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Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:17 am
by Save_versus_Stupid
I would love to hear any feedback for this class. Since the Frank/K ninja class is a little ways off, and i'm joining a 1st level campaign in the near future, I figure i'd build the ninja I always envisioned. A combat oriented, minor magic user, sorta rogue, mostly spy.

I won't deny that it's almost blatantly ripped from The dungeonomicon's rogue classes, core book class mechanics, the rokugan ninja, final fantasy XI and various other nebulous sources of Ninja 'knowledge'. Just know that I have no intent on trying to bring the class into what would be historically "accurate".

My main intent was to build something interesting to play, that doesn't get shit on by spellcasters, has a very distinct flavor and would sneak past a GM veto. I feel the inclusion of the inferior sudden strike, no use magic device or trap skills, nerfed list and casting would be a step in the right direction. But I am a relatively inexperienced 3.5 player...

"A ninja's strength is inversely proportional to the number of ninjas present: If there are more than 3 ninjas, they're probably cannon fodder. A lone ninja is death incarnate.."

[Insert Flavor Text]

Alignment: A Ninja may be any alignment.


Starting Gold: 3d4x10 gp (60 gold)

Starting Age: As Rogue.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Ninja’s skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
Skills/Level: 6 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB Medium (3/4), Saves: Fort: poor; Reflex: Good; Will: poor

Level, Benefit
1 Sudden Strike +1d6, Shadow Run, Ninjutsu, Ninja Dodge
2 Uncanny Dodge, Combat Style
3 Sudden Strike +2d6
4 Speed of Darkness
5 Hide in plain sight, Sudden Strike +3d6
6 Speed Climb, Improved Combat Style
7 Sudden Strike +4d6
8 Art of Evasion
9 Improved Uncanny Dodge, Sudden Strike +5d6
10 Skill Mastery
11 Sudden Strike +6d6, Combat Style Mastery
12 Shadow Aura
13 Sudden Strike +7d6
14 Ninja Vanish!
15 Sudden Strike +8d6
16 Improved Shadow Aura
17 Sudden Strike +9d6
18 -----------------------------
19 Sudden Strike +10d6
20 Greater Shadow Aura

All of the following are Class Features of the Ninja class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ninjas are proficient with all Light Weapons, as well as simple weapons, shortbows, shurikens and hand crossbows. At first level, a Ninja gains proficiency with one Exotic Weapon of her choice. Ninjas are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. If the Ninja wears any form of armor, supernatural class features cease to work.

Sudden Strike (Ex): If a Ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Whenever a Ninja’s target is denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the ninja deals an extra 1d6 points of damage with her attack. This extra damage increases by 1d6 points for every two Ninja levels thereafter. A Ninja can’t use sudden strike when flanking an opponent unless that opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
This damage also applies to ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feet away. Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anatomies, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are all immune to sudden strikes.
A Ninja can’t make a sudden strike while striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are out of reach. A ninja can’t use sudden strike to deliver nonlethal damage. Weapons capable of dealing only nonlethal damage don’t deal extra damage when used as part of a sudden strike.
The extra damage from sudden strike ability stacks with the extra damage from sneak attack whenever both would apply to the same target.

Ninjutsu: (SPELLS) Beginning at 4th level, a Ninja gains the ability to spontaneously cast a small number of arcane spells, as per ranger/paladin spells per day, which are drawn from the Ninja spell list. To cast a Ninja spell, she must have an Intelligence at least equal to 10 + the Spell level. The DC of the Ninja's spells is Intelligence based and the bonus spells are also Intelligence based. Through 3rd level, a Ninja has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, her caster level is one-half her Ninja level.

Ninja Spell List:
Ninjas can choose their spells from the following list:
1st Level: Disguise self, Feather fall, Ghost sound, Jump, Obscuring mist, true Strike, Magic weapon, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep

2nd Level: Cat’s Grace, Invisibility, Pass without a trace, Spider Climb, Darkness, Mirror Image, See invisibility, Darkvision

3rd Level: Nondetection, Suggestion, Displacement, Haste, Keen edge, Water breathing

4th Level: Freedom of movement, Greater Invisibility, Clairaudience/clairvoyance, Solid Fog, Air walk

Ninja spells that have positive effects only target the caster.

Instinctive Magic (Ex): The ninja's magic comes with no training or even comprehension of what exactly the ninja is doing to create these effects. Because of this, the ninja's beneficial spells may only target the ninja, and ninja may not use spell completion or spell trigger items based on spells gained from ninja class levels.

