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Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Sure. First, some of the other critters I had already finished, then Scyther/Scizor.

Then I'll get onto your list, Sigma. Arceus is going to be a pain in the arse, between the "Each plate grants a different weakness, damage type for Judgement and immunity/resistance" and the "He pretty much created the Universe".

Small Magical Beast
Hitdice: 4d10+8 (30 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 dexterity, +4 natural), Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+1
Attacks: Bite +6
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Bite 1d4+1 plus Trip (+1) plus Flinch
Special Attacks: Trip, Howl, Flinch
Special Qualities: Scent, Psi Resistance
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Feats: (B)Improved Trip, Improved Initiative, SF: Intimidate
Climate/Terrain: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary or pack (3-10)
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 5-7 HD (small), 8-10 HD (medium)


Flinch: You know the deal by now. DC 13

Psi Resistance: Poochyena automatically passes saving throws
against Psionics or Psychic effects. If an ability does not
allow a save and deals damage, it takes half damage. It also
gains a +4 bonus on saves against against Mind-Affecting spells.

Howl (Ex): If Poochyena fixes its gaze upon a target and howls
at them, as long as they can hear the noise they may be
frightened. This is a Standard action, and allows Poochyena to
make an Intimidate check (+10 without synergy) opposed by a
Will save. If they fail, which they probably will, the target
is Shaken for three rounds. If they fail by 5 or more, the
target panics for three rounds instead. No matter what the
result, any given target can only be affected once per day.

Medium Magical Beast
Hitdice: 8d10+24 (68 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 20 (+2 dexterity, +8 natural), Touch 12, Flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+11
Attacks: Bite +11
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Bite 1d6+4 plus Trip (+7) plus Flinch
Special Attacks: Trip, Howl, Flinch, Takedown
Special Qualities: Scent, Psi Resistance
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
Feats: (B)Improved Trip, Improved Initiative, SF: Intimidate
Iron Will
Climate/Terrain: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary or pack (3-10)
CR: 8
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 9-11 HD (medium), 12-15 HD (large)


Flinch: As Poochyena, DC 17
Howl: As Poochyena, Intimidate +16 (before synergy)
Psi Resistance: As Poochyena

Takedown (Ex): Mightyena may add extra power to any given
attack, at the cost of injuring itself. Takedown may add
2d6 extra damage, with 1d6 recoil damage (bypassing any
form of damage reduction), or 3d6 extra damage with 2d6
recoil. At 12 HD, it may deal 4d6 extra damage with 2d8
recoil, and at 15 HD it may deal 6d6 extra damage with
3d6 recoil.
Incidentally, someone who isn't me may want to check the numbers on anything they use. After all, I'm pulling numbers out of my arse, though that's probably assumed, really.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast [Good]
Hitdice: 1d10-1+3 (7 hp)
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 13 (+1 size, +0 dexterity, +2 natural), Touch 11, Flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-5
Attacks: Slam +0
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d3-2
Special Attacks: Sweet Kiss, Charm Person
Special Qualities: Natural Cure, Egg Move
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats: Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Grasslands near people
Organization: Solitary
CR: 1
Treasure: Standard + smooth rock.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: 2-3 HD (small), 4-6 HD (medium)


Sweet Kiss (Su): as Mawile, +2 racial bonus to DC (DC 14)
Charm Person (Sp): at will, CL 1, DC 12

Natural Cure (Su): With a full round action, Happiny can
remove any status afflictions. This is a purely mental

Egg Move: Happiny hatches with one of the following moves.
-Substitute (Sp): Happiny can cast Mirror Image (CL 1) once per minute
-Metronome (Su): as Togepi
-Present (Su): Lesser Orb of Fire at will, CL 1. If minimum damage is
rolled, the opponent is instead healed 1d6+Cha HP.

Medium Magical Beast [Good]
Hitdice: 6d10+6+6 (45 hp)
Init: +0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 17 (+0 dexterity, +7 natural), Touch 10, Flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
Attacks: Slam +6
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d4
Special Attacks: Sweet Kiss, Egg Bomb, Fling
Special Qualities: Natural Cure, Egg Move, Softboiled
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Feats: Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Expertise
Climate/Terrain: Grasslands near people
Organization: Solitary
CR: 6
Treasure: Standard + lucky egg.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: 7-11 HD (medium)


Natural Cure: As Happiny
Sweet Kiss: As Happiny, DC 18

Softboiled (Su): As a Standard action, Chansey restores 3d10 hit points
to itself. It can also spend a Standard action to restore 1d6 HP to
another with a touch.

Egg Bomb (Su): An egg is hurled up to 50 feet away. This requires a
ranged touch attack, and if it hits, roll 1d4 to see what happens:
1 - Fireball (CL 6, DC 16) centred on target
2 - Delayed Blast Fireball (CL 6, DC 16) centred on target
3 - Orb of Fire (CL 6, DC 16) plus 2d6 bludgeoning
4 - Dud. Nothing happens.

Fling (Ex): By making a successful touch attack, Chansey can grab a foe
and hurl them up to 60 feet away. If they strike an object, they take
1d6 damage per 10 feet they fail to travel. If they strike another
living creature, both take the damage. After being thrown, the target
falls prone. This can only be performed on creatures up to one size
larger than Chansey.

Egg Move: The Egg Move improves.
-Substitute: Chansey can also cast Simulacrum (max 1 at a time) at will
-Metronome: As togetic
-Present: The bomb now deals 1d8 Fire damage per HD, however every 1
rolled instead restores 3 HP.

Medium Magical Beast [Good]
Hitdice: 12d10+24+12+50 (152 hp and 30 temporary HP)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 10 ft. (Poor)
AC: 23 (+1 dexterity, +12 natural), Touch 11, Flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+13
Attacks: Slam +13
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d4+1
Special Attacks: Sweet Kiss, Egg Bomb, Fling
Special Qualities: Natural Cure, Egg Move, Softboiled,
Protect, Extra Health
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +11
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 22
Feats: Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Expertise,
AF: Egg Bomb, AF: Sweet Kiss
Climate/Terrain: Grasslands near people
Organization: Solitary
CR: 12
Treasure: Standard + lucky egg.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: 13-20 HD (medium)


Sweet Kiss: As Happiny, DC 26
Egg Bomb: As Chansey, CL 12, DC 24
Fling: As Chansey
Natural Cure: As Happiny
Softboiled: As Chansey, 6d10 HP / 3d6 HP

Protect (Sp): Blissey may cast a special protection upon
herself once per minute. This lasts for three rounds and
provides the effects of the following spells:
-Improved Mage Armour (+6 Armour Bonus)
-Greater Blink (50% miss chance)
-Shrink Self (+2 Dex, -2 Str, +1 AC/to hit)
-Nightshield (Magic Missile Immunity, +4 bonus to saves)

Extra Health (Ex): Blissey has 50 more HP than her hit dice,
feats and Constitution would indicate. Additionally, with
a move action she can gain temporary HP equal to double her
hit dice plus her Charisma modifier (30). This does not
stack with any other form of temporary HP, including multiple
uses of the ability.

