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Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:07 am
by Shrapnel

The last and final issue of Lost Light/More Than Meets the Eye came out today, and... and I'm really sad. I mean, I'm actually crying.

Goodbye, Team Rodimus. You were enjoyed.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:26 am
by Stahlseele
Might be more of an insider chuckle for Frank and others of the Medical Persuasion but: ... _ePlIjW1y0
A real Doctor reacts to Cells at Work Anime Episodes.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:31 am
by Maj
Ancient History wrote:K/DA music video:
I completely love the fact that Ahri is doing her laundry in a laundromat.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:15 am
by Maj
OK, so I was such a huge She-Ra fan back in the day that I had the Crystal Castle and all the action figures and I watched the show every day before school, and I still have the books.

I love the complexity of the relationship between Catra and Adora. I love the fact that the answers are not immediately there and not everything is explained; there's lots of room for ongoing exploration. And I love the fact that She-Ra isn't defined in relationship to a man (she's not He-Woman); there's no mention of Adam or Eternia at all.
I do think that the loss of Entrapta and the ending resolution and the loss of Entrapta were a little vague and rushed. I'm not sure why Team Princess thought Entrapta was dead. And She-Ra's rainbow was a very Care Bear moment.

But I can live with this.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:04 am
by phlapjackage
Really enjoyed the Netflix series "Maniac". I read somewhere that it can be explained as sort of a cross between Twin Peaks and Inception...idk about that but it kind of sets the stage. It was pretty enjoyable and didn't seem to take itself too seriously but never devolved into camp, and it had some genuine-feeling themes about loss and identity.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:12 am
by Prak
I'm working on my Pentex Fomori one shot horror game and... I just accidentally made Donald Trump as one of the pregen characters. I'd thought about making a Trump "PR New Hire" pregen character... it sorta turned into a piss take of Trump...

I'm gonna have to bring a nerf gun to use on a player who tries to actually pull a Trump impression for the whole game...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:55 pm
by Iduno

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:04 am
by Josh_Kablack
Due to recent discussions of westerns, a free trial of Amazon Prime and a friend who hadn't seen it yet - I rewatched the 2016 Magnificent Seven remake tonight.

It holds up really well. The 2016 subtext borders on heavy handed -- but I'm totally okay with "we should all put aside our differences from past battles to fight off the robber barons" being the message.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:04 am
by Josh_Kablack
Due to recent discussions of westerns, a free trial of Amazon Prime and a friend who hadn't seen it yet - I rewatched the 2016 Magnificent Seven remake tonight.

