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Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:33 pm
by Stahlseele
"It is not enough that I should succeed - others should fail."

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:13 am
by maglag
Hiram McDaniels wrote:
maglag wrote: For rich greedy people, it's not enough to make money, you need to make all the money. Which means that if somebody else is getting money, they're clearly directly stealing it from you, the bastards!
Yeah...but I'm not even talking about the greedy and rich. Most right wingers are lower-middle class who vote against their own interests in favor of a plutocracy.
Ah, that's because they want cheap slaves back. In the old days you could get people working for you all day just for food and a ceiling, because their only alternative was starvation, and thus even a lower-middle class family could afford cheap maids and shit. But if the government provides basic income and basic medicine and basic education, suddenly people will only be your personal servants if you pay them pretty well for the trouble.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:14 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Cliven Bundy arrested, residual standoff expected to wrap up today.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:37 pm
by RobbyPants
It's nice that this second standoff caused the government to crack down on that first standoff.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:48 pm
by hyzmarca
Hiram McDaniels wrote: I recently had an epiphany that right-wingers seem to be obsessed with the idea that someone somewhere is taking something away from them.

Gun control legislation is stealing our freedom.
Obamacare is stealing our right to shitty, cut-rate medical insurance.
Plain red coffee cups are stealing Christmas
Welfare moms are stealing our tax dollars.
Immigrants are stealing our jobs.
PC culture is stealing our free speech.
Hiram McD is stealing my car (this one might be a cogent point, though).

They believe that life is a zero sum game wherein others winning necessarily means that they are losing. Nevermind that this has never actually been the case, and also that it directly contradicts their idea that wealth travels downstream.
Not really. For the most part those groups don't care what other people do, outside of the moral busybodies who want to imprison anyone who does butt stuff. What they want is the ability to keep doing what they've always been doing, and they're afraid that they're going to lose that.

Because, Obamacare really does take away your shitty insurance that doesn't cover basic things. Gun control legislation is, in fact, limiting your ability to buy guns. That isn't to say that these limitations are bad things, just that they exist.

This whole thing is about a guy who had his cattle graze on federal land for years without anyone noticing, and then when they finally do and tell him to cut it out, he tells them to fuck off because he's been doing it for years. And this repeats until it reaches this absurd point.

Edit: I'm listening to the livestream. So, he's pro-Islam, and opposed to the American intervention in the Middle East. He's also opposed to taxes, opposed to poverty. And he thinks that he'll be raped in prison.

Edit 2: He wants the government to stop chemically mutating people. And to come clean about aliens.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:41 pm
by Kaelik
hyzmarca wrote:opposed to poverty
Nobody comes out as Pro-poverty. People are just varying degrees of stupid and liars. Some people know that poverty doesn't hurt them personally, and don't give two shits about anyone else, they still lie and say they are opposed to poverty while supporting policies that increase poverty.

Other people are so incredibly deluded that they genuinely think the absolution of government creates a utopia, and not . . . you know, the inevitable goddam hellhole it actually does.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:49 pm
by hyzmarca
Kaelik wrote:
hyzmarca wrote:opposed to poverty
Nobody comes out as Pro-poverty. People are just varying degrees of stupid and liars. Some people know that poverty doesn't hurt them personally, and don't give two shits about anyone else, they still lie and say they are opposed to poverty while supporting policies that increase poverty.

Other people are so incredibly deluded that they genuinely think the absolution of government creates a utopia, and not . . . you know, the inevitable goddam hellhole it actually does.
Well, in this case he was anti his own poverty, and was apparently motivated by a combination of inability to make ends meet and some crazy conspiracy theories. Like how World War II was a scam to distract the American people from increasing government overreach. As well as the usual chemtrails and aliens.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:17 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
I don't think there are many people that aren't against their own poverty.

Either way, I'm glad this was handled by people smarter than me as this is probably one of the best possible outcomes for this.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:52 pm
by Starmaker
Kaelik wrote:
hyzmarca wrote:opposed to poverty
Nobody comes out as Pro-poverty.
Church officials in Russia often do. "It'll make people care about what's really important."

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:06 pm
by Schleiermacher
Starmaker wrote: Church officials in Russia often do. "It'll make people care about what's really important."
Food, shelter and health care? Yeah, I guess...