Shadow Run (Su): At first level, a Ninja gains a speed bonus equal to 10 feet. This bonus increases by 5 feet at 5th level, and for every five ninja levels thereafter.

Ninja Dodge (Ex): A Ninja is highly trained at dodging blows, and she has an almost supernatural ability to anticipate attacks through sheer focus and awareness. This Armor Bonus applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. This bonus increased by 2 at 5th level and for every five ninja levels thereafter (+4 at 10th, +6 at 15th, and +8 at 20th level). The character loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Ninja can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If a Ninja already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Ninja must select one of two combat styles to pursue: ranged or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way.
If the Ninja selects the ranged weapons combat style, she is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
If the Ninja selects two-weapon combat, she is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
The benefits of the Ninja’s chosen style apply only when she wears no armor. She loses all benefits of her combat style when wearing light, medium or heavy armor.

Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Ninja’s aptitude in her chosen combat style (ranged or two-weapon combat) improves. If she selected the ranged combat style at 2nd level, she is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
If the Ninja selected the two-weapon fighting style at 2nd level, she is treated as having the Ambidexterity class feature (two weapon fighting penalties are lessened by 1 (from -4 to -3, or from -2 to -1 if the off-hand weapon is a light weapon).

Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Ninja’s aptitude with her chosen combat style (ranged or two-weapon combat) improves again. If she selected the ranged combat style at 2nd level, she is treated as having the Improved Precise Shot feat even if she does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
If the Ninja selected the two-weapon fighting style at 2nd level, her Ambidexterity class feature improves. (Two weapon fighting penalties are lessened by another 1 from -3 to -2, or from -1 to +0 if the off-hand weapon is a light weapon)

Speed of Darkness (Su): The strength of a ninja’s attack lies in his ability to strike quickly at exposed areas and fade away. At fourth level and beyond, the ninja adds her intelligence modifier to his initiative roll.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A 5th level Ninja can hide in unusual locations, and may hide in areas without cover or concealment without penalty. A Ninja may even hide while being observed. This ability does not remove the -10 penalty for moving at full speed, or the -20 penalty for running or fighting.

Speed Climb (Ex): A Ninja of 6th level or higher can scramble up or down walls and slopes with great speed. She can climb at her speed as a move action with no penalty; however, she must begin and end the round on a horizontal surface (such as the ground or a rooftop). If she does not end her movement on a horizontal surface, she falls, taking falling damage as appropriate for her distance above the ground.
A Ninja needs only one hand free to use this ability. This ability can be used only if a Ninja is wearing no armor and is carrying no more than a light load.

Art of Evasion (Su): A ninja of 8th level can, as an immediate action, shift herself onto the shadow plane in the corresponding coplanar location to her own, for no less than the duration of the action she shifted during and no more than one full round. She may make a hide check with a DC equal to the damage inflicted and if she succeeds, she suffers half damage. If the check fails, she is dazed until the end of her next turn.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Ninja of 9th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another character the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more levels in a class that provides sneak attack than the target. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level required to flank the character.

Skill Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, a Ninja becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check with Climb, bluff, Jump, Hide, Move Silently, Search or Swim, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.

Shadow Aura (Su): Once per day, a Ninja of 12th level or higher can partially step into the plane of shadow, causing blows to harmlessly pass through her. Any melee/ranged attacks or spells cast against the Ninja while this aura is active have a 50% miss chance. Activating this aura is a free action, and the aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the Ninja’s Intelligence bonus (if any).
Effects which penetrate invisibility (blindsight, See Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, etc), effects which negate concealment (True Strike, Improved Precise Shot, etc.), and effects which effect creatures on the plane of Shadow bypass the aura.
Starting at 16th level, effects which negate concealment no longer bypass the aura.
At 20th level, effects which penetrate invisibility no longer bypass the aura.

Ninja Vanish! (Su): "If on your journey you should meet God, God will be cut.” Once per day as a free action, you may use Dimension Strike as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to half your Ninja level.

So if anything is busted, stupid, under-powered, illogical or poorly formatted please point it out!

Edit - Minor changes, fixed omissions.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:20 am
by Username17
Just off hand:

If you give out a Sudden Strike progression, you need to explain it in the class description. Sudden Strike is not a core effect, and the class description has to reiterate everything in the chart anyway since the chart is non-binding.

Paladins and Rangers, last I checked, don't have a Spells Known progression, so I don't really know where you're going with that.