Egg Move: The egg move improves
-Metronome: this can now be used at will, and will probably
be upgraded to a more powerful list if I can be bothered.

-Present: This deals 2d6 damage per hit die, although every
1 rolled restores 3 hit points.

-Substitute: Blissey can designate a target to be a
Substitute. Doing this deals 3d10 damage to Blissey, but
creates an illusion around the target, making them appear to
be her, while turning her invisible. All enemies who see this
effect must make a Will save (DC 22) or immediately be fooled
(this is a mind affecting effect). This lasts for one minute.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Heeeeeere we go. Notice how Scyther will really cut you fiercely, whereas Scizor doesn't do it quite so badly, but is still pretty angry*.

Medium Vermin
Hitdice: 7d8+14 (45 hp)
Init: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 40 ft., Fly 20 ft. (average)
AC: 20 (+6 dexterity, +4 natural), Touch 16, Flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attacks: 2 Claw-Scythes +10
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Claw-Scythe 2d6+5 (19-20/x7)
Special Attacks: Augmented Critical: Scythes, Sharpness
Special Qualities: False Swipe, Spell-like Abilities, Acceleration
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, INA: Scythes
Skills: +4 racial to Hide in grassy areas (+20 total)
Climate/Terrain: Grassy areas
Organization: Solitary
CR: 7
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 8-10 HD (medium), 11-14 HD (large)


Augmented Critical: Scyther will murderise you with its claws,
they're that sharp. Try not to get critted by them. Ever.

Sharpness (Su): Scyther's claws are ultra-sharp. As such, they
always count as though they are +3 weapons (minimum - you can
make it more with a spell, item or whatever).

False Swipe (Ex): Scyther can, if it feels like it, pull back
all strength at the last moment, leaving a foe on precisely
1 HP, 0 HP or -1 and stable. Often, it will do this to a
lone attacker, unless they meet again, or it will do this to
one member of a group in an attempt to make the others stop.

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7, DC 13):
At will: Cat's Grace, Summon Swarm (spiders, locusts or bees)
1/minute: Mirror Image
1/day: Haste

Acceleration (Ex): Did you just see Scyther then? No? Course not,
it's too damn fast. Scyther can elect, as a subconscious free action,
to automatically win Initiative, when combat begins. If it does this,
however, it becomes fatigued in three rounds. This ability cannot
be used while fatigued.


Scizor is actually a template used to alter a Scyther. You need to provide a metal coat for this transformation to occur.
Size and Type: remain the same
Hitdice: remain the same
Speed: reduce land speed to normal (30 ft.)
Flight becomes (clumsy).
AC: natural armour improves by 6
Attacks: Scythes become pincers but retain any feat benefits etc.
Face/Reach: unchanged
Damage: Pincers deal damage like the scythes
The critical range changes to 17-20/x5
Special Attacks: unchanged
Special Qualities: Lose "Acceleration",
Gain Fire Vulnerability & Psion Hunter
Saves: unchanged
Abilities: +4 Strength, -6 Dex, +2 Con
Feats: unchanged
Climate/Terrain: unchanged
Organization: unchanged
CR: unchanged
Treasure: Standard + Protector/metal coat.
Alignment: unchanged
Advancement: unchanged


Fire Vulnerability (Ex): Scizor's body is perfect for melting and
bursting into flame. Scizor takes a -10 on saving throws against
Fire effects. If an effect doesn't allow a saving throw, Scizor
simply takes double damage and is sad.

Psion Hunter (Su): Scizor is really good at killing psions. They
taste good (if you're a bug) and aren't too skilled at affecting
metal and getting at the strange brains behind them. As such,
Scizor gains a 25% "miss" chance against any Psionic or
Mind-Affecting effects. Additionally, its weapons count as being
psychic-Bane, gaining +2 to hit and dealing an extra 2d6+2 damage
if it successfully hits a psionic creature.

Spell-like Abilities (CL 11, DC 16):
At will: Cat's Grace, Summon Swarm (spiders, locusts or bees)
1/minute: Mirror Image, Summon Swarm (hellwasps)
1/day: Haste, Creeping Doom, Iron Body

*Where "angry" is slang for "powerful".
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

So i herd u liek mudkips

Tiny Magical Beast [Water]
Hitdice: 1d10+1 (6 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init)
Speed: 20 ft., Swim 50 ft.
AC: 14 (+2 size, +2 dexterity), Touch 14, Flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-9
Attacks: Slam +5
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d3-2
Special Attacks: Mud Slap
Special Qualities: Mud Sport, Fire Resistance 2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10
Feats: (B) Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Swamps and marshes
Organization: Solitary or school (3-12)
CR: 1
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 2-4 HD (tiny), 5-7 HD (small)


Mud Slap (Ex): As long as the ground is even vaguely damp,
and it usually is if a mudkip is standing on it, Mudkip
can make a melee touch attack instead of a Slam attack.
This only deals a single point of damage, however it also
blinds the target for one round.

Mud Sport (Ex): By spending a full round action rolling in
mud (this provokes an AoO), Mudkip can grant itself protection
against Electricity-based effects, gaining a +4 racial bonus
on saving throws and taking half damage.

Fire Resistance (Ex): This is equal to 2* its Hit Dice.

Tiny Magical Beast [Water, Earth]
Hitdice: 5d10+10 (37 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init)
Speed: 20 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC: 18 (+1 size, +2 dexterity, +5 natural), Touch 13, Flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+1
Attacks: Slam +8 or Mud Shot +8 ranged
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d4 or Mud Shot 5d6
Special Attacks: Mud Slap, Mud Shot
Special Qualities: Fire/Electricity Resistance 10, Mud Sport,
Plant Vulnerability, Muddy Water
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 10
Feats: (B) Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Swamps and marshes
Organization: Solitary or school (3-12)
CR: 5
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 6-7 HD (small), 8-10 HD (medium)


Mud Shot (Ex): Marshtomp can spit out, as a Standard action, a blast
of thick mud. It hits with incredible power, dealing 1d6 damage per
hit die, however only reaches as far as 30 feet. A struck target
must also make a Reflex save (DC 14) or be Staggered for one round.
THe save DC is Con-based.

