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Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:41 pm
by Korgan0
Good luck, man!

Riot just hinted at a new champion- it's some kind of Ionian elemental dragon called Ao Shin; my money's on a top/mid laner or support but hey I don't know shit.

With the most recent round of Triforce buffs I've seen people build Triforce on Vayne as a replacement for BoTRK to help out her kiting- I personally couldn't see myself losing the dueling power of BoTRK but does anyone have any thoughts on that?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:24 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
New Triforce: It's like furor boots, but worse, for most ADCs. If you weren't building a Triforce before you probably shouldn't be building one now. I can see it on Ez as a snowball item like it's always been, or on Corki because he procs sheen all the time and should always get that shit. I see new Triforce as a better bruiser sticking item than as a squishy kiting item. Triforce + Mallet means melee sticks to anybody if they can close.

For Vayne: Ok for chasing, but she's already good at that. Giving a fleeing Vayne 20 MS isn't going to help that much, since her base speed is so shitty most champs are faster than her anyways. BotRK stops people from getting close enough to catch her when condemn is down or its cast animation will get you caught anyways. BotRK is pretty much the sole reason Vayne became viable again (Doublelift notwithstanding), it should still be her first item because tumble -> BotRK active is enough of an escape to keep condemn up for the bruiser potentially closing again. Her ult is negated by a pink ward, so prior to BotRK Vayne had to tumble + condemn to escape any given gap closer, and that sucks up her mana and leaves her with just tumble, and tumble is fucking tiny.

BotRK is the reason Vayne is [sometimes] banned right now. Not building it on her is dumb in most situations. Replace it with a BT if you're sure you can duel anyone on the other team without it so you split push harder, but that's pretty much it. Triforce does not compute for me on Vayne, but I'm sure a Korean will prove me wrong because they build Triforce on everybody now. Watch a recent Korean game and, I shit you not, odds are multiple people will have a Triforce. Top laners with Triforce. ADCs with Triforce. Junglers with Triforce. It's like Phreak's wet dream.

New champ: No idea what to think of it yet except weeaboo Shyvana so Kawaii ^.^

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:15 pm
by Kaelik
I'm really hoping for a fucking support/top hybrid that can actually do both roles competitively and isn't blitz. Some CC, abilities with multiple cast modes like Soraka, and farm support.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:02 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
Every time they make a top champion who can also support they nerf it until it can only support (or jungle hilariously).

Leona, Taric, Lulu...poor champs never stood a chance. Taric even became a viable top again and was promptly nerfed so hard he could barely support anymore.

Also HOLY SHIT ALL THESE JANNAS. I love it. Such a good skin and nice champ to have around.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:07 pm
by MGuy
Forecast Janna: Tits at 11!

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:26 pm
by Kaelik
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:Every time they make a top champion who can also support they nerf it until it can only support (or jungle hilariously).
Yes, and that is exactly what I don't want them to do again. Fucking dicks.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:36 pm
by ...You Lost Me
I figure they're doing it because they want to avoid the multi-support + adc comp, where you don't bother with a bruiser because you have vayne. But I'm not sure.

Is quinn still any good top? She's been gone for so long now.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:04 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
Quinn is still an incredible top who people should play more often.

Multi support + adc might have been viable in season 2 "league of tanky dps", but only having 1 real damage source is a huge problem since the advent of gap closing hyper-assassins.

Just played an Ez game because cait + vayne were banned and I didn't want to Ashe against Tristana. Did...really well. Didn't go blue ez because that shit is horrible early, but wow Ezreal is great if you stand near walls during fights. Still don't like his crappy all-ins during lane.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:58 am
by ...You Lost Me
I'm pretty sure it happened in an Azubu Taipei Assassin's game during S3: Janna, Taric, Nunu, Vayne, and someone else.

The enemy team had kha'zic and lee sin too. But that was just one game, and TPA is really damn good anyways.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:59 am
by Korgan0
Nunu or Taric jungle? My impression of TPA was that they're so far above everyone else in the Taiwanese region that they just pull out whatever and win.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:36 am
by Archmage
So I just started playing and am not especially good, but I'd be interested in joining some TGDers for games.

Summoner name is Hakaril Silvar.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:56 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
Holy shit. Ranked teams are so much fucking fun. After all my time spent solo queuing it's great to have people I like and can count on not to be stupid on my team, and we can build comps that actually work instead of getting things like all AD teams or double jungles.

