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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 3:58 am
by Beroli
The Fun House is good.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:06 am
by Darth Rabbitt
The Fun House seems the most likely to have like a supervillain or clues hiding in it. So go there.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:14 am
by JourneymanN00b
Trying the Fun House received 4 votes, so Jean Lafayette will head to that ride.

You pay the admission charge and enter the Fun House. You walk along a narrow passageway. As you turn a dark corner, a luminous skeleton appears in front of you, shrieking wildly! You jump, and then laugh; just one of the scares of the Fun House. Further down the passage, your feet stumble on a wobbly floor. Then the walls begin to sway. Suddenly, your foot steps on something and you fall forwards. But this time it is not a wobbly floor; you fall though the ground and land on a rubber mattress in a dark pit. Although it is pitch-black, you can tell that you are not alone. Another figure touches you! A voice calls out and you answer. ‘Oh, thank God someone else is here!’ gasps a man’s voice. ‘I have been here for two hours! I can’t find a way out. And not only that, my wallet has gone. I’m sure it has been stolen. And I don’t think this was any accident. My name is Grant Morley, a reporter on the Titan Times. I have been covering an exposé to reveal the identity of the Scarlet Prankster. Earlier I met an informant at the Big Wheel who gave me a key to one of the rooms here where he thought I could get some useful information. That key was in my wallet!’ You consider the situation. The Scarlet Prankster is a dangerous criminal who delights in grisly practical jokes. You decide to change into the Silver Crusader under cover of the pitch-blackness. Then the two of you search the walls for a way out. You find a hidden door which lets you into the main room of the Fun House. If you have Super Strength, turn to 248. If you have ETS, turn to 271. If you have Psi-Powers or Energy Blast, turn to 143.

Jean Lafayette has ETS.

With a miniature Sensor Scanner, you examine the man’s pocket for clues. The scanner indicates some flakes of skin from a hand that was not his own. Something strange is going on here! Turn to 143.

Where do you want to begin your investigations? The Fun House’s main attractions are buzzing with people, although most are now staring at you with open eyes. Will you check the ‘Rotating Room’ (turn to 439), the trampolines (turn to 90) or the ‘Hall of Mirrors’ (turn to 212)?

Once again, please vote before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 4-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:33 am
by Beroli
The trampolines.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:57 am
by Thaluikhain
Hall of Mirrors is the traditional place to fight villains, so try there.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:51 pm
by Queen of Swords
I've always been fascinated by creepy mirrors, so let's go to the Hall of Mirrors.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 4:33 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
The Hall of Mirrors sounds most dramatic.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:17 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Jean Lafayette will check the ‘Hall of Mirrors’, since that place won by a 3-1 vote.

Apart from making you large, small, fat, thin, long and short, the mirrors do not seem to hold any secrets. You are making little progress here. You overhear someone making comments about how dangerous he thinks the Big Dipper is. Will you go and check it out (turn to 187), or is it time you were making for home (turn to 103)?

Please vote before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:15 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Check out the Big Dipper.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:02 am
by SGamerz
Checking out something sounds more interesting than going home.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:55 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Jean Lafayette will go and check the Big Dipper out.

You climb into a carriage behind a couple with a young daughter. As you set off up the long climb, the excitement is mounting. Squeals come from the riders as the first steep drop lifts their stomachs. It is not until you reach the first sharp bend that you notice the danger. The young girl in the seat in front of you is wearing a safety harness which is hanging on by only a couple of threads! As you streak into the bend and are wrenched to the right, the harness snaps and the girl lurches across the carriage. Can you rescue her before she falls to her death? Roll two dice and compare the total with your SKILL. If the roll exceeds your SKILL, turn to 224. Otherwise turn to 415.

Rolling the dice yielded a 3, which was less Jean Lafayette’s SKILL.

Quick as a flash, you reach forward and grab the girl in the nick of time before she plunges to certain death. Her parents are horrified at the dreadful accident which might have occurred. When the ride is over, they thank you profusely for saving their daughter’s life. You decide that you have had enough of Wisneyland. Turn to 103.

Where are you heading as soon as you leave Wisneyland? Will you make your way downtown to do some shopping (turn to 202), or go home. If you decide to go home, you may either want to rest for the evening, in which case you may gain 6 STAMINA points (turn to 327), or you may wish to sacrifice STAMINA gain and spend the evening at the theatre if you can get a ticket for tonight’s performance of ‘Rats’ (turn to 43).

Please vote before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 4-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:47 am
by Beroli
Go to Rats.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:12 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Go to Rats; we want more clues.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:32 am
by Queen of Swords
Go to Rats. It can't be as bad as the Cats movie.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:58 am
by Thaluikhain
To rats.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:10 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Jean Lafayette will spend the evening at the theatre.

You are in luck. A ticket for tonight’s performance has just been handed in. It is not the best seat in the house, but you get a good view of the show. It is all about a group of rats who live in a rubbish tip and sing to each other for amusement. A rather peculiar plot, you think, but you are particularly taken by the star, Lola Manche. In the last scene, as she is singing the title song, the show is interrupted. At first you thought this character in a serpent’s costume was part of the show. But when he picks her up in mid-song and runs off the stage, you realize that she has been kidnapped! You find a dark corner in the back of the theatre and change costume. Will you wait outside the theatre for the kidnapper to make his escape (turn to 407), or follow him backstage (turn to 169)? You may remember your resolution and decide against intervening. If you will simply leave things be and go home, turn to 79.

Please vote before 6:00 PM PDT to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:27 pm
by Beroli
Follow him backstage. The alternatives are 1) stupid and 2) unheroic.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:40 pm
by Thaluikhain
Yeah, follow.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:58 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Follow him backstage.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 12:24 am
by SGamerz
Follow backstage.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:49 am
by JourneymanN00b
Votes registered, Jean Lafayette will follow the kidnapper backstage.

You rush across the stage and disappear into one of the wings after the kidnapper. Stairs lead down to the dressing-rooms. At the foot of the stairs are three rooms. Room number one has two stars on the door. The door to room number two has one star and is slightly ajar. Room number three has no stars on it. Which will you try:

Room number one? Turn to 322
Room number two? Turn to 288
Room number three? Turn to 250


Please vote before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice gets a 4-vote majority to guarantee that it will be counted.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:25 am
by Beroli
Room number three, the humble dressing room.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:42 am
by Queen of Swords
I'm leaning towards the slightly ajar door.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:03 am
by Thaluikhain
I'm actually going to vote for the one with two stars on it, as it was presumably the most important star of the show that was kidnapped, though maybe not to their own dressing room.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 17 - Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:34 pm
by SGamerz
Since I don't think the kidnapper will do something that obvious as hiding in the star's own locker room, I vote for the one with no stars.