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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:52 pm
by SlyJohnny
Well, that's dumb.

I can't risk crossing the bridge, so I'm backtracking to the hills and then down to the road and then walking across the broken ground to the fucking gorge which is currently directly south of me, I guess. Why not, it's not like this is a time-sensitive situation or anything. Maybe that footpad gave me a concussion, and that's why I'm wandering around in aimless circles and can only move in cardinal directions.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:40 am
by angelfromanotherpin
(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the cataract.)

You are on a twisting track running virtually north to south across high ground. It clings to the spurs of the hills and is partly paved with flints. The track runs south towards the standing stones where your ordeal began. To the north it winds gradually higher into the hills. To the west is hilly broken ground where stunted trees warped in the direction of the prevailing wind point forlornly at the horizon. To the east is the impenetrable mass of the Mountains of Remorse.

• Cross the broken ground? (579)
• Follow the track north, climbing into the hills? (599)
• Follow the track south, descending towards the standing stones? (647)
Unless I hear otherwise, I'll send you into the broken ground as soon as the Hunter makes their next move.
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

No modifiers
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxx31323334353637383940
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:16 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You cross two hills topped by the forlorn wind-ravaged trees then come to the lip of a gorge through which a river cascades down a series of rapids. The other side of the gorge is lower than the side on which you stand and you can see a flatter more tame country beyond. There is no way to bridge the gap.

• Follow the lip of the gorge southwest? (619)
• Climb higher up the gorge to the north where you can see what looks like a rope bridge in the distance? (599)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

No modifiers
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxx323334353637383940
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:32 pm
by SlyJohnny
Head up the the rope bridge, maybe we can cross there.

I'm kidding. Southwest along the gorge.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 5:56 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
The gorge descends and the river's torrent is disgorged into a rocky tarn. The blue-black water looks extremely deep. The undergrowth is dense, but you can turn south along the edges of the tarn towards moorland, or turn back along the gorge and climb to the northeast once more.

• South? (289)
• Northeast? (599)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

No modifiers
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxx3334353637383940
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:22 am
by SlyJohnny

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:52 am
by angelfromanotherpin
(Kritos Bloodheart is patrolling the moor!)
The wind carries a jingle of harness to your ears. You look back to see two horsemen bearing down on you, their powerful horses making light of the unevenness of the moorland. The first is a magnificent and macabre figure, dressed in full plate mail of blackest steel, his helm crested with a brilliant scarlet plume. Your breath catches in your chest. Kritos Bloodheart, the man without mercy, is about to ride you down.


One other rides with him, his squire. You must give battle while the young squire watches. As Kritos spurs his horse forward, the squire pulls out a crystal ball and starts to talk into it, telling the Archveult that they have found you. (The hunter knows you are about to fight Kritos in the moorland.)


When you strike Kritos, roll a die; on a 5+, his armor prevents 1 WL.
Each time Kritos loses a WL, roll a die; on a 5+, he flees.

• Fight him normally?
• Cast Paralysis and insta-win?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

No modifiers
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxx34353637383940
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:14 pm
by SlyJohnny
Ah, hell. Well, let's definitely paralyse him.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:58 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
(You speak the Word of Helpless Palsy and Kritos is defeated.)

There is a great crash as the heavily-armored Kritos Bloodheart falls stricken to the moor. The squire panics and lets fall the crystal ball through which the Archveult has been observing events, before galloping away from you, hell for leather. You may take Kritos' sword to use for your own, it is a superbly balanced long sword of tempered steel and you may strike with it at +1.

You pick up the crystal ball and, looking into it, your gaze is transfixed by the terrible visage of the Archveult of Gad. A taunt springs to your mind: 'See how I deal with your most feared lieutenant, you vile abomination. So shall I deal with you in time.' You let the ball drop, for to carry it would be to give away your own position.

(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moor.)

