[Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes tallied; attacking the bandit warrior won over rallying the Sommlending soldiers by a 2-1 vote.


You are in combat with a Vassagonian horseman who is now unhorsed and fighting on foot. You cannot evade this warrior and you must fight him to the death.

Bandit Horseman:

     If you win, turn to 249.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 15 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 2 (Mindblast) + 2 (Kai Shield) – 17 = 4
Round 1 Roll: 1
Player Endurance: 18 – 4 = 14
Bandit Horseman Endurance: 24 – 5 = 19
Round 2 Roll: 7
Player Endurance: 14 – 1 = 13
Bandit Horseman Endurance: 19 – 11 = 8
Round 3 Roll: 7
Player Endurance: 13 – 1 = 12
Bandit Horseman Endurance: 8 – 11 = -3

Lone Wolf kills his 40th fascist in 3 rounds while taking 6 ENDURANCE points of damage in the process.

(Illustration overleaf)

You run half-crouched to the barricade and prise a bow from the hand of a dead soldier. You have spotted the leader of the bandit cavalry. He is a tall, dark-skinned warrior with a thin, chiseled nose. He is rallying his horsemen at the foot of the stone watchtower. You know you must kill him before he can regroup his troops, or D’Val and his hard-pressed soldiers will be ridden down and mercilessly slaughtered.
     You notch an arrow and draw back the bowstring. The straining cord bites sharply into your fingers as carefully you take aim.
     Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Discipline of Weaponskill (any weapon), add 2 to the number you have picked.
     If your total is now 3 or lower, turn to 153.
     If it is 4-7, turn to 323.
     If it is 8 or higher, turn to 39.

249. You have spotted the leader of the bandit cavalry.

Lone Wolf does not have the Kai Discipline of Weaponskill. Rolling the die yielded a 5.


You release the arrow and it whistles through the air to bury itself deeply into the mail-clad shoulder of the bandit leader. You hear his scream of pain ring out above the din of battle, but even though he is badly wounded he still attempts to rally his soldiers. You stoop to take another arrow but, to your horror, the dead soldier’s quiver is empty. Looking up you see two dismounted Vassagonian horsemen clambering across the barricade towards you. You throw down your bow and run to a large water cask that is being defended by a stout Sommlending sergeant. The ground around the cask is carpeted thickly with enemy dead.


     ‘Shoot the leader!’ you command, pointing towards the enemy officer. The sergeant turns, aims and fires a bow with one swift and fluid movement. The arrow arcs through the battle-smoke and pierces the officer’s shiny breastplate. Slowly his cruel eyes flicker and close as he slips from the saddle with the shaft lodged deep in his heart.
     To continue, turn to 148.


‘To me! To me!’ Captain D’Val’s voice booms out above the battle noise. ‘Rally to me, Sommlending!’
     The brave captain draws about him a shielded wedge of soldiers and charges into the flank of the horsemen. They reel and buckle as the shield-wedge hews its way through their company. A Vassagonian herald, his crimson armor torn and his face flecked with blood, breaks free from the battle and sounds the retreat. You watch as the surviving bandits spur their mounts to the gallop, desperate now to escape through the ragged hole in the barricade. Gripped by panic and fatigue, they ride through their own foot soldiers who are advancing to support them. The infantry falter under this unexpected onslaught and quickly their ranks collapse as the cavalry ride them down.
     Captain D’Val leads his soldiers to the barricade and directs a lethal volley of arrows into the shattered infantry. It is the last straw. They throw down their weapons and flee in panic from the clouds of arrows raining down on them from out of the smoke-filled sky.
     A battle-cry, proud and strident, pursues them across the plain:
     ‘For Sommerlund, for Sommerlund!’
     Turn to 137.

148. A Vassagonian herald breaks free from the battle and sounds the retreat.


All around the barricade the enemy are retreating in disorder. Bandit war horns announce the withdrawal, exhorting their defeated warriors to flee the battlefield. A jubilant Captain D’Val emerges from the war smoke, his eyes shining like bright jewels beneath the rim of his battered helmet.
     ‘We have triumphed, Lone Wolf. We have vanquished the foe!’
     All around you, the captain’s guards are rebuilding the barricade and tending to their wounded comrades. It sorrows you to see Sommlending dead, but you take heart at how few they are beside the enemy’s losses.
     The captain ushers you to the watchtower where your wounds are cleaned and dressed with Laumspur. The herbs restore 6 ENDURANCE points.
     ‘We have beaten this foe, though I fear it is but a temporary reprieve,’ says the captain, his face now composed and somber.
     ‘The sacrifice of Baron Vanalund’s daughter must be stopped if we are to avoid catastrophe, for our strength will not avail us against any foe freshly risen from the grave.’
     The words of the verse flood into your mind and a chill runs down your spine as you realize what may lie ahead. In three days’ time, when the moon is full, Barraka will sacrifice the Baron’s daughter at the buried temple of Maaken, a sacrifice that will unleash the dead of Maakengorge. You know you must do everything possible to prevent the sacrifice from taking place.
     To continue, turn to 12.


