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Breaking and Entering

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:53 am
by MagnaSecuris
Outline an Adventure
Lounard, King of Einginale, has asked his royal agents to locate for him Toumantaz, the Crystal Chain, lost for centuries so that he can bind a demon to work his forges. The party is going to have to break into the Dwarven Hall of Records to find in the books of the Second Age its final location. And then find their way out. Preferably without starting a war.

The Hall of Records is guarded by 25 retirees from the Duthnurelon, Royal Guard, working in shifts. But more importantly, its approach is though a series of labyrinthine passages filled with traps and pitfalls.

Re: Breaking and Entering

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:53 am
by MagnaSecuris
How the System Will Work
Since everybody needs to work with traps. And I want magic to be a minimum. And I want to use only d6s except for the DM. We'll need something new.

Ability Scores will run from 0-5. You get one point when you level up. Most people will be level 1 or 2. PCs will start at 3, minimum.
*Strength: You use this to hit things. Some weapons require high strength scores.
*Agility: You use this to not be hit by things. Some weapons will need high agility scores.
*Toughness: You use this to take damage. You will get Wound Boxes for this.
*Cunning: You use this for traps and magic. Some skills need high Cunning.
*Mindfulness: You use this for Initiative. And to resist magic attacks.
*Personality: You use this to befriend things. And to delay mind-affecting conditions.

Most effects will be determined by the following:
2d6+Skill+ Ability Score Vs TN

For example, to hit with a Axe, we use
2d6+Level+Axe Skill+Strength Vs AC.

To disable a poison dart trap, we use
2d6+Trap Skill+Cunning Vs TN.

To calm an attacking dog we use
2d6 +Animal Skill+Personality Vs TN

To heal, we use
2d6 +Heal Skill+Cunning Vs TN
Wounds n Shit
Hit Boxes: A humanoid has 3 Hit Boxes per limb, 3 for the head, and 5 for the body. He also gets one bonus hit box for each point of toughness and one for every level into a floating pool.
When a limb runs out of hit boxes, it becomes unusable. When the body or head runs out of boxes, you're probably dead.
Wounds are gained from damage after a successful hit. You gan get Minor Wound(1box) Major Wound (2 boxes), Critical Hit Effect. This will be determined with a d6 roll as follows:
1: No Effect
2: Minor Wound
3: Minor Wound
4: Minor Wound
5: Major Wound
6: Critical Hit

Every Weapon will have a second chart to roll a d6 on for criticals. For example, the Battle Axe:
1: Major Wound
2: Major Wound
3: Major Wound
4: Maim (3 wounds)
5: Remove Limb
6: Remove Limb

If a limb is removed, you lose its 3 Hit Boxes, and any prior damage it had is transferred to the floating pool. If the head is removed, death.
Targeting and AC
2d6+ Level + Ability Score + Weapon SkillVs AC
You may take a -1 to target a specific limb (including head and body). If not, damage goes to the floating pool first.

AC is determined by fighting skill, equipment, and Agility
5+ Level + Agility + 1/2 Weapon Skill(Parry) + Armor +Shield + Dodge Skill
Armor runs from 0-3. Players will probably have a 2 for most of the game, barring artifacts or extraordinary wealth.
0-No Armor at all
1-Minimal Armor
2-Standard Armor
3-Superior Armor
Shield is either 0 or 1.

That's all the easy part (except for coming up with crit charts for at least a dozen weapons!). This is the tricky fun part.


The game is centered around dodging spears from the walls, and stones from the ceiling, and wondering what's behind the door linked to the pressure plate. While dueling goblin spearmen bent on retaining their pile of magic gems. And it would be a shame if traps were boring.

So, instead, we have a system of fun stuff.
2d6+ Trap Skill + Cunning
The TN will be based of the complexity of the trap mechanism. To the Great Architect's Tomb will have higher trap TNs than the rear entrance to the Goblin cave. And will need higher level characters to beat.

But each trap will just have one TN.
Less than TN - Trap activates normally.
Beat TN by less than 4 - You bypass trap, but it is still active
Beat TN by more than 4 - The trap is jammed.
Beat TN by more than 7 - You have reworked the trap to activate at your command.
This works with animals as well. Let's say a wild dog is inside the entrance to the goblin cave.
2d6+ Animal Skill +Personality

Beat the dog's TN and he ceases to be hostile to you. Beat TN by 7 or more, and you can sic him on his former masters. A creature's TN will be determined thusly:
10 + Level + Personality.
This usually ends up being 11 or 12, but a Dragon might have a 20 or more.

SO Let's look at that sample adventure (& Skills). Tomorrow.