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Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:33 am
by JonSetanta

When playing a Weaponsoul consider how you will defeat opponents. Your defenses should take care of themselves, but you should select only those abilities focused towards particular combat methods, such as "shooting with a bow while keeping distance" or "closing in fast and hitting hard". A Weaponsoul focused entirely on defense may be impressive in the short run, but will not be able to haul their own weight. Luckily, you can change your class options each day out of the various Techniques you have learned.
Abilities: Dexterity and Strength are of equal value offensively depending on combat type, while Constitution and Intelligence are useful for extending the capabilities of the class. Charisma and Wisdom, while not exactly essential for success, affect the intensity of some abilities.
Races: Races with the capability to form languages and culture may train Weaponsouls, although some wild self-taught exceptions do exist. They may be as common as Fighters in some regions, given enough resources and an environment that is equal parts intellectual and warlike. The becoming a member and development of this class is as physically taxing as most other martial classes, so tiny or weak beings of low endurance tend to avoid becoming Weaponsouls in favor of spellcasting when possible.
Alignment: Weaponsouls may be of any alignment, but tend to be Lawful due to the tightly knit heirarchy that martial guilds and organizations tend to possess.
Starting Gold: as Fighter
Starting Age: as Fighter

Class Skills

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

Skills Per Day at 1st Level : (2 + INT) x 4
Skills Per Day at Each Additional Level : 2 + INT

Hit Dice: d10 + CON

Code: Select all

[br]Level  Base Attack    Fort. Ref.& Will  Abilities[br]1.     +1             +2      +0        [br]2.     +2             +3      +0        Bonus Feat[br]3.     +3             +3      +1         [br]4.     +4             +4      +1        [br]5.     +5             +4      +1        Bonus Feat[br]6.     +6/+1          +5      +2        [br]7.     +7/+2          +5      +2        [br]8.     +8/+3          +6      +2        Bonus Feat[br]9.     +9/+4          +6      +3        [br]10.    +10/+5         +7      +3        [br]11.    +11/+6/+1      +7      +3        Bonus Feat[br]12.    +12/+7/+2      +8      +4        [br]13.    +13/+8/+3      +8      +4        [br]14.    +14/+9/+4      +9      +4        Bonus Feat[br]15.    +15/+10/+5/+1  +9      +5        [br]

Weapon Proficiencies: A Weaponsoul is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with all armors and shields.

Bonus Feats may come from the Fighter bonus feat list or any feat with Base Attack Bonus as part of the prerequisites.
A Weaponsoul of at least class level 5 may also choose the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat as a Bonus Feat.
If the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat is chosen, the Weaponsoul may create any magical weapon, shield, or armor without knowing the appropriate spells to do so.

Every 7 days of training allows a Weaponsoul to exchange one of their peviously learned Weaponsoul Bonus Feats or Prestige Class Ability for a new one.


Learning Techniques (being rewritten as of 2/17)

Readying Techniques (being rewritten as of 2/17)

What Are Techniques?

  • * Weaponsouls know all Techniques associated with their class list but must ready each one with 1 hour of training, meditation, or a similar form of uninterrupted self-directed practice. Newly found or researched Techniques (same cost and time required as a Wizard researching spells) may be learned with a successful Intelligence check against DC 15 after 1 week devoted to learning a single Technique, for at least 8 hours each day. Learning new Techniques without a teacher applies +5 to the DC
    * Techniques that are 'weapon buffs', effects giving numeric or strategic bonuses to weapon attacks, directly affect the user rather than just a single held weapon. If a weapon enhanced by a Technique leaves the possession of a Weaponsoul, the Technique bonuses are gone at end of turn.
    * For Techniques that emulate spell effects, all references to spellcaster levels are replaced with the character's Base Attack Bonus (BAB).

Technique Readied Limit: There is no maximum to number of Techniques known, but the number kept in mind or "readied" for use each day (frequency depends on type of Technique) depends on the 3 types of Technique.
1 hour of training allows readying a number different Techniques equal to BAB out of any known.

