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Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:44 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
To add to the re-read books that sucked, I found out that Anne Rice is a shitty author if you're not a depressed 14 year old.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:33 pm
by Prak
It's good someone told you that, Count :tongue:

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 5:41 am
by Username17
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:To add to the re-read books that sucked, I found out that Anne Rice is a shitty author if you're not a depressed 14 year old.
Interview With The Vampire is legitimate literature. It's written with the freshness of real pain of her six year old daughter dying of blood cancer. You don't have to like it, but the pain and yearning of that book are quite real.

Most of the rest of Anne Rice's books are her having an extended Dave Sim moment as she attempts to reconcile her Christian faith with her desire to read homoerotic slash fic. This is not a conflict that I care about, and definitely do not wish to spend 354 pages reading someone's extended religious philosophizing about how Christianity is mostly true except that it's OK to jill off to stories about pretty boys longing for each other. The world would be a better place if Interview was the only book in the series and Anne Rice had spent the rest of her authorial career writing Han/Luke slash fiction.


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:14 am
by Hadanelith
See also: not actively attacking fanfic writers with lawyers. That would have been nice.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:02 pm
by shinimasu
Not to mention the terrible BDSM erotica she wrote before ELJames made writing terrible BDSM erotica cool.

For those who might be unfamiliar:

A very funny overview of the plot

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:36 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Prak wrote:It's good someone told you that, Count :tongue:
Was that something you said originally? I don't remember that but all credit goes to you. (considers editing in something anti-Semitic in teeny font)

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:34 pm
by Prak
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:
Prak wrote:It's good someone told you that, Count :tongue:
Was that something you said originally? I don't remember that but all credit goes to you. (considers editing in something anti-Semitic in teeny font)
No, I haven't read any Anne Rice. I'm calling you a depressed 14 year old. :)

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:04 am
by erik
Except he said the opposite when he implied that upon rereading it, the book sucks now that he is no longer a depressed teenager. I was probably about as confused as Count by your comment.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:42 am
by Prak
Look, I never said my jokes were good.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:50 am
by Prak
The Last Jedi is on Netflix and I decided to watch it because I fell asleep for a bit pre-climax in the theatre.

But fuck, the bombers fucking bug me. Still. Primarily aesthetically, but also because of the physics of space bombers that, iirc, Frank pointed out the first time I bitched about them

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 2:50 pm
by Occluded Sun
If that's your biggest complaint about the movie, I'd say you need to raise your standards a bit.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:45 pm
by deaddmwalking
I disagree.

I mean sure, you can talk about specific movies in general with more than aesthetic concerns, but this is Star Wars. As long as it looks and sounds like a Star Wars movie, that's enough for some people. In the 8th movie in the sequel, talking about how X-Wings fly like WWII fighters isn't a valid criticism, even if the physics of it bothers you. The physics on that were established 40 years ago.

But there were no 'bombers' and they change the aesthetic. Perhaps enough to make it not 'feel like' Star Wars. And that's not a good criticism of Transformers or Fast and the Furious, but it's a pretty damning criticism of a movie that's whole appeal is 'Star Wars, but new'.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:57 pm
by Kaelik
deaddmwalking wrote:In the 8th movie in the sequel, talking about how X-Wings fly like WWII fighters isn't a valid criticism, even if the physics of it bothers you. The physics on that were established 40 years ago.
1) Tie Bombers definitely existed before this, and some jedi starfighters dropped bombs too.

2) You are responding to Occluded "we were more free when black people were chattel slaves" Sun. The complaint he believes you should have about the Last Jedi is that the Evil Cuck SJWs ruined star wars with their Woms are right and black people and asians are the good guys and the nazis are the bad guys and that hurts my feelings.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:45 pm
by Whipstitch
I'm a bit on the fence with that scene. There were tie bombarding the asteroid the Falcon was hiding in back in Empire although those "bombs" were mysterious streaky blue things so it was easy mind caulk the necessary technical parameters whereas the Last Jedi bombers are pretty ostentatiously retro.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:24 am
by Kaelik
The last Jedi Bombers are incredibly stupidly concepted and designed, I'm not saying they aren't, I'm just saying the concept of bombing isn't new.

The idea that you would have to dedicate like 85% of your mass and volume to payload in the star wars universe makes no sense.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:37 am
by maglag
So for those of you who don't know the current Batman storyline was that he and Catwoman had confessed their love for each other and were setting up for marriage. Several events during the preparations, Joker tried to get in the way, there was even a double date with superman and Lois.

The comic with the marriage itself was supposed be released this week, but the story was leaked to the New York times today.

And of course the marriage doesn't happen because status quo.

Still one would at least expect to be another of Catwoman's schemes to steal something, or Bane to crash into the wedding, or it was a clone/alien/robot/mind control all along, or something.