The moorland is spongy and wet underfoot and the going is rough. Often your feet sink in up to your ankles. The moorland rises in a series of swelling folds of land to the north and east. The woods are shrouded in mist in the basin to the southwest. Due west is an area of land that looks lushly green and perfectly flat. Nearby is a Healing-Myrtle bush, one of the few left on Orb. (Your opponent has a relevant keyword.)
The Healing-Myrtle has been stripped of its berries and their healing properties are lost to you

• Head west? (229)
• Head north? (209)
• Head northeast? (329)
• Head due east towards the highest part of the moor? (389)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxx37383940
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:52 pm
by SlyJohnny
So he probably came this way first, trashed the bush and redeployed Kritos later... So he's probably right behind me now, but not in front of me. Let's burn one of our remaining Heals, then go west.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:49 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
The lush green and surprisingly flat meadow is in fact marshland. The great fen stretches flatly away towards the horizon. On the horizon to the northwest you can see mountains wrapped in the blue haze of distance. You are about to consider whether to go on, up to your knees in water, when an alligator attacks with a sudden rush and churning of water. You must defend yourself.


The Alligator deals 1 WL before being discouraged.

You have become bogged down in the green mire of the fen. You realize that to go on would be impossible and so, reluctantly, you turn back.

• Stagger out to the north? (209)
• Stagger out to the east? (289)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxx3940
Night 24142434445464748

edit: Ack, somehow I edited this post into the next one instead of quoting it. I hope I restored it adequately.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:17 pm
by SlyJohnny
North, because we've been the other way.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:52 am
by angelfromanotherpin
(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moorland.)

The going is slow. The moorland is strewn with boulders and the ground is heavy and wet underfoot. (You leave tracks.)

You have reached the northwest corner of the moor. Ahead lies a large fast-flowing river to the north.
WAIT TWICE due to the heavy going.

• Seek a hollow in which to hide, as there is likely ground to the east? (349)
• Go west into an incredibly lush and unnaturally flat meadow? (229)
• If you are the barbarian or the thief, swim the river? (189)
• Travel east without seeking to hide? (389)
Night will fall next WAIT.
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:16 am
by SlyJohnny

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:48 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Before you can find a hiding place, you hear the baying of the Hounds of Hell. The hunt is upon you!
The Archveult has caught you. Any creatures simply move away at the sight of the Archveult. You may exchange any insults or threats you think appropriate at this stage.

(The Archveult is considering whether to unleash his hounds against you, or face you himself.)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:19 pm
by SlyJohnny
The mud-splattered priest looks up at you. There’s a light of religious fervour (or madness) in his eyes. “At last. The face of my tormentor.”

He traces a circle around himself in the mud with the point of his sword, incanting a prayer under his breath.

((Heal now, if I can.))

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:42 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Heal goes off.

The Archveult releases his Hounds of Hell, and as they bound towards you he begins to perform some sort of Firedrake haka that continues as you battle.

'I will follow you!

Follow you wherever you may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep
Keep me away
Away from my prey!

I'll get you!
I'll get you!
I'll get you!

Where you go, I'd follow
I'd follow!
I'd follow!

You'll always be my dog food!
My dog food!
My dog food!

I will follow you

Every since you crossed my land, I knew
Near you, I always must be
Nothing can keep you from me
You are my sacrifice!

I'll get you!
I'll get you!
I'll get you!

Where you go, I'd follow
I'd follow!
I'd follow!

You'll always be my dog food!
My dog food!
My dog food!

I will follow you

Follow you wherever you may go
There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep
Keep me away
Away from my prey!'
(You do not have a potion of Hell Hound Control.)

The hounds leap towards you, snarling and snorting flame. You must fight them whilst the Archveult watches, an evil smile on his reptilian features.

Vicious+1 00
Wounded0 -1-1

At the end of each combat round there is a 1/6 chance that the hounds will scorch you with their breath for a damage roll.
The ferocity of the hounds is lessened when attacking a holy man.
Round 1: You 3, Hounds 12; Damage 2 (1 WL). No fire breath. You are Injured.
Round 2: You 9, Hounds 5; Damage 6 (2 WL). No fire breath.
The hounds suddenly sprint back towards the Archveult, tails between their legs. The Archveult has called them off rather than risk their loss. You may mock or insult your opponent now before closing for hand to hand combat.
You circle each other warily. For each combat round you must choose one of eight combat options (listed below), the results of which will modify the next strike roll on top of any other modifiers you both may have. The Archveult will be making a choice from the same moves. There is a table at the back of the book in the main thread explaining the combat choices.

