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Save or Die :: the game

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:23 pm
by the_taken
I remember that project idea, then came up with a system concept. So I made a system that doesn't have a large cumbersome math system like D&D. Instead of having stats that affect derivative stats in an myriad of ways that you have the look up with charts and cross reference the index, then plug it all in a calculator, this game system has very few stats, and none of them are derivatives. So here goes:

Every entity has a list of stats: Dodge, Tough, Might, Spirit, Will, Move, Initiative

Dodge and Tough are the equivalent of your saving throws. They represent your ability evade or shrug off attacks, respectively.

Might, Spirit, and Will are both your wound tracks and your action slots. Every time you fail to save against an attack, you loose 1 wound.
To perform an action, you need a ready action slot of the relevant type. When you perform an action, the action slot of the appropriate type enters a cool down mode. The more wounds of one type you have, the more often you can use actions of the same type.

Move and Initiative are not yet developed, and have no rules, but they are important. I figure it can be just like D&D.

To resist an attack, you roll a number of dice based apon your Dodge or Tough rank.

Rank :: Roll
zero - 1d6
1 - 2d6, pick highest
2 - 3d6, pick highest
3 - 2d6 and 1d10, pick highest
4 - 1d6 and 2d10, pick highest
5 - 3d10, pick highest

Attacks have a power level; the number a defender roll to not loose a wound. maximum 9.
Attacks target a specific save, and detract 1 wound from a specific track.
With three wound tracks, two saves and three action slot types, that creates 18 different attack types. Any questions?