[Let's Play] Blood Sword II - The Kingdom of Wyrd

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll heal again, same deal as before.

Also, since we may still be in the fear tunnel, there will be no bravely running away. We fight this thing.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Starmaker »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:Also, since we may still be in the fear tunnel, there will be no bravely running away. We fight this thing.
I'm pretty sure we are. The monster is what ruined the vegetation in the courtyard, and that was definitely part of the fear tunnel:
[url=http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?p=440570#440570 wrote:TKoW[/url]]You approach the doorway in the far wall. You see that a trail of withered grass leads towards it across the garth. Several flowers close to the door are blackened by rot.

'It always has that effect, wherever it goes,' says the winged demon. You turn and ask what 'it' is, but the demon looks around furtively and refuses to say any more.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Yeah, we're supposed to be on a slow burn, except that as long-time experts we know the whole thing is a bluff. It's kind of a shame, creeping dread is pretty rare in gamebooks, and the effort here is kind of wasted due to telegraphing the ending.
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Post by Shiritai »

And they made this whole scenario quite obviously an illusion. I mean, fresh corpses? And past the guardian beast at that?
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Post by SGamerz »

Shiritai wrote:And they made this whole scenario quite obviously an illusion.
Wanna bet on that? :tongue:
Although fighting is the better option here, the fight (and the monster) is very much real.....
Healing throw: 1! Sage loses 4 END (now at 8). :(
You creep around the decorated screen, but for all your stealth the monster has heard your approach. It is a Hydra. Usually these monsters are very deadly opponents, but this one is sorely wounded already. Obviously the warriors in the hall sold their lives dear, for most of the Hydra's heads hang limp and broken. Blood oozes from great gashes in its scaly flanks. Probably it crawled here to the museum to die.

Nonetheless, it is eager to fight to the bitter end. Its huge serpentine tail rattles and throws several coils to block off your retreat. This is a conflict from which you cannot flee.


Fighting Prowess: 7 Damage per bite: 2 Dice+2
Psychic Ability: 9 Awareness: 7
Armour Rating: 3
Endurance: 8

Note: Two of the Hydra's heads are still alive. This means that it can strike at any two opponents adjacent to it in each Round.

If you kill it, turn to 506.
This shouldn't last long due to its low END (Nemesis Bolt is pretty overkill here). But note that unlike most combats, the Enchanter actually starts off being engaged by the enemy (although that doesn't stop him from casting spells). Also, due to its position, only 3 people can engage it at a time, and two of them can get attacked.

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Post by Starmaker »

I move one square south to provide a juicy target (and attack, if it comes to that).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Not a lot of strategy to be had, I think. There's no chance of killing it before it strikes once, and very little chance of it surviving to strike twice. Also, the Enchanter can't disengage before being attacked. I think the only thing that might make a difference is if the Trickster wanted to engage before it strikes and possibly pull an attack; but while that's different, I can't see that it's any better than just sitting back.

On the off chance that it survives the Bolt, I will stab it.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Since diagonals aren't adjacent (and there's no penalty for shooting into melee) I'll shoot at the hydra.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Nemesis bolt, and hope no one's killed in that first round.
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Post by SGamerz »

If the Enchanter can get off his Nemesis Bolt, this won't last more than a round (I won't even have to roll for damage).

Round 1 ... FIGHT!

Awareness 8 acts ...

Trickster moves next to the Hydra.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Enchanter tries to cast Nemesis Bolt. Roll = 7+5 = 12 (Success!) Hydra is killed.

Hydra fights Trickster with 1st head. Roll = 6+1 =7. (Hits!) Damage = 12-2 = 10. Trickster has 9 END left.

