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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:50 pm
by Lago_AM3P
So I finally broke down and watched this show. And while I admit the writing and jokes are good, the overwhelming unlikeability of the cast turns me off.

I know it's currently in vogue to depict amazingly petty people whose primary redeeming quality seems to be a never-ending stream of witticisms... but seriously, am I the only person who is repulsed by the characters on this show?

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:58 pm
by Crissa
No, I thought some of it was okay, but I couldn't watch it regularly. I need more than one likable character. So Scrubs and Office are out, Psych is in.

My Sammi doesn't like any of the programs at all... She finds them predictable, dull, and the people boorish. Apparently making the characters 'unlikable' doesn't make them less predictable for her. She'll literally see a minute or two of a program and then tell you exactly what the characters will then do, and how the show will wrap up.

On the few occasions she's wrong, it doesn't always make her happier.


Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:21 pm
by Lago_AM3P
I can't believe I'm pandering like this, but...

Frank, as someone who works in emergency medical services, what do you think of the show?

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:45 pm
by cthulhu
I like house more. The witticisms are funnier.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:02 pm
by Crissa
Yes, but House is likable.

Assuming you're not a crazy conservative.


Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:09 pm
by Koumei
I only just started watching House, and I like it. Green Wing is also awesome, for your "set in a hospital" drama/comedy. The cast are even likeable, if batshit insane. Which is bad when some of them have the job of "stabbing people with sharp things to make them not die."

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:54 pm
by cthulhu
Seeing as I belive in social safety nets, thats clearly a not ;) I do agree with you about house and co being more likable than the scrubs crew, though I love the stupid mentor guy on scrubs with the ex-wife (no idea what his name is) and I dislike(d) (strong word) cameron and chase.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:03 am
by Maj
I hate sitcoms in general, and my sense of humor is severely damaged, so I'm a bad person to ask about anything other people might begin to think is funny. Love House, though. Been watching it forever - the guy reminds me of Frank.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:20 am
by MrWaeseL
Lago, do you honestly think the cast of Scrubs are 'amazingly pretty people'?

edit: House is absolutely fucking awful. Not only have they cast Hugh Laurie in a role completely opposite to his normal ones, as insult to injury the plot of every episode can be summed up as "patient X has an obscure disease and the doctors find out just in time!". Please. If I were a retard I'd watch children's shows.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:26 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
MrWaeseL at [unixtime wrote:1195093242[/unixtime]]
edit: House is absolutely fucking awful. Not only have they cast Hugh Laurie in a role completely opposite to his normal ones, as insult to injury the plot of every episode can be summed up as "patient X has an obscure disease and the doctors find out just in time!". Please. If I were a retard I'd watch children's shows.

You are oversimplifying House's plots.

Patient X has an obscure disease. House breaks regulations to offer a radical treatment, which makes the patient worse. House then finds out it's a different obscure disease, then uses the correct treatment.

It's not really a bad show, really. I just don't really like TV in general.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:32 am
by JonSetanta
I volunteered for a local hospital. Quit recently due to the chaos between departments there, as if there simply is no effective communication between them. Which is probably the exact problem.

It's nothing like scrubs.
Boring, slow, people die for real and it's no joke. Sort of like seeing roadkill on a highway, you mourn for seconds and move on. You can't afford to get bogged down.

So I moved to the electronic repairs department in the basement, which was pure awesome, but the nurses and other departments (try to) treat those guys like shit.
Hey, most of the problem with hospitals IS the nurses, but I mean everyone doesn't like the 'tech guys' because they come and go like Batman when problems occur, and don't participate in the catty virulent gossip that spreads between other departments.

Nightshift nurses bite ass. The term 'scraping the bottom of the barrel' applies well to the dregs someone dug up for overnight nurses.
They could be replaced with robots and people would witness an improvement of attitude, competency and, well, quiet.

Scrubs is dying out, though. My brother got me to watch it, and I did for a while, but the show is trying to be like Family Guy, or something.
Can't quite define it, but it's annoying, and gets under your skin after a few weeks.
Like staph.

Agreed, Maj. Hugh Laurie is da shit. As Wooster, a god.

To answer Lago's question, I am repulsed too, mainly because the attempted witticisms really are that frequent, and the humor almost as retarded (yet more vicious) in the real world.
And why watch real life on TV?
That's why I just read on the interbutt for hours.
Like, about biology, psychology, gaming, and porn.
You know, all the things they don't teach well in school.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:05 am
by MrWaeseL
I guess I just don't like House, then. I don't hate it (Hurrrrr), but I can't sit through an episode.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:10 am
by fbmf
House is my hero. I have all available seasons on DVD.

Game On,

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:53 am
by Lago_AM3P
Lago, do you honestly think the cast of Scrubs are 'amazingly pretty people'?

I wrote 'petty' not 'pretty'.

