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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:34 pm
by Thaluikhain
Yeah, seems risky, don't gamble.

(And I originally meant that if Libra can choose to pop by when we are in trouble and ask for help, presumably they can turn up and bug slavers, which doesn't seem to be happening, and makes me question their priorities)

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:49 pm
by SGamerz
Thaluikhain wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:34 pm
(And I originally meant that if Libra can choose to pop by when we are in trouble and ask for help, presumably they can turn up and bug slavers, which doesn't seem to be happening, and makes me question their priorities)
I don't know if she would have cared, but even if she does, presumably she can't interfere because this is another god's territory.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 3:01 pm
by Queen of Swords
How do we know those dice aren't loaded? Don't play his game.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:14 pm
by JourneymanN00b
I vote not to play Snake Eyes in order to save our hero's meager pile of gold pieces.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:39 pm
by Beroli
SGamerz wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:15 pm
Beroli wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:04 am
Again, where does "Libra is fine with slavery" even come from? She's not in charge of Khare.
Ok, my bad, I did goof up and completely forgot that this adventure wasn't happening in in the PC's homeland when I saw Thaluikhain complaining about the goddess of Justice being ok with slave trade, and I totally blame Thaluikhain for posting that misleading sentence that confused me. This will teach me not to jump into arguments before rereading everything carefully.
Ah, that explains it. I was confused by what you said about the PC because the PC here is a she, not a he.
Thaluikhain wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:34 pm
Yeah, seems risky, don't gamble.

(And I originally meant that if Libra can choose to pop by when we are in trouble and ask for help, presumably they can turn up and bug slavers, which doesn't seem to be happening, and makes me question their priorities)
In neither this nor the Sorcery books does Libra (or any other god, unless the Mampang gods creating the Seven Serpents counts) ever intervene without being asked by one of her worshipers, and when she does, it's in a way that doesn't impact anyone else. Black Elves crucify the protagonist of Sorcery: Libra causes a crow to untie them. Presumably if one of the slavers was, I don't know, bitten by a poisonous snake and called out to Libra for help, she would reply with something like, "YOU want my help? Well okay then. I will save you from the snakebite as soon as you complete everything on this list of actions to make amends to those you have treated as property. From the specific venom you are poisoned with you have approximately...ten seconds. Have fun asphixiating!" (Or possibly something slightly more helpful if she had some reason to believe the slaver was being less nakedly self-interested than they appear to be.)

I think questioning the apparent assumption that Libra is supposed to be an omnipotent overdeity who compels everyone to follow her rules would make more sense than questioning her priorities, but you do you.
* * * * *

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:40 pm
by Beroli
Vik shrugs and nods at the giant Goblin standing behind you.

‘Mr Fox’s friends are leaving now. No, not you, Fox. I want a word with you in private.’

The sorcerer slumps down in a chair. He looks like a beaten dog.

The Goblin shows Jardakka and you out of the house, bolting the door behind you.

‘What was all that about?’ the Red-Eye asks.

‘I don’t know. Some scheme Fox has got mixed up in. What do you want to do now? Pay the merchant a visit?’

The Red-Eye shakes her head. ‘Now we get ourselves so much magical protection that no one will mess with us, not Vik, not Shar-kali-Sharri, nor those shield-witches.’

(Same choice you made back at the eatery, with one of the options gone.)

Visit the merchant's house?
Rely on magic?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Rey Ulthran
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 14/16
Luck: 10/11

Gold Pieces: 5
Bone bracelet (not worn)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 10:02 pm
by Queen of Swords
I wonder if we're ever going to see Fox again.

Visit the merchant.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:47 am
by SGamerz
Beroli wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:39 pm
I was confused by what you said about the PC because the PC here is a she, not a he.
While I remember you stating that as a fact when you were asking for name votes, I never saw anything in the story itself to identify the PC as of any particular gender. I didn't say anything at the time since I was pretty sure this doesn't affect the story or the game one way or another, but I've grown used to thinking of FF PC in genderless terms and hadn't seen anything that would prompt me to think of her specifically as a she.


