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Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:12 pm
by Koumei
Okay, Frank once said something to the effect of "A longsword is level appropriate as a weapon for level 1. Later on in the game, you're seriously using tamed lightning, mirrorshard swords and demon whips."

There was probably an expletive or two thrown in.

So, let's work with the assumption that later on in the game, people don't actually carry normal weapons for the most part. Some do, and they have magical bonuses layered on like an onion. They probably make people cry like an onion, too.

Some might also use Weapons of Legacy. Whatever. For the rest, here are some cool things that probably make great weapons for higher level games. Feedback is appreciated.

Tamed Lightning:
For the purposes of proficiency, this counts as a spear, lance or greatspear. Select which whenever you pick it up.
Reach: 5-10' like a spiked chain
Damage: 1d6 Lightning damage per 2 levels. Strength modifier still applies. Remember that it's 2-handed.
Critical Hit: 20 x3

The Tamed Lightning's attacks ignore metal armour and shields, as well as all natural armour possessed by metallic foes (iron golems, copper dragons, whatever).

Every 5 rounds, it builds up enough electricity that it can cast Lightning Bolt as a Supernatural ability (Dex-based DC).

Once per round when you strike a foe in melee, one additional foe within 10' of that foe can also be targeted. Use the same attack roll.

Deals an additional amount of damage to creatures with the [Water] subtype equal to your BAB.

Mirrorshard Sword
Proficiency with any kind of sword provides proficiency with this, likewise Weapon Focus etc.
Reach: 5'
Damage: 1d6 slashing per two levels and 1 point of Constitution damage due to blood loss.
Critical Hits: 18-20 x2 (the Con damage is also multiplied)

Reflection: As an Immediate action, you may make an attack against any ray fired at you. If your attack roll beats the attack roll used to hit you (or the Save DC), you reflect the ray back at the caster.

Blinding light: As a Move action, the wielder can reflect any nearby light, causing all within 30' to make a Fortitude save (Dex-based DC) or be Blinded for 3 rounds. Creatures with Light sensitivity take a -4 penalty to their save and are permanently blinded if they fail the save. If they pass, Light sensitive creatures are Dazzled for three rounds.

Reflections: The wielder always has a single Mirror image.

Giant Scorpion Claws
Proficiency with this is gained through Exotic Weapon Proficiency (scorpion claws), or Improved Unarmed Strike. If you have your own set of claws as a natural weapon, you're proficient enough with these to count, too. Whatever.
Damage: 1d6 (Piercing OR Slashing) per 2 levels.
Reach: 5'
Critical: 20 x3

These provide a +6 bonus on Grapple and Disarm checks. You also gain Improved Grab when using these.

You gain a special Eviscerate attack whenever you elect to deal damage in a Grapple. You needn't roll to hit, and automatically deal claw damage for each claw you possess. The opponent also takes 2 points of Strength damage per claw you use, due to muscles being torn.

Once per minute you can transform into a Monstrous Scorpion with a CR up to your BAB minus 1. You gain the size, natural armour, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, DR, speed, natural attacks (replacing the claws with your own weapon ones), poison and any other physical feature.

You also gain immunity to nonlethal heat when wearing these.

Demon Whip
Counts as a whip for proficiency.
Damage: 1d6 slashing per 2 levels. Real damage, not ignored by armour, use doesn't provoke.
Reach: 5-15', actually threatens.
Critical: 20 x2 (special)

As a full-round action, you can attach the whip to your own body, at the shoulder, spine or whatever. For one minute, you now have it as a "natural attack" in addition to any other attacks you make. After the minute, it falls off and you need to retrieve it again.

You can cast Damning Darkness and Deeper Darkness as spell-like abilities at will. Once per hour, you may cast Summon Monster X, where X equals half your BAB, minus 1. You may only summon Chaotic Evil creatures. The fiend lasts for one minute per level.

On a critical hit, the whip attaches to the target and begins strangling them. You immediately may begin a grapple, and can even elect to let go of the whip and let it get to work. It will deal regular damage every round, as well as forcing the victim to make a Fort save (Str-based DC) or be Nauseated for the round.

Wings of the Vampire Bat
These require Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Alternatively, if the wielder possesses wing attacks, they count as proficient.
Damage: 1d6 bludgeoning per 2 levels.
Reach: 5'
Critical: 20 x2

When wielded as a pair, these allow the user to fly at 60' with Average maneuverability.

As a Supernatural ability at will, the wielder may summon a swarm of bats for one minute.

Every time the wings deal damage, the user regains hit points equal to their BAB (up to the damage dealt as a maximum). Excess damage converts into Temporary hit points, which last for one minute.