Plant Vulnerability (Ex): Marshtomp's flesh is perfect for plants to
grow from. Unfortunately, this means it takes an extra 1d6 points of
damage from the natural attacks of Plant creatures and from attacks
that use plants to deal damage. It also takes a -10 penalty on
saving throws against desiccation/dehydration effects.

Muddy Water (Ex): If Marshtomp is in the water, a cloud of mud simply
forms around it. It automatically gains Total Concealment in these

Medium Magical Beast [Water, Earth]
Hitdice: 9d10+27 (76 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init)
Speed: 30 ft., Swim 120 ft.
AC: 22 (+2 dexterity, +10 natural), Touch 12, Flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+11
Attacks: Slam +11 or Mud Shot +11 ranged
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d6+3 or Mud Shot 9d6
Special Attacks: Mud Slap, Mud Shot, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Fire Resistance 18, Lightning Immunity,
Plant Vulnerability, Muddy Water, Bide, Egg Move
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +9
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 10
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Iron Will,
Improved Bullrush
Climate/Terrain: Swamps and marshes
Organization: Solitary
CR: 9
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 10-11 HD (medium), 12-14 HD (large), 15-20 HD (huge)


Mud Shot: 9d6, DC 17

Bide (Su): With a Standard action, Swampert can begin to store energy.
During the following turn, make a note of any damage it takes. Then,
on its turn, a single attack it makes deals additional damage equal to
half of the total damage received during that turn.

Spell-like Abilities (CL 10, DC 17):
1/minute: Earthquake, Quagmire Vortex, Fengut

Egg Move: Only now does Swampert gain an egg move, because I forgot
earlier and can't be fucked making versions balanced for lower forms.
-Uproar (Su): As a Swift action, Swampert can make itself immune to
Sleep effects for 1 minute. This also wakes up anyone who is asleep
within 50 feet. This ability can be used at will.
-Bestow Curse (Sp) 1/minute
-Foresight (Sp) 1/day
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Post by JonSetanta »

Mudkip is in!

Arceus is a bit of a joke though. Might be better off with Divine Ranks or something.
In Pokemon, Arceus pokeballs YOU.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

You know, with all of the "Ability: as (Other Pokemon)" things, I should really make an Attackdex post to just have all the abilities link to. I mean, it's not happening, due to laziness, but I *should*.

Tiny Magical Beast [Water, Earth]
Hitdice: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 20 ft., Swim 50 ft.
AC: 15 (+2 size, +2 dexterity, +1 natural), Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-9
Attacks: Slam +6
Face/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d2-3
Special Attacks: Water Gun, Yawn, Egg Move
Special Qualities: Water Absorb, Plant Weakness, Electricity Immunity
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 13
Feats: (B) Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Swamps and marshes
Organization: Solitary or Team (4-8)
CR: 2
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3-5 HD (tiny), 6-8 HD (small)


Water Gun (Ex): As a standard action, Wooper can squirt water from its mouth.
This is a ranged attack out to 40 feet, and deals 1d8 damage plus its Constitution
modifier (1d8+1). The sample Wooper has a +6 bonus to hit.

Yawn (Su): Wooper can yawn, passing on fatigue. This is a standard action, and one
target within 10 feet must make a Will save (DC 12) or become fatigued. On the
following round, if they are fatigued, they must save again or fall asleep for 1
minute. When they wake up, or if they pass the second save, they are no longer

Egg Move (Sp): Wooper hatches knowing one Egg move, usable at will.
-Bestow Curse (DC 12, CL 2, 1 round/HD duration)
-Deja Vu (DC 12, CL 2)

Water Absorb (Ex): Wooper has Fast Healing equal to its hit dice whenever it is at
least up to its ankles in water. Furthermore, any attacks that use water to affect
the targets are simply absorbed by Wooper, restoring HP equal to double its Hit Dice.

Plant Weakness (Ex): as Marshtomp

Medium Magical Beast [Water, Earth]
Hitdice: 7d10+21 (59 hp)
Init: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC: 18 (+1 dexterity, +7 natural), Touch 11, Flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+9
Attacks: Slam +9
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d4+2
Special Attacks: Water Gun, Yawn, Egg Move, Spell-likes
Special Qualities: Water Absorb, Plant Weakness, Amnesia,
Electricity Immunity
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 15
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Great Fortitude
Climate/Terrain: Swamps and marshes
Organization: Solitary or Team (4-8)
CR: 7
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 8-10 HD (medium), 11-13 HD (large)


Water Gun (Ex): As Wooper, +8 to hit and 1d8+3 damage
Yawn (Su): As Wooper, DC 15

Spell-like Abilities (CL 7, DC 15):
At will: Obscuring Mist, Acid Ball
1/minute: Solid Fog, Greater Dispel
1/day: Control Weather (create rain only)

Egg Move (Sp): The Egg Move improves, somewhat
-Bestow Curse: regular duration
-Deja Vu: repeats itself for 1 round/level, with only 1 save

Amnesia (Su): With a Swift action, Quagsire can induce a
temporary amnesia within itself. A benefit of this is that
it gains a +6 resistance bonus on Will saves for one minute.
Additionally, for the duration it suppresses any mind-affecting
effects (except for itself).

Small Magical Beast
Hitdice: 4d10+4 (26 hp)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 dexterity, +4 natural), Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+1
Attacks: Slam +6
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d6+1
Special Attacks: Lightning Punch
Special Qualities: Fighting Styles, Inner Focus, Scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 12
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Improved Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Unknown
Organization: Solitary
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 5-7 HD (small), 8-12 HD (medium)


Lightning Punch (Su): As a Standard action, Riolu can
deliver a Slam attack infused with electrical energy.
If it successfully hits, it deals an additional 1d6
electric damage per 2 levels, plus its Charisma
modifier (2d6+1 for the sample Riolu). The target
must also make a Fort save (DC 13) or be Stunned for
1 round. The save DC is Strength-based.

Fighting Styles: Riolu begins with two fighting styles,
chosen just as if gained from Monk levels.

Inner Focus (Ex): Riolu can never be stunned or dazed.