I vote to go shopping for magic again. While I don't think we have enough money to "get ourselves so much magical protection that no one will mess with us", I think we should take a look at what's on offer.

The nature of this adventure makes it likely that we'd always be given the choice to visit the merchant, since the object of our quest is there. But we may not get a second chance to look at the shopping list so I want to do it while we can.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:58 am
by JourneymanN00b
I vote to visit the merchant's house.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:44 am
by Beroli
Visiting Shar-kali-Sharri wins 2-1.

The house of the merchant Shar-kali-Sharri stands on the south bank of the river Jabaji, in spacious grounds enclosed on the landward side by a high wall. The house itself is a large stone building, two storeys high, with a roof of red tiles. One wing faces directly onto the river, where the merchant has his own private quay. A street runs back from the river past the front of the house. The windows on the upper floor reflect the light; it seems Shar-kali-Sharri is so rich that he can afford to import glass from Gallantaria.

The street entrance is a large and imposing archway, guarded by two SOLDIER MANTS. These insect men have the form of ants but are as tall as a man and stand upright on their hind legs. A little winged man flits around their heads, giving orders.

The MINIMITE flies towards you and introduces himself as Enno, Shar-kali-Sharri’s steward. He asks who you are and whether you have an appointment.

‘But of course you don’t,’ he squeaks crossly. ‘What makes you think my lord has time to see every hanger-on who turns up at his door unannounced?’

The little man’s imperious tone and habit of flitting to and fro is already beginning to annoy you. You tell him forcefully that Shar-kali-Sharri will want to make time to see you, as you have come about a matter dear to his heart; the mirror of Iltikar.

The Minimite gives an offended sniff but condescends to admit you to the house.

‘However, I must insist that you leave your weapons with the guards. No one is permitted to bear arms in my lord’s house unless they are in his service. You may have them back when you leave.’

Will you leave your quarterstaff with the guards?
If not, you will have to leave.

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Rey Ulthran
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 14/16
Luck: 10/11

Gold Pieces: 5
Bone bracelet (not worn)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:41 am
by Queen of Swords
We don't seem to have much choice, so leave the staff with the guards.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:18 pm
by Thaluikhain
I suppose we can't claim it's a walking stick? Fine, leave behind.
Beroli wrote:
Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:39 pm
In neither this nor the Sorcery books does Libra (or any other god, unless the Mampang gods creating the Seven Serpents counts) ever intervene without being asked by one of her worshipers, and when she does, it's in a way that doesn't impact anyone else. Black Elves crucify the protagonist of Sorcery: Libra causes a crow to untie them. Presumably if one of the slavers was, I don't know, bitten by a poisonous snake and called out to Libra for help, she would reply with something like, "YOU want my help? Well okay then. I will save you from the snakebite as soon as you complete everything on this list of actions to make amends to those you have treated as property. From the specific venom you are poisoned with you have approximately...ten seconds. Have fun asphixiating!" (Or possibly something slightly more helpful if she had some reason to believe the slaver was being less nakedly self-interested than they appear to be.)
Lunara does send shield maidens after people (admittedly shield maidens who ritually killed themselves for that reason, who might be a bit thin on the ground), and Libra chased them away, so there's that. Also, if the goddess of Justice can give out boons to people, you'd think there'd be some clause in there about not being in cities that are fine with slavery unless you are doing something about it.


Ok, looking Libra up on the FF wikia, it says that she understand Good and Evil, Law and Chaos. Bah, centrist god of neutrality. That explains everything, nevermind.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 5:10 pm
by JourneymanN00b
I vote to leave the quarterstaff with the guards.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:02 am
by Beroli
The Minimite leads you down a broad corridor with doors on either side. The interior of the house is just as impressive as the façade. The ceilings are high, the floor under foot is paved with large flagstones. Two Soldier Mants stand guard outside massive double doors in the wall to your right; at Enno’s command, one of the insect men opens them and accompanies you into the room beyond.

