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"Spirit of [X]" feats

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:54 am
by Talisman
These are some fey-flavored feats I've been working on for Project Feybook. They're more powerful than some feats, but they're also quite restricted. I've never liked the "gain a 0-level spell" feats, as they become useless within 2 or 3 levels. This is my attempt at something else...these feats scale with level, granting more powerful SLAs based on HD.

I've set it up so you gain the SLA two levels behind a full caster. Also, I know Sig hates 1/day abilities, but I truly think that making these 3/day would break the feats.

It should be noted that this is not intended to replace or compete with Sig's bloodline feats...these are totally different.

Spirit Feats
The fey are primal spirits of nature, and in many ways they embody certain concepts. Nymphs embody beauty; satyrs embody hedonism; sprites embody mischief. Spirit feats allow a fey creature to focus on what they embody and gain magical abilities based on that.
Only fey or creatures with the "Feyblooded" subtype may take spirit feats (if the GM wishes, these feats may be available to other "embodiment of concept" creatures, such as outsiders). Furthermore, these feats represent a high degree of focus and personal insight--taking a spirit feat should be a significant event, not like picking up Alertness or Weapon Focus. A spirit feat says a great deal about the concept behind the character or creature--someone with Spirit of Beauty is probably going to be very different from someone with Spirit of Fire.
A character may have no more than one spirit feat per six Hit Dice/levels. A creature with fewer than six Hit Dice or levels may take a spirit feat, provided they meet all the prerequisites, but they may not take a second spirit feat until they attain 12 HD/levels, and may not take the third until 18 HD/levels.
All spirit feats grant spell-like abilities, with the exact abilities available dependant on Hit Dice. This keeps the feats relevant at higher levels. All spell-like abilities are useable once per day, have a caster level equal to the character's character level/total HD, and any save DCs are 10 + 1/2 character level/HD + Charisma modifier.

Spirit of Air [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, base Reflex save +2, Balance 4 ranks or flight ability
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on all Balance and Jump checks. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Obscuring mist
5 HD: Gust of wind
9 HD: Air walk
13 HD: Control weather

Spirit of the Animals [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Wis 13, Handle Animal 4 ranks or wild empathy ability
Benefits: You gain the wild empathy ability as a druid of your character level. if you already have wild empathy, you gain a +4 bonus on wild empathy checks. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Speak with animals
7 HD: Dominate animal
11 HD: Animal growth
13 HD: Summon nature's ally V (animals only)

Spirit of Beauty [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 15, Diplomacy 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to affect creatures that would be sexually attacted to you. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Charm person
7 HD: Suggestion
9 HD: Charm monster
13 HD: Mass suggestion

Spirit of Chaos [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Chaotic alignment,
Benefits: You gain a +4 insight bonus on saves vs spells and effects with the [Lawful] descriptor. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Protection from law
5 HD: Shatter
9 HD: Confusion
15 HD: Prismatic spray

Spirit of Cold [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Con 13, Great Fortitude or cold resistance or immunity
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks made with regard to cold environments or the inhabitants thereof. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
1 HD: Ray of frost
5 HD: Chill metal
9 HD: Ice storm
15 HD: Freezing sphere

Spirit of Darkness [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Int 13+, Blind-Fight or darkvision
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on Listen checks. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
5 HD: Darkness
7 HD: Blindness/deafness
9 HD: Greater invisibility
15 HD: Shadow walk

Spirit of Death [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, nongood alignment, Wis 13, Heal 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 insight bonus on saves vs. spell and effects with the [Death] descriptor. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Chill touch
7 HD: Vampiric touch
11 HD: Slay living
15 HD: Circle of death

Spirit of Earth [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Con 13, base Fortitude save +2
Benefits: You gain stability, as the dwarvan racial trait. If you already posses stability, your bonus increases by +4. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Magic stone
7 HD: Meld into stone
11 HD: Wall of stone
15 HD: Statue

Spirit of Fire [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13, base Reflex save +2,
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Produce flame
7 HD: Flaming sphere
11 HD: Fire shield
15 HD: Delayed blast fireball

Spirit of Life [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, nonevil alignment, Cha 13, Heal 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks, and when you're reduced beow 0 hit points you automatically stabilize. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Cure light wounds
7 HD: Remove disease
11 HD: Neutralize poison
13 HD: Heal

Spirit of Light [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Wis 13, Spot 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain +4 to Spot and Search checks made in areas of bright light. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
1 HD: Light
5 HD: Daylight
9 HD: Searing light
15 HD: Sunbeam

Spirit of Magic [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Int 13, Spellcraft 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Identify
7 HD: Dispel magic
11 HD: Spell resistance
15 HD: Spell turning

Spirit of Mischief [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13, Sleight of Hand 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 insight bonus on saves vs. charms and compulsions. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Ventriloquism
5 HD: Invisibility
11 HD: Telekinesis
13 HD: Mislead

Spirit of Order [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Lawful alignment, Sense Motive 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 insight bonus on saves vs. spells and effects with the [Chaotic] descriptor. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Protection from chaos
5 HD: Calm emotions
11 HD: Dispel chaos
15 HD: Geas/quest

Spirit of the Plants [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Con 13, partially Neutral alignment, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Suvival checks made with regard to plants (mundane or monstrous). In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Entangle
7 HD: Plant growth
11 HD: Wall of thorns
15 HD: Animate plants

Spirit of Plenty [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Con 13,
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on saves vs. ingested poisons. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Goodberry
7 HD: Create food and water
9 HD: Minor creation
13 HD: Heroes' feast

Spirit of Rage [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, nonlawful alignment, BAB +1, Intimidate 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain the ability to make a wild attack. You may choose to take a -4 penalty to AC in exchange for a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls. The bonus and penalty last until your next turn. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Enlarge person (also affects fey)
7 HD: Rage
11 HD: Divine power
15 HD: Transformation

Spirit of the Storm [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, nonlawful alignment,
Benefits: You gain a +4 insight bonus on all saves made to resist the effects of strong wind. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Obscuring mist
7 HD: Call lightning
11 HD: Control winds
13 HD: Chain lightning

Spirit of Terror [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13, nongood alignmenr, Intimidate 4 ranks
Benefits: You become immune to fear effects. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Cause fear
5 HD: Scare
9 HD: Phantasmal killer
13 HD: Eyebite

Spirit of Treachery [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, Cha 13, nonlawful, nongood alignment, Bluff 4 ranks
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in combat. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Undetectable alignment
7 HD: Nondetection
11 HD: False vision
13 HD: Mislead

Spirit of War [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, BAB +1, Weapon Focus
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks made to oppose a feint. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Divine favor
5 HD: Spiritual weapon
11 HD: Divine power
15 HD: Blade barrier

Spirit of Water [spirit]
Prerequisites: Fey type, base Fortitude save +2, Swim 4 ranks or swim speed
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws while swimming. In addition, you gain the following spell-like abilities:
3 HD: Obscuring mist
7 HD: Water breathing
9 HD: Control water
13 HD: Summon nature's ally VI (water elementals only)

Re: "Spirit of [X]" feats

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:32 pm
by JonSetanta
It's like lesser Spheres with more requirements.
Although they are 1/day, I do have hopes that they will be better received than Spheres or my Bloodlines due to the power expectations of many gamers.