Once per minute, the wielder may cast Energy Drain as a Spell-like ability (Str-based DC).

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:25 pm
by Surgo
Looking pretty good, I think.

The question of stacking comes up, though. As a rogue I'd probably love the Mirrorshard Sword and want to wield two of them; does that mean I get two Mirror Images all the time?

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:54 pm
by technomancer
Why not? Especially if you're using the whole idea that you can only use 6 (8?) magic items at a time. If nothing else, you're going to be tying up alot of wealth, and statistically, two of them gives you about a 66% miss chance, so it's a bit better than Displacement (50% miss chance), which shouldn't be that big a deal at the levels these weapons should become available at.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:33 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Looks interesting, I'll have to give it a more thorough look in a bit.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:19 pm
by Catharz
The weapons could be more explicitly magical versions of normal weapons.
Tamed lightning is a spear (as you say, dealing piercing or lightning damage -- but why extra damage to [water] creatures?), a mirror shard is a small sword, giant sea-scorpion claws should be morning stars (piercing and bludgeoning), and the demon whip should probably be a spiked chain because no one but a bard uses whips (although it would be fair to share a proficiency).

I don't really like the flavor of 'I have big bat wings, I flap them to beat you over the head, I steal your life energy'. I see two preferable options: (1) you use the little claws on the wings as weapons (meh), or (2) you have big shadowy wings like Tyrael's and deal pure negative energy damage. If you want normal wings don't try to pretend they're a weapon. There's actually already a dueling cloak in one of the splat books, which I think can be used as an exotic weapon. Shared proficiency?

Some of the durations are a bit wonky. The claws have no duration, and the one minute limit on the whip is like saying 'every minute your character has to pick up that damn whip and stick it back on his forehead'). It's not like you're going to spend a full-round action attaching it in the middle of combat.

Lastly, you might want to consider level-based bonus damage on a single base die to increase randomness.

Other than that they look awesome. The damage looks reasonable (although you'd have to run it with multipliers to be sure). Big damage has historically come from power attacks and Strength, so you're in unknown territory...

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:02 pm
by Judging__Eagle
In any case, they all look pretty decent.

Damage dice scale with levels (keeping them useful), each weapon has weird powers that you don't see anywhere else (so, they're not boring). The powers are useful, niche and thematic.

Looks like you've got some good stuff Koumei.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:12 pm
by Surgo
As far as wing buffeting goes, I always thought that sounded dumb and assumed that wings dealt -slashing- damage, as in, the tips of them are really sharp and hard or something like that.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:49 am
by Bigode
The stuff looks good at first glance; you probably just need to assign each a minimum level for (expected) possession, since they don't have prices and we all know it'd be a flawed attempt at restriction anyway.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:11 am
by Koumei
About the wings: Yeah, I was actually thinking of... those weird weapons that I saw somewhere. Probably Warcraft 3. Maybe the Night Elf demonhunters? Dreadlords? It's a weapon that looks like a giant "Batman" symbol.

It should be slashing, really, or pure negative energy.

And yeah, there's a general disclaimer that there is a minimum level of some variety.

Also: I like whips. Sure, I might be biased, given my extra-curricular interests, but at any rate, clerics of Loviatar often use them. Especially with the Prestige Class that lets them cast touch spells through whips. Granted, she's LE so it's iffy to use a CE weapon, but whatever.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:43 am
by JonSetanta
Weird but great stuff, Koumei.
However I figured the ultimate destination for warriors is unarmed strikes or supernatural blows, since at high levels there is enough damage to smash most non-legendary weapons.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:01 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Actually, I was thinking that the wings would look like that Wing-Arms that the bat girl in Bloody Roar has in her animal-human form. Her arms are bat wings and she slashes and smacks people with them.

She's also skimpily dressed. As in, almost not at all.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:06 pm
by Koumei
Judging__Eagle at [unixtime wrote:1196168486[/unixtime]]She's also skimpily dressed. As in, almost not at all.

I'm not sure whether I should say "Duh, she's a female in a fighting game. See: Cammy, Mai, Morrigan, the entire female cast of Dead or Alive..." or "And this is a problem how?"

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:28 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Nearly all of the other female characters who change into their animal forms look like giant female versions of those animals.

Not half naked women with animal parts grafted onto them.

Mostly it's not in character with the way the other female characters are done in that game.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:11 am
by MagnaSecuris
On a slightly different note, I've been thinking about the Book of Gears stuff, particularly the 8 magic items limit.Does this suggest to anybody else that the class ability "has a magic weapon" or "has magic armor" becomes more viably powerful in this system.

