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Making Avatar d20

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:13 pm
by the_taken
Predicting D&D 4e


Avatar d20


I've been trying to watch Avatar on the internet since I can't catch it on TV. And I still can't find all the episodes in order.

While watching, I became inspired to create a D&D character to approximate. At first I tried the standard enlightened fist approach of kung-fu + blasting magic, and was predictably disappointed. I knew using the warmage and EK would be just as humiliating so I made a quick search for some homebrew material. I was disappointed again (warlock as your chassis? monk's fighting progression? deities?) I put the idea in the removable wall safe.

I recently started thinking about how D&D has problems with it's power scales. Some classes are designed to function identically all the time, while others continuously become more complex, interesting and powerful. Which the regulars of this forumn are already aware of. It also led to think of a way to get certain monsters playable in my games.

It hit me head on like a rabid bull. PrCs. Nymphs are not actually monsters, their own separate species, but are really hot elf druid chicks in a druid based PrC. In fact, many so called 'fey' are actual regular mortals whom have surrendered to their inner nature and become one with it. Dryads hugged trees so much they became part of their favorite one, Nymphs are narcissistic loners that bath in flower petal covered ponds daily, red caps are blood thirty gnomes and halflings over 40 with special hats, while satyrs are so horny they grew some. Horns.
They are all druids (hippiemacers) with their own special PrC.

I then put this idea next to the current concept of available power to characters in a regular D&D game and realized that there's no connection what so ever between these two concepts. At this point, I realize that I sound like some rambling loon, making connection where they don't exist. I'll stop now.


I decided that instead of creating some halfway playable class that you can patch into D&D, which would have a so many people unsatisfied (as I was), I decided to make a game system which would be balanced on it's own, ignoring D&D's concepts of powers by class. In fact, ignoring D&D all together. Air benders have no place near Tiamat's worshipers, so lets not allow the two systems to be compatible. (And now I feel like a hypocrite.)

I'll start simple. Two guys slapping each other.

This requires a few variables:
  • Defence Score: Each guy's ability to avoid getting hit
  • Damage Reduction: Each guys ability to reduce the effectiveness of a successful hit
  • Health Points: the point of cumulative damage that each guy can take before he falls down
  • Attack Score: each guy's ability to hit the other
  • Attack Damage: How powerful each guy's attacks are

Defence Score: Quite simply, I'll borrow from D&D. DS is like AC, it starts at 10. Now we give an arbitrary bonus that will scale as a character becomes more powerful. Say, half his level. More experienced characters are better at dodging attacks.

Attack Score: Now for offence, the AS. I'll have it scale the same, getting half your character level added as an arbitrary bonus. And since we love that icosahedral so much we'll use it as our randome number generator.

The other three scores are the most complicated and trouble some. These make a huge impact on how many rolls fights last.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:12 am
by PhoneLobster
Damnit, whats with the title? I totally thought someone was starting a betting pool on when WOTC decides to cheese it before the creditors come calling and releases fourth ed.

Or sells it to Mongoose who then do the same.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:20 pm
by Cielingcat
Why make the numbers 1/2 level? Making it scale 1 per level on each side keeps the numbers the same in comparison to one another, but allows characters to get something at every level.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:08 pm
by the_taken
I'm not very good with names, both in forgetting and creating. I not even sure how I came up with the predicting 4e thing.

The half level progression is about keeping the base numbers closer to each other. This keeps the power level of higher level characters closer to the lower. When I toss in more bonuses (which there will be a very small number of possible ones) the numbers will spread out even more.

Back to the three other scores: I decided to have even, set piece fights last 10 die rolls. With the current DS + AS setup, that means only 5 rolls will have an effect. So one guy must fail to win within 5 hits. First to take three hits looses.

If HP = 3 and AD = 1 then successful AS 3 x AD 1 = HP 3. Math is so much fun.

But 3 is a small number. Let's double it.

HP = 6

We have to increase the damage to keep the number of die rolls in the same area.

AD = 2

Hmmm... Let's randomize it. Averaging 2 damage, 1d3.