Technique Maximum Level: The maximum Technique level learned for a Weaponsoul is equal to one half of a character's Weaponsoul levels rounded up. So while a Weaponsoul 1/Paladin 4 might have a Base attack bonus of 5 with matching increase of power when using certain Techniques, they may only learn and ready level 1 Techniques.

Technique: Styles

  • * Styles are constant Extraordinary buffs readied a number at any one time equal to 1 +1/2 of BAB rounded up
    * All bonuses to ability scores are Enhancement and all other bonuses to rolls are from Competence unless, or stated to be Enhancement or other
    * These Techniques are subtle while active; however anyone can identify a Style by succeeding a Spellcraft, Concentration, Knowledge (warfare), or Sense Motive check of DC 10 + the Weaponsoul's BAB + the Weaponsoul's INT
    * Round up Technique bonuses adding "1/2 of BAB" or similar fraction of BAB to something unless stated otherwise
    * Styles can be suppressed or resumed as free actions.

Technique Level : Technique Name : Spell Emulation or Technique Ability Description

  • 1 Ascetic: Add Wisdom as Insight bonus to Dodge AC and Reflex saves when at least +0, up to a maximum of +1 per BAB
    1 Collector: ignore penalties for using weapons you are not proficient in, and drawing or sheathing/replacing weapons is a free action each
    1 Create Weapon: conjures a wood or steel weapon (with matching ammunition) of any pre-existing shape as a Swift action with no greater damage dice than 1d6 +BAB or 3 +BAB per hand on weapon, up to 2 hands (for an average of 4 to 23 damage or 8 to 46 damage), which remains in existence for up to 1 round after leaving touch; weight of weapon must not exceed a Light load for the character; damage type is of any one type (S/B/P), appearance is anything but crit threat normal (x2 on a 20); alternatively any, weapon wielded or shot may use this damage amount if a strike would deal any less
    1 Elusive: as by Reduce Person with all bonuses but no actual size change or penalties (count as one size smaller when doing so would be beneficial)
    1 Endure: convert 2x BAB lethal physical damage to nonlethal as it is received; nonlethal is healed at a rate of 1 per level each hour as normal
    1 Flamboyant: Add Charisma as Insight bonus to damage rolls and Will saves when at least +0, up to a maximum of +1 per BAB
    1 Leatherskin: 1/2 of BAB as Natural AC
    1 Might: as by Enlarge Person with all bonuses but no actual size change or penalties (count as one size larger when doing so would be beneficial)
    1 Power: +1 damage per BAB for each limb holding each weapon
    1 Second Skin: ignore an amount of armor check penalties to skills, attack rolls, and movement (5 foot increments) equal to 1/2 BAB
    1 Shakeoff: as by Endure Elements, and gain elemental resistence equal to BAB against Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Force, and Sonic
    1 Soul Edge: as by Magic Weapon
    1 Speed: +1 Dodge and Initiative per 1/2 of BAB
    1 Spellsword: add 1/2 of BAB to spellcaster levels of one previous class to a total maximum equal to character level, before any other adjustments; you may cast any of those spells while ignoring Arcane Spell Failure
    1 Tactician: Add Intelligence as Insight bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when at least +0, up to a maximum of +1 per BAB
    1 Toughness: add 2x BAB as temporary HP, refreshes after 1 hour of retraining if depleted
    1 Voidsense: as by Detect Magic
    1 Vow Of Hate: as Detect Evil but locates all enemies of alignment opposing yours, you must not be True Neutral; OR choose 1 subtype to detect instead of alignment when you train this Technique
    1 Weaponsmaster: +1 Insight bonus per 1/3 BAB to attack rolls for one category of weapons selected when readied (swords, axes, bows, natural, etc), Special: may be readied an additional time for each other weapon group