Medium Magical Beast
Hitdice: 10d10+10+10 (75 hp)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 23 (+3 dexterity, +10 natural), Touch 13, Flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+13
Attacks: Slam +14
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d8+4
Special Attacks: Lightning Punch, Aura Sphere, Force Palm,
Extreme Speed
Special Qualities: Fighting Styles, Inner Focus, Scent,
Poison Immunity, DR 10/-
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +4
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 16
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Improved Toughness, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus: Slam
Climate/Terrain: Unknown
Organization: Solitary
CR: 10
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 11-14 HD (medium), 15-18 HD (large)


Lightning Punch: As Riolu, 5d6+3, DC 18

Fighting Styles: Lucario has 2 Fighting Styles and 2
Master Fighting Styles. At 15 HD it gains a Grand
Master Fighting Style.

Inner Focus: As Riolu

Aura Sphere (Su): Once per minute, Lucario can briefly
expand its aura. All within 10 feet of Lucario are
automatically struck and take 1d6 Force damage per level.
Ethereal/Incorporeal creatures are immune to this effect.

Force Palm (Su): Lucario can energise its fists to make
attacks that can even strike incorporeal or ethereal
foes. It requires a standard action, and also paralyses
struck foes for 1d4+1 rounds if they fail a DC 18 Fort
save. The save DC is Cha-based.

Extreme Speed (Ex): Lucario may make a Slam attack as an
Immediate action, just to be extra mean to unsuspecting
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Elemental [Shapechanger]
Hitdice: 8d8+8+8 (52 hp)
Init: +5 (+5 Dex)
Speed: Fly 15 ft. (good)
AC: 21 (+2 size, +5 dexterity, +4 natural), Touch 17, Flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-4
Attacks: Slam +6
Face/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d2-2
Special Attacks: Weather Ball, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Forecast, Control Weather, Egg Move
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +9
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 15
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Iron Will, Improved Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
CR: 8
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 9-12 HD (tiny)


Forecast (Ex): Castform changes forms in extreme weather. In particularly
bright, warm, sunny weather (and outdoors), it gains the [Fire] subtype.
In very cold weather, it gains the [Cold] subtype. When it is raining, it
gains the [Water] subtype. During a sandstorm it gains the [Earth] subtype.
Finally, in darkness it gains the [Negative Energy] subtype, and is cured
by negative energy and damaged by positive energy.

Control Weather (Su): With a full round action, Castform has a limited
ability to change the weather. It only changes for one minute, and in a
one mile radius. The options are as follows:

-Daylight: As the Daylight spell. [Fire] effects are Empowered, and every
round, Castform may target one creature in the area with a Sunstroke effect
as a Swift action. Plant type creatures are Hasted, but take 1d6 desiccation
damage per round.

-Downpour: It rains heavily, providing concealment as though by an Obscuring
Mist spell. [Water] effects are Empowered, and creatures with a Swim speed
gain a +10' bonus to all movement forms. Creatures with the [Fire] subtype
take 1d6 nonlethal damage per round, but gain Total Concealment from the
clouds of steam. Castform also gains Total Concealment and the speed bonus.

-Hail Storm: Snow and hail rains down heavily, providing concealment to
everyone, although those with the [Cold] subtype can see through it just
fine. Every round, every creature that lacks the [Cold] subtype takes 1d4
bludgeoning damage and 1d4 Cold damage. [Cold] effects are Empowered.

-Sandstorm: A sandstorm blazs across the field as per the spell. All
creatures with the [Earth] subtype can see through the sand just fine,
and are immune to the damage taken. [Earth] effects are Empowered, and
[Electricity] effects all have a 50% miss chance.

-Night: Complete darkness envelopes all. It can be seen through by those
who have darkvision, as well as all Undead and creatures of the [Negative]
subtype. All living creatures lacking the [Negative] subtype take 1d4
negative energy damage per round (note: Pokemon who would have the Dark type
in the game can be considered to have the [Negative] subtype).

Weather Ball (Su): This ability can be used once per 2 rounds. It is cast
like a Fireball, except the damage varies based on the weather:
-Daylight: Fire (remember, it's Empowered), failed save sets alight for 2d6 Fire
per round.
-Downpour: Acid ([Water] effect), failed save causes drowning as per the spell
-Hail Storm: Cold, failed save Slows for 1 minute
-Sandstorm: Piercing ([Earth] subtype), failed save causes blindness for 1 minute
-Darkness: Negative energy, failed save causes fatigue
Caster Level: HD+2 (10d6 damage becomes 15d6), DC 16

Spell-like Abilities (CL 8, DC 17):
At will: Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Freezing Ray, Wall of Water, Chill Metal
1/hour: Fire Shield, Stone Spikes, Inflict Critical Wounds

Egg Move: Castform hatches knowing one of the following
-Ominous Wind: As Spiritomb
-Psyche Up: Reaving Dispel (Sp) at will

Small Aberration [Cold]
Hitdice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 dexterity, +4 natural), Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-2
Attacks: Bite +3
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Bite 1d4-1
Special Attacks: Icy Wind, Spikes, Powder Snow
Special Qualities: Mirror Image, Lucky Presence
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14
Feats: Ability Focus: Powder Snow, Sudden Ability Focus
Climate/Terrain: Cold
Organization: Solitary or Bunch (4-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually Chaotic and/or Good
Advancement: 5-7 HD (small), 8-10 HD (medium)


Icy Wind (Su): Snorunt may exhale a cold stream of wind that slows an
enemy down. This is a ranged touch attack (+6 to hit) up to 50 feet.
If it hits, it deals 1d6 Cold damage per 2 hit dice and forces the
target to make a Fort save (DC 14) or be Slowed for 1 round.
The save DC is Charisma-based.

Powder Snow (Su): Once per 3 rounds, Snorunt may create a column of
powdered snow around itself. This cylinder is 30' in radius and 100'
high. All in the area take 1d6 Cold per hit die, with a Fortitude
save for half (DC 16). If they fail the save, they are frozen solid
for 2 rounds. While frozen solid they are unable to move, but being
damaged by any physical external source (so, not ongoing damage) will
shatter the ice and end the effect.

Spikes (Su): Snorunt can conjure a field of icy spikes in a 30' radius
burst, anywhere within 100 feet. The spikes will last for one minute.
If anyone steps upon them, they suffer the effects of a Stone Spikes
spell. If Snorunt casts the spell again on the same area, it gets even
worse. The damage is doubled, and those walking on it will continue to
take 1d6 Cold damage per round for one minute thereafter. If it is
cast three times in succession, it instead deals three times the damage
and 4 Dexterity damage, and deals 2d6 ongoing Cold damage per round.

