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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:22 pm
by OgreBattle
I've been asked not to use Zoom for work 'cause it's not secure

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:34 pm
by Kaelik
OgreBattle wrote:I've been asked not to use Zoom for work 'cause it's not secure
NJ courts are aggressively marketing Zoom or someone is aggressively marketing it to them such that they prefer it to just phone calls.

It's pretty dumb.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:44 pm
by Foxwarrior ... e-app-zoom

Huge conference calls are kinda hard to make secure.

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:53 pm
by Hicks
Charles Yu wrote:But the reality is, zooming out to the largest scale, fighting the pandemic effectively requires us to take actions that go against our instincts, our intuitions, the things we evolved to be good at. Cooperation—farsighted, strategic, collaborative action—is required to defeat an adversary that relies on our physical cohesion. We can find meaning in how we fight it, but relying on our old illusions, assuming that we, as humans, will prevail, is dangerous. Life, for us and the virus, is about genes propagating themselves. No amount of magical thinking or bluster or can-do attitude can change that fact.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:22 am
by Kaelik
Foxwarrior wrote: ... e-app-zoom

Huge conference calls are kinda hard to make secure.
Well the thing is, you don't actually want the votes to be "secure" in the traditional sense. Who cares if someone LISTENS IN on the votes or conversations that used to be televised on CSPAN and will be posted to a freely accessibly public website as soon as possible.

The thing you actually need is to verify that the people making the votes are the people who are supposed to be. I'm not sure what the specific solution you want is for that, but it's very plausible that you could manage that with a not traditionally secure system that just transmits information which can't be reliably faked on a just in time level like a person's face or voice.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:32 am
by deaddmwalking

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:13 am
by The Adventurer's Almanac
I dunno fam, I think $10,000 a month would be better. We can afford it.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:19 am
by phlapjackage
Hicks wrote: Food riots.

It is only a matter of time until the 50~74% of americans living paycheck to paycheck in january 2020, the 50% of americans with less than 400$ in savings, and the 30% of americans with ZERO savings run out of money. And the system that compels your labor for wages to exchange for food with the implicit threat of destitution and starvation backed up by the explicit threat of being shot in the goddam face for taking food without paying for it is going to crash straight into the wall of there is an incurable plague and the vast majority of americans cannot work or they will be exposed, overstuff the hospitals, and fucking die. Not just from the incurable plague where 20% of those affected require hospitalization to survive, but from all the other life threatening accidents and diseases that happen normally.

And the very moment the people who are being forced to starve at gunpoint when we not only produce more than enough food to feed everyone but even ship it to your neighborhood every fucking day REALIZE that they out number all the police, national guard, and military by 99 to 1, this whole farce is over.

This whole farce has been over the moment Congress printed up one and a half trillion dollars from nothing. 1/3 of that went to the people to buy groceries for a month, and 2/3 of that went to businesses. But until that vaccine is not only found but tested and administered we're staring down 3 to 22 months of shelter in place, depending on how many people we want to let die. Regardless of what happens, Capitalism is over. It failed. We're doing socialism. Like right now, when a 1.5 trillion dollars was invented to give to people so they wouldn't starve. If the government does enough socialism, we may even get to vote in elections.

If the government does not do enough socialism.... food riots and looting. Americans have more guns than every man, woman, and child in america. 250+ million people are at risk. And we will either unite in solidarity to provide for the people and end the riots, ie actual communism, or the population will be fractured into pockets of people who swear loyalty for access to another's food hoard or be shot in the face, ie feudalism.

And if we collapse into feudalism, we will not achieve global negative carbon emissions by 2030, and eventually all our farmland to produce and roads to distribute will be fractured and flooded under rivers and seas of salt water. An actual instead of enforced famine, and humanity is over.

I have nightmares about this every night. I can barely sleep.

And you know what? Technically I got mine, right? I'm a trucker who drives groceries to stores accross the north east. I will be the literal last person working with health insurance and access to literal truckloads of food. However, in the face of 250 million people being forced to starve at gunpoint, that is flatly unacceptable.

i refuse to stand by and watch this come to pass.

Ergo, we must connect, plan, and organize our workplaces to ensure fuel, food, medicine, and goods are produced and distributed to the public for when they have no wages to exchange for sustinance. We produce in excess. We distribute in excess. Wages are the bottleneck; suspend their requirement. Driven no longer by a profit motive, but by a communal survival motive: It is simply not nessisary for you to die to a plague working a non-essential job when we essential workers can provide. Your job is to shelter in place and perform social distancing.

I... I cannot go home. Not until a vaccine is distributed and my wife recovers from it. She has comorbidities and is right near the 55% death age bracket. But that is only if the government does enough socialism to feed and house and clothe and connect everyone until a vaccine arrives. If they don't... well I may get to see her again if after the food riots we do communism... but if we collapse into feudalism I'll never get to see her again without risking unintentionally killing her.

So prepare.

Connect and Plan to Organize and Collectivize.

And I will do my damndest to truck y'all your groceries.

GODDAM Hicks, that was a great post! Keep it up man, hope for the best for you and your wife.

