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Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:53 pm
by koz
Murtak wrote:
Fuchs wrote:What about a "items become magical through heroic (as in impressive/special, not as in "goodly") deeds" approach?

PCs as adventurers would create the level-appropriate magical gear through adventuring. After their heroic fight against the shadow that was terrorizing the village the blade of the fighter might have become a ghost touch weapon, for example, and after the daring escape from a burning castle the rogue's boots might become boots of fire resistance.

Mechanically one could hand out "enhancement points" per level, which the players could spend to make things magical, or boost already magical items.
I think this would work well with a minor modification:
When allocating new bonuses the player must have a reason to take the new power. Recent deeds qualify, as do quests and special ingredients. So after defeating a basilisk you qualify for Stoning Protection, after stealing a set of dragon scales from a merchant you can make your own set of armor of energy protection or fortification and after trading the Ruby of Kaz for the soul of a Demon you can have your very own sword of destruction.
The thing is, this requires either a lot of DM fiat, which is horribly inconsistent, or a huge list of every possible outcome ever, which is far too long. What I would advise is 'pick what you like', with a note for the DM saying 'if your player wants to pick up Desert Power on his scimitar in an aquatic setting, please call bullshit, but allow requests which COULD make sense'.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:23 am
by Draco_Argentum
Come up with something cool as an excuse works for me.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:36 am
by Meikle641
I was talking with one of my DMs just the other day about this thread. One of the more interesting ideas was that maybe item creation feats ought to work like the Tome of Undead ones. Hopefully tie it into the Book of Gears style scaling items, too.

Need to figure out something regarding XP, though. I do feel the XP *for* crafting idea has merit, since it would explain how potion brewers and those sage type folks actually level up, without bullshit hand-waving.

Of course, that leads to things like our one player BAWW-ing about how the wizard could just sit things out and craft for a few months, to gain XP. Meanwhile the party, if the mage did that, would just go 'kthxbai', and go adventuring.

Honestly, it's a fairly self-regulating thing. Gain power slowly over time, or get power and wealth really fast? Your group is only gonna sit around so long, and OOCly you'll get a smack to the head for being a dick anyway.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:47 am
by Amra
I think items that scale on character power and that potentially even work differently based on what abilities the *character* has are A Good Thing:

Take the money elements more-or-less out of it, apart from basic little piddly-shit items like potions.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:42 pm
by Roy
I'm going to throw a bomb on the thread.

When 'I want to be a Mongol' is how you make an unbeatable build in your system, your system is bad and you should feel bad. Full stop.

Feel free to use it when illustrating horse archers.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:16 am
by Doom
Apologies for the threadnomancy, but I needed to bump this up, turns out the 'real' Crimson Lancer is nothing like the one posing as him, and need to make the thread more visible.

Did the guy who started this ever make it to '1'?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:24 am
by Psychic Robot
Lies. The Crimson Lancer at the Den fails just as hard as the Crimson Lancer over at WotC.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:53 am
by Username17
Doom314 wrote:Apologies for the threadnomancy, but I needed to bump this up, turns out the 'real' Crimson Lancer is nothing like the one posing as him, and need to make the thread more visible.

Did the guy who started this ever make it to '1'?
Indeed, that seems incredibly unlikely, because frankly "Crimson Lancer" is not a name that is worth anything over here. There's no gravitas to steal, so there would have been no reason to take the name. The argument styles match up and there was no internal strife at the time.

Crimson Lancer got owned hard and argued incredibly disingenuously. Claiming that it "wasn't really me who got completely owned" is an argument that is itself entirely compatible with the extremely poor argument style already in use. So basically after the pathetic excuse for argumentation Crimson Lancer put up here and regularly puts up on his home turf, I have no reason to believe him when he claims that his drubbing was really someone else.

And no, the "arguments" guy never actually got to "1."


Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:43 am
by PhoneLobster
So maybe we have a Crimson Lancer fraud? And the "real" Crimson Lancer is basically a guy who holds the same opinions but is denouncing the posts by a "fake" Crimson Lancer in this thread as the doings of a bumbling fake or something?

Is that it?

Because that's EASY. The "real" Crimson Lancer can just come over and show the difference in practice with his superior "Arguments in Favor of 4th Edition".

There is in fact nothing stopping him, or indeed anyone, from registering as "TheRealCrimsonLancer", "RealzCrimsonLancerForRealz" or "MegaCrimsonUltralLancerSquared-this time he is unstoppable".

Well OK maybe there is a character limit on user names.

I hope there is a character limit on user names...