Ninja Dodge is an unfortunate mechanic. The Monk Wisdom bonus thing isn't balanced or good, so repeating it isn't a great plan. You might want to give them a Ninja Deflection bonus or a Ninja Block that grants a Shield bonus. Moving things as ephemeral as attributes into AC is broken on first principles. It's usually not good, but if the class is balanced for an Int 12 Half-Orc, it probably isn't balanced for an Int 20 Gray Elf. Also I have no idea why you have an "Intelligence Bonus" that isn't stacking with a "Wisdom Bonus". Those are named bonuses with different names.

Shadowy Aura is perplexing at 12th level. It's a 1/day effect for a high level character that doen't work on magic attacks. Why not?

The Ninja Vanish! requires an Epic Slash, but the class doesn't actually have an epic slash. What does that even mean?


Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:44 am
by Save_versus_Stupid
Sudden strike - Okie doke. I'm new at this, so it's helpful to know.

Pal/Rang - Casualty of last minute alterations to casting power. Was originally Bard casting, but I came to the conclusion it was a little over the top considering the rest of the class features.

Ninja Dodge - I agree 100%, I just could not come up with something better in its place. Another formatting error with the non-stack.

Shadow Aura - How would I word it as such? That was actually my intention, but I tried to make it align with the Hexblade mechanic.

Ninja Vanish - The epic slash bit was just nebulous flavor, not to impact the actual game.

Otherwise, are there any issues with the class? Good,bad - whatever.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:16 am
by Hey_I_Can_Chan
A ninja who can't disable traps sounds like a dead ninja to me, even with--perhaps--an array of mobility spells available.

And this…

Art of Evasion (Su): If an 8th level Ninja takes damage from any attack, she may suddenly shift into the plane of shadow and back in an instant, avoiding the full force of the blow. She may make a hide check with a DC equal to the damage inflicted and if she succeeds, she suffers half damage. If the check fails, she is dazed until the end of her next turn.

…is painful. Imagine: the horde of samurai surround the ninja. One particularly weak samurai hits the ninja for 2 damage. "Oh, well, I'll just use my art of evasion," the ninja's player says. And he rolls a 1.

Worse than that, the horde of samurai attack him… and he has to roll each time he would take damage to use this ability. That's excessive in a game wherein, using a PC class, one's foes can get 3 attacks per round at 2nd level. Your friends will hate you.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:47 am
by Save_versus_Stupid
Hey I Can Chan wrote:A ninja who can't disable traps sounds like a dead ninja to me, even with--perhaps--an array of mobility spells available.

I was just trying not to step on the rogue too much, because I know a few players in my group are very pro-rogue. Do you propose anything in that regards?

Hey I Can Chan wrote:…is painful. Imagine: the horde of samurai surround the ninja. One particularly weak samurai hits the ninja for 2 damage. "Oh, well, I'll just use my art of evasion," the ninja's player says. And he rolls a 1.

Agreed, which is why you don't give yourself a 5% chance to daze yourself to shave off a few HP. :D As the chance of failure grows, it becomes more attractive to try and halve the damage. I see it as a mechanic that would only be used in mid-level situations, where you wouldn't risk it on small damage, and generally wouldn't on big damage - unless it's life threatening...which I think fits the concept of the mechanic. Or am I missing something? (No sarcasm, I want to know if i'm looking at this incorrectly.)

Hey I Can Chan wrote:Worse than that, the horde of samurai attack him… and he has to roll each time he would take damage to use this ability. That's excessive in a game wherein, using a PC class, one's foes can get 3 attacks per round at 2nd level. Your friends will hate you.

Should it be restricted to damage equal equal to or greater than your character level? I agree it should be limited to avoid extensive rolling, but I am hesitant to slap a "per day" restriction on it. Ninja's should be dodging shit consistently.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:33 pm
by RandomCasualty
First let me clarify this...

Hey_I_Can_Chan at [unixtime wrote:1152854212[/unixtime]]
…is painful. Imagine: the horde of samurai surround the ninja. One particularly weak samurai hits the ninja for 2 damage. "Oh, well, I'll just use my art of evasion," the ninja's player says. And he rolls a 1.

It's a hide check, natural 1s don't autofail for skill checks.

Ok. Now my review of the class...

I was a bit perplexed flavor wise at how this class works out. With the shadow aura and the art of evasion, it seems to make ninjas really useful against massive hordes of weaker enemies.