Great avatar sticker too

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:41 am
by Maj
It was a great post. I'm sorry that I somehow missed it the first time around. The link was also good, too. :maj:

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:46 am
by Thaluikhain
Hicks wrote:Americans have more guns than every man, woman, and child in america. 250+ million people are at risk. And we will either unite in solidarity to provide for the people and end the riots, ie actual communism, or the population will be fractured into pockets of people who swear loyalty for access to another's food hoard or be shot in the face, ie feudalism.
While it is true that there are more guns than people in the US, lots of people in the US don't own guns, but there's plenty of people with their own personal arsenal. As a general rule, the ones with several ARs each aren't terribly interested in creating a socialist paradise.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:37 pm
by deaddmwalking
deaddmwalking wrote:The total number of unemployment claims for the last 3 weeks now exceeds 16 million.
The four week total is now over 22 million.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:04 pm
by Leress

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:22 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Sorry citizen, protesting is a threat to public health. Protests are cancelled until it's safer to go outside.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:36 pm
by SeekritLurker
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:Sorry citizen, protesting is a threat to public health. Protests are cancelled until it's safer to go outside.
I dunno, I think a protest that causes gridlock outside A HOSPITAL in the MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC should probably be considered an illegal gathering. On top of the idiocy of social distancing failure. ... ing-idiots

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:43 pm
by Omegonthesane
Protest marches don't have to defy social distancing rules. They could carry ladders between them to blockade areas they weren't physically occupying

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:22 pm
by RadiantPhoenix
Omegonthesane wrote:Protest marches don't have to defy social distancing rules. They could carry ladders between them to blockade areas they weren't physically occupying
And also hang banners on the ladders.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:13 pm
by Iduno
Stahlseele wrote:
Kaelik wrote:Pelosi says they can't do Congress through Zoom because it's a Chinese entity.\

Now, 1) Obviously don't do Congress through Zoom because it's a PRIVATE entity, duh.

2) You don't actually need to do it through a fucking face app, you could fucking call in or email or whatever the fuck. But you could also just have the state use existing software it has to create video conferences.

3) Zoom is not a Chinese entity, it's a US corporation, but it's CEO is a Chinese American, so I'm going to suggest that MAYBE this stupid comment was made because Pelosi basically pulled a Bari Weiss and just assumed something is Chinese because she saw an Asian face. Which like... would be pretty fucked up.
I imagine you are not following Tech News more than anything else but . .
You do not use ZOOM no matter who makes it because it is a fucking unsecure piece of crap software that i would not even do tech support via for people i do not like . .
We have GoToMyPC through work. Also, we're expected to use Internet Explorer and Chrome, because the alternatives are too insecure. I'm not sure our decision-makers are aware there is tech news.

Foxwarrior wrote: ... e-app-zoom

Huge conference calls are kinda hard to make secure.
And, more generally, anything that requires a lot of connections.

The Adventurer's Almanac wrote: ... _test=2_15

Michigan protests.
Boy, a lot of people are suddenly going to become educated about the anti-protest bills that got passed during the Dakota Access Pipeline fiasco.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:09 am
by zugschef
Newest studies show a correlation of covid-19 mortality and air pollution. Speculative causes for this are victims whose lungs are weakened from respirable dust and the possibility that respirable dust makes the virus last longer in breathable air.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:17 am
by Stahlseele
yes well like . . duh? O.o

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:27 am
by Username17
zugschef wrote:Newest studies show a correlation of covid-19 mortality and air pollution. Speculative causes for this are victims whose lungs are weakened from respirable dust and the possibility that respirable dust makes the virus last longer in breathable air.
That would make sense, but the evidence is very weak. We don't really know what the prevalence is anywhere except maybe Iceland. So mortality percentages are pretty much guess work.

In general, North American cities have better air than European or East Asian cities. But I wouldn't expect the US to have noticeably better mortality numbers to Europe.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:57 pm
by OgreBattle

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:28 am
by rasmuswagner
Iduno wrote: Boy, a lot of people are suddenly going to become educated about the anti-protest bills that got passed during the Dakota Access Pipeline fiasco.
What, you thought those apply to white people? That's the funniest shit I heard all morning.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:35 pm
by Iduno
rasmuswagner wrote:
Iduno wrote: Boy, a lot of people are suddenly going to become educated about the anti-protest bills that got passed during the Dakota Access Pipeline fiasco.
What, you thought those apply to white people? That's the funniest shit I heard all morning.
It gives the pigs and excuse, and cover for when the murder a bunch of people they don't agree with. You think they need more than that?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:42 pm
by Username17

Well boys and girls, now we are all Communists.


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:27 pm
by hyzmarca
FrankTrollman wrote:Image

Well boys and girls, now we are all Communists.

Recently, someone said that we need to stop Communists from taking advantage of the COVID epidemic by disolving the WHO and creating an international single payer healthcare system where vaccines are paid for by a centralized supranational government and provided for free, with for profit institutions completely cut out of it system.

When it was pointed out that this system was very Communistic, the reply was that if we have to adopt Communism to stop the Communists from taking power, that's what we should do.