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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:34 pm
by Omegonthesane
also it was several spread between CDPR and GOG, and CDPR and GOG share a social media manager, and the repeated instances indicate that it's someone with an axe to grind not just someone trying to be 3edgy5me, and they've gone with a nonpology instead of "we fucked up, we fucked up hard, we have now sacked with prejudice the person who personally fucked up and who we fucked up in hiring"

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:54 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Random FFT question as people have offered me pointers before. I'm trying to get a chantage and I forgot to steal from Meliadoul, and I missed all the story battles where you can recruit pigs. I was told that they sometimes show up if you enter Dorbordar marsh from Bethla Garrison, I just did that for about an hour and one never showed up. I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right.
Basically, I'm trying to get the Javelin and Escutcheon from Nevelska Temple and Worker 7 likes to one-shot my move-find character to the exclusion of everyone else. Was thinking having permanent re-raise would not only negate that, but it would keep Worker 7 occupied while I dealt with the other monsters in the map)

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:43 am
by Shiritai
Deep Dungeon is probably your best bet for Uribos, and for Worker 7, do you have anyone with Speed Break? Preferably with Two Swords? Get his speed down to 1 and you should have plenty of time to get those items.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:01 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I do have enough spillover to be able to grab it.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:44 am
by Dogbert
Omegonthesane wrote:and the repeated instances indicate that it's someone with an axe to grind not just someone trying to be 3edgy5me, and they've gone with a nonpology instead of "we fucked up, we fucked up hard, we have now sacked with prejudice the person who personally fucked up and who we fucked up in hiring"
Hearing that worries me, since you can't claim to be a transhumanist while dissing trans people, nor you can write a genre that puts so much emphasis on the themes of social inequality and oppression while being yourself part of the problem. I fear for Cyberpunk 2077.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:06 pm
by Hadanelith
Wait, does CDPR *own* GOG? Huh. Didn't know that. Forget I said anything, then.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:00 pm
by Whipstitch
Can't say that I'm surprised. I mean, the bottom line is that I don't think Pillars of Eternity was really all that good, and the "hype" for the 2nd one basically promised to double down on a bunch of goon game design orthodoxy I didn't have much interest in and thought sounded terribly dull. I mean, I don't know if POE was popular enough to begin with that losing steam with people like me really counts for much, but a game that promised to fix none of the things I felt was a problem with the first one in order to focus on shit I didn't care about couldn't have helped. And remember, I'm probably the closest thing there was on this forum to a PoE evangelist, which is super duper sad, because I couldn't even be bothered to disagree with the people who hated it.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:23 pm
by Kaelik
I feel a little bad, because I played both until I got tired, and I got tired of Deadfire like 20 hours in, which is more than enough to give it some acceptance from me, but PoE I was bored of in 30 minutes.

So whether they intended to fix problems, they did to my mind make a better game... but then..... oops.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:35 pm
by Whipstitch
Yeah, Obsidian definitely wouldn't be one of my first picks if I was forced to vote developers out of existence. I kinda wish they'd quit struggling uphill with RTWP though. The logjams they kept running into with disengagement attack attack cheese, pathing abuse, and attack speed/weapon delay being inscrutable are all things could be mitigated to a degree by sucking it up and making the damned thing turn based.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:57 pm
by Longes
Oh wow. I knew PoE 2 didn't do well, but I didn't expect them to pull Kingmaker sales numbers with an extra half a year of sales they had.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:55 pm
by Pariah Dog
Fairly old news but should be thrown out there for anyone that might care.

Activision (boo, hiss) is giving away Destiny 2 for free until the 18th, just log into Battle Net to claim it.

I've installed it and gave it a try and I am genuinely not impressed.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:14 am
by Kaelik
Whipstitch wrote:Yeah, Obsidian definitely wouldn't be one of my first picks if I was forced to vote developers out of existence. I kinda wish they'd quit struggling uphill with RTWP though. The logjams they kept running into with disengagement attack attack cheese, pathing abuse, and attack speed/weapon delay being inscrutable are all things could be mitigated to a degree by sucking it up and making the damned thing turn based.
Yeah, it's 30 years later, and I'm still waiting for people to realize they should make turn based games.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 7:04 am
by Longes
Microsoft bought Obsidian and inXile.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:02 am
by RelentlessImp
Hey, remember when I shit on Pillars of Eternity? It's no surprise that PoE2 failed as hard as it did.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:46 am
by Hicks
So never winter nights: diamond is a thing on steam, and has been for most of the year. And I only just learned this. I'm gonna grab me that and infinidungeon and never ever do anything productive again forever.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:35 am
by Whipstitch
Personally, what annoyed me most about Pillars of Eternity 1 is that for all the big talk about class balancing most decisions revolved around nerfing shit that was obviously decent while completely ignoring shit that was slightly more obscure/convoluted but nevertheless hilariously overpowered.

For example, rogues are super, duper front loaded; sneak attack is fat damage bonus and they get it at level 1, so happy birthday. But Sneak Attack and Death Blows are so good that the developers quaked in fear at the thought of giving rogues like, anything else at all. The class is jam packed with boring powers you won't care about. Their entire endgame boils down to basically two choices:

A. You can just play the class as was obviously intended and eventually get overshadowed because you're flimsy and won't get anything decent for going past level 11 while other classes get abilities that are obviously powerful even to mouth breathers.

B. You can become a coin operated wizard and load up on bound spells and scrolls, then apply your naturally high accuracy and Death Blows bonus to shit that the developers obviously never intended to be routinely multiplied.