Mirror Image (Sp): CL 4, 1/minute

Lucky Presence (Su): For no apparent reason, any home a Snorunt resides
in receives good fortune while it is there. This tends to be minor in
the form of immunity to Nightmares and similar effects, the area being
rid of pests (rats, termites, ants etc.), the house not being chosen
by the local manticore/ogre tribe/Dread Lich if a home is simply chosen
at random, or good harvests. Nothing major.

Medium Aberration [Cold, Ethereal, Incorporeal]
Hitdice: 8d8+16 (52 hp)
Init: +5 (+5 Dex)
Speed: Fly 20 ft. (perfect)
AC: 21 (+5 dexterity, +6 deflection), Touch 21, Flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
Attacks: Slam +11
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d4 plus 1d6 Cold
Special Attacks: Icy Wind, Spikes, Powder Snow, Ominous Wind
Special Qualities: Spell-like Abilities, Snow Cloak
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str -, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 22
Feats: Ability Focus: Powder Snow, Sudden Ability Focus,
Sudden Quicken (Su/SL Ability)
Climate/Terrain: Cold
Organization: Solitary
CR: 8
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually Chaotic
Advancement: 9-16 HD (medium)

Icy Wind: as Snorunt, +11 to hit, 4d6 Cold, DC 20
Spikes: as Snorunt
Powder Snow: as Snorunt, DC 22, double damage and duration (16d6)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 8, DC 20):
1/4 rounds: Mirror Image, Ice Storm, Creeping Cold
*At 16 HD, add Iceburg to the list

Ominous Wind: as Spiritomb

Snow Cloak (Su): During snow, hail or fog, Froslass gains even
more protection. She gains Total Concealment, as well as DR 10/Iron
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Post by Surgo »

I can't help but feel that Scyther/Scizor somewhat misses the point. The two are actually supposed to be equally powerful, just in (slightly) different ways.
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Post by Koumei »

Quite possible - I wouldn't really know, however. In general, evolving always makes you better in all respects, and I haven't really used either Scyther or Scizor - as Scyther was too hard to capture in FR/LG, and by the time I could nab them in D/P I already had a dream team (and then some).

Even in MD:EoT I just can't fit either on my team, because it'd be competing with too many others in a game where only 1-4 at a time can wander around the place.

So unfortunately all I really know is "It's a cool-looking bug-type with huge blades. It evolves into an armoured steel/bug type, gets very sad when fire is used, and at least in the former is clearly a Sword-sweeper and probably good for false-swipe captures."

If given suggestions - such as how their uses differ (for instance, is Scizor more of a wall than a sweeper? Or does it have different targets that it excels against?) - then I could redo them, or even just remake Scizor as a zero-sum template that modifies Scyther of any HD into the new role.
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Post by Surgo »

Scyther is significantly faster (base speed 110? vs base speed 65). Scizor has more defense and a bit more attack.
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Post by Koumei »

I boosted Scyther's Dex and gave it a "Nya-nya, I go first" ability, then changed Scizor into a template that lowers Dex, boosts Str and Con, slightly alters the claws, boosts natural armour and a few other things.

Do those changes make them a bit more like how they are supposed to be used?

And, because I recently watched Destiny Deoxys (as well as Rise of Darkrai, The Power of One and Pokemon Heroes, with Entei: Spell of the Unown next on the list)...

Medium Outsider [Extraplanar]
Hitdice: 20d8+20 (110 hp)
Init: +4 (+4 Imp. Init.)
Speed: 40 ft., Fly 50 ft. (average)
AC: 33 (+23 natural), Touch 10, Flat-footed 33
Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+25
Attacks: 2 Tentacles +25
Face/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft.
Damage: Tentacle 1d6+5 plus grab
Special Attacks: Improved Grapple, Constrict, Psycho Boost, Hyper Beam
Special Qualities: Psionics, Cosmic Power, Pressure
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +13
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 20
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Improved Init., Expertise, Power Attack,
Improved Trip, Knockdown, Ability Focus: Psycho Boost
Climate/Terrain: Any (naturally occurs in space and planar rifts)
Organization: Solitary
CR: 20
Treasure: Double.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: -

Constrict (Ex): 4d6+20 plus 2 Con damage
Hyper Beam (Su): as Gyarados
Pressure (Su): as Giratina

Cosmic Power (Su): As a full-round action, Deoxys can grant itself a
Deflection bonus to AC and Resistance bonus to saving throws equal to
its Charisma modifier for 3 rounds.

Psycho Boost (Su): This Psionic ability targets a foe within 100 feet.
They take 2d6 untyped damage, ignoring DR and Regeneration, per level
with a Will save (DC 27) for half. If they fail the save, they are
also Stunned for 2d4 rounds. Even if they pass, they are Dazed for one
round. This ability can only be used once per 5 rounds, and reduces the
CL and DC of Deoxys' Psionics by 4 until the 5 rounds are up.

Psionics: Spell-like abilities, CL 20, DC 25
At will: Teleport Without Error, Truestrike, Bull's Strength,
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Whelm, Telekinesis, True Seeing
1/hour: Heal, Overwhelm, Wraithstrike
1/day: Planeshift, Ethereal Jaunt

Special: Deoxys has additional forms, with variations. It takes a week
of slumber in outer space to change forms, so usually one merely finds
a different Deoxys.
Attack Form:
*Strength 40, Charisma 40, +13 Natural Armour (AC 23, touch 10, flat 23)
*Replace Cosmic Power with (B) Empower Ability and the ability to ignore
any miss chance and srike incorporeal/ethereal foes
*4 Tentacles +35 (1d6+15 plus grab)
*Grapple +35
*Constrict: 8d6+120 plus 2 Con damage and 2 Strength damage
*Psionic DCs: 35, Psycho Boost DC: 37
*Add Psionics 1/hour: Twinned Wings of Flurry, Finger of Death
Defence Form:
*Strength 16, Charisma 16, +15 Natural Armour, +10 Deflection, +5 Luck
*AC 40 (touch 25, flat 40)
*Replace Tentacles with 2 Slams +23 (1d8+3)
*No Constriction.
*SR 31
*+10 Resistance bonus on all saving throws (+24 +23 +23)
*Fast Healing 20
*200 bonus HP
*Psionic DCs: 23, Psycho Boost DC: 25, must wait an additional 2 turns
*Lose Overwhelm SLA, gain Greater Blink, Globe of Invulnerability at will
Speed Form:
*Strength 18, Charisma 18, Dexterity 40, +5 natural armour
*AC 30 (touch 35, flat 15), Improved Uncanny Dodge
*Init +19, +5d6 Sneak Attack
*Move Speed 100 ft., Fly 200 ft. (good)
*Ref +28
*Weapon Finesse: 2 Tentacles +35 (1d4+4 plus grab)
*Constrict: 4d4+16
*Psionic DCs: 24, Psycho Boost DC: 26
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Post by Koumei »

Plusle and Minun are so cute in the movies and in Ranger!