Just throwing on some hide enhancing items will probably make the ninja the best tank in the game, since art of evasion is crazy powerful and you'll probably end up taking half damage from every attack if you do it right, especially with skill mastery factored in. At high levels, combine that with the unbeatable shadow aura and you're looking at monsters dealing only 12.5% of their original damage at 20th level. This seems less like the art of invisibility and more like the art of invulnerability.

Of course, against casters, you're pretty much pwned, because you've got weak will and fortitude, meaning any spell he tosses at you is likely to succeed.

So you're looking at someone who can totally dominate against physical combatants but lose quite badly to anything mystical. While it may be pretty good mechanically, it just doesn't feel like a ninja to me.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 4:45 pm
by Save_versus_Stupid
Suggestions for art of evasion then? Perhaps each consecutive check is made at a -4 for the duration of the encounter?

RandomCasualty at 14:33:36 Fri July 14, 2006 wrote:Of course, against casters, you're pretty much pwned, because you've got weak will and fortitude, meaning any spell he tosses at you is likely to succeed.

Probably, this is just a cinematic ninja, not a monk who has reached perfect balance.

RandomCasualty at 14:33:35 Fri July 14, 2006 wrote:So you're looking at someone who can totally dominate against physical combatants but lose quite badly to anything mystical. While it may be pretty good mechanically, it just doesn't feel like a ninja to me.

So you think overall the mechanics are well done? That's the feedback i'm really looking for here.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:09 pm
by RandomCasualty
Mechanically, it seems ok. The art of evasion thing is the only ability that seems a bit off. Personally I'd have it be a hide or tumble check versus the other guy's attack roll result, as opposed to his damage as a DC. It seems odd that a power attack would reduce a ninja's chances of evading the attack.

Also, I think you're missing the description of combat style. I see it in the table, but I don't see it anywhere in the abilities list.

As far as the shadow aura goes, I might change around the mechanics a bit, such that the miss chance is always 50%, but what penetrates it goes up as you gain levels. When you initially get it, you could have any invisibility counter + true strike be able to get through it. Mid level may require blindsight or true sight and at the highest level, nothing can see through it.

The idea of a scaling miss percentage chance doesn't strike me as all that good idea since miss chances autoscale anyway based on the amount of damage your foe does. If your enemy averages 20 damage, the 50% miss prevents 10 of that. if your foe does 40 damage, the 50% miss prevents 20 and so on. At 75% miss you're probably going into crazy land.

Early levels this guy seems like he may have some difficulty... though given I don't know what combat style does, I will reserve judgment on that for now. The main problem is that hide in plain sight just isn't all that useful until you get a high level hide check.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:21 pm
by Hey_I_Can_Chan
I'd give your ninja the traps class feature at something like levels 3-5. This means a horde of low-level ninja are still blowed up by a glyph of warding, for instance, which is appropriately cinematic.

I'd make the art of evasion class feature a quickened ethereal jaunt for a number of rounds equal to his class level per day that needn't be contiguous. Or something like. The idea of rolling dice every time someone hits the ninja is antithetical to D&D.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:21 pm
by Essence
I'm with Hey. Art of Evasion should read:

Art of Evasion (Su): A ninja of 8th level can, as an immediate action, shift himself onto the shadow plane in the corresponding coplanar location to his own, for no less than the duration of the action he shifted during and no more than one full round.

Then, one of these lines should be tacked on:
[*] Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 1d3 rounds.
[*] This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the ninja's class level.
[*] This ability fails unless the ninja succeeds on a touch AC check (1d20+ the ninja's touch AC) against the attacker's attack roll.
[*] This ability fails unless the ninja succeeds on a Hide check opposed by his opponent's attack roll plus ranks in Spot.

In order of (my) preference.

You may also want to use Dimension Strike [Mind's Eye] instead of Dimension Door for Ninja Vanish!, as the latter prevents you from taking any actions for the remainder of the turn, which blows.

Finally, a 75% miss chance against all spells and attacks is HUGE! Do you really want a class that takes 1/4th damage and automatically succeeds on 3/4ths of his saves in addition to all of his normal defenses? This ability essentially becomes "win one battle by yourself" at 18th level. Now, normally, I'm all about high-level class features doing really powerful crap, but this is an ability that basically tells the other players "hey, screw you, the DM is going to have to throw something so big at me that you're all dead", and that's not fun or fair.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:10 pm
by Save_versus_Stupid
RandomCasualty - If it was going off an attack roll, I feel it would be much easier for the ninja to avoid.

I've now written in skill mastery doesn't apply to the feature, but aren't attack rolls generally lower than damage output? It was just about balance, not actual realism.

