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Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:46 am
by Longes
I was young and stupid, and thought that Exalted 2e is a good game.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:32 pm
by Stahlseele
One of my favourite Youtubers got to visit a game developers studio that's basically developing something like league of legends but with capital space ships it seems:

He also does videos on World of Tanks, WarThunder, Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:12 pm
by Longes
I love that the reason the protagonist of FarCry 4 has joined the terrorists and fights an evil dictator is because he wants to put the burial urn with ashes of his mother in the temple near the dictator's stronghold.
I now want a game where the Hero brings the macguffin to the mountain of doom because that's where the nearest mcdonnald's is

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:28 am
by Shrapnel
The hero of Doom 2 stayed behind on a demon-overrun Earth just to rescue his pet bunny, which is along those lines.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:26 am
by Koumei
So I've found that Master difficulty is about right for Diablo 2, and have just unlocked Torment difficulty. Apparently I punch above my weight, which is weird, because I suck at video games.

I think I've figured out what it is: I clocked over 100 hours on Torchlight 2, which is the same style of "Point and Click Adventure. Use Sword on Goblin." game. And by now I've realised an important thing:

There are two parts of the screen. The top 3/4 has little men running around on it, and you can basically ignore it. The bottom 1/4 has your HP, Mana/Resource bar, and your ability cooldowns. This is what you need to look at.

Really, just make sure you're actually clicking on enemies you want to kill, and look out for treasure goblins and item drops. Other than that, just focus on the part of the screen that matters.

Caveat: enemies with Arcane Enchanted/Orbiting/Frozen hammer me hard because they require actually looking at the screen. Similar to that boss in the expansion who has a cannon-arm in the burning house where bits of the room collapse on you. Suddenly it's some kind of avoider game where even a Crusader takes "about all" damage from one hit :/

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:58 am
by Stahlseele
This War of mine sounds like an reasonably interesting game.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:18 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Koumei wrote: Caveat: enemies with Arcane Enchanted/Orbiting/Frozen hammer me hard because they require actually looking at the screen. Similar to that boss in the expansion who has a cannon-arm in the burning house where bits of the room collapse on you. Suddenly it's some kind of avoider game where even a Crusader takes "about all" damage from one hit :/
I play a fetish witch doctor (HURR) and I don't even have to look at the bottom of the screen. All I have to do is not stand in fire and I win... I am comfy at Torment II myself with no desire to fiddle with things to go higher and have pretty much abandoned the game until next expac.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:15 pm
by Leress
I have a extra Witcher 2 GOG code if anyone wants it just PM me. First come, first served.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:13 am
by Archmage Joda
So, are there any free to play MMORPGs that would be worth my time playing, particularly as a mage?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:31 am
by Koumei
Yes, there are two I can name:
-Neverwinter. It's 4E D&D kind of, and the late game is all about the microtransaction, so ignore that shit, play to level 30 or whatever then call it a day.
-Rift. It's awesome.

In both cases the initial download is huge.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:08 am
by Pariah Dog
Not quite Free to Play but rather Buy to Play (between $15 and $30 as it goes on sale) but I was a big fan of The Secret World. I love the world they built in it.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:15 pm
by Longes
Inquisition ruined the mystery of Hawke's absence at the end of DA2. His disappearance is insanely boring and pointless.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:59 pm
by Reynard
Stahlseele wrote:
This War of mine sounds like an reasonably interesting game.
It is. Not too complicated, but amusing.

It also lacks proper manual (wiki is in its early stages), is a bit buggy at the moment (occasionally crashes), and starting conditions are weird.

There is no way to set harder/lower difficulty and "random" is not that random. Generally the same as the previous game. I had to restart three times before 1 of the starting three people changed (there are 10 people in total), for example.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:17 pm
by Shrapnel
Another cock-up on the electronics front.

For whatever reason, my 3DS has taken to making this hideous electronic screeching noise whenever the top screen is touched by an air molecule or looked at; it sounds like an auto-tuned banshee. On top of this, my computer has gotten a virus. It seems that when it comes to electronic entertainment, I can't have good things.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:32 pm
by Longes
I think Ubisoft is just trolling at this point

Assassin's Creed Unity is still barely working. The latest bug is that the game freezes on loading screen. Ubisoft has offered a solution.
You can take the following steps to prevent a crash:

If you already have GAME CONTACTS, perform the following to remove them: My Brotherhood > My Contacts > Game Contacts (using RB/R1) > Focus on a Contact (LS) > More Actions (Y/Triangle) > Remove from contacts.
So, yeah, you can play the AC:UNITY, which heavily relies on online content if you just get rid of all your friends.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:31 pm
by Stahlseele
Can somebody tell me why games like Civ5 and right now for me especially Sim City : Cities of Tomorrow, are so gods be damned addictive? x.x
I know that emperically at least Sim City and to a lesser account due to having been dumbed down considerably also Civ5 are technically bad games . . and yet i can't help but notice that i have actually logged 200+ hours into each of these two x.x

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:47 am
by Koumei
Someone gifted me the new Mordheim game on Steam. It's pre-release/early access, so it's very rough around the edges, but the main issues look like the kind of issues you expect in those early stages, and I'd be surprised (and disappointed) if they remained in the final release.

