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4E made me do it: Narcotic Web (3E spell)

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:21 pm
by Koumei
So I was way too tired when looking through the list of Wizard spells for 4E. Most of them suck, but that's the standard of 4E. Then I noticed one with an awesome name:

Narcotic Web

Unfortunately, on second glance it said "Necrotic Web", which is nowhere near as cool. I then realised that a narcotic web (that is, one made of opioids - get it right, scheduling companies, coke and marijuana are not narcotics) would be useful in combat.

This would probably work better for a game set in modern times (with magic) or that just took anachronisms in stride (Planescape, for instance).

Narcotic Web
Conjuration [Creation]
Level: Sorc/Wiz 5, Bard 4
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Range: Medium
Effect: Webs in a 20' radius spread
SR: No
Save: See below

The area is suddenly filled with sticky web, working similarly to the Web spell, but with a few differences. The initial save and basic effects remain the same, as does the restriction that the web must have two anchor points.

Every round that a living creature is in contact with the web, they must make a Fortitude save against a [Poison] effect. If they succeed, they merely gain 3d6 temporary hit points. If they fail, they gain 1 temporary hit point per caster level and are Sickened for 1 minute.

If, while Sickened, they make further contact with the web, a failed Fortitude save will make them Nauseated for 1 round and require a Will save. Failure causes them to become Dazed for 1 minute. Another failed save against either effect while dazed causes them to lapse into a coma.

If this spell causes a target to gain temporary hit points equal to or greater than their own normal maximum hit points, they are killed by a [Poison] effect.

Special: This spell can be made permanent, blah blah, read the Web spell. One 5' cube can be carefully cleared and dissolved with an acid flask, Acid Splash or similar effect, then bottled to effectively create a potion that grants 3d6 temporary hit points on consumption. However, it still causes a Fortitude save against becoming Nauseated for 1 round.


What do people think? Too complex, perhaps? I want there to be a slight benefit (temporary HP - reflecting the pain relief provided by narcotics), but the drawbacks of not being able to act (nausea and euphoria) as well as a chance of death by OD.

And now, with a spell that creates large amounts of codeine, morphine, hydrocodone (Vicodin), oxycodone, heroin, fentanyl and the like, we can really have drug-addicted crippled clerics that go around half-killing people before curing them, and fighting their were-wolf arch-nemesis: Lupus.

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:21 pm
by Calibron
Perhaps setting fire to the web destroys it, but creates a Stinking Cloud effect?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:32 pm
by Judging__Eagle
That's a good idea for a spell.

Don't you just love mistakes that result in good ideas?

let's make a new sphere

Special: You are immune to the negative effects of any drug that you take once per day per drug. Any positive effects that you gain from a drug end in one day, if not sooner.

1. Sleep
3. Plant Growth
5. Confusion
7. Narcotic Web
9. Poison
11. Scintillating Pattern
13. Demand
15. Imprisonment
17. Soul Bind

I kept seeing spells that could easily be 'drug' themed, but not addiction themed, so here's a Drug Use Sphere.

Substance "Use"

Special: You can also cast Extract Drug at will.

1. Detect Drug (As Detect Plants and Animals, but Drugs or Drug-bearing plants and animals only)
3. Speak with Animals
5. Deep Slumber
7. Fly, Mass
9. Black Tentacles
11. Mirage Arcana
13. Stone Tell/ Animate Objects (Stone only)
15. Animate Plants
17. Astral Projection

... In looking at the spell lists I kept noticing the Bigby's hand line of spells and got a really wrong idea for a sphere.

Re: 4E made me do it: Narcotic Web (3E spell)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:18 pm
by norms29
Koumei wrote: we can really have drug-addicted crippled clerics that go around half-killing people before curing them, and fighting their were-wolf arch-nemesis: Lupus.
Except that really it's never Lupus, because Lupus is only a figment of his cohorts imaginations.