on Sandaval.

So why, if it can keep track of all this, didn't it realize that maybe, just maybe, the guy who brutally murdered the senile old lady who pulled him from a fire as a baby is not really focusing on morality when he makes his choice at the end of the world.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:49 pm
by name_here
Yeah, the whining about morality seemed a bit out of place even on my runthrough. I mean, I didn't murder random people on the street, but I generally took the straightest path to my destination even if it went through a platoon of rent-a-cops and used lethal weapons on mostly-innocent construction workers in the final section.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:50 pm
by Kaelik
Also, fun note, I had 45 energy bars, 3 energy packs, 26 painkillers, and 8 hypnotisms left at the end of the game.

Maybe I could have used some of those a little more.

Syndicate: Human Rev . . eerr o.O

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:39 pm
by Stahlseele

Re: Syndicate: Human Rev . . eerr o.O

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:16 pm
by Juton
As someone who dearly loves the Syndicate franchise I have conflicting feelings about this. Apoplectic nerd rage is one end of the spectrum, how many FPS games do we have, why do we need to take a classic series that wasn't about being an FPS and make it an FPS. On the other end of spectrum I'm mildly intrigued, if they keep a focus on squad based tactics this could work.

Re: Syndicate: Human Rev . . eerr o.O

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:26 pm
by PhoneLobster
Juton wrote:
As someone who dearly loves the Syndicate franchise I have conflicting feelings about this. Apoplectic nerd rage is one end of the spectrum, how many FPS games do we have, why do we need to take a classic series that wasn't about being an FPS and make it an FPS. On the other end of spectrum I'm mildly intrigued, if they keep a focus on squad based tactics this could work.
So... you haven't heard about what they are doing to X-Com have you?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:15 pm
by Stahlseele
He probably hasn't . .
And since i have never played x-com, i have nothing to say on that matter.

Anybody playing World of Tanks? O.o

Re: Syndicate: Human Rev . . eerr o.O

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:20 pm
by Juton
PhoneLobster wrote:So... you haven't heard about what they are doing to X-Com have you?
That's worse IMHO. Syndicate was a game based around small squads of units, in X-COM you could cram in a platoon of about 26 troopers into some of the bigger ships. You can possibly do a small squad game right in a FPS, but you'll never get something as complex as X-COM to work as a FPS. The only reason I can fathom that they are reusing these IPs is so they can keep ownership of them, otherwise there is no reason why these games have these names.