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Garrotes: Choke-ology

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:31 am
by RiotGearEpsilon
A new maneuver:

Sometimes, you want to attach yourself to a larger creature by wrapping a length of cable around their neck, getting inside their reach and then violently strangling them or simply weighing them down. As an attack action you may attempt to garrote or strangle a flatfooted or flanked opponent. Garroting an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity and requires a check with the same bonuses as a melee attack. The DC to grab on to an opponent is their Touch AC plus their BAB. If you have 5 ranks of Use Rope, you get a +2 synergy bonus on this maneuver. Then, make a Grapple Check (BAB + Strength Modifier + Special Size Modifier) with a DC of 10 + Defender’s Grapple Check Modifier.

Strangling: Once you’ve attached yourself to your opponent, you go wherever they go. Move in to their space, and move where they do automatically (this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity or count against your movement in any way). You may attack with any light or one handed weapon if and only if your garrote weapon is one handed, and your opponent is denied his Dexterity bonus against you.

Being Held on to: If another creature is garroting your character, their weight counts against your carrying capacity. If you’re overloaded, you may be unable to move or even collapse until you shake your opponent off. You cannot speak while being garroted unless you make a Grapple Check (BAB + Strength Modifier + Special Size Modifier) or Escape Artist check with a DC of 10 + Attacker’s Grapple Check Modifier. You can attempt to attack a creature holding on to you, but your strength modifier is halved for such attacks and your attacks are at -4. You may attempt to shake your opponent off as an attack action by making a check with a bonus equal to your melee attack, grapple check modifier, or Escape Artist, and a DC of 10 + the greatest of your opponent’s BAB or Use Rope Ranks. At the end of any turn you are garroting your opponent, you inflict constriction damage for your garrote.

Edge Options: If you have the edge on an opponent when you garrote them, they may not attack you at all once you are garroting them. Further, garroting an opponent does not provoke an attack of opportunity.


Garrote weapons are two-handed and have a constriction damage, and are only really useful for GARROTE actions. 'Soft' garrotes, such as silk sashes or hemp rope, inflict 1d3, 20/x2 when medium sized. 'Hard' garrotes, such as serrated wire or thin cabling, inflict 1d6, 20/x2.

Most garrotes are two handed - one end in each hand. However, length of rope can be tied in to an effective one-handed garrote (similar to a noose) with a DC 25 Use Rope check. If you are garroting an opponent with a two-handed garrote, you can tie it in to a strangling collar as a standard action. This item continues to inflict constriction damage on the opponent until they use a standard action to remove it, which requires a Grapple, Use Rope, or Escape Artist check with a DC of 5+your Use Rope modifier.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:38 am
by JonSetanta
You need to make a "Tome of Choking".

As the name implies, it would be choked full of rules for choking, choking variants (drown, gag, clog, whatever), plot chokes, artichokes, and items to choke with or on.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:04 am
by RiotGearEpsilon
I will not drown or fall!