Not enough to base a class around it (Mindblade) but enough that it's something to consider as a legitimate mechanic.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:24 am
by the_taken
Not really. It just guarantees that you'll fill that item slot with the exact item you want, but you'll still eventually have a BatCave full of stuff you'll switch between depending apon what you're fighting on this sortie. You'll just always have the BatCape.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:53 pm
by Koumei
I'd put a general "minimum level" thing up, but the only people who will see it are here, and you guys know the idea is to get them in the later game.

As for breakability, I'm fine with saying they're built out of arbitrarium, being similar to force effects, such is their magic essence. Or something else which says "It takes effort to break me".


Blessed Incense Burner
As it is suspended by a chain, it uses Morning Star/Flail proficiency, though you could probably get away with any chain weapon at all.
Reach: 5-10' like a spiked chain
Damage: 2d8+Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, and 1d6 Fire damage per two levels.
Critical Hit: 20 x3

Due to the holy incense surrounding them, the wielder constantly gains the benefits of a Blur effect.

Once per three rounds they may unleash a 30' cone of Fire as a Standard action, dealing 1d6 damage (half Fire, half Holy) per character level to all in the area. A Ref save (DC = attack roll) halves this.

As a Move action, the wielder may create a Solid Fog effect.

Once per hour, they may cast Scorching Ray as a Standard Action. One ray per two points of BAB is fired, each dealing 2d6 Fire damage and 2d6 Holy damage.

Wightskin Gloves
Counts as Unarmed Strike, claw/slam attack or Spiked Gauntlet.
Reach: 5'
Damage: 1d6 Negative energy per 2 levels, and 1 Negative Level
Critical: 20 x2

Anyone slain with them becomes a Wight under the user's control, to a maximum of 1 per character level. They have the same number of hit dice they had in life.

Once per three rounds, Enervation may be cast as a Spell-like ability. At 17th level, Energy Drain may be cast instead.

Inflict spells cure the wielder, though Cure spells still cure (unless they already took damage from Cure spells).

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:38 pm
by Catharz
Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196348017[/unixtime]]I'd put a general "minimum level" thing up, but the only people who will see it are here, and you guys know the idea is to get them in the later game.

One way to do this is make it not-quite arbitrarium. For example, have the wight gloves kill anyone of X level or lower who puts them on over the space of three rounds, and then raise them as a wight...

Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196348017[/unixtime]]Blessed Incense Burner

Fucking awesome!

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:58 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196348017[/unixtime]]I'd put a general "minimum level" thing up, but the only people who will see it are here, and you guys know the idea is to get them in the later game.

Well, if you put up a level, we can then argue about it and decide when we want items to show up. You know, forum stuff.

Wightskin Gloves
Counts as Unarmed Strike, claw/slam attack or Spiked Gauntlet.
Reach: 5'
Damage: 1d6 Negative energy per 2 levels, and 1 Negative Level
Critical: 20 x2

Anyone slain with them becomes a Wight under the user's control, to a maximum of 1 per character level. They have the same number of hit dice they had in life.

Once per three rounds, Enervation may be cast as a Spell-like ability. At 17th level, Energy Drain may be cast instead.

Inflict spells cure the wielder, though Cure spells still cure (unless they already took damage from Cure spells).


Now I've got stats for the gloves that my faux-British Warforged titan will use.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:31 am
by JonSetanta
WIGHTSKIN! hahahahaaaa

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:26 am
by Koumei
Ok, in general I think level 10 is a good starting point. Because it's halfway along and is pretty much at the point where such weapons should probably be expected.

The incense burner is basically an adaptation of a Battle Sisters weapon. I rather like it. And well, the Wightskin Gloves...

The Eldritch Glaive
That's right, forget Warlocks (moar liek Warcocks amirite?), this is the daemonic weapon the invocation was based on. Proficiency: Glaive, but any polearm probably works. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that? There's "Greatsword" and "Falchion" for big swords, but every polearm from the Swiss Army Halberd to the Guisarme-Carbine Voulge.
Reach: 5-10'
Damage: 1d6 Eldritch damage per two levels. Touch attacks for the win.
Critical: 20 x3

Anyone struck must pass a Fortitude Save (STR-based) or be Sickened for one minute. At 15th level, this instead becomes a save vs Nausea for 1 minute and on a successful save they are merely Sickened. They need only save once per round.

Anyone struck must also pass a Will Save (STR-based) or be Shaken for one minute. It stacks, but they are only subject to one of these per round. At 15th level, they Cower for 3 rounds if they fail the save.

