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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:40 pm
by icyshadowlord
Longes wrote:
Kaelik wrote:Apparently I'm also tagged as a cheater? I honestly didn't notice, but at this point, I've been invaded by nothing but cheaters for 4 separate invasions over the last two days. So I actually read the intro message and I'm tagged as "inappropriate game content" or whatever.

Fuck :(.

I did some cursory googling, and it does look like many people who played offline when the servers went down were flagged. Kinda shitty.
The online mechanics in Dark Souls 3 are really terrible. You left an online session (i.e., anything with the other players present) in any way other than by dying? You get penalty points. Black Separation Crystal? Get penalty points. Power outage? Get penalty points. Eventually this gets you banned.


Edit: No seriously, what the actual fuck?!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:22 pm
by Longes
What? Not like you are going to refund the game on Steam or whatever console you have. Namco Bandai aint gotta explain shit to you. Secret game mechanics that wreck your online play? Eat up and don't forget to say thanks.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:05 pm
by DSMatticus
DS2 had similar problems, and I don't think a single ban was ever lifted. Ultimately the bans are managed by From, and AFAIK From does not even have an English-speaking support that you can call or email. So Namco will tell you to contact From and From both cannot and does not want to talk to you. The fact that Namco has said they're "aware" something has gone wrong is an improvement, because for DS2 they'd just tell you to talk to the devs and then laugh uncontrollably at their own joke. I'm still not optimistic though, because From are kind of a bunch of assholes in the first place, and I'm betting that at the end of the day they treat everyone who's been accidentally banned like cheaters who are trying to wiggle out of it.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:11 pm
by OgreBattle
This reddit thread says black separation crystal doesn't give you a softban, but disconnecting during multiplayer does ... rs_tested/

The "Way of White Circlet" erases penalty points. Everyone starts with one in their inventory. I've also heard people saying that another one appears in the coffin you first crawl out of after X hours of play. Unconfirmed.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:23 pm
by DSMatticus
Note that all of the remote save-fucking of DS1 is back in DS3. If you are invaded by a cheater, they can edit your stats and inventory. In DS2, at least, cheaters had to trick you into equipping corrupt items to ruin your save and get you softbanned. But now we're back to the DS1 days where they just have to join your game and push a button. DS1 had a community fix for that called PVP watchdog, but to do so it had to hook into the game - which would result in a softban for DS2 or DS3.

Dark Souls had better anticheat before it had anticheat. :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:57 pm
by hyzmarca
DSMatticus wrote:Note that all of the remote save-fucking of DS1 is back in DS3. If you are invaded by a cheater, they can edit your stats and inventory. In DS2, at least, cheaters had to trick you into equipping corrupt items to ruin your save and get you softbanned. But now we're back to the DS1 days where they just have to join your game and push a button. DS1 had a community fix for that called PVP watchdog, but to do so it had to hook into the game - which would result in a softban for DS2 or DS3.

Dark Souls had better anticheat before it had anticheat. :roll:
My understanding is that softbanned accounts can still interact with other softbanned accounts, so the solution to that is to get everyone softbanned. When everyone is softbanned, no one will be.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:07 pm
by Kaelik
It would be nice if the White thing did anything, but for fuck sakes, you can't use it before the ban, because you don't know you are even accumulating points, and you can't use it after the ban, because you are banned, and in any case, it is still "here is a consumable item you have one of that erases hidden ban points you get for playing the game."
hyzmarca wrote:My understanding is that softbanned accounts can still interact with other softbanned accounts, so the solution to that is to get everyone softbanned. When everyone is softbanned, no one will be.
I mean, that is the solution, but I only even realized I was banned because three straight invasions literally could not take damage when I attacked them, so it looks like the point where non cheaters fill up the invasion ban queue is far a fucking way.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:22 pm
by icyshadowlord
I have no idea if I am banned or not...