Fifty miles due south of Ruanon, the ruined city of Maaken teeters on the brink of the infamous Maakengorge. A cold sweat breaks out upon your brow as you contemplate the difficulty of your mission, for you are separated from your goal by miles of enemy-held territory. There is a small flicker of hope from which you draw some comfort. With the enemy in confusion and retreat, your chances of success will be far higher now than they were before battle.
Before you set off on your perilous mission, Captain D’Val offers you the choice of the following equipment and provisions (if you do not have a Backpack, you are outfitted with one by Captain D’Val):

Enough food for 3 Meals
Potion of Laumspur (this restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)

Remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart before turning to 140.

Here’s the recap: Lone Wolf slaughters the bandit horseman, who deals 6 ENDURANCE damage before giving up the ghost as Lone Wolf’s 40th dead fascist. Lone Wolf then wounds the leader of this fascist group with a bow and arrow from a dead soldier and asks a fellow communist to finish the leader off. Captain D’Val manages to rally the communists and win the battle. Lone Wolf restores 11 ENDURANCE points from his Healing Kai Discipline and the medical attention he receives from the watchtower personnel. Now, Lone Wolf has the option to get additional gear from Captain D’Val before he begins his mission to save Baron Vanalund’s daughter. Please make your votes on what gear to acquire and drop before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
1. Broadsword
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Long Rope (Slot 1)
4. Long Rope (Slot 2)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
BELT POUCH: 23 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Since the new rope takes up only 1 slot, drop our rope and replace it with the new one.

Then take a Laumspur potion and a Meal too.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Makes sense, though the old rope is a long rope, which might be better.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will drop the Long Rope, and get a Rope, Potion of Laumspur, and a Meal.


Dusk soon enshrouds the beleaguered outpost of Ruanon. You make use of the cover of the encroaching darkness to cross the body-strewn plain towards the south. An old highway trails off to Maaken but it is choked with Vassagonian warriors. They stand about in sullen groups, tending their wounded and brooding on their defeat. However, even demoralized and dejected, these warriors are still deadly foes. It will be too dangerous to risk passing through their ranks, so you must use the forest to conceal your passage around them.
     If you choose to venture through the trees to the right of the highway, turn to 70.
     If you decide to pass through the trees to the left, turn to 314.

With Lone Wolf restored to full ENDURANCE from his Healing Kai Discipline, please make your votes on whether to embrace socialism or Nazism before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
1. Broadsword
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
BELT POUCH: 23 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Left of the road.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Stick to the magic direction for Lone Wolf when there's no clues pointing either way: left.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will choose to embrace socialism in honor of National Left Handers Day.


The forest is patrolled by bandits, but they seem to take little interest in their guard duties and you find it easy to avoid them in the dark. Then, by chance, you come across a small log cabin hidden deep in the woods. A candle flickers at the window and its door is ajar.
     If you choose to enter the hut, turn to 53.
     If you deicide not to enter the hut, you can continue your mission by turning to 258.


Please make your votes on whether to go into the hut or not before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Enter the hut.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Investigate random hut.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Looks like the hut is occupied (lit candle), and we're on a stealth rescue mission. Bypass and continue.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; entering the hut won over not entering it by a 2-1 vote.


The door slams shut and you spin round to see a bandit leaping at you from out of the shadows. His head is swathed in bloodied bandages, but he is armed and he is determined to fight you to the death.

Wounded Bandit:

     He fights you with his back to the door and you cannot evade him.
     If you win the combat, turn to 109.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 15 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 2 (Mindblast) + 2 (Kai Shield) – 13 = 8
Round 1 Roll: 0
Player Endurance: 24 – 0 = 24
Wounded Bandit is automatically killed

Thanks to rolling a 0, Lone Wolf kills the wounded bandit in one round to increase his fascist kill count to 41.