AD = 1d3

So each guy has the following:

AS = 1d20+1/2xL
AD = 1d3
DS = 10+1/2xL
DR = 0

Getting Deja Vu? This looks like two commoners fighting each other bare-handed in D&D, with two extra HP. The unfortunate problem with D&D is that HP will continue to increase with level, while damage does not.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:28 pm
by Brobdingnagian
That's because you're supposed to find new and crazy ways to inflict damage in D&D, instead of the game doing it for you.


I'm not saying I agree with that, but it's true.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:02 pm
by the_taken
Right. Now we're going to add a crazy way to deal damage. One guy gets a stick. A nice big, heavy wooden stick. To simulate that it's more powerfull than a hand or arm, it changes the AD of the wielder to 1d4. This increases the wielders over all average damage by 0.5. Not alot, but enough to shift the win/loose ration over several fights into his favor.

Guy 1

AS = 1d20+1/2xL
AD = 1d3
DS = 10+1/2xL
DR = 0

Guy 1 (with stick)

AS = 1d20+1/2xL
AD = 1d4
DS = 10+1/2xL
DR = 0

But this is boring. The guy with the stick has an advantage. So he's going to win more often. The other guy isn't one to take abuse like that all the time. But he doesn't like hitting things with a stick. He likes to feel the shifting mass of flesh on his bare hands. So instead he gets better at it.

Let's define L. For the guy with the stick L=1. For the guy without L=2

Guy 1:

AS = 1d20+1
AD = 1d3
DS = 11
DR = 0

Guy 2 (with stick)

AS = 1d20
AD = 1d4
DS = 10
DR = 0

Guy 1 has an increased chance to hit of 5%. Which is an extra 0.4 damage. But Guy 2's overall damage went from 2.5 to 2.375

Boring. Boring. Boring.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:29 pm
by Brobdingnagian
Guy 3 comes in with magic?

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:49 pm
by Catharz
So, what, 4e will be a strange version of SAME?

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:25 pm
by the_taken
Never heard of SAME. What's it like? Price range?

Brobdingnagian at [unixtime wrote:1177522169[/unixtime]]Guy 3 comes in with magic?

Not quite. I'll get to guy 3 and magic soon enough.

I sorta went in the wrong direction. Good news is that we know if everybody starts naked, a weak weapon is about worth 1 level up in this system, when you opponent's level is odd. Weird.

Let's scale L back to 1 for every body.

Guy 1:

AS = 1d20
AD = 1d3
DS = 10
DR = 0

Guy 2 (with stick)

AS = 1d20
AD = 1d4
DS = 10
DR = 0

Problem. Guy two is winning more often. Let' mess things up.

Ability Scores: Since I'm taking off D&D we have to use those six stats. I don't care about the mental ones right now, so lets focus on the three.

We'll use D&D 3.5 'cause it's familiar. You get a starting number between 3 and 18, but starting things from 10 cause nothing changes that way.

Guy 1:

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10

Guy 2 (with stick)

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10

Now let's change things. Guy 1, after taking many beatings becomes tougher. His CON is now 12. Just like 3.5, it increases his HP by 1. HP=7. Guy 2 can still take out Guy 1 in three successful strikes, but now he only has a 0.14% advantage.
To be fair with the ability scores, all that time swinging that stick around has increased Guy 2's muscle mass a bit. His STR is now 12. Just like 3.5, AD and AS +1
Let's make CON more valuable. The mod from CON also increases your DR.

Guy 1:

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12
AS = 1d20
AD = 1d3
DS = 10
DR = 1

Guy 2 (with stick)

STR 12 DEX 10 CON 10
AS = 1d20+1
AD = 1d4+1
DS = 10
DR = 0

It's going to take Guy 2 can take Guy out in 3 hits, still, but his average damage is almost back where we were when all the ability scores where 10. The DR negates the Damage Bonus, and the extra HP almost negates the extra attack bonus. Guy now has a bit larger advantage. Let's introduce Guy 3.
Guy 3 doesn't have a stick. He isn't particularly tough, or strong. But his fast and agile. His DEX is 12.
In this system DEX increases you defence (like AC in D&D) but it also increases your ability to hit things (like weapon finesse).