It holds up really well. The 2016 subtext borders on heavy handed -- but I'm totally okay with "we should all put aside our differences from past battles to fight off the robber barons" being the message.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:46 pm
by Longes
I watched Aquaman. It's alright, 6/10. It neither really "rocked" me, nor "lost" me, but I didn't hate my time. Recap to follow, beware of spoilers.
The movie opens with Galadriel Queen of Atlantis fleeing an arranged marriage. She's wounded, but is saved by Discount Tom Hanks, a lighthouse keeper. Despite being a retard, Galadriel speaks english and falls in love with Discount Tom Hanks. They have a baby, Young Machette, who looks absolutely nothing like either of them. Then atlantean stormtroopers attack and get absolutely wrecked by Galadriel's kung fu. She leaves Discount Tom Hanks and baby Young Machette so as to keep them safe. She goes to Atlantis, goes through with the arranged marriage, gives birth to Witch-King Malekith, and is then executed for some bullshit I forgot what exactly.
Schoolboy Young Machette goes with a class to oceanarium and is saved from bullies by a shark, showing his superpowers.
Discount Killmonger, the Black Grandson of Black Big Boss is a pirate. He and his dad use some super duper mini sub to hijack a russian submarine. They murder as many russians as they can, but then adult Young Machette shows up. He's Aquaman! He's 1/1000th Kryptonian on his father's side so he's impervious to bullets and blades and kills all the pirates with his bare hands. He then murders Discount Killmonger's dad in cold blood while Discount Killmonger swears eternal revenge. He then goes to a bar in the US and gets drunk with his dad and some comedy relief bikers.
Meanwhile, Witch-King Malekith meets up with Arthur Weasley to discuss his plan to take over the world. Seamen are split into seven tribes, but actually it's four and Witch-King Malekith needs Arthur Weasely to join their armies and coerce the other seamen into one super army. Arthur Weasely initially refuses, but then a convenient russian submarine torpedoes them so he agrees. But their actual casus beli is that atlanteans have invented perpetum mobile back in ancient greece and didn't share with humans, so now they are all feeling very smug about not burning coal to power their asgardian technology.
Giant tidal waves hit all shores. They also hit the shore where Young Machette is driving his drunk dad home. Luckily, Arthur Weasley's daughter, Mera Jane, shows up and uses water bending to save Discount Tom Hanks. She then uses water bending to resuscitate him because apparently Young Machette doesn't know basic CPR despite being Aquaman and saving people in the sea regularly. Mera Jane wants Young Machette to dethrone his brother, Witch-King Malekith, and stop the war. Young Machette doesn't wanna, but then agrees.
They go to Atlantis. Turns out regular atlanteans can't even breath air - only noblemen can. Also only noblemen have superpowers, like how Mera Jane has water bending, Young Machette can talk to fish and Witch-King Malekith can't do shit.
Witch-King Malekith's advisor and Young Machette's mentor, the Wet Goblin, tells them the plan. They need to find the trident in the stone Excalident, the trident of king Arthur king Atlant. He's got a map, but they need to go to Sahara, the "sea of sand", to deciper it. Suddenly Young Machette gets arrested by the customs officers for being an illegal immigrant in Atlantis. No, really.
Young Machette is brought before Witch-King Malekith, they banter, then they have a duel for the throne. Young Machette loses but is saved by Mera Jane and they flee Atlantis.
They travel, find out that ancient africans were rulled by a cis white male Atlan, totally dunking on Black Panther mythology. Then they go to Sicily. Where they find out that the trident is hidden in a monster-infested abyss where Galadriel was executed.
Suddenly they are attacked by Discount Killmonger, now known as Black Manta, and his atlantean henchmen. Discount Killmonger was hired by the Witch-King Malekith and given top end atlantean weapons. Which Discount Killmonger immediately reverse engineered because atlanteans are still retarded.
Everybody is kung-fu fighting.
Young Machette and Mera Jane swim into the monster-infested abyss and find out that it's a hole leading to the underside of the Earth, full of dinosaurs and shit. Also Galadriel is there. She found the hollow earth supplies of bottox, because unlike Discount Tom Hanks she didn't get even a single wrinkle.
The Excalident is guarded by an ancient ultralisk, but Young Machette passes his diplomacy check and takes the trident. He then rides the ultralisk to battle and murders a crapton of atlanteas, who were busy fighting crab people to subjugate the crab people into their land-conquering army.
Young Machette and Witch-King Malekith duel, and this time Young Machette wins. Arthur Weasley escapes all punishment and pledges to Young Machette, as do all atlantean mooks.
Movie ends.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:03 pm
by deaddmwalking
I've seen several (or the same) fight scene several times in different promotional materials. It looked very badly CGI'd, and it didn't make want to see the film. Did the fight scenes look better in the theater?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:58 pm
by Longes
No, the fight scenes are very bad. Not because of the CGI, but because they are heavy on padded sumo and complete lack of indication of how damaged the people are.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:55 pm
by LeadPal
Life is too short for movies as generic as Aquaman. I walked in an hour late (around when he gets captured) and I feel like I didn't miss anything at all.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:18 pm
by Shrapnel
We need more classics like The Sinister Urge or any of the "I Was A Teenage _____"-type movies.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:24 pm
by OgreBattle
There's an NHK Drama where Gackt plays a Eunuch banished from China for banging the Imperial Harem.

He became a eunuch with the goal of banging the imperial harem. After doing so he is banished to Okinawa.

40% of his screen time is spent licking whatever he wants


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:01 am
by erik
Been enjoying the SCP manga lately. I saw it start popping up just before xmas. Can find it at lotsa manga sites, here's one. ... on-writers

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:09 pm
by MGuy
I've been listening to one or two SCP YouTube channels recently. There are some interesting ideas in all that.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:26 pm
by Shrapnel
I saw Bumblebee with Darth last night, and it was fucking fantastic. It was great to see a live-action Transformers movie. I can't believe it took Hasbro thirty years to make a new TF movie, though...? Hope they do more.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:20 am
by Maj
Fangirl Maj is back again! This time I'm squeeing over the new Carmen Sandiego. They have given her a raison d'etre, with backstory and excitement. Along with all the geography lessons I loved back in the day. Also, Gina Rodriguez voices her and does a great job.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:25 pm
by Leress
Maj wrote:Fangirl Maj is back again! This time I'm squeeing over the new Carmen Sandiego. They have given her a raison d'etre, with backstory and excitement. Along with all the geography lessons I loved back in the day. Also, Gina Rodriguez voices her and does a great job.
I guess I know what I'm watching for around 5 hours of my life this weekend.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:24 am
by Josh_Kablack
The Battle of New York sequence in the first episode of Gen:Lock hit me right in my inner 12-year old Robotech fanboy.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 2:41 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Saw the Broly movie with the chick I've been mooching off of. I definitely detect TFS's influence on the dialogue.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:58 pm
by Iduno
I somehow got Patience by Guns N' Roses stuck in my head, so I watched the video this morning.

Look how this fucking guy dresses:

Backwards baseball cap with a pile of handkerchief underneath it so it fits, t-shirt written in a language he doesn't speak with rolled-up sleeves, and tight-assed pants with a skull and crossbones without the skull, and best of all, a huge rhinestone belt.

They had some good songs, but that goofus' voice cracked too much during the singing. I'm sure the amount of whiskey he's put down has made his voice better (he's not Tom Waits, so...).

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:33 am
by Cervantes
Into the Spiderverse is real good.

Vice is not a fun movie, overall, but it is a very good movie

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:13 am
by Maj
I finally got around to seeing Ralph Breaks the Internet, and thought it was what a lot of people need. I kinda hated the first half, but the last half was probably the most enlightening a Disney movie has been in a while.