• Charge forward and execute an overhead cut?
• Make a cautious jab?
• Sidestep to the left and slash to the right?
• Sidestep to the right and slash to the left?
• Slash to the left?
• Slash to the right?
• Parry and riposte?
• Flee?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:49 pm
by SlyJohnny
Sidestep Right.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:36 am
by angelfromanotherpin
You sidestep to the right and prepare to slash to the left. The Archveult tries a cautious jab, and you are caught wrongfooted as the Archveult reacts quickly, thrusting as you move. You enemy strikes at +2 this round.
Round 1: You 8+1=9, The Archveult 6+2+2=10; Damage 5+2=7 (2 WLs). You are Badly Wounded.
You circle each other warily. For each combat round you must choose one of eight combat options (listed below), the results of which will modify the next strike roll on top of any other modifiers you both may have. The Archveult will be making a choice from the same moves. There is a table at the back of the book in the main thread explaining the combat choices.

• Charge forward and execute an overhead cut?
• Make a cautious jab?
• Sidestep to the left and slash to the right?
• Sidestep to the right and slash to the left?
• Slash to the left?
• Slash to the right?
• Parry and riposte?
• Flee?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:27 am
by SlyJohnny
Sidestep Left.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:22 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You sidestep to the left and prepare to slash to the right. The Archveult tries a cautious jab, and you are caught wrongfooted as the Archveult reacts quickly, thrusting as you move. You enemy strikes at +2 this round.
Round 1: You 4+1=5, The Archveult 10+2+2=14; Damage 2+2=4 (1 WL). You are Crippled.
You circle each other warily. For each combat round you must choose one of eight combat options (listed below), the results of which will modify the next strike roll on top of any other modifiers you both may have. The Archveult will be making a choice from the same moves. There is a table at the back of the book in the main thread explaining the combat choices.

• Charge forward and execute an overhead cut?
• Make a cautious jab?
• Sidestep to the left and slash to the right?
• Sidestep to the right and slash to the left?
• Slash to the left?
• Slash to the right?
• Parry and riposte?
• Flee?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:04 pm
by SlyJohnny
Oh, wow, 0/2.

I want to run but I feel like he'll expect it now. Sidestep left!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:24 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You sidestep to the left and prepare to slash to the right. The Archveult has charged forward, he darts past you bringing his mace down at the spot where you were just standing. You deliver a scything cut at his side. You have +3 strike this round.
Round 3: You 6+1+3=10, The Archveult 7+2=9; Damage 6 (2 WLs).
You circle each other warily. For each combat round you must choose one of eight combat options (listed below), the results of which will modify the next strike roll on top of any other modifiers you both may have. The Archveult will be making a choice from the same moves. There is a table at the back of the book in the main thread explaining the combat choices.

• Charge forward and execute an overhead cut?
• Make a cautious jab?
• Sidestep to the left and slash to the right?
• Sidestep to the right and slash to the left?
• Slash to the left?
• Slash to the right?
• Parry and riposte?
• Flee?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:50 pm
by SlyJohnny
Charge! CHARGE! :bash: :viking: :sparta:

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:39 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You rush forward, delivering a great overhead blow at the Archveult, screaming as you do so. The Archveult has made a cautious jab, you batter his tentative strike aside and catch him off balance. You strike at +3 this round.
Round 4: You 7+1+3=11, The Archveult 4+2=6; Damage 1 (1 WL).
You circle each other warily. For each combat round you must choose one of eight combat options (listed below), the results of which will modify the next strike roll on top of any other modifiers you both may have. The Archveult will be making a choice from the same moves. There is a table at the back of the book in the main thread explaining the combat choices.

• Charge forward and execute an overhead cut?
• Make a cautious jab?
• Sidestep to the left and slash to the right?
• Sidestep to the right and slash to the left?
• Slash to the left?
• Slash to the right?
• Parry and riposte?
• Flee?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike with Kritos' sword
(-2 Strike if without a weapon)

Sword of Kritos Bloodheart (+1 Strike)
Scimitar of the Barrow Wight

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds
Cause Wounds

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 1xxxxxxxx
Day 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Night 24142434445464748