Guy 3
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 10
AS = 1d20+1
AD = 1d3
DS = 11
DR = 0

His average damage increases by 0.1 (meh?) but he also reduces Guy 2's damage average to 2.345 or Guy 1's to 1.9. OK, so DEX isn't that cool right now.

Oh right! Initiative! Just like in 3.5, you roll initiative, and DEX improves your chances of getting a high number. So Guy 3 is slightly more likely to attack first and be able to score his third hit needed to win a fight.

So, STR + Weapon = CON = DEX. Look Ma! My game is balanced!

Guy 1:

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 7
AS = 1d20
AD = 1d3
DS = 10
DR = 1

Guy 2 (with stick):

STR 12 DEX 10 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 6
AS = 1d20+1
AD = 1d4+1
DS = 10
DR = 0

Guy 3:
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20+1
HP = 6
AS = 1d20+1
AD = 1d3
DS = 11
DR = 0

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:32 am
by Brobdingnagian
Guy 4 is a Cleric. Your game has lost its balance because of bias towards religion.

Jest aside.

Looking good so far.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:00 pm
by the_taken
Clerics, right.

After several millenia, evolution works it's wonders. The guys have learned to talk and have given each other names. They've become a little tougher overall from constantly beating each other senseless. And every body has now learned how to use a stick.
This puts Moran at a disadvantage, so he figures out how to get a better stick. He gets a strait branch, that's a little to big for him to swing normally, and uses some rocks to scrape and shave it into just the right size for him to use. Moran now has a club, and it's superior to a stick.

Gorrak the tough:

STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 8
AS = 1d20
AD = Stick 1d4
DS = 10
DR = 1

Moran the strong:

STR 12 DEX 10 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 7
AS = 1d20+1
AD = Club 1d6+1
DS = 10
DR = 0
Skill: Weapon making

Silver the Quick:

STR 10 DEX 12 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20+1
HP = 7
AS = 1d20+1
AD = Stick 1d4
DS = 11
DR = 0

The other three guys aren't morons, and after seeing Moran whack 'em with the labours of his new skill, they decide to develop their own.

Gorrak is tough guy, and he figures he should stick with his favorite way of fighting. Being tough. While eating some bear meat, and remembering how tough that bear was to kill, he gets the idea that if he wears the bear's hide, it'll impart some of it's toughness onto him.
Well, it's not very good, so he goes and kills another bear and wears him too. The two fur coats are smelly and gross, but they dampen the impact of blows, increasing his DR by 1.

Silver is all about being fast. He's about being so fast that he hits his competitors more than they hit him. He works on his reflexes.


STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 8
AS = 1d20
AD = Stick 1d4
DS = 10
DR = 2
Skill: Armor


STR 12 DEX 10 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20
HP = 7
AS = 1d20+1
AD = Club 1d6+1
DS = 10
DR = 0
Skill: Weapon making


STR 10 DEX 12 CON 10
Initiative = 1d20+5
HP = 7
AS = 1d20+1
AD = Stick 1d4
DS = 11
DR = 0
Skill: Improved Initiative

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:38 pm
by the_taken
Story telling is fun, but the game seams to be balanced right now.

Ability Scores STR DEX CON
Ability mod = (Ability Score - 10)/2
Initiative = 1d20 + DEX mod
Health Points = varies + CON mod
Attack Score = 1d20 + STR/DEX mod + 1/2 level
Attack Damage = varies + STR mod
Defence Score = 10 + DEX mod + 1/2 level
Damage Reduction = 0 + CON mod

So let's add some complexity. I've already introduced equipment, but really only a glimpse. Same with skills.

There are only two types of equipment right now. Weapons and armor. Let's add another; shields.

Characters have two hands, so they can carry a weapon and a shield, or two weapons, or a really big weapon

Weapons: They replace a character's AD with a better one. They may also provide more AS.

