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Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:47 am
by Thaluikhain
Also happy birthday, and congrats on really escaping the 27 club.

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:18 am
by OgreBattle
Manually typing in tags on TGDMB is about the most mentally taxing thing I do on any given day

It's... fun now though, like a hacking video game. 10 years ago it would be 'outdated design' but today everything is ultra convenient no brain clicking, so the act of typing a tag is amusement

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 2:09 pm
by RobbyPants
OgreBattle wrote:Manually typing in tags on TGDMB is about the most mentally taxing thing I do on any given day

It's... fun now though, like a hacking video game. 10 years ago it would be 'outdated design' but today everything is ultra convenient no brain clicking, so the act of typing a tag is amusement
It's just faster for me.

I remember one forum (the old WotC ones?) where you could actually get bold and italics by pressing CTRL + B or I. Or maybe that was a browser thing. Back then, I would have been using IE.

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 5:53 pm
by Shrapnel
It's a bitch to type them on a tiny ass touch screen with tiny ass fucking tablet key... board? Pad? Whichever.

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:32 pm
by Prak
Happy "We commemorate this day that one time a bunch of Indians helped some dumb Europeans to make us feel better about committing genocide on natives" Day!

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 10:40 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Finally got all of the extraneous people out of my apartment. I am looking forward to delicious boredom and solitude.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:13 pm
by Iduno
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:Finally got all of the extraneous people out of my apartment. I am looking forward to delicious boredom and solitude.
I was going to post something similar, but with the word "permanently" added. I ended up sleeping in my car overnight, but now the screaming and calling me worthless is only in my head. Massive improvement.

Edit: Congrats to you as well.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:41 pm
by Iduno
My apartment has, once again, claimed to have not gotten my rent check, waited a few weeks to let me know, and is demanding a new check with late fees. So I get to call the bank again, let them know, and see if they'll threaten the apartment with fraud charges, again, to get them to fuck off with this shit.

I'd move, but 1) that's expensive 2) there are like 2 companies who own all rental properties, so they're exactly the same.

Also, this is my not drinking week this month, so...

Edit: and I just got an email from my parents. Emails have previews now, so I can see it started off with an apology. Also, I've known them my entire life, so I know that apology ends with "but..." and then it's my fault. Saved me the time reading it before I deleted it.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:24 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
Iduno wrote:My apartment has, once again, claimed to have not gotten my rent check, waited a few weeks to let me know, and is demanding a new check with late fees. So I get to call the bank again, let them know, and see if they'll threaten the apartment with fraud charges, again, to get them to fuck off with this shit.

I'd move, but 1) that's expensive 2) there are like 2 companies who own all rental properties, so they're exactly the same.

Also, this is my not drinking week this month, so...

Edit: and I just got an email from my parents. Emails have previews now, so I can see it started off with an apology. Also, I've known them my entire life, so I know that apology ends with "but..." and then it's my fault. Saved me the time reading it before I deleted it.
Send your landlord a copy of the little red book.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:32 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I'm starting to think my closest friend in real life only wanted me for sex and not for any actual friend activities.

Personally, I don't get it. I have not aged well at all, everything on me is saggy and gross, plus my junk does not work like it used to (yeah, I know no one wants to hear about my penis. Piss off, I'm sad).

She had said that she has not been feeling well. Which I get, I had a complete breakdown about this time last year that culminated in a stay at the loony bin while my mother and GF complained about how lazy I was (Never mind I kept saying "I don't know what to do, please help". Nope, just laziness). Trust me, I understand. Until she let it slip that she had a big New year's party and didn't invite me. I was drinking a bottle of champagne alone and playing unmodded Skyrim (better than last year's mental breakdown but not by much).

I'd think it was a coincidence, but it's been two years since we hung out and didn't just have sex. I know, to some people that doesn't sound like a problem. But I just don't have any friends irl, and I feel like I lost the only one I had.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:25 am
by Thaluikhain
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I have not aged well at all, everything on me is saggy and gross, plus my junk does not work like it used to (yeah, I know no one wants to hear about my penis. Piss off, I'm sad).
I am 100% sure that everyone else in this thread has (or at least has had) body issues, including with their genitals, so I'd not worry about surprising or shocking anyone.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'd think it was a coincidence, but it's been two years since we hung out and didn't just have sex. I know, to some people that doesn't sound like a problem. But I just don't have any friends irl, and I feel like I lost the only one I had.
Not knowing if your friend is your friend definitely sounds like a problem to me.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:29 pm
by Stahlseele
i do not get todays youth . . .
i am going on 36 this year, and i feel ancient x.x

We have 60 minutes of break at work.
And those idiots are campaigning TO MAKE THAT 30 MINUTES!!

What the hell went wrong with that generation damn it?
Can't be Czernobyl, that's what was blamed on us.
Can't be fukushima either, it's too late for that . .

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:37 pm
by deaddmwalking
Stahlseele wrote:i do not get todays youth . . .
i am going on 36 this year, and i feel ancient x.x

We have 60 minutes of break at work.
And those idiots are campaigning TO MAKE THAT 30 MINUTES!!

