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Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:49 pm
by NineInchNall
Nevermind the boning that LA gives characters when they want to enter PrCs in a timely fashion.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:07 pm
by RandomCasualty
clikml at [unixtime wrote:1175100019[/unixtime]]Damn, I'm not terribly impressed with either fighter.

They fail to do anything spectacular. No outstanding damage, no ability to tank, no ranged schtick, no significant battlefield control, and those status effect abilities are pretty crummy- I'd prefer the abilities that let you daze enemies at the very least.

Yeah, they're basically pretty reasonable builds in casual games, in that you'll compete fairly ok, assuming the DM doesn't bust out battlefield control or any real cheese, like balor chain blasphemies. They don't compete with a well-played wizard at all or even a totally optimized fighter build like a charge build.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:44 pm
by bitnine
Judging__Eagle at [unixtime wrote:1175100981[/unixtime]]I love how Argaud keeps thinking that losing 6 HD will somehow give you skill checks as good as a 12th lvl anything.

But suggestion is just OMGWTFBBQPWN! You can be the hot sexor and totally frigging rule over all sorts of encounters and have legions of thralls and break the game into tiny little pieces!

"Um... Isn't there a beguiler or ten who could spam suggestion 20 or so times a day more than a couple of levels earlier? I mean, they don't load up on 20+ suggestions because that's sorta unnecessary and dumb, but they get the gravy flowing to the point where it's most beneficial."

But don't you see? You can suggest that a person dances naked in front of you for your amusement and then suggest that lava is actually a good exfoliant and also they give you a sandwich! That means the succubus totally owns and is worth the LA!

Yeah... I'll go ahead and say it. If your characters make a succubus look imminently playable, you should probably go ahead and reroll your toon. IRL. You do have my sympathies, though.

And... If I recall correctly, Argaud was the one who brought up a mage slaying fighter build that supposedly locked down casters and made them weak as kittens if the fighter got into range. I'm pretty sure I brought up the major failing of AoO-based builds to overcome simple use of cover like 10 times or so. I am uncertain that he ever understood that it was more than some sort of edge case or technicality.

Seriously. AoOs locking you down?

Step 0: You should have a shrink'd item and/or a throwaway summon and/or an ally or what the crap ever. If you don't, perhaps consider consulting a mental health expert about masochistic tendencies, 'cause the rest is very much your choice.
Step 1: Get soft cover. Delay for an ally, step behind something, or use step 0.
Step 2: Make melee irrelevant. Teleport away, use a barrier, phase, some use of range/obstacles/control, whatever floats your boat.
Step 3: Remind the AoO user that attacks of opportunity cannot be made through cover. Help him to look it up. Feel free to either be sympathetic or to act like you're a genius for finding a novel use for a bag of tricks and dimension door. Be prepared for a counter lecture on how you were "lucky" that you had some sort of cover "this time."
Step 4: (optional) For added effect, have a mocking note in your pocket that you can unfold and hand over.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:19 pm
by Judging__Eagle
bitnine at [br wrote:Step 4: (optional) For added effect, have a mocking note in your pocket that you can unfold and hand over.

Note reads: "Oh snap!"

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:40 pm
by Cielingcat
bitnine at [unixtime wrote:1175121864[/unixtime]]
Judging__Eagle at [unixtime wrote:1175100981[/unixtime]]I love how Argaud keeps thinking that losing 6 HD will somehow give you skill checks as good as a 12th lvl anything.

But suggestion is just OMGWTFBBQPWN! You can be the hot sexor and totally frigging rule over all sorts of encounters and have legions of thralls and break the game into tiny little pieces!

"Um... Isn't there a beguiler or ten who could spam suggestion 20 or so times a day more than a couple of levels earlier? I mean, they don't load up on 20+ suggestions because that's sorta unnecessary and dumb, but they get the gravy flowing to the point where it's most beneficial."