Weapons have a damage type, identical to D&D's

Weapons have levels. Higher level weapons deal more damage and have special effects.

Shields: They improve DS. They have a HP and DR like a character, so when an attack misses the character by the shield's bonus to DS, the shield takes the damage instead.
Armor: May improve both DS and DR.

Armor has types:
  • Padding - made of thick fibrous material, mostly improves DR
  • Scale and Chain - made of interlocking hard material, improves both DS and DR equaly
  • Hard shell - large surfaces of hard material, mostly improves DS

Armors have weight classes which cause penalties to characters with lower STR

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:52 pm
by Brobdingnagian
Uh oh, you're introducing options. Careful, you're only a couple steps away from unbalancing the system.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:29 pm
by the_taken
It's bound to happen, but watching the numbers carefully means that we can adjust the numbers to coincide with the '10 rolls a fight' rule.

Hp will scale linearly, while weapons (or attack skills) will scale in damage at a slightly faster rate. Armor will be the balancing factor.
Stronger characters will be able to use better armor, meaning they will be near the same effectiveness as tougher characters.

Unlike D&D, there will be no feats. There will be class abilities and skills. Skills will have certain attributes which will determine who can acquire them, like spell lists or bonus feat lists.

Skills will have a level requirement, based apon their appropriateness at certain character levels. Additionally, you may need to have selected a related lower level skill to use a higher level one. (The fact that this sounds like Diablo 2's skill system is a coincidence, or a good idea.)

Class abilities. Classes will come with a level apropriate tag. There will be no 20lvl classes. Base classes will be the ones with no prerequisites. All classes will be from 3 to ten levels long, based apon the number of related class only abilities they can provide. Class abilities will scale after you get them, whether you stay in the class or not.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:38 pm
by Brobdingnagian
Just make sure not to allow 3rd party material, and don't get your mechanics written by fluff writers.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:37 am
by the_taken
Do you consider Races of War 3rd party material?

I absolutely love The Edge rules. Both flavour wise and mechanically.

Edge rules are in. Whenever a character has a higher Edge score than their opponant's, they have special options.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:00 am
by Brobdingnagian
Races of War, and other Frank and K supplements, are not considered 3rd party material. They are considered functional.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:54 pm
by the_taken
My point, exactly.


HP, DR and Damage. Theses three factors must balance each other out. That means we have to have a point of reference, an arbitrarily assigned number. It's going to be HP. Why, 'cause that's where D&D is simple.
Base hp will be determined from the d8. That's the middle ground between a d4 and a d12, two sizes bigger and smaller. Just like 3.5, you get the full HD at first level +CON mod. Then you add d8+CON mod at every additional level. For CON 10 characters, you'll gain an additional 57% HP every level. That means your HP improves by 115% every odd numbered level (215% at 3rd, 330% at 5th, etc.)

Now if we didn't have armor, damage from attacks would have to scale at the same rate. (A character deals an additional 100% damage every other level.) But we do have armor, which improves either the ability to evade attacks, negate the damage from it, or both. So attacks have to be more powerful to function appropriately.

Base HP is 8 at first level, +4.5 every level up. Base damage will be 1d6 at first level... No, 1d8 at first level. Remember that armor is available at Lvl1 and that attacks must be more potent to be level apropriate.

So with the 8HP vs 4.5 damage + more armor means less hits so on average 2 matter now. So attacks are now more powerful. As the levels increase, the overall chance to hit goes up, the damage scales the same, and the HP scales faster, meaning a character takes more hits, and that's opposite of what I wanted.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:32 pm
by Catharz
the_taken at [unixtime wrote:1177952062[/unixtime]]
Base hp will be determined from the d8.


Base HP is 8 at first level, +4.5 every level up.

1d8 HP per level =/= 4.5 HP per level.

1d8 HP per level with max at first means that a 2nd level character is equally likely of having 16 HP or 9 HP.
That's really to big of a difference to be balanced. It works fine in a game where you create disposable characters, and the ones that you keep for a long time are the ones who are numerically superior (2e).

