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The Champion (Ess Class Project #5)

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:22 am
by Essence
This class has a lot of powers that rely on odd situations, situations that, like the Ranger’s Favored Enemy, only come up when the DM’s plot makes them relevant. For that reason, I’m unsure whether to include them as-is, or whether to ditch the flavor that they provide the class in favor of more universally applicable, but more clinical, abilities.

I think the only mechanical oddity not previously introduced is the middle save. A middle save starts at +1 and progresses to +9, basically splitting the middle ground between a low save and a high save…imagine that. The progression goes
1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9…


Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d10

Class Skills: 2+Int. Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills) (Int), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str)

Proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons, Light, Medium, and Heavy armor, and shields (but not heavy shields).

BAB: Good

Saves: All middle

Class Features by Level:

Code: Select all

[br] 1 Champion ability[br] 2 Call shield[br] 3 Strive 1/day[br] 4 Call upon the power[br] 5 Champion ability[br] 6 Shield powers: moderate fortification, quickened calling[br] 7 Call weapon[br] 8 Strive 2/day[br] 9 Heartening cry[br]10 Focused devotion, champion ability, shield power: bashing[br]11 Weapon powers: defending, quickened calling[br]12 Take on the mantle, call armor[br]13 Strive 3/day[br]14 Shield power: moderate fortification 10’ radius[br]15 Champion ability, weapon power: energy aura[br]16 Armor powers: energy resistance, quickened callling[br]17 Unassailable soul[br]18 Strive 4/day, shield powers: throwing and returning[br]19 Avatar, weapon power: advanced critical[br]20 Champion ability, armor power: protection from magic[br]