Anyone slain by the Glaive is trapped in the Abyss, and can only be brought back by:
True Resurrection
A deity deciding to do so
Freedom then Raise Dead/Resurrect
Travelling to the layer of Hell in question, kicking the crap out of the level-appropriate demonic guards, then bringing the soul back and pouring it back into the body ("liquid" soul in a bottle by default, but tablets, gas and suppository forms are available via prescription, requiring a journey to Baator and proving you're not a soul addict) before Resurrecting or Raising them.

Deep Emerald
(A fist-sized flower carved from emerald, shining a lovely aquamarine colour)
Proficiency with any ranged weapon (or weapon that can be thrown normally) works well enough for this.
Reach: None.
Ranged Touch Attack: 60'
Damage: 1d6 Cold damage per 2 levels
Critical: 20 x2

Piercing Cold - deals half damage to those immune to Cold. Reduces any Cold Resistance by half.

Can cast "Drown" and "Cone of Cold" once each per 4 rounds as a Spell-like ability.

Can cast "Wall of Water", "Acid Fog" and "Ice Storm" once each per hour as a Spell-like ability.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:28 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196421971[/unixtime]] And well, the Wightskin Gloves...


Blood Axe
Description: A giant blood-caked axe made of steel inlaid in bronze with a stylized skull; hundreds and hundreds of spikes cover the edge of the blade. A golden human-sized skull with rubies in its eye sockets mounted on the top of the bone haft. It looks like you should use it with two hands, but it feels as light as a feather in one hand.

Proficiency: Any type of axe
Reach: Normal Melee.
Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeouning damage per 2 levels
Critical: 18-20 x2

Blood Seeking - Ignores all forms of Damage Reduction

Pierce Magic- Ignores any armour class bonuses that come from magical means (i.e. Usually allowed: Dex mod to AC, Base armour class from worn Armour, Base Armour class from used Shield and non-magically derived Dodge bonuses).

Renew the Slayer - Whenever you deal damage to an other creature with a constitution score you gain one half of the damage dealt as temporary hit points. You cannot have more than your maximum hit points in Temporary hit points.

Must Slay - If you ever miss a target apply that same attack roll to any other creature that you can strike in melee range. If you can hit an other creature, resolve damage normally.

If you cannot hit any other creatures, you automatically strike yourself and take damage. Your Renew the Slayer still takes effect.

Fie on the mages! - Any spell that has you as a target may be countered as if you had just cast Greater Dispell Magic; your caster level equals your character level and there is no maximum caster level that you may have for this effect.


That's a bit powerful for lvl 10. Maybe 1d6 damage per 3 levels?

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:53 pm
by Jacob_Orlove
Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196348017[/unixtime]]
Anyone slain with them becomes a Wight under the user's control, to a maximum of 1 per character level. They have the same number of hit dice they had in life.

You might want to add something that stops those Wights from creating (controlled) spawn, otherwise the 1/character level is just a limit on the top generals of your undead horde, rather than a limit on the actual number of Wights you can control.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:04 pm
by Catharz
Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1196421971[/unixtime]]
The Eldritch Glaive...

Unresistable damage touch attack with reach and a save or die thrown in for good measure? I think that might be just a little overboard.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:32 pm
by Maxus

Catharz wrote:Unresistable damage touch attack with reach and a save or die thrown in for good measure? I think that might be just a little overboard.

Aw, that's nothing. When I saw this, I started wondering about Death's Sword from the Discworld novels, and found myself contemplating what would be an appropiate level to get a sword that...

1) Whatever it touches, it cuts. No. Really. The blade's so thin you can't even see it, it even split air molecules that cross it.
2) Because it cuts anything, it ignores armor, hardness, and DR. Deflection/Force effects would give you some protection, though. Its sunder attempts would badass, though, while any sunder attack made on it would result in the attacking weapon getting sheared.
3) Cuts souls, too.
4) Probably better at dismemberment and property damage that that "OMG IM SHARP I SHOULD BE OWND BY TEH BEST" sword from the Drizzt books.

Then my brain's "rational" centers overrode my "DnD" centers and told me...

1) Even if Death is nice enough to try to avoid causing undue distress right after the end of your life, he's not nice enough to let you borrow his sword, and especially not the scythe.
2) PCs really shouldn't be running around with the personal armaments of immortal anthropomorphic personifications, not unless you want the game reduced to the party slicing people as their major solution to every social problem.

Re: Major Weapons

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:45 pm
by JonSetanta
Then explain Orcus's scepter, Maxus. -__-