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I'm pretty sure that Sidereals are the real villains of Exal

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:10 pm
by Lago_AM3P
... yet the source material seems hesistant in assigning them the blame for the current state of affairs, even though it and the fact that things will not change is ENTIRELY THEIR FAULT.

What gives?

Re: I'm pretty sure that Sidereals are the real villains of

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:09 pm
by User3
Yeah, the Sidereals are the big villians of Exalted, complete with vast plots and mustach twirreling. They manage to get away with it because they chose to destroy the Solars "for the good of Creation." Well, that and nobody realizes theyy're still there.

Re: I'm pretty sure that Sidereals are the real villains of

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:46 pm
by User3
Of course the Siddies are villains. They're an Exalted splat; they HAVE to be pretty damn evil, or they just wouldn't fit.

Re: I'm pretty sure that Sidereals are the real villains of

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:13 pm
by The_Matthew
Okay, here's how the exalted splats break down:
1) Dragon Blooded: evil, because they hate you.
2) Lunars: evil, because they'll kill you if you're in the way
3) Sidereals: evil, because every single one of them is a grand vizer.
4) Abyssals: evil, becuse they hate all life.
5) Alchemicals: evil, because they're robots that come from outside the world.
6) Fair Folk: evil, because badger toothpick lemonade killing
7) Yozi: evil, they are demons.
8) Spirits: evil to neutral, they just like themselves.
9) Gods: evil to maybe even good, they could do something if they stopped playing chess/smoking crack.
10) Solars: evil, all of them are crazy and will ruin the world unless handled with extreme care.