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the champion
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A champion is proficient with all simple weapons, all martial weapons all light, medium, and heavy armor, and light shields (but not heavy shields).
Champion Ability (varies): All champions choose a cause from which they derive their powers. See “Causes to Champion” below.
Call Shield (Sp): As a standard action, a 2nd level champion can summon a shield (the type of the shield is chosen at 2nd level and never changes again). This shield has some insignia related to the champion’s cause emblazoned on it, and has a +1 enhancement bonus, +1 for every 5 class levels (so the shield is +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level). Starting at 6th level, the shield negates 50% of the critical hits the Champion would take and can be summoned as a free action. Starting at 10th level, the shield can make shield bashes for 1d8 points of damage (assuming the shield is Medium sized; adjust as normal for size differences). Starting at 14th level, the shield’s moderate fortification extends to all of the champion’s allies within a 10’ radius. Starting at 18th level, the shield can be used as a returning thrown weapon at it’s normal damage and critical matrix, with a range increment of 10’. This shield can be enchanted with up to 5 points of shield special abilities, but cannot ever have an enhancement bonus beyond that granted by the champion’s class level. When summoned, the shield lasts for one minute plus one round per champion level, and then vanishes unless the champion concentrates (a standard action) on keeping it in existence. The shield can be summoned once per day per two champion levels.
Strive (Ex): At 3rd level, a champion gains the ability to strive onward despite great hindrances. For a number of rounds equal to his class level, the champion ignores any ability damage, hit point damage, or speed penalties he currently suffers under. If he takes enough ability or hit point damage to kill or incapacitate him, he does not die or become incapacitated until this ability ends. Activating this ability is a standard action, and the ability can be used once per day plus once per day per 5 levels beyond 3rd (8th, 13th, and 18th). A champion must wait at least 1 full minute after this ability ends before he can activate the ability again.
Call Upon the Power (Su): A champion of 4th level or higher can call upon the devotion he has to his cause to give him strength in combat. He gains a +2 devotion bonus to Strength and Constitution for 1 round per champion level. The champion can use this ability once per day per point of Charisma. This ability is a free action.
Call Weapon (Sp): As a standard action, a 7th level champion can summon a weapon (the type of the weapon is chosen at 7th level and never changes again). This weapon has some insignia related to the champion’s cause emblazoned on the hilt, and has a +1 enhancement bonus, +1 for every 5 class levels (so the weapon is +2 at 7th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level). Starting at 11th level, the weapon gains the special ability Defending and can be summoned as a free action. Starting at 15th level, the weapon gains the special ability Energy Aura. Starting at 19th level, the weapon’s critical multiplier is multiplied by itself (but remember to subtract 1 (see Basics of the Game in the PHB), so a x2 weapon becomes x3, a x3 weapon becomes x5, a x4 weapon becomes x7, and if somehow you have a x5 weapon, it becomes x9). This weapon can be enchanted with up to 5 points of weapon special abilities, but cannot ever have an enhancement bonus beyond that granted by the champion’s class level. When summoned, the weapon lasts for one minute plus one round per champion level, and then vanishes unless the champion concentrates (a standard action) on keeping it in existence. The weapon can be summoned once per day per two champion levels.
Heartening Cry (Su): As a free action, a champion of at least 9th level can give a battle cry that rallies and inspires his allies. All allies within 30 feet of the champion gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls and saving throws for 1 round per champion level. Further, all allies within the area under [Compulsion] effects may make another saving throw at the original DC to escape them. ([Compulsion] effects with no saves cannot be broken using this ability.) The champion can use this ability once per day.
Focused Devotion (Ex): At 10th level or at any point thereafter, a champion may choose to focus his devotion onto a single church, family, organization, person, place, or race. The devotees cannot be in opposition to the champion’s cause (and in fact are usually chosen because they represent or ally themselves with it). From this point forward, the champion gains his powers from the list available to Devoted Champions rather than the normal list granted by the champion’s cause. The majority of champions never choose to focus their devotion, but the option is open to all. This list does not exist below, and I just realized that I never copied it down from Arcana Unearthed. It’s basically a short list of powers that increases a champion’s connection to a particular place, group, person, etc. Largely ignorable.
Take On the Mantle (Su): Similar to but much more powerful than Calling Upon the Power, Taking On the Mantle is a 12th level Champion’s way of calling upon his cause or devotion to transform him from the inside outward. The champion grows a few inches and becomes more imposing and commanding in stature as well as physically mighty. He speaks with great resonance and authority and moves with definite power behind his stance. The new form adds a +4 devotion bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma, Damage Reduction equal to one-quarter his class level /-, and Spell Resistance equal to his class level +6. These bonuses last for one round per class level, and the ability can be used once per day as a free action.
Call Armor (Sp): As a standard action, a 12th level champion can summon a suit of armor (the type of the armor is chosen at 12th level and never changes again). This armor has some insignia related to the champion’s cause emblazoned on the chest, and has a +1 enhancement bonus, +1 for every 5 class levels (so the armor is +3 at 12th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level). Starting at 16th level, the armor grants 15 points of energy resistance against all forms of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic), and can be summoned as a free action. Starting at 20th level, the armor grants a +4 devotion bonus to all saves against supernatural abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. This armor can be enchanted with up to 5 points of armor special abilities, but cannot ever have an enhancement bonus beyond that granted by the champion’s class level. When summoned, the armor lasts for one minute plus one round per champion level, and then vanishes unless the champion concentrates (a standard action) on keeping it in existence. The armor can be summoned once per day per two champion levels.
Unassailable Soul (Su): Beginning at 17th level, the champion becomes so focused toward her cause or devotion that even magic cannot stand in her way. She gains Spell Resistance equal to her class level plus 11 constantly. This SR goes up by 5 points while the champion is Taking On the Mantle or in the form of the Avatar.
Avatar (Su): At 19th level and higher, a champion can take the form of the Avatar, akin to Taking On the Mantle, but at the pinnacle of power. The form of the Avatar grants a champion a +8 devotion bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma, and Damage Reduction equal to half his class level /-. These bonuses last for one round per class level and this ability is activated as a free action once per day.


Each section below briefly outlines a cause and lists the abilities granted by each cause.

The champions of light are champions of knowledge, honesty, and truth. They seek to illuminate what is obscured and unify those who are divided.
Special: Champions of Light have Gather Information and Search as class skills.
1st level: Shining Light (Sp): the champion can cast Light at will with a caster level equal to his class level.
5th level: Incisive Beam (Sp): the champion can cast Searing Light once per day per two class levels with a caster level equal to his class level.
10th level: Illumination (Ex): the champion gains a +4 sacred bonus to Spot, Search, and Sense Motive checks. Nothing hides from the light.
15th level: Light’s Truth (Sp): the champion gains the ability to cast Creature Loresight, Location Loresight, and Object Loresight thrice each per day with a caster level equal to his class level.
20th level: Final Illumination (Sp): the champion gains the ability to cast Sunburst and Sunbeam once each per day with a caster level equal to his class level.