It's up there in my post and it's unedited, so....

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:59 am
by Crissa
You don't watch House for the episode's plot - we know he may or may not save the obscure patient, and we may wonder why this particular family has enough money to blow on the hospital.

The actual plot is the give and take between different worldviews - the finance over rules, the rules over chance, the chance over blind faith. What stupid thing an administrator or patient may do, say, or face against House is the plot. The diseases are secondary, they come and go.

Some of the administrators follow the rules, some want results, and some want the finances to balance - and they all must bend to the doctors as they fight to get something done, and each of them has their own way of doing it.

The new characters face it like law school - because to them, it is, it doesn't matter the patient, it matters that they perform better than their competition.

Because eventually, they can get House's envied position of being tolerated because his performance is so high.


Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:26 am
by Koumei
Count_Arioch_the_28th at [unixtime wrote:1195093618[/unixtime]]
MrWaeseL at [unixtime wrote:1195093242[/unixtime]]
edit: House is absolutely fucking awful. Not only have they cast Hugh Laurie in a role completely opposite to his normal ones, as insult to injury the plot of every episode can be summed up as "patient X has an obscure disease and the doctors find out just in time!". Please. If I were a retard I'd watch children's shows.

You are oversimplifying House's plots.

Patient X has an obscure disease. House breaks regulations to offer a radical treatment, which makes the patient worse. House then finds out it's a different obscure disease, then uses the correct treatment.

It's not really a bad show, really. I just don't really like TV in general.

Don't forget the important bit: He keeps three minions on-hand, gets their ideas as to what the disease could be, then mocks them.

"It could be lupus!"
"Fuck you."

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:46 am
by Neeek
Maj at [unixtime wrote:1195092216[/unixtime]] Love House, though. Been watching it forever - the guy reminds me of Frank.

You think House is like Frank? Have you ever met Frank?

I ask only because Frank is really not at all like House and I'm not even sure where you'd begin to get that impression.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:01 am
by CalibronXXX
I'm sure it was more along the lines of indicating that Frank has a sense of cutting humor as good as someone who has a team of writers feeding them lines, rather than to indicate that Frank is an abusive jerk just because he can get away with it. At least that's what I meant when I agreed with her.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:04 am
by Lago_AM3P
Has House ever been punched out?

I haven't seen the show but from what I've heard I've gotten the impression that the man is:

A) An abusive, arrogant fathead.
B) Incredibly good at his job.

The man has probably saved some lives no one else probably could. This does not mean that the character doesn't deserve a kick in the balls on-screen.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:12 am
by cthulhu
yes. By aa mormon. And potentially a cop? Bt yeah

Oh and shot by a patient too

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:55 am
by Maj
MrWaeseL wrote:Not only have they cast Hugh Laurie in a role completely opposite to his normal ones

This is something I consider good for an actor. I have far more respect for actors who are cast in extreme and diverse rolls than I do for the people who constantly play the same thing.

Neeek wrote:You think House is like Frank?

It's the acerbic wit, intolerance for stupidity, and the fact that he's largely right in his fields of expertise.

Neeek wrote:Have you ever met Frank?

No - which is probably exactly why House reminds me of Frank. Once you get to know someone and learn stuff like their favorite color and favorite food, you tend to not notice the absolutely glaringly huge similaries between them and a fictional character because there's more distance in details between said really obvious similarities.


Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:19 am
by Neeek
Maj at [unixtime wrote:1195106125[/unixtime]]

Neeek wrote:Have you ever met Frank?

No - which is probably exactly why House reminds me of Frank. Once you get to know someone and learn stuff like their favorite color and favorite food, you tend to not notice the absolutely glaringly huge similaries between them and a fictional character because there's more distance in details between said really obvious similarities.

The real difference is Frank smiles and laughs more than anyone I know, and I can't recall House ever smiling or laughing at all. The stuff he's gotten into...we'll call it "trouble"... for in the past on boards would never happen in real life, because Frank's not really offensive in real life without changing his opinion or phrasing on anything.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:29 am
by CalibronXXX
The little blurb in Frank's insane journal about the frying pan and Dr. Trollman did give me insight into the likely hood of him actually being a rather fun jovial person to be around. He'd probably fit well into my circle of friends actually, we talk about politics, philosophy, art and such, but we have plenty of goofy pointless conversations rife with in jokes and nonsense as well.

Over the internet Frank gives off the impression of being not just brutal, but almost mean, and apparently that's not true at all. That makes me happy.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:04 am
by Cielingcat
The thing about the frying pan and Dr. Trollman makes me question why the hell he isn't being a superhero.

Re: Scrubs?!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:13 am
by CalibronXXX
And what makes you think he isn't? I mean, he's a medical student in a foreign country, he's bound to have, or already has had, a super powers endowing laboratory accident.