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Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:32 am
by erik

Fingers crossed anyway

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:30 pm
by Kaelik
Biden Admin has once again announced they will be extending the illegal Title 42 deportations of everyone who attempts to cross at the southern border because immigrants are dirty and will introduce COVID to the US.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:48 am
by MGuy
Have they said what they are going to do about people from other countries (not south africa) coming in or any precautions they are planning on taking over the holiday season?

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:32 pm
by Kaelik
MGuy wrote:
Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:48 am
Have they said what they are going to do about people from other countries (not South Africa) coming in or any precautions they are planning on taking over the holiday season?
I wasn't actually referring to the extremely racist travel bans imposed on all south African countries (and no European countries) when most south African countries didn't have a case of Omicron and most European countries did. That's also a dumb racist thing Biden is doing.

I was referring to the fact that the Biden admin has reupped the determination, that would have expired otherwise, that all people who show up on specifically our southern border seeking asylum are dirty covid carriers that need to be expelled from the country without any asylum hearing to protect the US from getting Covid.

This was the Title 42 invocation that Trump made, which Biden (correctly) called racist and illegal during the lie "lie to liberals to get elected" phase of his soon to be Presidency, but then, on becoming President, Biden has not only not overturned the policy (a thing he could obviously have done) but has several times now reimplemented it with changes and to extended the time period.

The Biden admin is ALSO fighting to appeal the District Court's decision that this Title 42 invocation cannot be used against unaccompanied minor children. So even though the Biden admin has been admitting children under the decision of the district court, they want that overturned so they can turn away unaccompanied children too.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:50 pm
by Kaelik

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:03 pm
by Kaelik
The list of Trump policies that Biden also supports and is continuing is that private equity buys up practioners that do mostly medicare work, then gets to negotiate new prices separately with medicare that medicare agrees to pay (this is the part that is the Trump policy) which so far has resulted in medicare paying more money for less treatment and the private equity making significantly more profits then this otherwise would have resulted in.

LMAO. Biden is exactly the same on healthcare as Bernie Sanders.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:07 am
by Kaelik
It turns out Biden was actually exclusively lying when he promised to forgive small amounts of student loan debt that he did promise to forgive.

Now the plan is to try to start running around collecting student loan debt and doing collections on people in a still ongoing pandemic of debt that Biden even promised to forgive. This is how democrats do politics, deliberately sabotaging their own electoral chances to maximize the suppression of the underclasses so capital can make more money.

Who could have possibly seen it coming that the latest shitty right wing democrat would break the promise they made to trick people into voting for them?

Maybe someone might remember this the next time anyone tells you there is no policy difference between the left and the democratic party establishment, but probably everyone will just continue to believe those lies.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:30 pm
by Kaelik
In addition to continuing to turn people at the border away, the Biden admin has pulled out of negotiations to compensate the victims of Trump's family separation policy for the reason that..... look Joe Biden hates you if you aren't white.

They are going to defend the child separation policy in court and each of the individual federal officials who conducted it as well.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 12:50 am
by Kaelik
Obviously not the most important evil think the Biden admin did this week, (that's probably the CDC), but the Biden admin has asked the court to officially declare that all retaliation for first amendment protest is legal and feds can do whatever they want up to an including killing you for protesting without you having any remedy at all.

The specific grounds is that someone reported a CBP officer to his supervisors, so he beat them up and arrested them. But what the Biden admin argues is that there can be no remedy for a federal agent abridging any first amendment right, ever. Which is to say, they can just mow you down for protesting with Machineguns and you can't sue the federal agent ever. To briefly go into the absolute stupidity of immunity laws, while you can still sue the federal government, but there are numerous problems with that like an aggressive time to file limit, a requirement to first submit a claim to the agency that did the tort, that non cops actually can't be sued for intentional torts at all, and that the government can sometimes just argue that the cop doing retaliation was not acting as an agent, so the government doesn't have to pay (but the cop is still immune to suit). ... States.pdf

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:50 pm
by Kaelik
Kamala Harris hired a new coms director, and he is now having to delete all his tweets.

Because he used to call for undocumented immigrants on news shows to be carted off by ICE mid segment, and post about how Bush torturing people is was fine because it was "for our country."

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:09 pm
by Sir Neil
Kaelik wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:50 pm
Kamala Harris hired a new coms director, and he is now having to delete all his tweets.
But why!? Are they not vetting their candidates' social media before making an offer? That seems like a poor decision in the 21st century. It's one of the first things I check when my boss hands me a new candidate's packet.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:50 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Kaelik wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:50 pm
Kamala Harris hired a new coms director, and he is now having to delete all his tweets.