But don't you see? You can suggest that a person dances naked in front of you for your amusement and then suggest that lava is actually a good exfoliant and also they give you a sandwich! That means the succubus totally owns and is worth the LA!

Yeah... I'll go ahead and say it. If your characters make a succubus look imminently playable, you should probably go ahead and reroll your toon. IRL. You do have my sympathies, though.

And... If I recall correctly, Argaud was the one who brought up a mage slaying fighter build that supposedly locked down casters and made them weak as kittens if the fighter got into range. I'm pretty sure I brought up the major failing of AoO-based builds to overcome simple use of cover like 10 times or so. I am uncertain that he ever understood that it was more than some sort of edge case or technicality.

Seriously. AoOs locking you down?

Step 0: You should have a shrink'd item and/or a throwaway summon and/or an ally or what the crap ever. If you don't, perhaps consider consulting a mental health expert about masochistic tendencies, 'cause the rest is very much your choice.
Step 1: Get soft cover. Delay for an ally, step behind something, or use step 0.
Step 2: Make melee irrelevant. Teleport away, use a barrier, phase, some use of range/obstacles/control, whatever floats your boat.
Step 3: Remind the AoO user that attacks of opportunity cannot be made through cover. Help him to look it up. Feel free to either be sympathetic or to act like you're a genius for finding a novel use for a bag of tricks and dimension door. Be prepared for a counter lecture on how you were "lucky" that you had some sort of cover "this time."
Step 4: (optional) For added effect, have a mocking note in your pocket that you can unfold and hand over.

Only powergaming munchkin jerks use tactics cover.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:53 pm
by Judging__Eagle

You've obviously never played Airsoft or Paintball; cover is king.

Being mad enough to rush people in cover and get them out with the shout of "Saftey!" is hilarious and a hell of a rush. Since they don't expect you to come at them from across an open stretch of ground and perform the Paintball equivalent of hand to hand combat. Having someone as your shooter to keep the target(s) pinned while you're moving is handy as well.

*:All in jest however. :D

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:26 pm
by PhoneLobster
Thems is a funny lot wrote:
Originally Posted by Pyke_Moonshadow
"I still don't see any problem with LA either. I am going to pick 4 monster types (one being the succubus since she is so contended here) and run them through a published adventure tonight just to see how they play out."

They play out fine. I'm in a campaign with a Drow Psion, Half-Celestial Human Psychic Rogue, and a Succubus Aristocrat and it's working out marvellously.

The other characters are a Human Spirit Shaman, Half-Orc Barbarian/Ranger and a Gold Dwarf Divine Bard/Fighter/Battlesmith/Deepwarden/Dwarf Paragon/Hammer of Moradin.

The whole party is ECL 13.

The person I am quoting is infact a forum bot carefully programmed by a highly contraversial fringe internet performance artist going through a late absurdist phase.

At least thats my theory.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:38 pm
by MrWaeseL
"Having read the quote by the former game designer I have to say that I agree whole heartedly with its premise. I don't want to see trolls or gargoyles or anything else normally associated with dungeons as a PC race. I would be disappointed to see a campaign world that had fully giant PCs or where you could play an oustider (not planetouched).

seeing a kingdom of trolls, demons or gargoyles may be great in a very specific campaign but not in a "generic" game world. Even if monster races had to buy their monster HD they would still become too prevelant as PC choices to be discountable. Like the man said, "it would have a ripple effect" and I like my waters calm."

Oh Pyke-san! ^_^

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:53 pm
by Leress

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:59 pm
by Iaimeki
bitnine at [unixtime wrote:1175121864[/unixtime]]
And... If I recall correctly, Argaud was the one who brought up a mage slaying fighter build that supposedly locked down casters and made them weak as kittens if the fighter got into range. I'm pretty sure I brought up the major failing of AoO-based builds to overcome simple use of cover like 10 times or so. I am uncertain that he ever understood that it was more than some sort of edge case or technicality.

