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Shadowrun Traditions

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:26 pm
by Orion
Cross-posted from the other thread, inc ase nobody's reading it.

Tradition: Mentalism

Concept: Mentalists believe that their powers are manifestations of the human mind. By cultivating their awareness of their surroundings, they become able to reach out into the "aether" to reveal and manipulate the otherwise inaccessible. Mentalists consider spirits to be detached pieces of id, racial memory, or other sots of abnormal consciousness.

Drain: Willpower+Intuition

Mentalism is a possession Tradition. All mentalists are Path aspected.

Detection: Guidance
Manipulation: Man

Metamagic in Mentalism

The following Metamagic are commonly studied in Mentalism:

Quickening (primarily detections, often the first coice)
Divination, Psychometry, Sensing (for recreating typical psychic tricks)
Masking and Extended Masking (most don't want to be thought of as wizards, and stay away from notice by magical authorities)

Adepts in Mentalism:

Mentalist adepts are rare, but do exist. The majority are social adepts, without physics-defying physical powers. Some more militant adepts put their expanded perception to use in battle, or emulate the telekinetic powers of their spellcasting brethren.

Most Common Powers:
Improved Social Skill, Kinesics, Commanding Voice, Enhanced Perception, Iron Will, Magic Sense, Astral Perception, Pain Resistance.

Combat Sense, Improved Reflexes, Improved Agility, Power Throw, Missile Mastery, Distance Strike, Nerve Strike, Improved Combat Skill,

Adept Initiates typically learn Masking, Cognition, and Psychometry,

Geasa, Fetishes, and Foci in mentalism:

Geasa are quite rare in Mentalism, as they don't fit with the scientific approach. The exception is condition geasa, which reflect the intense focus required. The mentalist may need to be astrally perceiving, sitting down, etc.

Crystals, both the classic ball and in other forms, are extremely commonly used in casting and sustaining detections. Items are much more rarely used for manipulations, and are usually small items of personal significance, such as a class ring. They are typically thought of as aids to concentration.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:09 pm
by Orion
New Jedi Order

Their headquarters is in Australia. More flavor details to follow.

Willpower+Intuition (Willpower+Charisma for Sith)

Most Jedi are Sorcerers, Adepts, or Mystic Adepts. The use of combat spells is heavily frowned on. Mentor spirits are extremely common, and can be chosen after character creation, if your master dies.

They can enchant Lightsabers as weapon foci, which act as mnofilament swords when turned on.

Jedi Lore is a possession tradition.

Combat-- Plant
Detection-- Guidance
Health-- Guardian
Illusion-- Man
Manipulation-- Task

Pokemon Mastery

Insert flavor text

Most pokematers are aspected Conjurers; the rest are mystic adepts. They believe that they cast spells either by channeling the souls of pokemon through their bodies or by instantaneously summoning and dismissing a pokemon, like using an HM.


Combat-- Beast

Many Pokemon masters have talisman geasa for pokeballs; they may also enchant pokeballs as summoning foci.

Popular metamagic:

Evolving (treat as invoking, most pokemasters have it)
Geomancy (used to establish gyms. Only spellcasters can be gym leaders.)
Centering (generally by shouting pokemon names, "I choose you," or jumping up an down in excitement. Many pokemasters use this to make up for the heavy drain involved in conjuring)

Adepts in pokemastery

Animal Empathy, Missile Mastery, Power Throw, and Commanding Voice are the most commonly held powers of Pokemon Adepts. Many self-titled Pokemon breeders initiate with Attune and Empower Animal, and take further physical adept powers for transfer to their pets.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:43 am
by Orion
Cleaned up Mentalism; will work on others later.