    2 Boost: when trained select either Strength, Dexterity, or Consitution; add BAB as Enhancement bonus to that score; Special: may be readied up to 3 times but for a different physical ability score each time
    2 Create Weapon, Greater: as by Create Weapon Technique but the option for materials to create is expanded to any substance with hardness less than or equal to your BAB; more exotic materials are possible as by setting; alternatively, any weapon you hold is subjected to a Make Whole effect as by the spell after 1 minute when damaged
    2 Evade: +2 typeless bonus to Reflex saves, you take no damage from one Reflex effect when your save is successful and you may move a 5' step as an Immediate action in response
    2 Mentalguard: +2 typeless bonus to Will saves, you take no damage from one Will effect when your save is successful and you know the location of the Will save attack at the time it was attempted
    2 Thickness: +2 typeless bonus to Fortitude saves, and gain DR (1/2 of BAB) bypassed by any attack of attack roll 10+ greater than your AC or by adamantine
    2 Threatsense: blindsense of 10 feet per BAB, also provides Detect Secret Doors plus Detect Snares And Pits to same distance
    2 Vow Of Death: as by Align Weapon, but weapons also deal an additional amount of damage equal to BAB against foes of an alignment or subtype chosen when readied

    3 Forged: as by Magic Vestment, and your armor repairs BAB amount of damage each round (becoming usable again when HP is at maximum)
    3 Envenom: as by Poison or Contagion on any weapon wielded; unavailible after 1 successful strike but regained after encounter
    3 Seeking: +1 to critical threat range per 4 BAB
    3 Soul Edge, Greater: as by Greater Magic Weapon, and your wielded weapons repair BAB amount of damage each round (becoming usable again when HP is at maximum)
    3 Voidsight: as by Arcane Sight and you can see and hear into adjacent planes
    3 Vorpal: increase critical multiplier by +1 per 4 BAB to a maximum of x4

    4 Amped: add 3/4 BAB as Enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
    4 Nap: 1 hour spent outside of combat restores you as by the spell Restoration and heals 2x BAB HP
    4 Revenge: all foes attempting attacks on you within your melee reach take 3+BAB damage at the same time
    4 Spy Network: as by Locate Creature and Animal Messenger
    4 Totem Spirit: replace your race with that of a single animal (chosen when readied) of HD+CR or HD+LA (whichever is lower) no greater than BAB; at your option you may retain your shape (hands, bipedal feet, talking mouth, for most humanoids) while gaining animal racial benefits (replaces your own); as by Alternate Form ability
    4 Weakpoint, Greater: ignore DR and Hardness with your weapon attacks if equal or less than 2x BAB, and ignore Hardness of unattended objects

    5 Forceful: treat [Force] effects as objects with Hardness of 5 and 10 HP per square inch, when damaged the effect is nullified for 1 round but then resumes as normal if it has a duration other than "instantaneous"
    5 Friends: as by Telepathic Bond and Sending, but only to willing allies
    5 Magehater: as by Spell Resistance (12 + BAB) and you may re-roll 1 failed Will save on the following round each turn
    5 Might, Greater: as by Righteous Might with all bonuses but no size change or penalties; you may count as up to 2 sizes larger
    5 Hero's Return: as by a Contingent Raise Dead (self) 1 each day at most
    5 Spirit Lasso: when a Teleport effect is activated within melee reach, you may travel to the same destination and appear in any spot within that same melee reach distance of the endpoint

    6 Absolute Terror: as by Antilife Shell against any chosen foes but as a [Fear],[Mind-Influencing] effect that allows a Will save
    6 Spellsword, Greater: as Spellsword Technique but add 3/4 of BAB to spellcaster levels instead of 1/2 of BAB; you may cast any spell as part of an attack action once per encounter for every 5 BAB
    6 Superpower: add 1/2 of BAB as Enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
    6 Pathfinder: you are never lost, always know north, and affected by the spell Find The Path
    6 Unstoppable: immune to Petrification, Paralysis, mundane Poisons, and Compulsions