The combat style was unwritten when I went to sleep last night, but it's going to be along the lines of the ranger. Two weapon fighting or ranged/throwing.

RandomCasualty at 179:28 Fri July 14, 2006 wrote:As far as the shadow aura goes, I might change around the mechanics a bit, such that the miss chance is always 50%, but what penetrates it goes up as you gain levels. When you initially get it, you could have any invisibility counter + true strike be able to get through it. Mid level may require blindsight or true sight and at the highest level, nothing can see through it.

That makes sense. I'll work on it.

Hey_I_Can_Chan - I still envision the class as something that could scout for the party, but not as one that you drag into a dungeon to open doors and chests. I feel that because search is a class skill, keyed to one of the two necessary stats, the Ninja will be able to identify potential traps. Hopefully, the spell list and skillset will provide enough to bypass traps, but not disarm them.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:56 pm
by User3
Save_versus_Stupid at [unixtime wrote:1152904239[/unixtime]]
Hey_I_Can_Chan - I still envision the class as something that could scout for the party, but not as one that you drag into a dungeon to open doors and chests. I feel that because search is a class skill, keyed to one of the two necessary stats, the Ninja will be able to identify potential traps. Hopefully, the spell list and skillset will provide enough to bypass traps, but not disarm them.

I know you've said that you don't want to make a real-world "ninja," but what is your imaginary ninja?

When I think of a 'high fantasy' ninja, the most basic thing which comes to mind is James Bond. A spy capable of inpersonation, breaking & entering, "stealth" (which is really both of the above), assassination, the proficient use of gadgets (to acomplish the above), and of course immaculate style. Unlike Mr. Bond, the ninja also has Jedi Mind Tricks at his disposal such as "kuji kiri."

All of this can be accomplished as a rogue with an Artificer backing you up (or more sloppily as a rogue/artificer). Not that this means that you should not persue it as a base class. But it does mean that you'll step on the rogue's toes no matter what, because that's fundamentally what a ninja is. Even if the ninja is an Artificer or a Wizard.

Looking over your design, it seems as though you have a totally different concept than me. I don't see blow guns or egg shell grenades. I don't see any class Competence bonus to Hide of Move Silently, meaning he'll need items for that. His Sudden Strike can only do lethal damage, making him worthless at hostage taking/interrogation.

I also see no electric guitar capabilities. Again, what do you think a ninja is???[/i]

What follows is a bit of a bitchy rant, but every other class which has spells calls them "spells." It's annoying to try to find the "spells," and then have to wade through all the other abilities because they're under a non-stanard name which (by definition) already applies to every single one of the class abilities. You also aparently don't give a caster level.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:10 pm
by Save_versus_Stupid
When calculating the power level of the class, the electric guitar and totally awesome freak outs didn't make the final cut. I apologize.

My vision of this Ninja is a video game rpg one. It advances two weapon fighting, or throwing, acts like a rogue but really isn't one, has some tank abilities and minor spell casting to back up its stealth. I don't see this class as one that is ridiculously dangerous on the battlefield, or outcasting any sort of spellcaster by any stretch, or outperforming a real rogue at his duties.

That was what I was thinking, but as I stated, i'm fairly new to 3.5 and even newer to attempting to balance the flavor and mechanics of a class.

I'm all for bitchy rants. You'd have to be pretty ignorant to post something here in the Den, while thinking that people wouldn't visciously run through it for holes. That was kinda the idea though, as I know the people here know the game and know what works.

The high fantasy bit was meant to portray the supernatural stuff the ninja can do that doesn't get any real explanation. "Did that guy just phase out of existence for a second before that Barbarian charged him?"

"Dude, that's totally a Ninja, that's what they do."


And so forth.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:29 pm
by Essence
The last few sentences of Shadow Aura should read:

Effects which penetrate invisibility (blindsight, See Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, etc), effects which negate concealment (True Strike, Improved Precise Shot, etc.), and effects which effect creatures on the plane of Shadow bypass the aura.
Starting at 16th level, effects which negate concealment no longer bypass the aura.
At 20th level, effects which penetrate invisibility no longer bypass the aura.

i don't know exactly if that's your intent, but that's the format you should put these restrictions in, because many games have numerous effects to accomplish a goal, and trying to list them all by name is silly. Pick something that will "break" Shadowy Aura and let the players find the stuff that will get there.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:09 am
by Save_versus_Stupid
Excellent ideas guys. Updates added.

Is the combat style chain over the top? This class already does quite a bit more than a rogue, and two weapon fighting is all but a required feat purchase for them.

