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Devil Bringer: Too Much DMC4

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:55 am
by Aktariel
So I've been playing DMC4 for PC for the last few hours, and I got infected with that "this would be awesome for DnD!" bug.

I present to you the Devil Bringer for criticism (for those of you who don't know, the DB is a demonic right arm thingy wielded by the main character, which allows him to pull enemies close, or pull himself towards them if they're pretty big (as in, bigger than Large)):

Devil Bringer (Light)
Proficiency: Unarmed Strike or Gauntlet
Reach: 15', threatens
Damage: 1d6/2 char levels slashing/unholy damage (split evenly)
Critical: 20 x3
- cannot be disarmed [except literally]
- +4 bonus on grapple checks
- +4 bonus on trip attampts, cannot be tripped in return if trip fails
- grants Improved Grab as a bonus feat [this one I'm not sure about]
- as part of an attack, you may begin a grapple with an enemy who is within fifteen feet, and if you grab hold, you may pull him adjacent to you as a free action if he is Large or smaller. If he is Huge or larger, you may pull yourself adjacent to them, and/or perform a Grab On maneuver. You may then attack as normal. (so, as a standard action you may both pull and attack). You may use this as an attack of opportunity, though you do not get to attack afterwards, although moving him through your threatened area may provoke an attack of opportunity depending on your feats.

Things I'm not sure how to include:
- using the DB to attack as part of a grapple

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:29 am
by schpeelah
Well, I was thinking more like "add a few things to Setting Sun discipline". I mean, it's an inborn supernatural ability only one person has - but simillar abilities would fit nicely with the rest of fightan magick.