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Need help with this race

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:57 pm
by Tokorona
I'm trying to see exactly why people say it should be an ECL 1 race

* SotW are Humanoids, and get their HD and related bonuses.
* +2 DEX, -2 CHA
* Medium; Medium Creatures gains no bonuses.
* SotBL base speed is 45 feet;
* Darkvision: 60 feet
* +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep
* A SotWM is immune to lycanthropy
* Considered to be wearing winter clothing all time.
* +1 natural armor bonus to AC
* +2 racial bonus to Hide, Spot, Listen and Move Silently
* A SotW can speak with any wolf or wolf-like lycanthrope in their native tounge. It functions as (Sp) ability.
* Spell-Like Abilities: For 2/day, the SotW gets the following spell likes: Guidance and Resistance. Caster level is as the SotW's character level.
* Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Goblin, Orc

Since Favoured Class is somethingI don't use, it's not in ehre./ -anyway, thoughts?

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:07 pm
by MrWaeseL
It's wicked fast!!! :tongue:

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:43 pm
by Username17
OK, the ECL comes because it has a long list of powers and isn't an Elf. That stuff where it's immune to lycanthropy? That doesn't mean dik, but that's where the ECL comes from.

From a practical power standpoint, it's indeed wicked fast. 45 feet on a standard move doesn't mean anything compared to mounted combatants, but for an infantryman that's crazy good. +1 Natural Armor is something that won't matter when you're 15th level but at 1st level is a big deal. These guys have a bonus to Dex and a bonus to AC, giving them the same AC as a halfling without doing less damage.

This makes for a pretty awesome archer, because you get a dex bonus and a long move and you don't count as mounted. Compared to a halfling or goblin archer, you're in fine shape.

Now that being said, I think they are pretty unsynergistic. Their only unique abilities are social ones and they have a charisma penalty. I don't even know where they are going ith this. And for that matter, what the heck is up with their talking to wolves power? If it's on all the time, how is it spell-like?


Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:34 pm
by Tokorona
Actually, I wrote it, and -CHA Is because I was unsure of the end what stat didn't fit the concept

(And it's tagged (Sp) because the race was created by magic.)

EDIT: Updated hte draft to read (Su) after I reread the post. and "A SotW can speak with any wolf or wolf-like lycanthrope in their native tounge. It functions as an at will ability (Su)."

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:34 am
by erik
It feels like not enough for ECL 1, but too much for ECL zero.

The 45' move is definitely the sore thumb in this. 40' wasn't fast enough? Barbarians are required to be short-sticked mayhaps? The extra 5' just seems like a petty "neener-neener" thrown in there.

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:18 pm
by Tokorona
I gave it 45' because it's a mulitple of 15'

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:30 pm
by RandomCasualty
Well the speed is definitely the main selling point to this race. If you're going to abuse speed, then this race is what people would want to go (and probably worth LA+1 just for that). Ability scores are a plus, though not really any better or worse than a dwarf. The +1 natural armor is also a pretty nice advantage too and the rest is minor features not worth much.

Still the speed is pretty damn awesome.

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:10 pm
by User3
The speed, skill bonuses, and whatnot all cry out for the Scout core class from the CompAdv book.

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:34 am
by Tokorona
*twitches* Ironically, I hate that class. :/ Well, I'm thinking about dropping the speed to 40', since most increases are in 10', not 15'

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:56 am
by Tokorona
The idea was actually based of core monk.. now as the game set I use is heavily based off Races of War, I should probably alter it. For reference, this is the original set - these are the changes... course, I really don't like dumping CON, but...

Original Raceset wrote:
* SotW are Humanoids, and get their HD and related bonuses.
* +2 DEX, -2 CHA
* Medium; Medium Creatures gains no bonuses.
* SotW base speed is 45 feet;
* Darkvision: 60 feet
* +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep
* A SotW is immune to lycanthropy
* Considered to be wearing winter clothing all time.
* +1 natural armor bonus to AC
* +2 racial bonus to Hide, Spot, Listen and Move Silently
* A SotW can speak with any wolf or wolf-like lycanthrope in their native tounge. It functions as (Sp) ability.
* Spell-Like Abilities: For 2/day, the SotW gets the following spell likes: Guidance and Resistance. Caster level is as the SotW's character level.
* Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Goblin, Orc

Fixed and updated wrote:
* Soul's of the Wolves are Humanoids, and get their HD and related bonuses.
* +2 DEX, -2 CON
* Medium; Medium Creatures gains no bonuses.
* SotW base speed is 40 feet
* Darkvision: 60 feet
* +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep
* Magical Mask : A SotW is immune to lycanthropy
* Considered to be wearing winter clothing all time.
* +1 natural armor bonus to AC
* +2 racial bonus to Hide, Spot, Listen and Move Silently
* Heritage Tounge (Su): A SotW can speak with any wolf or wolf-like lycanthrope in their native tounge.
* Spell-Like Abilities: For 2/day, the SotW gets the following spell likes: Guidance and Resistance. Caster level is as the SotW's character level.
* Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Goblin, Orc

*Fixed variosu refrences to other races.

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:21 am
by User3
Who are the SotBL?

Races should probably have all self-referential text appear correctly.


Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:19 am
by Tokorona
SOul of the Badger Lord. (and WM is Soul of the Warrior Mouse. There's a pattern to it.)

I should probably post those since both of htose.. well, Badger Lord is meant to be a fighter with Leadership, and the Warrior Mouse is Matthias. =p

EDIT: Actually, the concept was that it's a race of magically created wolf people (hence, Magical Mask and Heritage Tounge) who are extremely resistant to cold weather (The setting they are for is an arctic setting.) but don't take heat and fire well. I just couldn't figure out how to express that. The wolves are those you'd see often in the forest or places moving fast, hence the emphasis on something that makes them either for a ranger, rogue or monk.

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:57 pm
by Fwib
Tokorona at [unixtime wrote:1159150759[/unixtime]]...magically created wolf people (hence, Magical Mask and Heritage Tounge) who are extremely resistant to cold weather (The setting they are for is an arctic setting.) but don't take heat and fire well. I just couldn't figure out how to express that....
Penalty to saves vs fire/heat and bonus vs cold/ice? Treat all temperatures as one or two categories warmer?

Re: Need help with this race

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:07 am
by User3
Eh.. the second option is really devastating.

(first one sounds good, although I'm also trying to make them totally unable to die in the cold by hunting and travelng in it.)

As it is, is there any other changes people would think to be good?

-- Tokorona