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Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:41 am
by ghost whistler
rasmuswagner wrote:
ghost whistler wrote: I haven't whined about anything, you're just making yourself look even m ore stupid by doubling down on the behaviour already shown. If you think i haven't engaged with this forum then you obviously didn't read the post that began this thread.
Out of 73 posts in this thread, 12 of them are you whining. Even your admissions that you don't know shit about games or game design outnumber your honest questions.
no such admissions were made, except in your imagination. Asserting that posts you dislike are just whining is meaningless. I could just as easily say the same thing back to you.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:46 am
by deaddmwalking
Ghost Whistler,

You have succeeded at a task that no one before you ever has. You are going on my signor list. This is certainly a dubious honor because several self-admitted trolls couldn't achieve what you have today. I'm fairly tolerant of a low signal-to-noise ratio in posts - for me to become convinced that your posts have absolutely no value and predict that they never could have value is certainly a dismissal of your value as a human being. You can and should take it as an insult.

I know you might be inclined to respond, but I want to assure you that I won't see your no doubt articulate and well-reasoned rebuttal (/sarcasm) unless some piece of it is quoted by another poster. And while I'm sure you won't consider it any great loss, I will no longer engage with you - if I participate in a thread that you're involved with it will probably be to talk about what an asshole you're being.

And while I don't expect you to review your posts for things that could be taken badly I will say that your decision to post repeatedly and assert that 'you totally are responding to questions' and fail (still) to respond to a single question is mind-boggling. If you're planning on staying at the Den, I hope you decide to stop being a disingenuous piece of shit. If you do, you start by posting about what type of game you're looking to design and what areas you feel you need help with.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:16 am
by Leress
ghost whistler wrote:
What replies should I be interested in?
The ones asking for clarification about what kind of game you want to design. The ones asking about the goals and considered systems of the game you want to design.

If don't like what the people that are insulting are saying just put them on the ignore list.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:23 am
by fbmf
[The Great Fence Builder Speaks]
Well, that escalated quickly.

Ghost whisperer, TGDMB is known for being very direct. Don't post here unless you have thick skin.

At any rate, this thread is done.