So far you can only do Skirmish mode, with a pre-made team of Mercenaries or Skaven - whichever you choose, the AI plays the other one. But they promise to include a whole bunch of lists, proper team building with "Lol, that dude is now dead forever" and campaigns.

Now granted, it's tied to WHFB, which is A) A GW thing with all the problems that entails, and B) the less interesting, "peasants covered in shit" IP not the "SPACE CHAINSAW SWORDS AND FLYING PSYCHIC ROBOTS WITH HARPOONS" one. Also, Mordie is even *more* "You are that little guy there, yes, the one covered in shit and holding a stick" than regular WHFB. But less so than WHFRP, at least most people come equipped with a greatsword or pair of pistols or whatever.

There's some good news though: it's not tied to the Mordie tabletop rules. Any video game based on GW stuff needs to not cling to the existing rules. It uses percentages for success rates, and these are typically in 5 or 10% increments, so it's not based on rolling X+ on 1d6. Damage is more like your usual "Deals 10-30 damage, enemy has up to 100 HP" fare. Terrain matters a lot, with various things having little "Interact here" points for climbing and jumping.

Overall, it looks like this could be a decent tactical game and not "a faithful recreation of waterboarding by GW". But they do still have time to make it shit if they want to do that.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:55 pm
by Longes
Game of Thrones by Telltale is pretty good. It suffers badly from the illusion of choice *cough*teleporting Ramsay's men*cough*, but the plot is tense and characters are likable. I liked Tales from the Borderlands more, but I wait episode 2 for both games.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:22 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I mentioned this in the Dragon Age thread, but I am posting it here too so those who aren't following it can see.

There are nipples in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Not male nipples, the good kind. I was kind of shocked, I was expecting fully clothed humping like in other Bioware games, but I was shocked. Like holy crap, Cassandra's Nipples...

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:24 pm
by Guyr Adamantine
I'll contact the local news.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:38 pm
by Longes
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward ends on mother of all cliffhangers, and then the fucking third game in the series has never been made, because the series didn't sell well enough in Japan! RAGAARARGARAGH. I hate cliffhangers. So. Fucking. Much.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:58 am
by Koumei
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:Not male nipples, the good kind.
I lol'd.

Meanwhile, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend is out, and with a name like that, you know it's a fighting game. Now with more plot-shaping dialogue! ... =357123667 ... =357123695 ... =357123726

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:06 pm
by Whipstitch
I nearly sprayed cola through my nose laughing when I loaded up NBA 2k15 and realized the game rates Kobe Bryant as having a max rating shot IQ.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:30 pm
by Shrapnel
So, yesterday I bought Hyrule Warriors at GameStop for $49.99, which I thought was a pretty good deal, considering the game was just recently released.

However, much to my chagrin and horror, upon returning home I discovered that the copy I had bought was not new, as I previously suspected, but it was in fact USED. The disc was covered in grimy fingerprints and oh god it was awful. Now I have to return it to GameStop and suffer their draconian and archaic return policies.

Sadness, such.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:03 pm
by Koumei
After a lot of asking around (amongst people who I figured would know these things), I picked up WWE 2K13.

Basically what I wanted to do was one of the following:
* Create a "Diva" (female wrestler) and run career mode with them
* Do Universe/General Manager mode, fire everyone (at least, all the males), hire on a bunch of female wrestlers, and book+play matches that way, basically running Shimmer (women's wrestling league, not the sexual kind) with a bigger budget.

The first is not a thing you can do in these games. One of the older ones let you do Career Mode with one specific existing Diva, but that was it. Later games don't even have a career mode, instead just "letting" you replay THE GREATEST MATCHES FROM (the Attitude Era, Wrestlemanias, whatever). Which is total balls.

Apparently 2k13 is the one that lets you do the second of the two, although you have to have Tag Champions*, Inter-Chris-inentalIntercontinental Champion* and Super WWE World Heavyweight Champion of the World, and those titles have to be held by men. But you can seriously export created characters onto a USB stick, then edit them on the PC so obviously female wrestlers have the "Is a man" tag and can fight for the big titles.

And apparently '14 and '15 are just worse than '13 in general, with more bugs and crap, because the company that makes these games is kind of crappy and very lazy.

*Ignore that in both cases, women have held these titles before. Hell, I'd go so far as to say that Chyna is the best IC champion who wasn't called Chris.