You roll the dead bandit over with the toe of your boot and make a quick search of his body. In so doing, you discover the following items:

3 Gold Crowns

     You may take and keep any of the above items (remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart). As you are leaving, you notice a trapdoor set into the floor. Curiosity prompts you to open it. As the hatch hinges back, you see that it leads down to the cellar of the building.

     If you possess Sixth Sense, turn immediately to 253.
     If you wish to search the cellar, turn to 347.
     If you decide to leave the hut, turn to 258.

Lone Wolf possesses Sixth Sense.


Your Sixth Sense warns you it would be perilous to search this cellar. The bandit you slew may not have been alone.
     Now return to 109 to make your choice.

I will assume that the 3 Gold Crowns are taken upon reaching section 109. Please make your votes on whether to exchange the Broadsword for a Dagger or a Sword and whether to trust the Sixth Sense warning before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
1. Broadsword
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
BELT POUCH: 26 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Leave the hut.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Leave the hut. Exchange the Broadsword for a Dagger.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Good to see an actual improvement in the new editions' changes this time.

Leave the hut.

As to weapons, I don't see the point of carrying 2 of the same type of weapons without Weaponskill bonus. If we want to switch, I'd rather to switch Broadsword for Dagger. At least it's a weapon type that Sommerswerd doesn't already cover.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; leaving the hut and dropping the Broadsword for the Dagger.


Quickly you leave the hut behind and press on through the trees. By morning, you have reached the edge of the forest. Staring out across the fields of tall crops, you see a small village resting at the base of a shallow valley. The fields are only separated by narrow tracks, which are alive with flying insects hovering in swarms.
     You are walking along the track when suddenly you spot bandits ahead. They are wandering idly up the track towards you, their spears slung casually over their shoulders.
     If you possess an Onyx Medallion, turn at once to 305.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage and you have reached the Kai Rank of Guardian, or higher, turn to 49.
     If you do not have this Special Item, or this Discipline and Kai Rank, you must dive into the tall crops and hide from the bandits (turn to 159).

258. The bandits are wandering idly up the track towards you.

Lone Wolf does not have an Onyx Medallion or the Kai Discipline of Camouflage.


You lie with your face pressed close to the crop roots, your breath held and your nerves stretched as taut as bowstrings, waiting for the patrol to pass.
     Hundreds of minute creatures busily file up and down the yellowed stalks. Your whole body begins to prickle as you imagine they are swarming up your legs, up your sleeves and down the neck of your tunic. When a trickle of sweat runs down your cheek, you nearly cry out and reveal your hiding place.
     The bandits amble past barely inches from where you hide, totally oblivious to your presence. When you are sure they are no longer on the track, you jump up and frantically scratch at your itching skin.


     To your horror, you discover that your legs are covered with crawling insects feasting on your blood. Ripping your clothes off, you empty them from your boots and scrape them from your skin before hurrying off along the track. The blood-sucking insects have robbed you of 2 ENDURANCE points.
     To continue, turn to 204.


You bypass a village with orange toa wood cabins and stone walls and climb through the tall fields towards a wooded ridge. Beyond the ridge, you enter thick forest and discover a bubbling freshwater stream. You drink deeply and realize how hungry you are. You must eat a Meal here or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
     As night falls you reach the city of Maaken. The gaunt, weed-infested ruins of this shattered city are spread like a vast graveyard and bathed in the eerie light of a near-full moon. A sound fills the air like the wailing of lost souls; it is the cry of Maakengorge.
     It has been nearly two days since you last slept and fatigue begins to overwhelm you. Drawing your Kai cloak close about your shoulders, you settle down to sleep. You will need all your strength for the daunting task that lies ahead.
     To continue, turn to 142.


Dawn arrives, rain-swept and gloom-laden. A pall of drizzle hangs over the ghost city and the gruesome discord of the wailing winds of Maakengorge make you feel deeply uneasy. You watch and wait, your Kai cloak drawn close about your shoulders to keep out the unwholesome, damp air.
     It was here, during the Age of the Black Moon, that King Ulnar I of Sommerlund killed the mightiest of the Darklords – Lord Vashna. In mortal combat upon the very brink of the abyss, the Darklord was slain by Ulnar’s sword – the Sommerswerd. It is said that his death-cry when he fell will echo throughout the gorge until the day he rises to wreak his vengeance on Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar. Your stomach tightens when you consider that today could be that very day.
     For five hours you observe and take in every detail of the ruined city (You may wish to note that you have visited the Ruins of Maaken for future reference). Over and over, the first line of the strange verse keeps repeating itself in your mind. ‘When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep …’ Clearly the temple must be located somewhere underground and there must be an entrance to it. But where?