The exotic weaponmaster's exotic reach ability counters this tactic, which is why I consider it a necessity for any decent AoO-based tactical build. Of course, that doesn't help fighter 20 any.

Re: Funniest Thread EVAR

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:12 pm
by bitnine
Iaimeki at [unixtime wrote:1175194772[/unixtime]]
The exotic weaponmaster's exotic reach ability counters this tactic, which is why I consider it a necessity for any decent AoO-based tactical build. Of course, that doesn't help fighter 20 any.
Yeah, don't get me wrong - from abrupt jaunting gishes to maneuvers to other things, there are ways to help counteract the vulnerability of AoOs and actually pose a more viable threat and function on a tactic/counter-tactic level. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if someone went ahead and posited something like a Duskblade/Telepouncer who pops around the battlefield locking things down and telejuggling with AoOs, including himself for recursing telepounce channel goodness. There might even be a fighter or two who has some handy item or feat for surprise repositioning. However, one thing these guys have in common is that they didn't discount simple cover without addressing it. The fighter whose counter against this is, "Man, I really hope that jerk doesn't have a way to get cover or concealment that I can't nullify with my AoOs," is just sorta weaksauce.

Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:57 pm
by MrWaeseL

[URL= wrote:enter[/URL]]I know you meant well Elizabeth by making the poll but unfortunately you just ended up proving what dumbbells the majority of gamers are. They want a fucking toy.

The figurine (which seems to be winning) is completely useless and once again proves not to ask these kinds of questions from the general gaming population, they just don't know whats good for them.

First of the bat, atleast two of the poll choices are completely useless: "Upgraded packaging" and "Big Daddy figurine" they might seem like cool little addons but the novelty's gonna wear out fast and your gonna end up with a toy and a package thats only job is to stick out, nothing else. Now "Art print with team's signatures" could be just as well a group photo in the last pages of the Art Book or a dev crew bio introdiction on the Making of DVD similarly to how Thief and System Shock 2 did it. Poster is similarly just eye candy and offers no real substance. As for the Soundtrack, well you can only really comment on that after you've finished the game but after you've finished the game you've already heard the damn thing and there will probably be a way to rip the ambient tracks from the game files in the future.

In the end there's only 2 real choices to be left with and they should both come with the CE.

It won't be a true Collectors Edition and won't be getting my money if it doesn't come with the Artbook and the "Making of" DVD. What the fuck does a plastic figurine give us that Ken Levine's and the rest of the teams insights couldn't best tenfold?

The whole point of making a Collector's Edition is to give the buyer extra value that the normal box doesn't have. Now Bioshock as a game is trying the push the envelope on gameplay experience and by denying the player of greater understanding of what the creative process behind the game was, your ultimately going to do them a disservice to grow and look beyond all this marketing bs that sell the supposedly "good" games and shoot yourself in the foot.

I hope that you realize what needs to done here what ever the poll results are in the end.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:12 pm
by Cielingcat
A DVD and an art book better than an action figure? Fvck this shit.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:26 am
by technomancer
Action Figures, if well made, will beat out of a DVD that you'll probably never watch, and an art book that is probably too oddly shaped to fit on a bookshelf (and thus will never be looked at).

Action Figures, on the other hand, take up very little shelf space, and will probably look neat. You can enjoy the 'art' of the action figure in a few seconds, but you'd have to find the stupid art book before you could enjoy it.

At least, that's my take.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:57 am
by josephbt
I gotta go with the action figurine also. All b/c of nostalgia.

I never got my Marine, Hydralisk and Zealot when those were on market. All Todd McFarlane's. Damn do they look sweet. And now, I can get them via e-bay, but they still cost a bit too much.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:37 am
by CalibronXXX
The last line is my favorite part; it just seems so unnecessarily dire.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:04 am
by Crissa
You guys probably don't have many CE versions of games.

