Agents of Love and Justice: Pretty Soldier Adepta Sororitas

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Agents of Love and Justice: Pretty Soldier Adepta Sororitas

Post by Koumei »

Rather than derail various other threads (seeing as I'm sure Frank is more interested in the AWoD and DMH and stuff with the shooting thread, and the "roleplaying in 41st millennium" thread is now a train wreck), I thought I'd post this here.

Agents of Love and Justice: Pretty Soldier Adepta Sororitas

"In the name of the Emperor, I will punish you!"

So, Dark Heresy is good and all, but works for very specific types of game (and has a few issues that need adjusting, but less so than most games). Also, bringing in a single Sister of Battle is fine, but begins a bit more powerful than the others (see: armour), and if everyone plays one then it's very... well, they all feel too similar. So for a game where everyone is a Bolter Bitch, we have this.

The standard system for action resolution is as mentioned in the "Shootig Fools in the Face" thread: roll d6es equal to (attribute) + (skill) + (equipment) + (magic or Edge or something, sometimes). A 5 or 6 is a hit, and tasks have a threshold you need to reach to succeed. Rolling in excess of this grants you "net hits".

Combat also works as mentioned there, including the bit on "Armour just has a value of automatic soak, so that you don't need to roll 20 dice on that."

Chapter 1: Creating a Character

"Is there any element of your past you want to change with your magical time machine?"

Okay, so obviously you pick a name. Everyone has one of those. Given the world you're in, it could seriously be anything at all. I suggest against "[EDITED]" or "Heresy Sinsalot" however.

Moving on, you have your six attributes, one derived value and your special other stat:


They start at 1, which is pretty lame, and can't go higher than 5 as a starting character, not including bionic upgrades or whatever. An average human score is 2.5, which is not to say your average human has a 2-3 in everything, but you knew that, right? As you continue and gain XP or whatever, you can increase these attributes as high as you like.

Your Initiative is a dice pool equal to your Agility.

The special seventh stat is Edge. Most people don't even have this. As a very loyal servant to the Emperor and also a guardian of Humanity, you begin with an Edge rating of 1. This can be improved as normal. It basically works as shown in SR4. You can't raise it higher than 3 as a starting character, but it doesn't have an actual limit.

You don't have a Magic rating, likewise you don't have Power. Because Sisters of Battle are not psykers. Ever.

Next, you have some skills. There aren't as many here as in Shadowrun, and there's a reason for that. I took a look through the book, and by the Emperor there's a million of the bastards.

For now, every attribute has 4 skills attached. This might increase later on, but probably not. They all start at zero, and the maximum rating for a given skill is 5. Here they are:

Athletics (used to leap and climb around the place)
Endurance (surviving poisons, starvation etc. as well as carrying loads and running for long durations)
Martial Arts (this basically covers all melee fighting, not just unarmed)
Steady Weapon (the skill you use for heavy weapons unless mounted)

Larceny (lock-picking, sleight of hand and escaping bonds)
Firearms (shooting someone in the face with a non-heavy weapon)
Piloting (piloting anything within reason. Does not work with Ork vehicles)
Stealth (sneaking about the place like it's MGS)

Empathy (knowing how people are feeling and how they might react)
Investigation (looking for clues, research, working things out)
Perception (knowing what's going on by dint of seeing and hearing it)
Tactics (setting up/spotting choke-points, the tactical use of fire, etc.)

Artisan (creating things - both planning and constructing)
Logistics (making sure you have enough X, and that it's in the right place)
Medicine (first aid, field-surgery, chem-use, the whole lot)
Technology (this lets you repair vehicles, un-jam weapons and use a PC)

Deception (lying to people, forgery and the like)
Expression (getting your message across to people, even if gagged)
Camaraderie (helping your unit work as a team, making others feel good)
Persuasion (just the diplomacy side, including bribery and treaties)

Command (not only bossing people around, but being obeyed too!)
Faith (this is sort of a Will save, and also good for cockblocking daemons)
Intimidate (the other persuasion. Diplomacy with a stick)
Survival (finding your way around, knowing what you can eat, etc.)

A specialty in a skill costs 2 points.

We also have knowledges. They're sort of like skills. Basically, if you have the knowledge, then you nominally know stuff when relevant. If it's important, you roll 8 dice (and thus can just take 2 hits). You can double-up to go from "I know this" to "Expert". This lets you roll 12 dice (or take 3 hits), and generally gives you superior knowledge.

Everyone can start with a single knowledge for free, and the rest have to be bought. The categories are:

History, Chaos (includes daemons), Warp (includes warp beasts), Psykers (includes psykic powers), Imperial Law (it's that obscure), Crime (knowledge of gangs, rogue traders/pirates, and where to buy cocaine), Bureaucracy, and each of the Xeno races. Really though, it will depend on any given game.

You can take up to 7 stars worth of positive traits. You should take precisely 7 stars worth of negative traits. Note that the negatives aren't really that bad.

Perks cost 5 points each, and are special abilities and such.

Maybe players just automatically start with some stuff, but they need to buy the rest. Every 50 credits will cost 1 creation point.


So, that basically is the character sheet. I'm not sure on what the creation costs and stuff will be, yet, but I'll tentatively put some numbers down and people can argue about them with me.