I would like to keep the 3.0/Tempest ambidexterity in the class, as opposed to just advancing extra attacks like the ranger - but how would I weaken the class to justify the inclusion?

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:52 am
by fbmf
Tempest sucked. Why include it in your class?

Game On,

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:53 am
by Essence
Art of Evasion is a bit weak with both a necessary skill check and a recharge time. I'd pick one.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "Tempest Ambidexterity". Can you elaborate?

As is, I think the class is a bit stronger than a Rogue -- but I think that that's OK. If you want to weaken the class to justify something, I'd weaken it via eliminiating (Greater) Skill Mastery. That, to me, is stepping on the Rogue's toes overmuch.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:26 am
by Username17
Skill rolls where a 1 always fails is just bad game mechanics. Also, there's no pressing reason for Skill Mastery to not apply. If you want to force them to roll dice -take away their Skill Mastery.

Note also that because it is an Immediate Action, there is already a recharge time - you only get 1 Immediate Action per turn.

Ultimately, it's just a way to take 1/2 damage once per turn. It's not really that amazing and you shouldn't expend a whole lot of time coming up with unique mechanics for it. Since it takes up your immediate action slot, you really could just have it always work. Half Damage is rarely an amazingly large amount of hit points.


Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:40 pm
by Save_versus_Stupid
Essence at [unixtime wrote:1153112012[/unixtime]]Art of Evasion is a bit weak with both a necessary skill check and a recharge time. I'd pick one.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "Tempest Ambidexterity". Can you elaborate?

As is, I think the class is a bit stronger than a Rogue -- but I think that that's OK. If you want to weaken the class to justify something, I'd weaken it via eliminiating (Greater) Skill Mastery. That, to me, is stepping on the Rogue's toes overmuch.

The ambidexterity mechanic the tempest from the complete adventurer, the old feat that was removed in 3.5.

fbmf - Flavor mostly. This character won't be doing massive damage in melee outside of hiding every turn and making one slash.

So I don't think that free two weapon fighting chain feats is as bad as it would be on a rogue who can flank and unload, while pumping his feats elsewhere.

Updates - I added the wall climb move from the adventurer ninja, and a clause about being an "innate" spellcaster, with no formal magic training to avoid the ninja from activating scrolls or other items non magical classes can not.

Essence - could you help me with the phrasing for the no magic item bit?

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:43 pm
by Desdan_Mervolam
Ummm... The Sorcerer is an "innate" spellcaster with no formal magical training, and can totally activate scrolls and so forth without automatically needing UMD.


Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:46 pm
by Save_versus_Stupid
Just a game mechanic I think the class needs.

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:45 am
by Essence
For the record, I don't think the class needs it. Having said that:

Instinctive Magic (Ex): The ninja's magic comes with no training or even comprehension of what exactly the ninja is doing to create these effects. Because of this, the ninja's beneficial spells may only target the ninja, and ninja may not use spell completion or spell trigger items based on spells gained from ninja class levels.

(The restriction on UMD use is silly. It's already not a class skill, so if they're going to use it at all, they're already investing at least a skill or another class feature into it. At that point, just let them. Seriously.)

Re: Ninja Core Class for Review (High-ish Fantasy)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:31 am
by Save_versus_Stupid
I don't either, to tell you the truth. I do usually play with a group of players who clasically don't have a good sense of what is actually game-breaking, and showing what is essentially "good faith" by adding in restrictions (albeit-irrelevant ones) I believe will help this class go over smoother.

I ran it by the guys saturday, and they had no problems with it. They initially thought art of evasion was overpowered, but then I pointed out in the large scheme of things it just means that this class is at least a relatively functional tank, and that wizards should be breaking the game by the time I get it and shadow aura. They also demanded that I move hide in plain sight closer to when prestige classes can achieve it, so I conceeded that but snuck the combat style feats back into the class.

I had sent one of the initial drafts to my GM before I arrived, he printed it out, showed it to the group and didn't know that I had actually weakened the class quite a bit since then, and removed the combat style. So I've now added it back in, because while I know it's nothing more than a flavor thing, i'm pretty sure if I told them the opposite they would instantly agree with me - since I know the rules/balance of the game a bit more than the group.

So there is my reasoning. Sounds dumb right? Well, i'm just trying to get what I want into a class and be as low key about it. I know this class outperforms some of the core classes, but any wizard or cleric snaps their fingers and I roll a new character. So what are you going to do?

In any event, thanks again for your persistant help Essence.