    7 Powernap: 1 hour spent outside of combat restores you as by the Heal spell
    7 Ultimate Defense: choose one type of energy, attack form, spell subtype, or natural source of harm when readied; that source can not reduce you lower than 1 HP or change your status (such as place an effect on you for a duration) as long as this Technique is readied
    7 Voidsight, Greater: as by Greater Arcane Sight and you can see and hear into adjacent planes
    7 Vowwed Resolution: as by Holy Aura, Unholy Aura, Cloak of Chaos, or Shield of Law; choose which when readied
    7 Champion's Return: as by Contingent Resurrection (self) as long as body was intact, 1 each day at most

    8 Ancestral Favor: as by Limited Wish at most 1 per 8 hours but Conjuration (Summoning), XP costs as normal, and you gain 1 negative level each time this ability is used
    8 Embrace Void: as by True Seeing, and immunity to darkness, deafening and blinding attacks; hear as normal in Silence zones
    8 Magekiller: as by Protection From Spells (+8 to all saves against spells, but not Supernatural or Extraordinary)
    8 Professional: as by Moment of Prescience, which refreshes 1 hour after being expended
    8 Spy Network, Greater: as by Discern Location and Scrying, Greater

Technique: Moves

  • * Moves are temporary at-will Supernatural powers usable as a free action (unless stated otherwise), lasting until beginning of next turn as long as conscious
    * Moves must be readied as with all other Techniques but lie dormant until activated each round; passive effects such as Flicker or Angelpins can be assumed to activate each round automatically as long as you are conscious if desired
    * Moves Limit: activate and maintain amount up to 1 + 1/3 of BAB (rounded down) each round

Technique Level : Technique Name : Spell Emulation or Technique Ability Description

  • 1 Block: as by Shield (+4 Shield bonus to AC), partial cover
    1 Heaviness: double carrying weight and character's weight, +2 per BAB against Trip, Bull Rush, Grapple, or otherwise being moved
    1 Iron Fist: +2 per BAB Grapple, Escape Artist, and checks to avoid being disarmed
    1 Lightness: halve character's weight, +2 per BAB to Balance, Climb, and Jump
    1 Lunge: up to +5' reach on each melee attack as desired, and +5' reach per 1/3 BAB; this adjustment to reach counts as part of your melee reach for other effects
    1 Quicken, Lesser: as by Longstrider (self, +10 movement)
    1 Surgical: when attacking a target that can be injured by Precision damage or critical hits and that foe is denied their Dexterity to AC or flatfooted, deal an extra amount of Precision damage equal to BAB + DEX; this extra damage does not stack with Sneak Attack or any effect that stacks with Sneak Attack
    1 Wuxia: as by Feather Fall (self)

    2 Angelpins: as by Water Walk but on any unstable material surface, Balance checks might be required to stay on some moving surfaces; ignore rough terrain
    2 Flicker: as by Blur (20% Concealment)
    2 Control Heart: as by Delay Poison (self), but affects all diseases as well
    2 Parry: add 1 best wielded weapon Attack Bonus as Deflection to AC until beginning of next turn, Immediate action
    2 Pounce as by Psionic Lion's Charge (P), full attack on Charge
    2 Quicken: as by Expeditious Retreat (self)
    2 Wallwalking: as by Spider Climb but you need either 1 weapon or at least 2 limbs attached to a surface at the end of each round or you fall

    3 Barrier: full cover (deny line of effect, can't be targeted or directly attacked) as long as no move action is taken this round
    3 Flicker, Greater: as by Displacement (50% Concealment)
    3 Flurry: as by Wind Wall
    3 Hindsight: as by Ubiquitous Vision (P)
    3 Outspeed: as by Invisibility (self) as long as moving a distance of at least your space each round
    3 Quicken Attack: as by Haste (self)
    3 Wallwalking, Greater: as by 'Wallwalking' Technique but you may also run
    3 Wuxia, Greater: as by Air Walk
    3 Zweefighting: as by Dimension Slide (P), move action

