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What's the big boogie boogie about stat bonuses?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 6:56 am
by Username17
Compare these two ability sets:

Darkvision 60 feet
+2 to craft
+2 to appraise
+2 to search in stone structures or dungeon environs
Bonus search check attempt in such areas
+2 to listen
+2 AC
+2 to-hit with ranged weapons
+1 more to-hit with thrown weapons
+5 to hide
+1 to fort saves
+1 to will saves
+2 to reflex saves
+2 to saves vs. fear
-1 to climb
-1 to jump
-1 to swim
-2 to melee damage
-2 to throw weapon damage
-1 to projectile weapon damage
-5 penalty to trip and grapple checks
+1 to initiative
+1 to balance
+1 to escape artist
+1 to move silently
+1 to open lock
+1 to sleight of hand
+1 ride
+1 to tumble


Darkvision 60 feet
+1 hit point per level
+1 to concentration
+1 to hide
+1 AC
+1 to hit with ranged weapons
+1 to fort saves
+1 to reflex saves
+1 to initiative
+1 to balance
+1 to escape artist
+5 to move silently
+1 to open lock
+1 to sleight of hand
+1 ride
+1 to tumble

OK, which of these ability sets is better? Which one should get a frickin level adjustment, and why?


Re: What's the big boogie boogie about stat bonuses?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 11:58 am
by MrWaeseL
Halfling and Hobgoblin, right?

I don;t understand why the hobgoblin gets an LA. In fact, all the planetouched and the hobgoblin have LA +0 in my games.

Re: What's the big boogie boogie about stat bonuses?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 2:07 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Hobgoblins get an LA to discourage people from playing them.

Which is retarded, in my opinion, I've been allowing Hobgoblins as PCs since before I knew that elves could actually take a character class.

Re: What's the big boogie boogie about stat bonuses?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 4:23 pm
by Username17
Yes, that's the Deep Halfling (3.5 LA +0) and the Hobgoblin (3.5 LA +1).

Forcing you to ask whether:

-1 to climb
-1 to jump
-1 to swim
-2 to melee damage
-2 to throw weapon damage
-1 to projectile weapon damage
-5 penalty to trip and grapple checks
-1 hit point per level
-1 to concentration
-4 to move silently

is worth

+2 to craft
+2 to appraise
+2 to search in stone structures or dungeon environs
Bonus search check attempt in such areas
+2 to listen
+1 AC
+1 to-hit with ranged weapons
+1 more to-hit with thrown weapons
+4 to hide
+1 to will saves
+1 to reflex saves
+2 to saves vs. fear

Keep in mind that -1 to one thing and +1 to another is a net advantage because you will naturally gravitate to using the things you have bonuses to move often than the things you have penalties to.

And that's more total bonuses on the halfling side than penalties on the halfling side.