Jardakka whistles softly. You stand in the great hall of the house. For once, the adjective lives up to its name. Everything is on a monumental scale, a statement of Shar-kali-Sharri’s power and prestige. A cavernous fireplace takes up the wall to your right; to your left, a great expanse of glass, easily three metres across, looks out over the gardens. In front of this window is a long wooden table, dominated by the high-backed chair at one end. You would not be surprised if someone told you that it was the throne of a king.

‘Wait here, please.’ The Minimite flits over to another set of double doors in the far wall and disappears through the gap between them, leaving you alone with the Mant. The insect man does not try to stop you wandering around, allowing you to admire, but not touch, the costly antiques with which the hall is decorated. You wonder if the mirror of Iltikar is kept here but, if it is, it is not on display.

The double doors open and the Minimite reappears, but your attention is drawn rather by his exotic companion. The snake woman has the arms and head of a human female but the long sinuous body of a serpent. She holds her body upright, like a cobra poised to strike, but her long tail trails across the floor behind her. She slithers over to you. Even her head is not fully human because she has the large yellow eyes and pointed fangs of a snake.


You tell the SERPENTINE that you must speak to Shar-kali-Sharri about a private matter, the recent sale of an antique mirror.

‘I am my master’s eyesss and earsss. You may tell me everything.’

What you tell her will depend on your real intentions in coming here. What do you plan to do?

Scare the merchant into giving back the mirror by revealing that it is cursed?
Find out where the mirror is so you can come back later to steal it?
Take the mirror by force, killing Shar-kali-Sharri if necessary?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Rey Ulthran
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 14/16
Luck: 10/11

Gold Pieces: 5
Bone bracelet (not worn)

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:32 am
by JourneymanN00b
I vote to find out where the mirror is so Rey can come back later to steal it.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:19 am
by SGamerz
I think we should try to talk to the merchant first (although I'm not sure why "scaring" is the only option for that). If we're supposedly trying to correct an "unjust" mistake we made, then committing further crimes should be a last resort we seek as resolution, in case some other god or goddess find fault with us for stealing from merchants or murdering his secretary later.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:36 am
by Queen of Swords
Let's try to appeal to reason before we descend to theft. Tell the merchant the mirror is cursed.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:27 pm
by Thaluikhain
Tell them it's cursed, and we aren't even lying.

Also, a snake with human head and arms, but no mention of a human torso? Hmmm, different.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:43 pm
by Beroli
The Serpentine fixes you with her unblinking stare. Her gaze is hypnotic and you feel an irresistible urge to tell the truth. Jardakka looks at you in horror as you speak honestly and openly, revealing all your plans. You cannot quite believe what you have done and ready yourself for the worst.

Enno the Minimite springs into the air, squeaking in alarm. ‘I knew they were up to some mischief!’

The snake woman, however, appears thoughtful. ‘The mirror is cursssed? My master must hear of this.’

The Serpentine bids you wait while she fetches her master. After some minutes, the double doors open again and Shar-kali-Sharri enters the great

Your first sight of the merchant is quite a shock. You had no idea what he looked like, but the thought of a ‘rich merchant’ conjured up certain prejudices. He would be perfumed and fat, cushioned by his great wealth, or he would be a miser, thin and grasping. Nothing prepared you for the giant of a man who now stands before you, regarding you with the single eye in the middle of his forehead. Shar-kali-Sharri is a CYCLOPS. Although he is richly dressed, his manner is as rough as the big hands he places firmly on his hips.

‘Cursed my arse! You expect me to believe such rubbish? I didn’t get where I am today by believing fables fit for children!’

You tell the merchant about the unfortunate deaths of Vanaru and the Crolian and your own encounter with the Shield Maidens.

‘So the only living person to see these women is you, Sightmaster? How convenient! Do you think because I have only one eye I can’t see through
your tricks? I’ve paid good money for that mirror and I’m not giving it to two rogues who blunder in to my house telling ghost stories!’

Jardakka shoots you a quick glance.

‘We were given to understand by our associate Fox that no money had changed hands.’