    4 Bending: reroll one missed attack, uses an extra attack for that round
    4 Combo 2: combine 2 Weapon Moves as one attack action in any order or as one larger area of effect, all share 1 save or attack roll
    4 Mountain: as by Immovability (P)
    4 Outspeed Standing: as by Invisibility (self) as a Transmutation effect
    4 Prepared Counter: as by Spell Immunity, but the specific spell names are chosen each time Technique is readied
    4 Ragewarp: as by Trollshape (bonuses as if race became that of a Troll, adding ability score adjustments as Enhancement bonuses, but no change in form or penalties due to size)
    4 Soulguard: as by Death Ward but also provides resistance to Negative and Positive energy equal to 2x BAB
    4 Wind: as by Freedom of Movement

    5 Battle Aura: all nonallies within 10x BAB feet are subjected to an effect as by the Doom spell with no save as long as they remain in the emanation
    5 Inner Struggle: as by Co-Opt Concentration (P) within Long range but only on any effect centered on you or an ally
    5 Outspeed Attack: as by Invisibility, Greater (self) but you become temporarily visible each time you make an attack
    5 Zweefighting, Greater: as by Dimension Slide (P), Swift action
    5 Gallant: as by Teleport 1 per hour but you may only appear next to an ally you know or have touched

    6 Epic Monologue: as a [Language-dependant] effect you and all allies within hearing distance cure BAB+WIS amount of HP and may reroll a save against a Mind-Influencing or Fear effect
    6 Combo 3: combine 3 Weapon Moves as one attack action in any order or as one larger area of effect, all share 1 save or attack roll
    6 Outspeed Double: as by Mislead, but duplicate vanishes and a new one is made at the beginning of each round

    7 Zweefighting, Ultimate: as by Dimension Slide (P), Immediate action or attack action
    7 Gallant, Greater: as by Teleport, Greater, or Planeshift 1 per hour but you may only appear next to an ally you know or have touched
    7 Authority: as by Repulsion but as a [Mind-Influencing] effect against all non-allies

    8 Final Death: as by Trap The Soul, but a weapon may be used as substitute for a gem
    8 Mental Purity: as by Mind Blank
    8 Prepared Counter, Greater: as by Spell Immunity, Greater, but the specific spell names are chosen each time Technique is readied

(P) = found in Psionics SRD

Technique: Weapon Moves

  • * Performed as a Standard action but count as a normal Move for limiting uses per round
    * Considered regular Moves for all purposes but are also weapon-specific
    * With each attack choose either to aim as a melee or ranged attack (1 roll, compare result against all targets in area) or allow a Reflex DC 10 + total weapon attack roll bonus, or Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 level + Charisma; successful saves allow half damage (choose whichever DC would be higher)
    * These Techniques may be learned and readied at any level

Slashing weapon

  • * Dice: 15' distance per BAB cone spread
    * Slice: remote consecutive squares; 5'x5'x5' spaces (connected to each other) per BAB, all within 30' per BAB distance

Piercing weapon

  • * Beam: 5' wide line, 30' distance per BAB
    * Jab: 1 single remote target, 30' range per BAB

Bludgeoning weapon

  • * Explode: 5' per BAB spread distance from impact
    * Shockwave: chained touching targets; 1 additional target per BAB

Technique: Strikes

  • * offensive Swift action Techniques lasting until beginning of next turn (if the effect has a duration)
    * In each encounter, the total number of Strikes usable is equal to 1/2 BAB rounded up before running out.
    * Strikes may activate as part of any attack, even if there is a miss or no target.
    * As with any effect usable per encounter, all Strikes recover after 1 minute of not attacking, making any offensive action, or being directly threatened.
    * Each Strike must be readied as with all other Techniques but will lie dormant until activated; however, Strikes need not be readied at all to recover the per-encounter uses.