Small Magical Beast [Electricity]
Hitdice: 7d10+7 (45 hp)
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 size, +4 dexterity, +2 natural), Touch 15, Flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+2
Attacks: Bite +7 or Spark +12 ranged touch
Face/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Damage: Bite 1d3-1 plus 1 electricity or Spark 2d6+4 electricity
Special Attacks: Spark, Thunder Wave, Discharge
Special Qualities: Voltage, Electricial Manipulation, Charge-Up,
Nasty Plot, Baton Pass
Electricity Resistance 24 (double HD + 10)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 18
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Run, Alertness
Climate/Terrain: Where there are people
Organization: Usually found in pairs (1 Plusle, 1 Minun)
CR: 7
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Usually Good, Often Chaotic
Advancement: 8-10 HD (small)


Spark (Su): 50' ranged touch attack at will, [Electric]

Thunder Wave (Su): 1/3 rounds, a +/- may unleash a 30'
cone of electricity. This deals no damage, but all in
the area must still make a DC 17 Ref save or be
paralysed for 1d4 rounds.

Discharge (Su): If it has charged up, a +/- may unleash
a blast of electricity. A 10' burst centred on the critter
catches all in the area. It deals 2d6 electricity damage
per hit die, with a DC 17 Ref save for half. If it had
charged up twice, then it deals 3d6 damage per hit die and
the DC increases by +2.

Discharge may only be used once per hour, and fatigues
the user.

Voltage (Ex): Plusle and Minun have a synergistic effect on
each other. If a Plusle is within 30' of a Minun, the Minun
gains a Deflection bonus to AC and Resistance bonus to
saving throws, both equal to Plusle's Charisma modifier.
If a Minun is within 30' of a Plusle, the Plusle gains a
+2 bonus to the save DCs of its abilities, and a number of
bonus d6 of damage on all [electricity] effects equal to
Minun's Charisma modifier.

example: a standard Plusle and Minun stand next to each other.
Minun's AC becomes 21 (flat 17 touch 19) and saves become
+11/+14/+9. Plusle deals 6d6+4 with Spark, Thunder Wave is
DC 19, and Discharge deals 18d6 damage with a DC of 19, unless
it charged up twice, where it deals 25d6 with a DC of 21.

Electrical Manipulation (Ex): Due to their electrical natures,
Plusle and Minun can individually mess with electrical systems,
activating simple devices and causing malfunctions in anything.
Computer systems are allowed a Fortitude save against a DC of
10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod. They also receive a +2 bonus on Abuse
Magic Device checks in general, or +5 for [electric] devices.

If there is one of each, they can carefully utilise even complex
machines and computers simply with electrical control. They
also double the bonuses.

Abuse Magic Device: +16 (+19 for [electric])
In a pair: +18 (+24 for [electric])

Charge-Up (Ex): If a +/- spends a full round charging up, they
can build up their electrical power. This grants several
benefits: they emit Light as per the spell, but the flickering
light grants a 20% miss chance to attacks made against them.
They also gain temporary HP equal to 10 + their HD.

These effects end in 5 rounds, or as soon as they use an
[electric] effect, which gains the following benefits:
*Empowered damage (does not apply to Discharge)
*Double duration
*+2 to the save DC (does not apply to Discharge)

Nasty Plot (Sp): As a full round action, +/- can cast a combination
spell of Fox' Cunning, Owl's Insight and Eagle's Splendour, all on
themselves, with a CL equal to their HD.

Baton Pass (Su): With a touch attack and a Move action, a +/-
can pass any enhancement bonuses over to an ally of their choosing.

Clearly they work best in pairs. Yes, if a party wanders up and gives them time to prepare (Plusle: 2 rounds charging, Minun: either Baton Pass a Nasty Plot or simply NP itself, Plusle then Discharges), the party will be taken out. Suggestion: don't just sit there and let them do that.

EDIT: First, the wrong tags - quote. Then... the wrong tags - code. I have the dumb, today.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maxus »

He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by JonSetanta »

I saw some recent Pokemon movie with my little brother. It had Mew, some Weev-somethings that look like Sonic the Hedgehog rejects, "Reggy" whatevers that have names like early-90s hip hop MCs.

Those Plus/Minus rodent things were funny but I wondered, are Pikachu now obsolete?
Or is that damned yellow turd like a vintage, becoming better with time thanks to near mascot-status?
It seems Pikachu has some better (according to my girlfriend, cuter) replacements like that Pachirisu.

Also, the more I see these, the more I want to play one as a shapeshifting Fey race:


http://image.blog.livedoor.jp/hitec03hi ... 7502f8.jpg
Last edited by JonSetanta on Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Post by Koumei »

Maxus: that is win

Sigma: Probably "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew". And yeah: Regice, Registeel, Regirock and (if it's in this one) Regigigas. And I'm guessing the Weev-somethings are Weaviles. And they are awesome.

Plusle/Minun are cool. But they're really only good in doubles battles - in single, you *might* use one as a Baton Passer. Pachirisu is NU (Never Used), and is seriously crap. It's cute, but basically you can only get it to do one thing: Super Fang the opponent (cuts their HP in half) before getting flattened.

Pikachu/Raichu are UU (Under-Used), and there are way better electric types, but not of them look like rodents, and Pika/Raichu are still popular just by dint of being cute/being the main mascot/Volt Tackle.

So how's this do it for you?

Race: Were-Espeon
Usually Medium Aberration [Psychic]

Size: Small in Espeon form, Medium otherwise
Ability Scores: +2 Cha due to being psychically active and shit
Speed: 30' in all forms

Empathic Link (Su): Due to what they are, Were-Espeons can treat all [Psychic] Pokemon as 1 CR lower when attempting to control them.

Weakness (Ex): Were-Espeons take 50% extra damage from negative energy and [Evil] effects.

DR (Su): Damage Reduction against natural/unarmed attacks equal to half its HD.