Hydra fights Enchanter with 2nd head. Roll = 7. (Hits!) Damage = 7-2 = 5. Enchanter has 11 END left.
Ouch, it sold its life as dearly as the warriors it slew.
The Hydra's body dissolves into a putrid green ash, and you feel nauseated as you inadvertently breathe in the fumes. Soon, only its sharp teeth are left, lying at your feet. If you want to take these with you, you can. All the teeth together should be counted as one item of encumbrance. You continue through the doorway that you can see at the back of the museum.
Anyone wants to take the teeth as momento, let me know what you want to drop, as everybody is full-loaded.
You emerge into an open courtyard. Bare trees sway against the cold evening sky, whipped by a bitterly chill wind that seems to be blowing up for a storm. A faint glimmer of lamplight escapes from the mullioned windows of a gate-house across the courtyard. For a moment you think you can hear the strains of distant, mournful music. You head towards it.
You enter the gate-house. A number of pallid men and women in dusty finery shuffle around the floor in a mournful dance, although you can hear no music. Gradually they notice you, and one by one they stop dancing. At last you feel all eyes on you as you cross the hall. You look back- the dancers have gone, and now you see just a room festooned with cobwebs in which large grey spiders run frantically to and fro.

Somewhere, as if from a great distance, you hear shrieks (whether of mirth or anguish you cannot tell) and a discordant music of jangling bells, pipes and lyres. You approach a stone door bearing this inscription on its lintel: Here is thy journey's end. After life's fitful fever, sleep thee well. You push at the door, which opens with a groan.
Even the distant music stops. You wait in silence and deep darkness for several heartbeats, then a grey glimmer partially illuminates the gloom. You see that you are standing in a chamber with eight very high walls. In front of you looms a door. It shimmers in the light cast by four candles set on the floor. You walk up to them and see that they are connected by lines of silver dust, forming a square within which runic symbols have been chalked. If you wish to take the candles and/or the dust, you may do so. Add them to the items on your Character Sheet(s).
That's 3 items to pick up/drop if you want (hydra's teeth, silver dust, candles. Slight pause here to let you guys decide whether to rearrange you equipment, and also to se if you want to heal again (everyone is hurt to varying degrees at the moment).

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 11 (+1 from Enchanted Sword)
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 12/17
Damage: 1 Die+2

1 Enchanted Sword (+1 FP)
2 Chainmail armour (Armour Rating three)
3 Money pouch (98 gold pieces)
4 Gloves
5 Blood Sword Scabbard
6 Bedroll
7 Shielding Charm (+1 AR)
8 Silver crucifix (with finger-bone of St Ashanax)
9 Fur Cloak
10 Iron Bell
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 9/19
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Sword
2 Ringmail armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Golden Snuffbox
4 Jug of Milk
5 Gloves
6 Bedroll
7 Harp
8 Silver Wolf's head clasp
9 Fur Cloak
10 Gilt-edged scroll
*11 Screebo the Raven
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 8/16
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Breastplate (Armour Rating one)
3 Fur Cloak
4 Bedroll
5 Magic Bow (Damage 1 Die+1)
6 Quiver (3 arrows)
7 Chequers board and pieces (Enchanted by an Elf-Lord)
8 Blue Crystal Eyes
9 Healing Draught (1 dose, regains 2d6 END)
10 Gloves
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 0
Psychic Ability: 15 (+1 from Ring of Sorcery)
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 11/16
Damage: 1 Die

1 Brazier
2 Silver armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Bedroll
4 Magical Crust of Bread of Infinity
5 Fur Cloak
6 Money pouch (88 gold pieces)
7 Ring of Sorcery (+1 PA)
8 Gloves
9 Amber Tinderbox
10 Iron rations (7 days)
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Hydra teeth can be sown for soldiers. So long gloves!
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Post by Shiritai »

Hmm... now's the time to use the snuffbox, if ever. We have maximum potential benefit, and no one's in danger of dying from it. I'm also tempted to take the dust, buuut runic symbols are usually a bad sign.
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Post by SGamerz »

The Warrior drops her gloves for the teeth. Nobody picked up the dust or the candles. The Snuffbox is with the Trickster now, so until he agrees to, it won't be used.