142. The crypt door is guarded by two Vassagonian warriors.

     You study every crack in the broken ground and eliminate all but two possibilities. The first is a crypt door guarded by two Vassagonian warriors and the second is a flight of marble steps which descend into the gray earth between two columns of fractured stone pillars.
     If you choose to attempt to enter the subterranean temple by way of the guarded crypt door, turn to 183.
     If you decide to try to enter via the unguarded marble steps, turn to 270.

Here’s the recap: Lone Wolf is forced to hide in the fields to avoid detection by a group of bandits and gets bitten by insects as a result of this. Fortunately, his Healing Kai Discipline manages to recover the 2 ENDURANCE that he lost from the bites as Lone Wolf reaches Maaken. Lone Wolf now has the choice to enter the underground temple through either the guarded crypt door or the unguarded marble steps. Please make your votes on which entry route to take before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Brass Key
8. Meal
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
BELT POUCH: 26 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Crypt door. They're more likely to be guarding the place where their leader has gone to make the sacrifice than a random crypt.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Unguarded marble steps.

I think both ways lead into the temple. The one without guards probably has some other form of protection (like a mechanical lock obstacle). We don't have the discipline that's for sneaking past guards (camouflage) but we have most of the other disciplines, so are more likely to me able to deal with other types of obstacles (like unlocking the theoretical mechanics with Mind-over-Matter).
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half vote for unguarded way
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; trying to enter via the unguarded marble steps won over trying to enter by way of the guarded crypt door by a 1.5-1 vote.


The rain and the gloom hide your approach and you are able to reach the marble stairs unseen. The steps are overgrown with mold and weeds, but a path has been trod through them that leads down into the darkness of a huge underground vault.
     If you possess a Torch in your Backpack, turn to 29.
     If you possess a Kalte Firesphere, turn to 168.
     If you have neither of these items, you can continue your way forward in darkness by turning to 246.
     Or, you can leave the vault and attempt to enter the temple by way of the crypt door instead, by turning to 183.

Lone Wolf possesses a Kalte Firesphere.

(Illustration overleaf)

You break open the two halves of your Kalte Firesphere and hold the flaming hemispheres above your head as you advance deeper into the vault. You gasp as you spot a hideous black-skinned creature perched on a rail near the ceiling. Dull, satanic eyes follow your every move and its mouth opens and closes as if it is shouting silent curses. Suddenly, the Daemonak glides down from its perch and attacks.
     If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 34.
     If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 85.

168. Dull, satanic eyes follow your every move.

Lone Wolf possesses the Sommerswerd.


The creature’s body is washed by the shimmering golden light of your sword. A look of terror twists its ghoulish face and it hurls itself upward to avoid your deadly sword blow. You brace yourself for another onslaught… but it never comes. Your silent attacker is no longer in this chamber. It has escaped into a fissure in the ceiling.
     Sheathing your divine blade, you prepare to continue on your way. You notice a low portal set in the wall of the vault. It leads to a long and narrow corridor.
     If you wish to pass through the low portal and along the corridor beyond, turn to 235.
     If you decide to leave the vault and attempt to enter the temple by way of the guarded crypt door, turn instead to 183.

Please make your votes on whether to keep going or turn back to try the other entry route before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Keep going.

Also, they have the concept of satan here?
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

We've come this far. Go through the portal.

And yes, shouldn't that be dull naarish eyes?
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Pass through the portal.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will pass through the low portal and along the corridor beyond.


The corridor ends at a flight of steps that descends a hundred feet into the earth. At the bottom, a short passage leads to a junction where a tunnel runs from north to south. To the north you can see a torchlit cavern with what appear to be observation slits carved into the wall. To the south, a passage leads towards a low balcony.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 296.
     If you decide to investigate the torchlit cavern, turn to 177.
     If you choose to take a look over the low balcony, turn to 100.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Tracking.


Thanks to your Discipline you establish that the Maakengorge is located to the south. It may be the best way to find Madelon and prevent her sacrifice.
     Now return to 235 to make your choice.

Please make your votes on whether to trust Lone Wolf’s Tracking findings before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

To the balcony.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Look over the balcony.
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