Change Shape (Su): This is a standard action. When changing to Espeon form, the following occur:
-Size: Small (+1 to hit and AC, +4 to Hide, -4 to Grapple)
-Quadrupedal and loss of speech and hands
-Primary Bite Attack: 1d3+Str
-Ability Scores: -2 Str, +2 Dex
-Racial +4 bonus on Jump checks
-Telepathy 30'
-Arcane Sight at will
-Sp: Confusion and Whelming Burst 1/4 rounds

Caster Level is equal to HD, Save DC is 10 + half HD + Cha mod

Note: Can possibly be captured, leading to truly evil villains?

A Were-Espeon has no level adjustment, as that is bullshit, but comes into play at 3rd level or so, because by that time the racial abilities are nothing unbalancing. You could probably get away with bringing it in at 1st level, really.
Feat: Espeon's Awakening (Monstrous)
Race: Were-Espeon

Add Hypnosis to the list of spell-like abilities you can use.

7 HD: Add Hold Monster to the list of SLAs you have.

11 HD: You can naturally see into the Astral and Ethereal planes at will. Ghosts are not invisible to you and have to try hiding like anyone else.

15 HD: Add Overwhelm to your list of SLA's.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Koumei wrote: So how's this do it for you?

So fast!
It's not really the specificity of Eevee-kid types but the whole weird-looking were-thing concept.

Here's all of them, click link since it's too big to post here (I'll remove the other pic):

Eevee kids
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Post by Maxus »

I contend that Raichu can be a damn decent Electric-type to have, provided you give it a couple of physical attacks.

I like Body Slam and Brick Break, myself.

Edit: Were-Espeon is damn cool. Words fail me on appropriate praise. I'm tempted to suggest we get a poll to let you officially design (or BE) a TNE goddess.
Last edited by Maxus on Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Oh, Raichu can be good, and I always make a point to teach it Body Slam, but it just seems that Electivire has become the main electric type I see everywhere.

Raichu will still make a Gyarados very sad, of course, although I'm not sure it'd survive an Earthquake.

I'd be willing to make/be a goddess. Would I get to throw lightning at people I don't like?

And yeah, that one was pretty easy to make, really. Who knows what I'll create next? KYAHAHA~!

Race: Were-Sneasel
Usually Medium Monstrous Humanoid [Cold]

Size: Small in Sneasel form, Medium otherwise
Ability Scores: +2 Dex
Speed: 30' in all forms

Empathic Link (Su): Due to what they are, Were-Sneasels can treat all [Cold] Pokemon as 1 CR lower when attempting to control them.

Weakness (Ex): Were-Sneasels take double extra damage from natural weapons/unarmed attacks that deal bludgeoning damage.

Psychic Resistance (Ex): Were-Sneasels gain a 50% chance to be unaffected by mind-affecting effects.

Claws: Were-Sneasels sport a pair of wicked sharp claws that deal 1d6+Str damage and bypass any DR of [Psychic] creatures.

Change Shape (Su): This is a standard action. When changing to Espeon form, the following occur:
-Size changes to Small (you know the drill)
-Loses speech and ability to perform fine tasks with hands
-Gains +2 Str and -2 Con
-Spell-like Abilities 1/4 rounds: Path of Frost, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Orb of Cold

You know how I roll with SLAs by now.

Should probably enter the game at level 4-5ish. It's a bit imprecise.
Feat: Sneasel's Awakening (Monstrous)
Race: Were-Sneasel

Your claw attacks deal additional negative energy damage equal to your hit dice.

5 HD: You gain +2d6 Sneak Attack damage, and can add Darkness to your list of SLAs.

11 HD: Your claw attacks ignore magical forms of protection and deal bonus damage equal to the combined Caster Level of all beneficial spells affecting them.

15 HD: Replace "Inflict Moderate Wounds" with "Harm" and "Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds".
Feat: Weavile's Awakening (Monstrous)
Race: Were-Sneasel
Hit Dice: 9 or more

You evolve into a Were-Weavile. Your Strength and Dexterity increase by 2 each, and the claws now deal 2d6+Str damage. You also gain immunity to mind-affecting effects.

You are still treated as a Were-Sneasel, so you don't lose the benefits of Sneasel's Awakening if you took/take that feat.

Level 14: Once per week you can cast Ice Castle as a spell-like ability. Incorporeal Touch Attacks do not ignore your armour and natural armour.
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Post by Maxus »

I nominate Umbreon for the next were-template.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Sure, why not?

Race: Were-Umbreon
Usually Medium Aberration [Negative]

Ability Scores: +2 Int, they're cunning little buggers
Speed: 30' in all forms

Negative Energy Being (Ex): healing by all forms of negative energy and injured by Cure spells and the like. In all forms.

Darkvision (Su): Were-Umbreons can see in any form of darkness as clearly as though it were light, up to their normal field of vision.

Psionic Resistance (Su): All Mind-affecting effects suffer a 50% failure chance against a Were-Umbreon.

Transform: Standard action, blah blah
-Small Size and all that entails
-Bite attack deals 1d3+Str damage
-Gains +2 Dex, -2 Str
-(Sp), 1/4 rounds: Damning Darkness, Shadow Spray, Blindness

Enters play at level 2-ish.
Feat: Umbreon's Awakening (Monstrous)
Race: Were-Umbreon

You are now immune to Mind-affecting effects. Well done.

Level 5: Add Psychic Poison (BVD) and Shadow Well (SC... I think) to your list of Spell-like abilities.

Level 10: Your Bite deals extra negative energy damage equal to your Hit Dice.

Level 15: You can now form a nasty plot. If your opponent is flat-footed or unaware of your presence, they must make a Fortitude save or be Stunned for 1 round whenever you strike them in melee. Spells, Spell-like Abilities, or Supernatural Abilities you use against them count as though your Caster Level, Int, Wis and Cha scores were all 4 points higher.
For the record, my Darkrai loves me so much it wants to affectionately chomp on my neck.
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Post by Koumei »

Now for an odd one:

Usually Medium Aberration

Size: Medium in Humanoid form
Speed: 30' in Humanoid form
Ability Scores: unchanged

Construct-like traits:
+1 Natural Armour
25% chance to negate critical hits
Immune to poison
50% extra damage received from acid

Changing shape is a standard action (Su) at will.

At birth, these are merely Were-Beldums. Once they reach 3 HD or more they "evolve" into Were-Metangs.

