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The Non-Hippie Ranger

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:47 am
by CatharzGodfoot
The ranger is a woodsman and master of unfair fighting. She uses poison, traps, and hit-and-run tactics to destroy her enemies.

Hit Die: d8
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis).
Skills/Level: 6 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB: Good (1/1), Saves: Fort: Good, Reflex: Good, Will: Good.

1: Wilderness Lore, Hunter
2: Camouflage, Subtle Cut
3: Apprentice herbalism
4: Apprentice incense
5: Bonus feat, Fletchery
6: Frogs and Mushrooms, Ensnare
7: Journeyman herbalism
8: Journeyman incense
9: ?
10: ?
11: ?
12: ?
13: ?
14: Master herbalism
15: Master Incense

Weapon and armor proficiency: Rangers are proficient with all Simple weapons as well as bows and martial axes. Rangers are proficient with light armor but not shields.

Wilderness Lore: A ranger can use her Survival skill in place of Search, Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Knowledge (nature).

Camouflage (Ex): A ranger can spend a full round action to hide all allies within 10', using the result of her Hide check in place of their own. This can be sustained as a move action, and otherwise expires when one of the protected creatures moves.

Bonus feats: Must be a combat or skill feat.

Herbalism (Ex): A ranger can attempt to gather herbs and natural substances with medicinal properties by spending 5 minutes and making a survival check. The DC for the survival check is ten plus twice the level of the herbs to be found. The herbs remain potent for one hour after being harvested.
  • Apprentice: bear's endurance, cure light wounds, delay poison, lesser restoration, owl's wisdom.
  • Journeyman: cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease, restoration.
  • Master: greater restoration, heal.
Herbal incense (Ex): A ranger can find herbs which (as Herbalism), when burned, have medicinal qualities. To use, the incense must be lit and thrown as a full attack action. The DC to resist the effects of herbal incense is ten plus half the ranger's level plus her wisdom modifier.
  • Lesser incense: sleep, repel vermin.
  • Moderate incense: deep slumber, confusion, stinking cloud.
  • Greater incense: mass bear's endurance, mass owl's wisdom, mind fog, sympathy.
Fletchery: If she has an axe handy, a ranger can craft a bow or arrow by spending 5 minutes and making a DC 15 survival check. When the ranger uses it, the item gains an enhancement bonus to attack and damage.

Frogs and Mushrooms: A ranger is able to make 1d4 doses of any nonmagical poison in the DMG with a DC equal to or less than 10 + 1/2 level + Wis by spending 10 minutes and making a Survival check with a DC equal to that of the poison. The poison degrades to uselessness at the end of the day.

Ensnare: A ranger can spend a minute and make a DC 15 Survival check to craft a nonmagical CR 1 trap. The trap uses the ranger's attack bonus, and may be poisoned.

Obviously unfinished. Any ideas?