The champions of darkness are champions of secrets, treachery, and lies. They seek to gather obscure lore for their own purposes and deny others access to their secret sources of power.
Special: Champions of Darkness have Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery as class skills.
1st level: Obscuring Darkness (Sp): the champion gains the ability to cast Darkness a number of times per day equal to one-half his class level (rounded up) with a caster level equal to his class level.
5th level: See in Darkness (Su): the champion gains the ability to see though normal and magical darkness to a range of 60’.
10th level: Obfuscating Tongue (Ex): the champion gains a +4 sacred bonus to Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery checks.
15th level: Treacherous Strike (Ex): the champion gains +2d6 Sneak Attack dice.
20th level: Perfect Secrets (Sp): the champion gains the ability to cast Mind Blank twice per day with a caster level equal to his class level.

The champions of life serve all living things and seek to violently oppose death and destruction except that which is necessary for the furthering of life (such as a forest fire which burns away underbrush so that new trees can flourish).
Special: the champion can use any spell-completion or spell-trigger magic item involving a spell with the [positive energy] descriptor.
1st level: Life’s Healing (Sp): with a touch, the champion can heal a number of HP equal to his Constitution bonus times his level. The champion can cure any living creature including himself. The healing can be split up between multiple uses and multiple recipients. Using this ability is a standard action.
5th level: Fight for Life (Su): any time the champion is fighting and the lives of significant number of creatures (20 or more) hang in the balance, the champion gains a +2 sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls.
10th level: Sense Life (Su): the champion can detect any living creature within a 60’ cone in front of her by concentrating as a standard action. He learns the size category, type, and rough health (dying, stable, staggered, or well) of the creatures he senses using this ability.
15th level: Call of Life (Sp): the champion of life can cast Resurrection once per day as a caster of his class level.
20th level: Perfect Body (Sp): the champion of life can cast Heal twice per day as a caster of his class level.

The champions of death serve the acceleration of the final end. They regard undead as abominations of death’s purpose, and abhor creatures who willingly give themselves over to undeath, such as liches. Largely misunderstood and rejected, the champions of death nevertheless strive to do their duty with efficiency and resolve.
Special: the champion can use any spell-completion or spell-trigger item involving a spell with the [death] descriptor.
1st level: Death’s Blessing (Su): the champion gains a +2 sacred bonus to damage rolls against living and undead creatures.
5th level: The Tolling Bell (Sp): the champion can cast [/I]Death Knell[/I] at will as a caster of his class level. The additional caster levels granted by this spell apply to all spell-like abilities granted by this class..
10th level: Deathshield (Su): the champion gains immunity to spells and effects with the [negative energy] descriptor.
15th level: Call of Death (Sp): the champion can cast Finger of Death once per day as a caster of his class level.
20th level: Deny Death (Su): the champion automatically succeeds on any saving throws vs. death effects and spells or abilities with the [death] descriptor.

The champions of undeath are servants of negative energy. Champions of undeath kill freely, reasoning that every corpse they create is another to be handed over to the powers they serve and raised as an undead. Champions of undeath have enemies everywhere and very few allies, so they learn quickly to hide their nature.
Special: the champion has Hide and Move Silently as in-class skills. Furthermore, the champions of undeath give themselves over to the power they serve, becoming healed by negative energy and similarly harmed by positive energy.
1st level: Command the Walking Dead (Sp): the champion can rebuke and command undead as a Cleric of his level.
5th level: Abomnimation (Sp) the champion can cast Animate Dead once per day as a caster of his class level.
10th level: Strike at Life (Sp): the champion can cast Harm once per day and Enervation once per day as a caster of his class level.
15th level: Call of Undeath (Sp): the champion can cast Create Undead once per day and Create Greater Undead once per day as a caster of his class level.
20th level: Annihilate Life (Sp): the champion can cast Energy Drain once per day as a caster of his class level.