Beldum form:
Small, lose access to hands, no speech, fly 50' (average)
+2 Natural Armour, DR 5/-
Ram attack 1d6+Str*1.5

Metang form:
Medium, no speech, hands lose fine control, fly 30' (good)
+1 Natural Armour per 4 HD, DR 5/-
2 Claw attacks 1d6+Str

Spell-like abilities 1/4 rounds (for either): Confusion, Whelming Burst

Feat: Metagross Evolution
Race: Were-Metang of 9+ HD

You are now a Were-Metagross.

Metagross Form:
-Large size, +2 Str, arms have basic function, no speech, DR 10/-
-4 Claw attacks 1d8+Str, +1 Natural Armour per 4 HD
-Fly speed 30' (perfect)

Your natural weapons can affect creatures on any plane, and you can see into any plane. Ghosts need to actively hide from you to avoid being seen.

You also gain the ability to perform a Zen headbutt 1/4 rounds. At the end of a round, spend a Swift action. Your opponent has then been attacked by the Zen headbutt - the attack has already been made, however, so it is too late to react with an Immediate action, an Attack of Opportunity or anything like that. Make an attack roll as normal, and if you succeed, the opponent unwillingly gains enlightenment into the fact that they have received a headbutt. They take 1d6 damage per 2 HD you possess, plus double your Strength modifier, and must make a Fortitude save or be Stunned for one round.

At 15 HD, add Ironskin and Lightning Bolt to your spell-like abilities.
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Post by Maxus »

I took a stab at it. I'd appreciate any suggestions and criticism.

Small Magical Beast
Hitdice: 5d10 + 15 + 5 (47)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 10 + 1 (Dex) + 2 (Natural) + 4 (Tough Muscle)
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+8
Attacks: Slam + 9
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d6 + 5
Special Attacks: Karate Chop, Rock Throwing
Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Tough Muscles,
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will -2
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 4, Cha 6
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Toughness, INA: Slam (B)
Climate/Terrain: Mountains
Organization: Solitary or posse
CR: 4
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: Small 6 – 9 HD. 9+ HD (Machoke)


Karate Chop (Ex): Standard action slam, slam becomes 1d8 18-20/x2, applies 1.5 times Str bonus.

Carrying Capacity (Ex): Machop’s and lifting carrying capacity is double what it would otherwise be.

Tough Muscles (Ex): Machop adds its Str bonus to its Natural Armor bonus.

Rock-Throwing (Ex): Machop gets Rock-throwing as a Giant of his Str.

Medium Magical Beast:

Hitdice: 10d10 + 50 + 10 ( 95 )
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 10 + 2 (Dex) + 4 (natural) + 8 (Tough Muscle)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10 /+ 24
Attacks: Slam + 18
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 1d8 + 7, Cross Chop 2d6 + 10
Special Attacks: Cross Chop, Vital Throw
Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Tough Muscles,
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +1
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 8
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting, Great Fortitude, INA: Slam (B)
Climate/Terrain: Mountains
Organization: Solitary or Minor Dojo (2-3 Machokes and 6-9 Machops)
CR: 10
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: Medium 11-13 HD, 14+ HD (Machamp)

Cross Chop (Ex): As a standard action, Machoke performs a devastating strike with both hands, augmenting his slam attack. He takes no attack penalty for using both hands, and each hand does 2d6 + 1.5 Str damage (threat range 15-20 / x2).

Rock Throwing (Ex): As a giant of his strength.

Carrying Capacity (Ex): Quadruple what it would otherwise be be.

Tough Muscles (Ex): Str score adds onto natural Armor.

Vital Thow (Ex): If Machoke successfully grapples an opponent, he may throw them as a standard action. The target gets no saving throw; they should have known better than to let themselves be grappled by a Machoke. They travel 10 feet for every point of Str bonus, and can be hurled upward, horizontally (towards another person as a thrown weapon, even), or down.

If hurled up, they travel the distance upwards and then fall and take appropriate falling damage.

When thrown away, they travel the distance in a low arc and, should they hit something or someone, inflict and take 1d6 damage for each 5’ they had left in their movement .

If thrown into the ground, they take full falling damage as if they'd fallen from the absolute height of a Machoke's vertical throw. This even works on winged creatures.

Medium Magical Beast

Hitdice: 14d10 + 84 + 14 (175)
Init: +3 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 10 + 3 (Dex) + 6 (Natural) + 12 (Tough Muscle)
Base Attack/Grapple: +14 / +34
Attacks: Slam +26
Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Damage: Slam 2d6 + 12, Cross Chop 3d6 + 18
Special Attacks: Cross Chop, Vital Throw, Spell-Like Abilities, Rock Throwing
Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Tough Muscles, Powerful Build, Four Arms
Saves: Fort +17 , Ref + 14, Will + 3
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 16, Con 22 , Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Toughness, INA: Slam (B), Great Fortitude, Improved Critical, Lightning Reflexes
Climate/Terrain: Mountains
Organization: Solitary or dojo (1-2 Machamps, 2-3 Machokes, 10 Machops)
CR: 14
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 15-17 HD (medium), 18-20 HD (Large)

Four Arms (Ex): A Machamp does not take attack penalties for using all four arms during an attack. He also applies at least his full Str modifier to any strike he makes. While a Machamp is one of the king of multi-armed combat and motion, expect a Machamp to regularly break furniture and dishes and the like.

Cross Chop (Ex): A Machamp may make a powerful slam with each of its four hands as a standard action. Each hand that successfully hits does 3d6 + 1.5 Str damage (critical: 15-20/x3)

Vital Throw (Ex): As a Machoke, except it’s 20 feet per point of Str bonus. The damage rules still apply.

Tough Muscle (Ex): Str modifier adds onto Natural Armor.

Rock-Throwing: As a giant of his Strength.

Powerful Build (Ex): Whenever it would be to his advantage, a Machamp counts as a size larger for Grapple, Trip, Bullrush, Overrun, and lifting effects.

Carrying Capacity (Ex): A Machamp counts as a size larger for lifting and carrying and encumberance. Yes, this is even on top of Powerful Build.
(Some of the numbers and formatting probably isn't right. I'll fix it later.)
Last edited by Maxus on Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by JonSetanta »


New request.


The creator calls it a fusion of "Milotic, Rayquaza, Blaziken, Garchomp, Gorebyss, Deoxys, Rhyphirior, and Toxicroke".


The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Post by Koumei »

Some how I missed these posts...

The Machop series looks very cool. I approve.

The creator of that hideous amalgamation should probably just go die in a fire. Tell them to do that, Sigma.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I don't belong to that forum nor do I wish to.

Some amalgamations (mashups) are a good thing though.

Mudkip/pikachu gijinkas, for instance.
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