‘More lies!’ the Cyclops roars. ‘And I’ve got the account books to prove it. Two hundred Gold Pieces I paid the sorcerer through my friend Enno here; if you want the mirror back you’ll have to give me three hundred!’

Jardakka mutters under her breath.

‘The thing is, my lord, the mirror was not his to sell, at least not his alone...’

Shar-kali-Sharri cuts you off with a wave of his hand. ‘I see how it is now! Always thought that Fox was too sly for his own good. Well, your squabbles are no concern of mine. How much will it take to get rid of you? Shall we say twenty Gold Pieces each? That’s forty in total, a more than generous offer for something I’ve already bought fair and square. Enno, go along to my strongbox and get the money now!’

Accept his money and leave?
Tell him that the money will be of no help to you if the mirror is not returned to Iltikar's tomb?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Rey Ulthran
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 14/16
Luck: 10/11

Gold Pieces: 5
Bone bracelet (not worn)

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:20 pm
by Thaluikhain
Tell him the money will be of no use.

(And, can we hang out at his place tonight so when the Shield Maidens turn up he can see them?)

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:33 pm
by SGamerz
Sadly, I don't think he's interested in our problem.

And here's the even sadder part: I'm quite sure the Shield Maidens are more interested in punishing thieves than recovering loot for their mistress. They'll probably continue to haunt us instead of the merchant (otherwise there's no need for this whole quest), and we'd either not get the opportunity to tell them where the mirror is or they won't care.

And I don't know whether he has the resources to take care of the Shield Maidens, but it's probably more convenient for the merchant to just throw us out of his house than help us deal with them anyway, so he has no reason to oblige us even if he knows we're telling the truth.

So I vote we take his money and go shopping for magical protection against the haunters, now that we should have enough cash.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:04 pm
by JourneymanN00b
I vote to take the money and go shopping for magical items, as we are clearly not going to be able to get the mirror back in this position.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:49 am
by Beroli
Taking the money and running wins 2-1.

Your readiness to agree to his suggestion confirms the merchant’s suspicions about you.

‘Just as I thought! All just a ruse to wheedle some money out of me. Well, Shar-kali-Sharri is an honest man, nevertheless, and keeps his word.’

Enno the Minimite returns in the company of two Soldier Mants, carrying a bag of Gold Pieces.

‘Don’t add insult to injury by counting it,’ the Cyclops warns. ‘Forty Gold Pieces I said you’d have and forty Gold Pieces is what you’ve got.’

He turns and stalks from the room, the Minimite fluttering along close to his ear.

You agree with Jardakka that you will look after the money for now; if you decide to go separate ways, you will give her half of whatever is left.

The Serpentine escorts you out of the great hall into the entrance corridor. As she opens the double doors, a young girl turns away quickly and limps towards a door at the far end of the corridor, which must lead to the garden of the house. The awkward movement suggests to you that she was eavesdropping outside the doors of the great hall until the moment before.

The girl is a cyclops. Despite her young age and the hunchback that makes her stoop like an old woman, she already stands fully as tall as you. You cannot help but stare after her. It is then that you notice that she carries the mirror of Iltikar in her left hand.

The Serpentine gestures towards the front door, indicating that you should leave now.

Try and grab the mirror?

[spoiler=Adventure Sheet]
Name: Rey Ulthran
Skill: 12/12
Stamina: 14/16
Luck: 10/11

Gold Pieces: 45
Bone bracelet (not worn)

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 1:55 am
by JourneymanN00b
I vote to leave, as I don't think that we can get the mirror at this point. I suspect that an instadeath might be in store there.

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 7: Queen of Shades

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:20 am
by SGamerz
Yay, we have the chance to rob and possibly traumatize a living, young innocent girl to fulfil our noble purpose of returning stolen loot to dead people!

Yeah, no, leave wait for a better opportunity. She may not have Shield Maiden spirits to avenge her, but she has a rich father who can sent a dozen assassins after us even if we succeed. I mean, we'd be doing it in broad daylight in front of her father's secretary. You can't get more stupid/suicidal than that.