At high levels things are probably more balanced, but it's still a step function with the characters who got lucky early on being more likely to be better later on.

My suggestion:
If you have DR and AC (AC being a misnomer now), add Con to DR just like you add Dex to AC. Use a static whole number of HP each level (or if you want to make things simpler, use a static whole number of HP ever). 6 is good if you're planning on doing division, 5 is good if you want the numbers to look simple to base-10 abusers.

That said, once you've fleshed this out you should really take a look at SAME.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:43 pm
by Brobdingnagian
More importantly, don't roll hit points. Ever. It makes the unlucky Barbarian worse at taking hits than the lucky Wizard. Give people with half + .5 each level (for a d8, 4.5 hit points) to keep it balanced. No, don't actually count that .5. It's just there for reference.

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:22 pm
by the_taken
Disposable characters? Not my players. (Or any in games that I create.)

New rule, primary characters get a set amount of HP as determined by their class, with HD equivalence for making disposable characters that the DM will throw at the PCs. In most cases this is going to be 8 at first character level, then 5 at every additional level. d10 and d12 HD will only appear on PrCs at later levels, while the d4 and d6 will be used by spellcasters if I plan on having any.

Balance at higher levels means nothing if the game isn't balanced at every level.

CON mod is already being added to DR.

Figured out how much damage should increase by, The average damage dealt should be equal to twice the character's level +1. This means that character's will take on average three hits to fall down, but occasionally succumbing to only two its.
Slightly lower level characters will fall down after two hits more often. Only very low level characters may be taken out in one hit.


Predicted Base HP vs Expected Base Damage by level (All stats = 10)

Lvl01 - 008 vs 03 - 37.50%
Lvl02 - 013 vs 05 - 38.46%
Lvl03 - 018 vs 07 - 38.89%
Lvl04 - 023 vs 09 - 39.13%
Lvl05 - 028 vs 11 - 39.29%

Lvl06 - 033 vs 13 - 39.39%
Lvl07 - 038 vs 15 - 39.47%
Lvl08 - 043 vs 17 - 39.53%
Lvl09 - 048 vs 19 - 39.58%
Lvl10 - 053 vs 21 - 39.62%

Lvl11 - 058 vs 23 - 39.66%
Lvl12 - 063 vs 25 - 39.69%
Lvl13 - 068 vs 27 - 39.71%
Lvl14 - 073 vs 29 - 39.73%
Lvl15 - 078 vs 31 - 39.74%

Lvl16 - 083 vs 33 - 39.76%
Lvl17 - 088 vs 35 - 39.77%
Lvl18 - 093 vs 37 - 39.78%
Lvl19 - 098 vs 39 - 39.80%
Lvl20 - 103 vs 41 - 39.81%

Re: Predicting D&D 4e? (or making Avatar d20)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:15 pm
by the_taken
Added the percentage of health taken away by the average hit.

Weirdest coincidence I've ever encountered. After the first level, every % calculated was an irrational number.

Actions, Attacks, Skills, Martial Arts, Maneuvers, Stances a

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:41 am
by the_taken
The Curse of the D6

I thought up ways to maintain the average damage of the attacks. The first was simply having a d3 rolled fro every character level, and adding one to the result. It was simple and needed far too many dice. Then I looked at the progressive average for the d6. I considered having the base damage at first level to very simply be a d6. It slightly skewed the predicted rolls at first level, and ruined the balance of the system in favour of defence characters at 2nd level. But it's perfect at third level, where every character deals 2d6 damage, for an average of 7, exactly the required point.
At higher levels, the balance goes crazy. It takes 12d6 to keep the avarage damage in line at 20th, an it's ahead by one. Plus damage doesn't scale at every level.

lvl - #rolls - average
01 - 01 - 03.5
03 - 02 - 07
05 - 03 - 10.5
07 - 04 - 14
08 - 05 - 17.5
10 - 06 - 21
12 - 07 - 24.5
13 - 08 - 28
15 - 09 - 31.5
17 - 10 - 35
19 - 11 - 38.5
20 - 12 - 42

A few definitions
Stance: The approximate position of your various limbs that allows for Maneuvers. Certain stances modify you AS, DS, DR and AD. Some stances are effects of Status Conditions, while others are effects of a Maneuver your character performs. A few stances grant extra HP.