We get to do weird lane swaps (AD + support mid to counter Veigar and secure an extra buff, etc.) and use strategies that involve the whole team rotating. Bad lane matchups are less of a big deal, there's no raging... it's like the game was meant to be played by teams of 5 who aren't complete strangers that are just (barely) tolerating each other until the next game!

Not that I don't solo queue anymore, but getting the one game with my team a night is super fucking fun. It'll be more fun when the games aren't 1-sided stomps, but we've advanced from going against teams of primarily bronzes to teams of primarily golds. I'm hoping we can get at least gold as a team before S4 starts so we can get shiny borders, but our 1 game a night strategy, even at +27 LP per game, means our advancement is slow from silver IV.

For those who are curious, our team (on an average night) consists of my friend-in-real-life who was diamond 1 for a long time (i think he's D3 now?), my plat 1 self, and our 3 silver friends.

tl;dr: Ranked 5s is the best, even better than doing 5-man normals while running stupidly-themed teams.

Edit: And welcome to the game!

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:46 pm
by ...You Lost Me
Korgan0 wrote:Nunu or Taric jungle? My impression of TPA was that they're so far above everyone else in the Taiwanese region that they just pull out whatever and win.
Nunu jungle. Not taric jungle. Never taric jungle.

The best thing about the emphasis on fast-spawning jungle camps was that I never saw taric jungle ever again. I don't miss it.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:21 pm
by MGuy
I'll only be happy when I stop getting teams with people who do not know how to fill a roll. If I see another Varus jungle I'm just gonna dodge.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:47 pm
by Archmage
Someone mentioned Twisted Fate as a common ban earlier. Why? What am I missing regarding his OPness?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:45 pm
by Korgan0
Strong laning phase, good teamfight contribution, but more importantly one of the best splitpushers in the entire game.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:11 pm
by ...You Lost Me
His ult is a semi-low CD teleport, he comes with a stun on a decent cooldown, and he's got really good ratios. So his ganks are super good (teleport for free, stun, nuke) if he catches you out, and he can splitpush like crazy with his AoE abilities and teleport.

He also gave your team some hidden strength with his old passive. I remember when his ult was global and stacked deck gave CDR... man he was broken.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:52 pm
by Korgan0
Back in beta his TP could go on a 20 second CD, his ult was a global snare, blue card let you lock another card right afterwards (i think), and gold card was an AoE stun. Not even kidding.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:57 pm
by Archmage
I'm in the dregs of society at level 6 and want to expand my champion roster. I'd like to pick up a support and a jungler. Who's cheap IP-wise but also decent? I was thinking Cho'gath and Soraka? Janna seems popular but being free this week surely helped. (Udyr is good at jungle, I hear, but his aesthetic doesn't suit me.)

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:55 pm
by Kaelik
I don't know how cheap is cheap to you, but if you are looking for something to carry you until you get the champs you want, Nunu can support (not that great) and jungle (great) and he only costs 450IP.

After that, I would recommend Soraka over Janna for low levels. Janna is the next best cheap one, but I would suggest instead you save up for Sona. Sona is best support for all purposenessness and working with any comp, but she is expensive. Get Blitz somewhere, and then... just fuck it, because aside from Blitz, Janna, and Sona all the good supports cost 6300IP.

As for Jungle, it's the same thing. I am really picky about my junglers, the only ones I would recommend buying and learning that cost less than 6300 are:

Nunu, Udyr, Ammu, Rammus, Xin Zhao, Jarvan and Lee Sin.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:20 pm
by ...You Lost Me
If you're in low ranked or normail, go fiddlesticks. Silence secures kills, his fear shuts down all-ins, and everyone has forgotten how to beat him.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:23 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
If you're looking for low cost, like Riot's FB page and subscribe to their YouTube. You get Alistar + Tristana + skins for doing that.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:51 am
by Archmage
Blitz is free this week, so I tried him out. Wow.

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:43 pm
by Korgan0

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:09 pm
by Archmage
He's really good, that's all. That rocket arm grab has secured and/or gotten more kills than anything else I've tried has (but I've played more Soraka than anyone else, so my kill count is pretty low in general). His W is great for catching up, engaging, escaping, and putting out more damage once you're in range. The ult is a pretty solid burst of damage in teamfights with clustered enemies, and its instant and unavoidable nature means if you're close enough you can just kind of pop it and cheer, knowing that silence/knockup from E has earned you a few seconds respite from your enemy's full capabilities.

Also, he's just fun.