Of the people who do buy those things, I bet they already have a dozen figures on their shelves, gathering dust. A DVD you may never watch at least has historical value. An artbook is something that can be shared with someone who isn't a gamer.

In fact, many artbooks sell long after the game itself is dead, or in markets the game cannot or hasn't penetrated.

A figure is merely a plastic gimmick. It adds no real value. It's here today, but where is it tomorrow? How many of these things do you want?

Maybe you want the action figure version of a game. Sure.

...But wouldn't you rather have an action figure of a character you care about, rather than one you haven't met yet?


Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:40 pm
by MrWaeseL
You can also post funny posts you've found across the net here :)

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:58 pm
by Tokorona
A post about a reason to not allow druids. This.. is just umm.... well, to explain. If you know what the Stundie awards are , you can skip this next line.

If not, well. You find a really stupid statement by usually a troll. In this case, you read through it, and post it because it's so stupid. I nominate the following three because they're just.. wow.

Aggrenox wrote:This is a highly debated fact. I for one have never allowed druids.
Ever. They need to protect their groves. They have no need of dungeons or cities. ( I have had this outlook since 2nd Ed.)

Aggrenox wrote:
ToB is for little girls who can't play a fighter and need "Limit Breaks" in DND

<another post>
I am entitled to my opinion. That book is a blight to gamers everywhere. And any threads encouraging it is like saying that it is ok to rape dungeons and dragons.

ETA: No, I am not making Nanoha to spite this guy.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:36 am
by Cielingcat
I nominate everything Arguad ever said. Srsly.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:05 pm
by tzor
Re: Aggrenox's Druid argument: Is it really "stupid" or simply overly simplistic. I've more or less had the same problem since 1st edition. Especially in 1E when the average dungeon crawl through the fine dwarven crafted block stone dugeons (without a trace of plant to be seen) was almost as alien to a druid as the moon is to most people.

But a blanket prohibition only makes sense for the 1E unique levels of druids when there was always a constant threat that the guy/gal under you would challenge you for your unique position. Leaving your home base grove was never wise for these characters except under the most dire circumstances.

Of course the same argument against druids also applies to all classes. Don't clerics need to stay at home and heal the local farmer, laborer, or the always dangerous lady in labor? Don't fighters have to patroll the town streets to make sure the drunks don't start another fight? (Especially with weak nobles who hire them as bodyguards.) The answer is that no one is required 24/7.

For a druid, going into town, or going into a dungeon is simply horrid. They don't do it to have a good time; it's not really a "holiday" for them. They need a motivation and more likely than not it is because they need to protect their grove in the long term that they must go into dungeons and towns. Druid apprentences don't grow on trees. (Although I'm sure a few druids have tried that approach.) Often a friendly humanoid establishment will be more grove friendly when properly appeased and this may mean doing favors for them from time to time; thus adventuring. If you must defend your grove 24/7 you aren't going to have the grove for very long because you've got to sleep. Once you have assistants you can manage to get time off from the grove duty.

Yes in the ideal world druids love to stay in the woods, paladins love places where they can bring their horses, clerics love places near to their church/temple/shrine. D&D is not about "comfort food" but about going beyond the comfort zone and into the heroic zone.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:48 am
by Cielingcat
I don't think Druids are actually required to have a grove anymore.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:49 pm
by tzor
Cielingcat at [unixtime wrote:1175651329[/unixtime]]I don't think Druids are actually required to have a grove anymore.

No grove? That's groovy baby! Or in this case that's grovy.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:52 am
by Cielingcat
OH GOD WHAT THE FVCK IS THIS SHIT?! I post this and I get this crock of shit in response. Seriously, what the fuck? He actually goes and says that the Wizard has 10 Str when the one I fucking presented had 14.

I think I have a winning nomination for those awards.

Re: Funny posts from other forums ITT

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:53 am
by Neeek
You linked to the wrong message CC.