What the hell went wrong with that generation damn it?
Can't be Czernobyl, that's what was blamed on us.
Can't be fukushima either, it's too late for that . .
Is it so they can leave 30 minutes earlier? I can understand wanting fewer/shorter breaks if you get to end your shift earlier.

When I had the option of a 1 hour lunch or a 30 minute lunch (8 hours 'on the clock' either way), I always took 30.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:01 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
My fucking job cut our lunch time AND made us stay the same amount of time as usual. It's the kind of shit that can drive a man into a chimpanzee rage.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:36 pm
by Iduno
Stahlseele wrote:i do not get todays youth . . .
i am going on 36 this year, and i feel ancient x.x

We have 60 minutes of break at work.
And those idiots are campaigning TO MAKE THAT 30 MINUTES!!

What the hell went wrong with that generation damn it?
Can't be Czernobyl, that's what was blamed on us.
Can't be fukushima either, it's too late for that . .
Leaded gas? Early plastics (even the current-gen ones suck)? The weird fad of putting radium in everything was probably too long ago to have affected them much.

I got to talk to HR about the job I interviewed for (not even a promotion, just a side move that gets me out of this toxic office into a less bad one).

We are scored entirely on how we answer questions, not our knowledge (at least one of my coworkers who is interviewing complained the technical knowledge test to do the basic-ass portions of the job were too much). The most useful piece of advice I got was an off-the-record suggestion to google behavioural-based interviewing, which is, I assume, where they pulled the questions from. When I was asked what I had prepared for, because I was not at all prepared for the questions they did ask, I told them that 1) it's a customer-facing job, so I prepared for customer-related questions, 2) it's a plan review job, so I prepared for questions related to my plan review experience, and 3) it's a technical job, so questions about my technical abilities. The HR person had a look at least once like they had not even considered those as possibilities. I've had minimum-wage jobs where they asked about a time you dealt with a difficult customer. They did kind of touch on technical abilities, because the first 2 questions out of 11 were (and always will be) "the minimum education and experience requirements are X, how do you meet those" and "the preferred education and experience for this job is X..." (I received a 3 out of 5 from everyone except HR, who always gave me 1 point less for all questions). I was also marked down for referring to groups as "we" instead of "I". That does explain why the people who do nothing but take credit for other people's work are the ones getting promoted. I was also told to not just answer the questions, but to try to figure out what they're actually looking for, because that's easier than teaching an HR drone to write questions in English.

Actual useful notes for myself were "answer statements as well as questions", "make sure to go back and make sure I answered every part of every sub-question", and "add more detail about how and why". Because each question is a paragraph of both questions and statements leading towards an answer that contains enough detail that people who don't know what we do can decide if I know what we do.

It's incredibly demotivating to go through this for a job that I was supposed to be doing a year ago, especially when I have to interview a second time. But at least I learned interviewing skills (which are always bullshit) that will be useful for the next job I try to get.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:24 pm
by Stahlseele
How good with computer stuff are you?
IT is looking for people all over germany.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:28 pm
by Iduno
Stahlseele wrote:How good with computer stuff are you?
IT is looking for people all over germany.
I know that computers exist, and can sometimes coax the magic fairies that power them to make games go.

Having looked at some electrical engineering stuff, the magic fairies thing makes more sense than the way they actually work. Not that I can remember any engineering after 15 years of not using that knowledge.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:59 pm
by Stahlseele
No no, it is not faeries, it is magical blue smoke.
When you let that escape, whatever housed it is broken.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:42 pm
by Maj
So... My son took the Political Compass test for the first time today. I had to explain a couple of concepts to him, but I was actually impressed with his level of knowledge about stuff (not that I don't talk to him about it, but there are things we haven't gone in-depth about). Result: Very deep green square.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:18 pm
by Stahlseele
appearantly, i was assigned the wrong taxaction class at work . .
meaning i am missing about 500€ per month right now . .
and i have been missing 500€ a month for more than half a year by now so . .
6 or 7 times at least 500 . . 3000 - 3500€ missing from my bank account . .
wonder how hard it will be to get that back . .

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:47 am
by Orca
Probably doable Stahlseele? It'll likely take a bunch of forms and a long wait, but the government doesn't actually want to be seen as thieves.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:10 am
by Aharon
You need to do a tax declaration.
Here's a somewhat recent thread from somebody in Germany with a similar problem: ... ur%C3%BCck

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:18 am
by Shrapnel

So, did anyone miss me? No? Good. Of course not.

I'm back. I'm alive. I was GOING THOUGH SOME THINGS and LOST MY SHIT. Just a little bit. Nothing a little overnight trip to the ER couldn't solve, though! Lemme tell ya, a little R&R in the psych ward has a wonderful way of refreshing the mind. Ha ha. Ha.

Anyway, clean bill of mental health, a little suicidal ideation, a little mental breakdown, and we're. all. GOOD.

As long as we never have another holiday season* again, I should be fine.

*(Seven plus holidays in a three month period? Jesus, whose bright-ass idea was that?)

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:17 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
So trying Bumble at the recommendation of a random stranger on Whisper.

Holy hell, single women my age both look old as hell and have the crazy eyes. Not sure I want to be matched with any of these people. Granted, I have not aged well either...

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:17 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Online dating is terrifying. Good luck, you madman.