Better Evocations Through Class and similar

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Better Evocations Through Class and similar

Post by JonSetanta »

This is a prototype for enhancing Evocations and such through class features.
It's an expansion and theory-test on this thread's concepts: ... r]Exploder Mage (Tome) PrC
class for damage-effect casters using spell slots, Su, Sp, or items
10-level for 6+

prereq: Spellcraft ranks 8+
Sculpt Spell/Power/Spell-like Ability feat

As a free action once per round, one or more Waves may apply to all damage-dealing area effect spells, abilities, or items used.
The Wave effects continue until your next turn unless Instantaneous.
When anyone within one of your area effects fails their save, they are affected by any applied Wave(s) as well. However, if the Wave applies a status change of any kind (other than damage) the victim gets a save to prevent the effect as long as the original spell of same name would allow one.
For effects that rely on you as the center of the spell, treat any point within the area effect as if it were your actual position.

You may choose a number of Wave effects to use each day equal to your Spellcraft ranks. Meditating for an hour at any time allows you to re-select Waves.

Elemental damage and subtypes in Wave effects may be substituted for any one of the following types when you choose Waves for each day (reselect the same Wave more than once for more variety): Fire, Acid, Cold, Lightning; or the following types at -1 damage per die: Force, Sonic, Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

First Wave

Explosive Runes (may only have 1 active at once with this ability)
Stinking Cloud
Diminish Plants
Fog Cloud
Dispel Magic (area dispel)
Sleet Storm
Deeper Darkness
Invisibility Purge
Wind Wall


Control Water
Ice Storm
Rainbow Pattern
Solid Fog

Second Wave

Black Tentacles
Teleport (directly after any explosion you create, appearing within the area of effect)
Waves of Fatigue
Transmute Rock to Mud
Control Winds
Greater Dispel Magic (area dispel)
Rusting Grasp

Freezing Sphere
Wall of Stone
Incendiary Cloud

Third Wave

Instant Summons (item appears within explosion area at end of detonation)
Plane Shift
Greater Teleport (directly after any explosion you create, appearing within the area of effect)
Delayed Blast Fireball

Dimensional Lock
Word of Recall (one explosive item)
Grasping Hand
Greater Shout
Horrid Wilting
Refuge (one explosive item)

Exploder Mage Abilities
1 First Wave 1: apply 1 First Wave ability as a free action, What A Blast: free Sculpt Spell feat applied to any area attack
2 Big Boom: increase area effects by 5' radius per 1/4 level
3 First Wave 2: use another First Wave
4 Second Wave 1: apply 1 Second Wave ability as a free action or up to 2 First Wave abilities as if a Second Wave
5 Long Boom: add one round to the duration of Wave effects but new Wave effect(s) over old ones overrides and does not stack
6 Second Wave 2: use another Second Wave,
7 Far Boom: double original maximum distance of area effects
8 Third Wave 1: apply 1 Third Wave ability as a free action or up to 2 Second Wave abilities as if a Third Wave or up to 4 First Wave abilities as if a Third Wave
9 3.2.1. Bang: delay any area effect you create by Concentration +1 round per level but no more than one delayed at once
10 Third Wave 2: use another Third Wave, Echoing Boom: Wave effects last one additional round per 2 levels but new Wave effect(s) over old ones overrides and does not stack

Exploder Mage Class Hit Dice: d8
Skill Points: INT+2

Code: Select all

[br]Lev BAB F R W[br]1st +0 +2 +2 +2 [br]2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 [br]3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 [br]4th +3 +4 +4 +4 [br]5th +3 +4 +4 +4 [br]6th +4 +5 +5 +5  [br]7th +5 +5 +5 +5 [br]8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 [br]9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6  [br]10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 [br]
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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