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Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:58 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
That's something I would certainly enjoy, too.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:08 am
by ColorBlindNinja61
I've never taken a super close look at Frostburn. I mostly remember it for being the book that brought us Shivering Touch and Ice Assassin.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:20 pm
by Libertad
It's a bit lengthy and only recently came out, but Odyssey of the Dragonlords looks pretty cool. The lead designers of a few Bioware gems such as KOTOR and Baldur's Gate got together to write up a setting/adventure path influenced by the myths and legends of Ancient Greece.

I already have a copy, but I haven't finished reading it, and I probably won't review it until I start (and finish!) al-Qadim and SIGMATA.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:13 am
by Libertad
I'm about 1/3rd through Al-Qadim and did the first few segments of SIGMATA. I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm slowly but steadily getting work done.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:08 am
by Libertad
Realize I may be one of the only people posting here, but I'd get a kick out of seeing someone cover one or more of the Grimtooth's Traps books. The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps is even 3.5!

Edit: Oh hey Ancient History already did it!

OSSR: Grimtooth's Traps by Ancient History.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:44 pm
by Orion
I started writing a review for Blades In The Dark, but I think it might benefit from a second opinion. Any takers?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:49 pm
by Trill
Sure, why not?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:18 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Writing up all these environmental rules reminded me that hey, PTU already covered some of this. The sci-fi supplement specifically has actual rules for different gravity levels, vacuums, and completely toxic environments. There are also rules for making robots in here, and I plan to include something similar in my game.
Since I need to go through it anyway... is anybody interested in a review of Do Porygon Dream of Mareep? It's a supplement, so it's way shorter than the core rules.