Because he used to call for undocumented immigrants on news shows to be carted off by ICE mid segment, and post about how Bush torturing people is was fine because it was "for our country."
Sounds like he'll fit right in.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:57 pm
by Kaelik
Sir Neil wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:09 pm
Kaelik wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:50 pm
Kamala Harris hired a new coms director, and he is now having to delete all his tweets.
But why!? Are they not vetting their candidates' social media before making an offer? That seems like a poor decision in the 21st century. It's one of the first things I check when my boss hands me a new candidate's packet.
I don't know what you are evaluating people for, but I would like to live in a world where employers MOSTLY didn't do that.

But uh.... Feel like maybe for comms director you should? Probably other things too, but that seems to be one!

If I had to guess, I'd guess some combination of 1) Kamala Harris has exceedingly incompetent staff, and 2) not thinking to look up if your comms director ever said something so shitty that Stephen Miller retweeted it, because Joe Biden is still implementing Stephen Miller's immigration policy anyway, so who gives a fuck if your comms director has said evil shit about immigrants.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:06 pm
by Sir Neil
(I screen police candidates for red flags like racist/homophobic/misogynistic/etc. writings and videos. I can teach an ethical person how to enforce the law; I have no use for the other type.)

In this case, it seems like if his tweets are so problematic they would have noticed it during the hiring process and taken steps sooner. Or is it part of the struggle between Democrats and the left wing?

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:37 pm
by Orca
At a guess (informed by experience outside America) the person responsible for checking social media might report to the comms director, or at least works with some of their staff. That person either didn't want to piss off a future boss or didn't have enough heft to push back against the people saying he's a good ol' boy. Or possibly they just slacked off in the absence of an immediate boss, some do.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:02 pm
by Kaelik
Joe Biden is now just appointing Donald Trump judicial nominees who weren't confirmed to seats on the federal courts because they pay the right bribes.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 2:37 pm
by PseudoStupidity
Less has been done than I expected to be done with Biden, and I expected virtually nothing. Build back better failed because the very good moderates the Democrats pushed are, and try not to be shocked here, less than useless. Lots of Trump-era policies are still in place. We haven't done shit about COVID, to the point where I think public perception is that Trump did a better job (because at least we got checks). Voting rights aren't going anywhere.

On top of all the nothing I've got a sinking feeling that we going to end up having a stupid proxy war with Russia. It seems there's a lot of saber rattling going on regarding Ukraine and feeding the military industrial complex is one of the many things both Republicans and Democrats love.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 2:49 am
by MGuy
Crazy that Trump caught so much shit for the child internment camps while Biden is just getting away with providing more funding for them.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:26 pm
by PseudoStupidity
Saber rattling with Russia continues, we've got 8,500 troops on high alert now and have sent over 200,000 pounds of "lethal aid" to Ukraine. However, the term "lethal aid" is amazing. I can't tell if they're trying to hide that it's a handout to the military industrial complex or if they're trying to hide that it's military aid.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:27 pm
by Zaranthan
"Lethal aid" sounds like something I would say when somebody calls in an alliance in a strategy game.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:34 pm
by Kaelik
I remember back when the press asked you a question and you called them terrorists that it was bad. But now that glorious leader Biden does it, I assume it must have moved from fascism to being the true expression of democracy. ... 69798?s=21

"At today's WH and State Dept press briefings, reporters pressed for evidence to back up U.S. gov't statements about recent events in Syria and Russia, respectively. In response, officials suggested those reporters might be more inclined to believe ISIS/the Kremlin."

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:08 am
by Kaelik
The Biden Admin that has not and will not do a single thing to protect people against the Omnicrom wave has reviewed Trump's "100% deportations of all brown people because they might introduce COVID" that you can find video evidence of Biden promising to end on day one.

They have determined that after applying the policy for a year, they love it and are going to keep it. As many asylum seekers at the southern border as they can round up will be deported without a hearing for the next four years of the Biden Admin because that evil policy that centrists loved to call fascism is actually just the fascism they always wanted to do.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 4:17 pm
by Kaelik
A Senior US general announced that the US will return to the policy of bombing targets directly in Yemen, instead of just selling weapons to UAE and KSA to do bombing.

Centcom has basically said "don't believe your lying ears, he didn't say that" but look forward to them resuming that soon.

If you vote out fascism and then the new president has functionally identical policies, maybe you should evaluate who is the real fasicst.

Spoiler: It's the entire fucking US state, but especially the cops, CBP, ICE, CIA, FBI, and military, all of whom are operating basically exactly the same as they were under Trump, except that Biden and congressional democrats keep trying to give them more money.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:34 am
by Kaelik
Joe Biden might die in office without granting a single pardon or clemency, which would make him the first president to ever not pardon someone.

Just a weird fact about how Joe Biden loves jailing people so much that an entire 50 person staff can't find a single person Joe Biden thinks shouldn't be in a cage in the entire US federal justice system.

Re: The Biden Administration (No Lago)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 8:19 pm
by Kaelik
The Biden admin is literally stealing billions of dollars from the people it is starving, and giving it Biden admin employees. ... 1-lawsuit/