The game is littered with crap like that. For another example, properly optimized Long Pain monks are pants shittingly powerful compared to the other front liners in large part because players are so dumb that the developers felt compelled to just keep giving monks more and more awesome shit in order to finally lure in the skeptics. So now you can just create a dude that rolls into the game with a nice enough chassis that he can dump all the non-damage stats and run around throwing fast punches with 12m range that hit like arbalests while still being as tough or tougher than the rogue.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:22 pm
by Iduno
Kaelik wrote:Yeah, it's 30 years later, and I'm still waiting for people to realize they should make turn based games.
Divinity Original Sin was a pretty good one. I think the sequel is doing well enough that someone will copy it. Then we'll be back to the next Diablo-like because that sold well in the 90's. See also: IPAs being the only beer most small brewers in the US try to make, because it's hard to screw up and it sold well in the 90's.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:04 am
by Koumei
dirkformica wrote:"Realms Beyond: Ashes of the Fallen is a fantasy computer role-playing game with turn-based combat and a party system that allows you to control up to six characters at any one time.

A complex turn-based combat system featuring hundreds of spells, feats and actions, based on the rules described in the (3.5e) Revised System Reference Document (SRD) covered by the Open Game License v1.0a (OGL) by Wizards of the Coast, Inc."
Well, it's successfully backed, so I hope this one pans out well.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:48 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
So, replaying Morrowind. I've gotten farther than I ever have (which doesn't say much, just hit level 4). I was aware of (and in fact welcomed) the fact that the various guilds wouldn't proclaim me the chosen one after one or two missions. I didn't expect I'd be at rank 5 of the mage's guild and still be doing errands (and not of the "bring me 10 bear asses" variety, of the "Go to the store and pick up this book I want. Here's the money to cover it" kind).

At least the thieve's guild is asking me to steal things (which of course I'm also doing to resolve the Mage's guild quests whenever possible. No one watches their shit like they do in Skyrim and Oblivion).

EDIT: Things I like: Once I figured out how to open my journal and read the map/roadsigns it's actually not that hard to get around, just longer due to no fast travel.

Things I don't like: some butthorn stabbing me in the fucking face every time I take a nap to level up.

Getting expelled from the Mage's guild because I accidentally tried to sleep in someone's bed.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:23 am
by hyzmarca
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:So, replaying Morrowind. I've gotten farther than I ever have (which doesn't say much, just hit level 4). I was aware of (and in fact welcomed) the fact that the various guilds wouldn't proclaim me the chosen one after one or two missions. I didn't expect I'd be at rank 5 of the mage's guild and still be doing errands (and not of the "bring me 10 bear asses" variety, of the "Go to the store and pick up this book I want. Here's the money to cover it" kind).

At least the thieve's guild is asking me to steal things (which of course I'm also doing to resolve the Mage's guild quests whenever possible. No one watches their shit like they do in Skyrim and Oblivion).

EDIT: Things I like: Once I figured out how to open my journal and read the map/roadsigns it's actually not that hard to get around, just longer due to no fast travel.

Things I don't like: some butthorn stabbing me in the fucking face every time I take a nap to level up.

Getting expelled from the Mage's guild because I accidentally tried to sleep in someone's bed.
The butthorns will stop stabbing you in the face if you start the Tribunal main quest by reporting the attacks to a guard. Might also have to talk to a guy in Ebonheart. They are a great way to farm Dark Brotherhood equipment, though.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:02 am
by maglag
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:So, replaying Morrowind. I've gotten farther than I ever have (which doesn't say much, just hit level 4). I was aware of (and in fact welcomed) the fact that the various guilds wouldn't proclaim me the chosen one after one or two missions. I didn't expect I'd be at rank 5 of the mage's guild and still be doing errands (and not of the "bring me 10 bear asses" variety, of the "Go to the store and pick up this book I want. Here's the money to cover it" kind).
You know, that's some exceptional realism right there. It doesn't matter how high is your rank in an organization, if there's somebody above you, they will order you to go do completely mundane tasks from time to time.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:46 pm
by Iduno
maglag wrote:
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:So, replaying Morrowind. I've gotten farther than I ever have (which doesn't say much, just hit level 4). I was aware of (and in fact welcomed) the fact that the various guilds wouldn't proclaim me the chosen one after one or two missions. I didn't expect I'd be at rank 5 of the mage's guild and still be doing errands (and not of the "bring me 10 bear asses" variety, of the "Go to the store and pick up this book I want. Here's the money to cover it" kind).
You know, that's some exceptional realism right there. It doesn't matter how high is your rank in an organization, if there's somebody above you, they will order you to go do completely mundane tasks from time to time.
Can we also get dialog options for lower-ranking NPCs to do useless tasks for us? What's the point in rank if you can't use it for something that won't affect the game in any way?

At most, delegate low-level fetch quests to them. Probably stuff like "deliver this object from my inventory back to me tomorrow."

Edit: Otherwise you get people bitching that the rank system becomes mandatory because they can't have a maxed-out character with minimum effort and that's bad because blah blah blah.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:03 am
by maglag
Super Robot Wars T announced for Switch/PS4

And it's gonna be the best SRW ever because they're adding
Magic fucking Knight Rayearth!

Don't know how they persuaded CLAMP but I've been waiting for this ever since I knew SRW was a thing!

And seems like they'll be doing the anime plot, which means Iczer 4 Nova will be there and with a bit of luck she'll be a secret recruitable unit and maybe even special combo attack between her and Hikaru!

The world is filled with light!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:22 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
hyzmarca wrote: The butthorns will stop stabbing you in the face if you start the Tribunal main quest by reporting the attacks to a guard. Might also have to talk to a guy in Ebonheart. They are a great way to farm Dark Brotherhood equipment, though.
I've gotten that far and still got them until I modded it out, I possibly have to go farther.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:46 pm
by Hicks
Oh god. Morrowind. On the one hand, you can actually fly. On all the other hands, fucking cliffracers everywhere


~never forget, never forgive