The champions of magic serve the arcane powers that guide the world with unseen hands. A friend to spellcasters and a guardian of magical guilds and centers of arcane lore, the champion of magic walks in two worlds: that of weapons and that of wands.
Special: the champion of magic has Spellcraft and Use Magic Device as in-class skills.
1st level: Lesser Magic Touch (Sp): once per day the champion of magic can cast any 0th or 1st level non-exotic spell, using her champion level as his caster level and Charisma as her key spellcasting attribute. The spell cast has verbal components only.
5th level: Familiarity with Magic (Ex): the champion gains a +2 competence to all saving throws vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. Furthermore, the champion gains a +2 competence bonus to AC vs. any of the above that require an attack roll.
10th level: Grater Magic Touch (Sp): once per day the champion of magic can cast any non-exotic spell of 4th level or lower, just as with Lesser Magic Touch.
15th level: Abjure Magic (Sp): once per day per point of Charisma bonus, the champion of magic can automatically dispel any non-instantaneous magical effect by touch as if she had cast Dispel Magic and had succeeded at the caster level check (even if this would be impossible normally). If the champion has no Charisma bonus, this ability is usable once per week.
20th level: True Magic Touch (Sp): once per day the champion of magic can cast any non-exotic spell of 8th level or lower, just as with Lesser Magic Touch.

The champions of nature tend to be reclusive and hard to find, but they always appear when the wilds are threatened or the natural balance is upset. Rarely talkative, they tend to be charming and welcome regardless.
Special: the champion of nature has Handle Animal and Survival as in-class skills.
1st level: Nature’s Aura (Su): the champion of nature can use Wild Empathy as a Druid of his level.
5th level: Nature’s Ally (Su): the champion of nature gains an Animal Companion as a Ranger of his level.
10th level: Nature’s Lore (Sp): the champion of nature can cast Commune with Nature once per day as a caster of his class level.
15th level: Nature’s Aid (Sp): the champion of nature can cast Control Plants once per day and Command Plants once per day as a caster of his class level.
20th level: Nature’s Wrath (Sp): the champion of nature can cast Storm of Vengeance or Thunderswarm (champion’s choice) once per day as a caster of his class level.

The champions of community are very much the opposite of the champions of nature. Highly gregarious and sociable, they tend to fit easily into whatever community they find themselves in, though they tend to not stay overmuch. These champions appear whenever a settlement is endangered by the encroachments of the wild, of savages, or of internal strife.
Special: Gather Information, Profession, and Speak Language are class skills.
1st level: On the Alert (Ex): the champion of community gains Uncanny Dodge (can’t be flanked) when fighting in defense of a community. (Note that this ability comes with
5th level: Defense of the Hearth (Sp): the champion of community can cast Shield Other at will as a caster of his class level.
10th level: Maintain the People (Sp): the champion of community can cast Healing Circle twice per day as a caster of his class level.
15th level: Stand Tall (Su): the champion of community is immune to [compulsion] effects. Additionally, the champion grants all allies within thirty feet a +1 morale bonus to saving throws and attack rolls when fighting in defense of a community or to rescue a lost or captured member of a community he has previously visited.
20th level: Communal Combat (Su): all of the champion’s allies within thirty feet are not considered flatfooted or flanked unless the champion of community is considered flatfooted or flanked.

The champions of war spread the seeds of discontent wherever they travel, hoping to stir up revolutions and civil wars in their wake. They thrive on conflict, and though most would rather be in the thick of it, those who cannot be are more than happy starting some.
Special: Bluff and Intimidate are class skills.
1st level: Dog of War (Ex): the champion of war gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in any battle that has more than 5 intelligent creatures on at least two sides of the combat.
5th level: Battlerage (Sp): the champion of war can cast Emotion (rage) once per day as a caster of his class level.
10th level: Incite the Crowds (Ex): the champion of war gains a +4 sacred bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks.
15th level: Frenzied Fight (Ex): the champion of war may make an additional attack each full-attack action at his highest BAB in any battle that has more than 5 intelligent creatures on at least two sides of the combat.
20th level: Charismatic Commander (Su): during one combat per day of the champion’s choice, the champion of war and all allies of the champion of war who are participating in a battle that has more than 5 intelligent creatures on at least two sides of the combat gain a sacred bonus to hit and damage equal to the champion of war’s Charisma bonus, if any.