Technique Level : Technique Name : Spell Emulation or Technique Ability Description

  • 1 Elemental Power: 1 type energy dealt as by Shocking Grasp (1d6 per level energy to a max of 5d6, or 1d6 and +3 per BAB past 1 to max of 1d6+12)
    1 Headshot Face: as by Daze
    1 Turning Tides: heal self 2 HP per BAB, + WIS

    2 Braining: as Touch of Idiocy (deal 2 damage to all mental scores)
    2 Deathstrike: automatically confirm a critical
    2 Headshot: as by Daze Monster (up to 6 HD)
    2 Recover: as by Restoration, Lesser (self, cures 2 ability damage not 1d4, no fatigue removed)
    2 Sweep: as by Gust Of Wind (to direction away from user, for every 4 levels treat target as 1 size smaller)

    3 Cancel: as by Dispel Magic (targeted only), also nullifies Techniques
    3 Elemental Power, Greater: 1 type energy dealt as by Fireball/Lightning Bolt (1d6 per level energy, or 1d6 and +3 per BAB 2 and up, begins at impact in direction away from user in normal shape or as cone out to 40')
    3 Hinder: as by Slow
    3 Impale Limb: as by Hold Person
    3 Recover, Greater: as by Restoration (self, with changes as described in the Recover Technique)

    4 Anchor: as by Dimensional Anchor
    4 Clap: as by Shout (begins at impact in direction away from user in normal cone shape or as area burst of half distance)
    4 Deathstrike, Greater: automatically threaten and confirm a critical
    4 Toss: as by Telekinesis but only the 'Violent Thrust' ability against 1 target
    4 Purify: as by Dismissal

    5 Cancel, Greater: as by Dispel Magic, Greater (targeted only), also nullifies Techniques
    5 Deathblow: as by Slay Living (reduces foe to 0 HP as the Death effect)
    5 Impale Body: as by Hold Monster

    6 Deathblow, Greater: as by Slay Living normally
    6 Pulverize: as by Disintegrate (1 target)
    6 Void: as by Antimagic Field (only affects 1 target for duration), also nullifies Techniques

    7 Deathblow, Ultimate: as by Destruction, but on successful save against the Death effect another Fortitude save is allowed against the extra damage
    7 Recover, Ultimate: as by Restoration, Greater (self), no fatigue removed

    8 Ground Disaster: as by Earthquake centered on target of attack
    8 Aerial Disaster: as by Whirlwind for 1 round centered on target of attack

I'm torn between yelling "By the power of Whiteskull!" and "Hraaaaa!". What do you think?
~ Iana Elnokson, half-drow Weaponsoul under apprenticeship to Old Jath the Wise

Edit 3/6/08: currently reworking techniques list into 1 group rather than 3 different types, also slimming options

Re: Weaponsoul

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:33 am
by JonSetanta
Updated. A few new abilities, some tweaks, considering nerfing base class features such as HP and SP down by one grade.
All in all, I'm more interested in reading Bleach as much as y'all are in nitpicking Wiz thread morons, so this will just... uh... wait for later.
Still, it's here if anyone wants it.

My answer to itemless Fighters, ToB, and general warrior suckiness.

Still looking for an image. Considering a "Genzoman" DeviantArt pic of some kind....

Re: Weaponsoul

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:18 am
by JonSetanta
Edited and retouched. Pic added (obviously).
Think I care enough now to bold each technique name.

Re: Weaponsoul

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:21 am
by JonSetanta
So, I'm curious, is it really that bad or is there simply no interest?

Re: Weaponsoul

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:45 pm
by the_taken
Since you asked: No interest. Sorry.

Re: Weaponsoul

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:56 pm
by JonSetanta
OK thanks! That resolves part of the problem. Bigode expressed disinterest when he compared it to a Cleric and found this class lacking.
Off to The Wiz then..