Instead Catwoman just decides that if she marries Batman, he won't be such an edgelord anymore. And somehow she believes that would drop his ability to be a super hero. And of course all the sidekicks Batman has been training for decades won't be enough to fill the gap, or you know the rest of the Justice League. So she just escapes at the last minute and leaves Bruce waiting at the altar for one hour until he realizes "fuck".

It's basicallyy the current author King shitting all over the fanbase, in particular since again we got several comics of Batman and Catwoman being all lovey dovey only for literally dropping everything because Selina suddenly decides the status quo must be kept at all costs.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:12 am
by OgreBattle
the current author King shitting all over the fanbase
What's new with DC/Marvel comics

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:40 am
by angelfromanotherpin
I remember when DC used Earth-2 for their timeline where narratives were allowed to progress. Earth-2 Batman married Catwoman, had a daughter who grew up to be Huntress, died, and Robin took his slot in the JSA.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:29 pm
by Prak
maglag wrote:So for those of you who don't know the current Batman storyline was that he and Catwoman had confessed their love for each other and were setting up for marriage. Several events during the preparations, Joker tried to get in the way, there was even a double date with superman and Lois.

The comic with the marriage itself was supposed be released this week, but the story was leaked to the New York times today.

And of course the marriage doesn't happen because status quo.

Still one would at least expect to be another of Catwoman's schemes to steal something, or Bane to crash into the wedding, or it was a clone/alien/robot/mind control all along, or something.

Instead Catwoman just decides that if she marries Batman, he won't be such an edgelord anymore. And somehow she believes that would drop his ability to be a super hero. And of course all the sidekicks Batman has been training for decades won't be enough to fill the gap, or you know the rest of the Justice League. So she just escapes at the last minute and leaves Bruce waiting at the altar for one hour until he realizes "fuck".

It's basicallyy the current author King shitting all over the fanbase, in particular since again we got several comics of Batman and Catwoman being all lovey dovey only for literally dropping everything because Selina suddenly decides the status quo must be kept at all costs.
This Is especially bad because Joker originally voiced this idea. As much as I like this iteration of the Joker, when you think he's the voice of reason, something has definitely gone off the rails.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:12 pm
by Maj
The whole married-people-can't-be-badass thing again. It's tired.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:54 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
My married friends are far less badass than they were as single people. I'm just sayin'.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:53 pm
by erik
I'm certainly less reckless than pre-marriage. I used to drive like crazy asshole. I'm also less young, because uh, that's how time works. Despite not being able to run a solid mini-marathon or do dozens of chin-ups, I can do plenty of other things that I couldn't do before, largely pertaining to child care and medical shit.

That said, if only out of my own self interest, I'd rather fight some young muscled punk than a parent protecting a kid. Speaking from experience at an eye clinic, bar none the biggest babies are young men.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:59 am
by hyzmarca
maglag wrote:So for those of you who don't know the current Batman storyline was that he and Catwoman had confessed their love for each other and were setting up for marriage. Several events during the preparations, Joker tried to get in the way, there was even a double date with superman and Lois.

The comic with the marriage itself was supposed be released this week, but the story was leaked to the New York times today.

And of course the marriage doesn't happen because status quo.

Still one would at least expect to be another of Catwoman's schemes to steal something, or Bane to crash into the wedding, or it was a clone/alien/robot/mind control all along, or something.

Instead Catwoman just decides that if she marries Batman, he won't be such an edgelord anymore. And somehow she believes that would drop his ability to be a super hero. And of course all the sidekicks Batman has been training for decades won't be enough to fill the gap, or you know the rest of the Justice League. So she just escapes at the last minute and leaves Bruce waiting at the altar for one hour until he realizes "fuck".

It's basicallyy the current author King shitting all over the fanbase, in particular since again we got several comics of Batman and Catwoman being all lovey dovey only for literally dropping everything because Selina suddenly decides the status quo must be kept at all costs.
That's also the reason why Talia broke up with him. After she became pregnant, she noticed that he was putting more effort into protecting her than he was on knocking out the bad guys, and that this was going to get him killed eventually. So she faked a miscarriage and divorced him.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:My married friends are far less badass than they were as single people. I'm just sayin'.
When you and your wife literally beat up armed criminals together as a hobby, I don't think that makes you less badass.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:23 am
by K
Why didn't Leia call back the bombers and fighters? Only Poe turned off his radio, and she is his superior, and there was no reason why she wouldn't be in radio contact with everyone.

Was Leia punishing Poe for her own mistake of letting the attack continue?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:30 am
by erik
Why was it even a mistake? It seemed like a pretty good trade, some crappy ships for a super capital ship.

Oh, and this.