It's been more than a day without any further posts, so I'm moving on.
If you are in a multi-player party, turn to 566. If you are on your own, turn to 270.
Although everyone is hurt, there are still 4 of you alive...
The area of floor that is covered with runes looks dangerous. You decide to edge past it. With a sigh of relief you reach the door ahead of you only to stop dead as a figure out of your worst nightmares steps out from it: you see a grinning rotted corpse dressed in an executioner's apparel, its face wriggling with worms that drop to the floor from its putrefying eye-sockets. The scythe it holds in its dead hands is even now swinging viciously towards the first person in the battle order. There is nothing that he or she can do to prevent the blow from striking home. As it does, the player concerned just evaporates into a thin mist ...!
The Warrior is the first person in the Battle Order, of course, and that means she's disappeared!
The executioner holds his scythe aloft in triumph. Amid peals of hideous laughter that bubble up out of his decayed throat, he vanishes into the same mist that is all that remains of your comrade. (The player who vanished must play the monsters now. However, you should retain his or her Character Sheet for the moment.)

You look at the fading strands of mist, then shrug off your sad thoughts and march onwards. You enter a long silent gallery. Looking to your right, you see a line of huge mirrors hung along the wall. In them you see yourself reflected, and also reflections of bizarre portraits that seem to hang on the left-hand wall. However, when you turn to look at the left wall you see mirrors hanging there, apparently reflecting a row of portraits along the right wall. You find the effect very disorientating, and it serves only to disturb your uneasy thoughts all the more.

After a long time you reach the end of the gallery. Here it intersects with a cavernous passageway - perhaps actually a wide high-walled avenue, as you think you can glimpse stars far above. The gallery is on a higher level than the passageway, which you can reach by descending a wide flight of stairs. Below, near the foot of the stairs, you see an eerie procession: cowled figures with large blue candles carrying a shrouded body on a bier. They pass along the avenue with a slow, silent tread.

If you sneak down the stairs for a closer look, turn to 177. If you wait in the shadows until they go past, turn to 500.
Investigate or not?

Note that the Warrior cannot vote now as she's disappeared. Also, the rest of the players cannot access what she was carrying unless she re-joins the party!
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I suspect that it'll be the Warrior's body, so let's investigate further. There are 5 of the robe guys but they're unarmed and unarmored and are carrying a body so they should be easy prey if we need to jump them.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Agreed, and I'll prep a nemesis bolt. Healing would also be a good idea.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll spend 3 EP to heal Benedict (any excess goes to Reed) and then drink my potion.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Healing roll: (5-2)x3 = 9 END regained.

Benedict is now back at 18 END.

Pepito dinks his potion: roll = 7 END regained. Pepito is at 11 END.
Screwing up your courage, you make your way down the stairs and hide in the shadows of the balustrade at the bottom. As the eerie procession passes, you see by the light of the blue torches that the figure on the bier is none other than the friend you lost when the executioner attacked. He [she!] appears to be dead, however, and his [her!] face is as white as the winding sheet wrapped around his [her] body. Four unlit lanterns stand at the corners of the bier. The pallbearers ignore you as they march past.

If you wish to attack them, turn to 538. If you wish to follow them, turn to 45. If you want to go in the opposite direction to the one in which they are going, turn to 152. If you would like to use an item, turn to 563.
What to do here?

The allegedly-dead Warrior still can't vote, of course.
Last edited by SGamerz on Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

Anyone can vote, angel just can't have a final word on Kiki's actions if she doesn't get to act (obviously).
I suggest we follow them.
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Post by SGamerz »

Starmaker wrote:Anyone can vote, angel just can't have a final word on Kiki's actions if she doesn't get to act (obviously).
Technically, going by the book's instructions, the missing player is supposed to "play the monsters", which means he or she is essentially treated as a dead character, and will take over the GM's role if there wasn't already one, so in such a case he or she shouldn't be allowed to say anything to influence the party's decision. He's no longer "on their side", so to speak.

In our case, I guess angel can make suggestions, in the same way non-players can post and make suggestions, but his vote won't count (in causing or breaking ties) until Kiki officially rejoins the party.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Another vote for following.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Use an item; see if we have any blue options! Specifically relating to torches; hopefully the candles weren't necessary.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Oh, good point! Changing my vote to item. If we don't have anything, then follow.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Which item would you like to use? An orb of fire, an amber tinderbox or some silver dust? If you have none of these or want to make a different choice, turn to 177.
We didn't pick up the silver dust, so we only have the Tinderbox. Are we sure this is the right place to use it?
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Post by Shiritai »

A magic tinderbox and unlit torches? I'd say that's worth a shot.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, let's go for it.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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