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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:15 am
by Username17
In the model where Acheron is a solar system that has planets in it, the Baatorians are basically aliens. And while they are dicks, the concept of ultimate evil doesn't especially apply.


Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:20 pm
by virgil
I want to add more, but I'm having trouble generating useful details for this faction.
Kingdom of Darkness

"Populus populo lupus."
He Said/She Said:Better to serve in heaven, than rule in hell.
In Their Own Words wrote:Without leadership, our community is uncertain. There can be no account of integrity, no Knowledge of our place, nor even certainty to bear the fruit of Justice if we are without a commonwealth. In unity, there is strength, and a focal point for unity lays quiet the madness of the multitude.
Just as we look to the birds rather than the worms for matters of the sky, should we not look to immortal gods for perspective rather than mortals, of whom even the eldest of elves are but children in comparison? The Pact of Finality denies us the wisdom of our betters, but this does not mean we cannot use their light to guide us in our Kingdom of Darkness.
Promoting religious freedom, be it the Cult of Orcus or Church of Pelor, is a core tenant of this faction. That this faction is young, strongly correlated with the financial success of Finality, is a commonly cited point by cynics.

Funding is a very easy process for the Kingdom of Darkness, as their goals of expanding the power and influence of the gods is something any can get behind. While the Apostasy Prison is considered by many the faction’s chief success, they have had ironic difficulty obtaining more specific success due to the wildly conflicting goals of the various faiths that struggle for a voice in the politics of Finality.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:51 am
by Grek
According to the Kingdom, gold and god go hand in hand. Freedom of conscience cannot truly exist without the freedom from taxation schemes which force virtue to pay for vice. After all, why should the devout of Orcus be required to support the lifeless golem over the honest ghoul? And why should the faithful of Pelor be required subsidize the expansion of vampire tenements in the Shades? In place of such civic programs, the faction proposes a system of private religious charity in which the wealthy voluntarily choose which interventions to fund on behalf of the downtrodden as their conscience dictates.

Positioning themselves as middlemen between the suppliers and (occasionally literal) consumers of the Soul Trade, the Kingdom of Darkness has made themselves popular throughout the planes as invaluable cogs in the wheels of the spiritual industry. Conversely, the Speakers for the Dead (who regard god and fiend alike as mere kidnappers) and the Nine Rubies (who resent even the slightest divine interference into Finality) frequently make common ground in opposition to Kingdom objectives.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:40 am
by virgil
Perfect! Consider that added.