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:39 pm
by Kaelik
icyshadowlord wrote:I have no idea if I am banned or not...
When you start the game and first log into the server, it will flash a message about the most recent patch, if it doesn't say (before the patch part) [INVALID GAME CONTENT DETECTED] BLAHBLAHBLAH Then you aren't banned.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:34 am
by OgreBattle
Playin' DS3 has gotten me to reflect on other "run around with a sword in 3D" games


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:49 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I've acquired Final Fantasy Tactics again. I wasn't satisfied with how I left it (after tossing it across the room in a rage after 3 consecutive wipes on random monster encounters) and I wanted to give it another try. After consulting some online guides I figured my main problem was me playing like an idiot (not learning a variety of abilities, overspecializing in specific classes, and so forth).

The game greeted me by having everyone swarm my chemists in the first story battle and knocking them the hell out. Luckily the battle ended before the death could be permanent, but I clearly have work to do.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:10 am
by maglag
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I've acquired Final Fantasy Tactics again. I wasn't satisfied with how I left it (after tossing it across the room in a rage after 3 consecutive wipes on random monster encounters) and I wanted to give it another try. After consulting some online guides I figured my main problem was me playing like an idiot (not learning a variety of abilities, overspecializing in specific classes, and so forth).
That's not you being an idiot, that's just you being misled by the game's title and expecting that using good tactics would be enough for victory, when that particular FF game is all about number crunching the hell out of job combinations before battle even starts.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:46 am
by OgreBattle
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I figured my main problem was me playing like an idiot (not learning a variety of abilities, overspecializing in specific classes, and so forth).
I started with a 'balanced' approach of White Mage, Black Mage, Archer, Knight/Monk

At the end of the game it was pretty much Ninjas running around killing everyone before they could act.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:36 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Replace Ninjas with Mimes and you described my Final Fantasy 5 experience.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:58 pm
by Omegonthesane
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:Replace Ninjas with Mimes and you described my Final Fantasy 5 experience.
Assuming that isn't a typo, that one is more clearly intentional - you get various abilities as you level up all the classes, then you get a bunch of mimes with White6, Black6, Summon, and Time between them, and maybe a Freelancer as a melee damage source but really I'm not sure why I bothered.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:04 pm
by Whipstitch
White mages, thieves, and archers are all pretty janky as primary classes. The game is a fair bit easier if you resign yourself to only fielding 1 or 2 of those classes at a time until you have groomed some nice bruisers to carry them through random battles.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:06 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Omegonthesane wrote:
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:Replace Ninjas with Mimes and you described my Final Fantasy 5 experience.
Assuming that isn't a typo, that one is more clearly intentional - you get various abilities as you level up all the classes, then you get a bunch of mimes with White6, Black6, Summon, and Time between them, and maybe a Freelancer as a melee damage source but really I'm not sure why I bothered.
Considering that mimes can do the spellblade/dual wield/rapid fire and that knives are pretty uber in that game (their attack power is low but are affected by both strength and agility, something a properly equipped mime will have in spades), the only thing a freelancer can do that a mime can't is wear decent armor. For funsies, I gave one of my mimes berserk, equip axe, and Equip Armor. No real reason, mostly because I thought it was funny.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:37 am
by OgreBattle
Whipstitch wrote:White mages, thieves, and archers are all pretty janky as primary classes.
When I found out monks can heal and revive is when WHM disappeared from my roster, though sometimes showed up as a sub ability for MP heavy classes.

Would be interesting if they did a new Tactics game with a super serious take on class balance, maybe with lessons learned from the FF MMO's.

I got into tabletop miniatures games primarily 'cause they seemed like "FFT/TO with miniatures I can paint!". They've made gashapon of the main characters in FFT, but it'd be nice if they made some 28mm scale class gashapon.


Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 12:44 pm
by Stahlseele ... el2Io5NP9g
Oh please please please let it be true and don't make it suck x.x

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 1:53 pm
by Koumei
Let's not start getting excited or hyped or anything. Wait until they actually say "Yes, DoW3 is very much a thing, and here is our projected timeline and these are the people making it and here are some screenshots/videos showing it's not just in the ideas stage". That can also be late enough in the cycle to get an idea whether it's FIVE MANS or proper armies, and how many different factions will be present, and if it's the replayable DoW1Expansion style campaign maps or something shitty.

I'm setting excitement to zero points for the time being.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 2:56 pm
by Stahlseele
I got special feelings in my pants from that trailer!
Imperial Knights and Wraith Knights? Ork Stompas?
Appearantly, it's going to be a MIX between DOW1 and DOW2.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:00 pm
by Koumei
Well there's no gameplay footage, so don't get too excited. But assuming the things shown are actually things you can field, that's promising: the BIG things (and potentially people might be able to replace those with equal amounts of small stuff if they want). Also nice red hair on the Banshees, against the bone-white and grey. There should be a unit upgrade that has someone carry that background around behind them so it always stands out so starkly.

I give zero shits about Spaz Morans of any kind, but doubly so for their Special Chapter Sparkly Special, so if it's just another campaign for them, it's going to be just like the previous games: base game worthless, wait for decent expansions.

If it's even just one campaign for each of the three races there... I'll wait for expansions actually. Because I'd only play a third of the game, and even then that's just once. If it's three races, a storymode for each, and then a worldmap campaign thing like in "DoW 1: the good expansions", then that's at least reasonable.

Obviously the point where I'd actually be willing to buy it is the point where Sistaz make their return. Or failing that, when it has all three flavours of Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, and the Adeptus Mechanicus. Excitement is still very low here.

But hey, they've shown more than "Yes we are making this", they've shown "We spent time and money making decent cutscenes so there's already investment in there" and they showed off a lot of stuff that is potentially playable.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:23 pm
by Stahlseele ... lease-date
Here's a bit of the Press Release and some assumptions.

For me, it's a buy already.
I love the WH40K universe, i loved both DOW1 and 2 and this seems to be a mix with some base building ala DOW1 but also Elite Units ala DOW2.
The Campaign will go back to being like it was in DOW2, where you transition from marines to either orks or eldar and then the other race it seems.
Which i liked more than the tactical battlemap stuff because the missions sadly got repetitive fast <.<

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:38 pm
by Blade
Still waiting for a Dynasty Warriors style WH40K FPS. Play a hero on the battlefield, slaughter hordes of mooks, fight against enemy heroes and make daring attacks on the enemy's largest troops (jumping on tanks or climbing titans)... with some basic tactical layer to let you lead your troops.

But a good DoW3 could be nice as well.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:22 pm
by Koumei
Stahlseele wrote: The Campaign will go back to being like it was in DOW2, where you transition from marines to either orks or eldar and then the other race it seems.
I found that so crappy that I ended up skipping it after a short trial, and went straight for Retribution... which also wasn't that good, but at least you could play through as a Hive Tyrant.
Which i liked more than the tactical battlemap stuff because the missions sadly got repetitive fast <.<
Well if you enjoy the actual gameplay, the tactical battlemap gives you loads of that to enjoy. And admittedly with close to zero story (or at least, almost nothing in the way of cutscenes). If you don't, then I'd suggest not playing the game. All story modes have been bad for actual gameplay (with special mention to Retribution ALSO having literally the same series of events for every faction). At the end of the day, it breaks down to what you like about it:
A) Just the 40k setting: read /tg/ stories and things like that. Maybe the novels. (This is the same as if your answer is "Eldar boobs")
B) The story and cut scenes: watch them on Youtube for free, now with zero gameplay necessary
C) Gameplay: you definitely want tactical battlemap with gradual increases for your starting force and your commander and each battle starting relatively small then scaling up in the way you decide and mostly adhering to "play the game normally, go and kill a bunch of dudes, no fannying about with super special objectives and restrictions and interruptions for things happening".