The champions of peace strive to maintain harmony in the places they frequent, though they never hesitate to join a fight if they see a way it can be ended quickly and with a minimum of fuss.
Special: champions of peace gain a +2 sacred bonus to Diplomacy checks, and have the Profession skill in class.
1st level: Deny Battle (Sp): the champion of peace can cast Sanctuary once per day as a caster of his class level.
5th level: Think it Through (Sp): the champion of peace can cast Calm Emotions three times per day as a caster of his class level.
10th level: Talk it Over (Ex): the champion of peace gains a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Gather Info.
15th level: Hand of Peace (Su): whenever the champion of peace is unarmed and unarmored, any opponents who wish to harm him must first make a Will save (DC 10+1/2 champion level + champion’s Charisma modifier). If they fail their save, they simply cannot attack the champion of peace. They may attempt a new save every minute. If the champion of peace has cast Sanctuaryas well, the aggressor must pass both Will saves to attack the champion.
20th level: Force the Issue (Sp): once per day, the champion of peace can, as a spell-like ability activated as a standard action, attempt to shatter every weapon but his own within a thirty foot radius of himself. All such weapons must save as if against a Shatter spell, but DC 10+ ½ champion level + champion’s Charisma modifier.

The champions of freedom despise tyranny, oppression, and bondage. Normally found in places where they are needed most, champions of freedom seek to overthrow or defeat anyone who subjugates others. They use hit-and-run tactics and try to never endanger innocents.
Special: the champion of freedom has Open Lock and Disable Device as class skills.
1st level: Freedom’s Will (Su): the champion of freedom gains a +2 bonus to resist mind-affecting effects.
5th level: Freedom’s Strength (Su): the champion gains a +2 sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls in battles in which the freedom of people in bondage hangs in the balance.
10th level: Freedom’s Feet (Su): the champion is immune to any spell that would immobilize, bind, constrict, or slow her (i.e. Bind with Plants, Drain Away Speed, Slow, Hold Monster, etc.).
15th level: Freedom’s Passage (Sp): the champion of freedom can cast Freedom of Movement, Knock, and Bypass Ward once per day per four class levels each, with a caster level equal to her class level.
20th level: Freedom’s Shield (Su): the champion of freedom is immune to mind-affecting effects.

Champions of pizza are rare, to be sure, but their danger is matched only by their mystery.
Special: the champion of pizza automatically succeeds on all Fortitude saves against indigestion, and gains a +8 sacred bonus on Perform (belch) checks.
1st: Crust (Sp): the champion of pizza can cast Create Food and Water once per day as a caster of his level, but can only use the spell to create quantities of pizza and beer.
5th: Sauce (Ex): the champion of pizza gains a +8 sacred bonus to Bluff checks made to seduce and Perform (dance) checks.
10th: Cheese (Sp): the champion of pizza can cast Shades once per day as a caster of his level.
15th: Choice of Toppings (Sp): the champion of pizza can cast any non-exotic spell of 3rd level or lower as a spell-like ability eight times per day with a caster level equal to his class level.
20th: Beer (Su): the champion of pizza automatically succeeds at all Fortitude saves against all non-magical effects.

More options are, of course, relatively easy to create if a PC wishes to champion an obscure cause or one not listed above (such as a Champion of Elemental Water or a Champion of Lust.)

(That'd be interesting.)


Re: The Champion (Ess Class Project #5)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:40 am
by Username17
The problem, of course, with tabular saves, is that they provide breakpoints.

Now, the middle progression's breakpoint is first level - in that you get a save bonus at first level and nothing at second level.

So let's think about this - at first level you get +1 to all saves. You also get a BAB and all your wepaon and armor proficienicies and your first Champion Ability. This is a pretty decent level.

For your second level.... you don't. You don't get any save bonuses, you don't get any armor or weapon proficiencies, and your "ability" is that you get a +1 enhancement bonus to your shield. Not a +1 to the enhancement bonus of your shield, a +1 total bonus. So this ability is roughly as good as the Dodge Feat unless and until you get access to a +1 shield on your own inwhich case it doesn't do anything at all.

So why would you take more than one level of this class? You wouldn't. Everything you really want comes at first level or too late to care about anyway. There is literally no reason why anyone at all concerned with character effectiveness wouldn't simply bite directly through to the tootsie roll center in the center of this tootsie pop and abandon this class for any other class at all.

Tabular saves don't do you any favors, and tables that put everything up front where you don't have to take more than one level to get what you want is even worse.

Consider how standard D&D tempts you into taking more than one level of Roguish classes - by giving you the deuce on the BAB for the very first level, and then giving you some dead sexy numbers to work with for the next three after that. It's a crummy way to do things, but it's the only way to really make tabular bonuses work.