Maneuver: The main action you perform in a round. Sometimes a maneuver causes your character to enter a stance at the end and/or beginning of it.

Ability: Usually a non-combat action. Some abilities are performed as part of a maneuver, like Jumping as part of Leap Attack.

Skill: Knowledge of an Ability, Stance or Maneuver. Maybe multiple abilities, stances and/or maneuvers can be part of a skill, and maybe while multiple skills may be required to learn just one.

Attack: A type of Maneuver.

Combo: A string of Maneuvers.

------- Tome of Battle: Eat your heart out! -------

In D&D, the things you can do in a round are very well defined and complicated. And science has proven that simple systems create complex results, while complex systems create a muddle. Let's create a simple system. Movement is based on your stance and maneuvers (combos) that you perform in combination with your character's base speed.
The especially messy areas of D&D are the flanking rule, which is arbitrary and dumb, and the threatened squares rule, which can be unrealistic for this Avatar game I'm trying to make.

There are a few actions you can perform in a round. The Move + Standard + Swift/Immediate thing is retarded. Additionally is the concept of free actions. So they're not here.

Actions on you turn

Once per round, before or after you perform a maneuver, you can change your stance. Certain maneuvers may require a certain stance, and some may cause your character to end in one.
Once per round, you may perform a combo. This a string of multiple maneuvers that you can perform. A maneuver has a level. The number of maneuver levels you can perform in a combo depends on your level, according to this chart:

Lvl - #maneuver levels in a combo
01 - 01
03 - 02
05 - 03
07 - 04
08 - 05
10 - 06
12 - 07
13 - 08
15 - 09
17 - 10
19 - 11
20 - 12

The amount of damage is no longer based apon the weapon you wield. It's based apon the combo performed. Weapons allow a character to perform certain maneuvers, have access to certain stances, and deal certain types of damage.

Example Maneuvers:
Basic Knowledge
Note: X= half character level, rounded up
Moves everybody knows:
Basic Mobility: Maneuver 1: Move up to x2 speed. Can only be performed once in a combo. Other maneuvers can performed during this maneuver, subject to the character's stance as normal.
Basic Run: Maneuver X: Move up to x4 speed.
Basic Charge: Maneuver X: Move up to x2 speed, and deal 1d6 + STR mod in damage.

Re: Actions, Attacks, Skills, Martial Arts, Maneuvers, Stanc

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:04 am
by Brobdingnagian
Looking good. Keep it coming.

Re: Actions, Attacks, Skills, Martial Arts, Maneuvers, Stanc

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:11 pm
by the_taken
A stance is more than just the position of your limbs. It's also the state of mind your character is in, and their expectations of their opponent.

There are two directions a stance can have. Offence, where your character puts more energy into attacking, and deffence, where your character puts more energy into negating his opponant's attacks.
A stance also also has an effectiveness. Ineffective, where the penalties to certain stats are greater than the bonuses. Balanced, where there is equal gain and loss in stats. And Effective, where there is greater bonuses than penalties.
Additionally, stance is either (usualy) Proactive or (rarely) Reactive. A reactive stance allows your character to hold off using a maneuver 'till your opponent performs a certain one.
Certain stances may not allow mobility, and require the character to remain in one spot.

Knight Ready Stance (Offence, Proactive, Balanced)
No Stat change

Knight Behind Stance (Offence, Proactive, Ineffective)
AS + 2, AD +STR mod (again!), DS - 6
Note: Maneuvers that are performed in this stance usually cause your character to move at least 10ft, and/or end in another stance.

Knight Below Stance (Offence, Proactive, Effective, Immobile)
AS +4, DS +2

Knight Side Stance (Offence, Reactive, Balanced, Immobile)
AS +4, DS -4