Points to start with: 400
Increase an attribute: 10
*No more than 200 can be spent on attributes total
Increase Edge: 10
Buy/increase a skill: 3
Buy a skill specialty: 2
Buy/upgrade a knowledge: 2
Traits: no actual cost, up to 7* of positive and precisely 7* of negative
Perks: 5
Equipment: 50 credits per point
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Looks interesting so far.

Pretty easy to understand as well. So it's easy to learn.

The costs for stats, and also starting stats at 1, seem very reasonable.

Buying +1 to a stat boosts all 4 of that stat's related skills; while if you spent 9 points, you could pump one skill to get +3 ranks.

For Flaws/Edges, here's a rule to keep it in check: "You cannot gain more points from flaws than your 1/10th of your base character points."

Allowing people to pick up flaws as time passes is also helpful for character development.

The amount of Credits you get per character point don't matter unless there's a list of gear that people can buy to rate the current cost of "+100 Credits"
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Post by cthulhu »

Isn;t agility to good because you have a single Attack and defense stat?
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Post by Koumei »

2. Equipment:

"My kingdom for a Chimera with extra armour, multilaser, heavy bolter, smoke launchers, heavy stubber, dozer blade and blessed ammunition!"

Here we get to the bit where you can buy stuff. It is my intent that players can indeed start off with Power Armour and the weapon of their choice. However, they don't *have* to have this. If someone wants to play a trainee, they can lose the armour and have more points for other stuff. Likewise the Repentia and Order Dialogus/Hospitaler.

Note: if it has a difficulty of X, then for each step higher the priority of your mission, subtract one from X (until it is automatic). If your mission is of a priority 1 step lower than listed, add 1 Difficulty. Any further and you just can't have it.

You add all your difficulties together to determine the difficulty before rolling/buying hits. If it works, great! If not, then you have to drop some stuff from the list, and can try again at a penalty of 2 dice.

As long as you succeed, every hit also grants one point to spend on minor stuff (net hits grant 2). These points are spent after.

Armour has an Armour Value (AV). This is direct soak taken away from the damage. You also roll your Strength (and Edge, if you decide to), but the armour is just automatic.

Some armour is Powered. This will include two numbers: the length of time it lasts before the batteries need to be recharged (takes 1 hour per day of energy from a strong power source), and the threshold penalty to all Strength and Agility checks (aside from soak) when it is out of power. This penalty is simply an increased threshold, reducing the chances of success and the net successes you gain. Spending an Edge will somehow cause a brief surge of energy that powers the armour for 1 scene.

Armour with a Reinforcement value will ignore the listed amount of net hits on a successful attack roll against the wearer. This reduces the net hits (and thus, aids in soaking), however will not reduce a simple hit (0 net hits) to a miss. This is usually due to the mechanical sections and multiple layers helping to stop penetration and negate the weak points spotted by accuracy.

Leather Armour/Heavy Robes:
AV: 1
Difficulty: automatic
Other: This is as simple as it gets. On the plus side, it's cheap and doesn't particularly restrict movement or hamper stealth. Robes are also good for concealing items in.
-Can have Chameleoline added for 1 point

Flak Armour/Chaimail:
AV: 2
Difficulty: automatic
Other: This isn't particularly amazing, but it does offer better protection than the above. Additionally, it increases the AV by 1 against flechette rounds and metal storm shells. However, the threshold for all Stealth checks increases by 1 due to the noise it makes.

Full Plate:
AV: 3
Difficulty: 1 with Low priority
Other: This is very heavy, bulky armour. You take a 1 die penalty on all Strength and Agility actions (except for soaking) while wearing it. It looks archaic and would be out of place except for the fact that this is GrimDark and you seriously can find medieval knights wielding lasguns while riding atop velociraptors.

AV: 3
Difficulty: 1 with Low Priority
Other: This is much better protection than flak armour, and is the stuff that enforcers wear. Better still, there is no penalty to stealth.
-Can be upgraded to be fully enclosed with 6 hour air supply for 1 point

Scout Power Armour/Assault Carapace:
AV: 3
Difficulty: 1 point, Difficulty 1 with Low Priority
Other: This is like Carapace, above, however it counts as AV 4 against flechette ammunition and metal storm shells. Additionally, it has Reinforcement (1)
Powered (2 days, threshold +1)
-1 point upgrades to fully enclosed with 6 hour air supply
-1 point adds Chameleoline

Power Armour:
AV: 4
Difficulty: 1
Other: This is proper power armour, with Reinforcement (1)
Powered (3 days, threshold +2)

Terminator Armour:
AV: 4
Difficulty: 1 for High Priority
Other: Reinforcement (2), Powered (3 days, threshold +3)
Roll an extra 2 dice of Soak, can wield Assault/Rapidfire weapons 1-handed.

Artificer Armour:
AV: 5
Difficulty: 2 for High Priority, impossible for any lower
Other: as Power Armour, roll an extra die of Soak
-1 point adds a Servo Harness

Blessed Robes and Scriptures:
AV: 0 (see below)
Difficulty: 1, impossible for Low/Lowest Priority
Other: These are just robes and giant scrolls, except something makes them holy and special. If a character with Edge wears them, then they have an AV of 2 and an SV of 3, as well as providing +2 dice on any action where Edge is spent.

AV: 1 SV: 2
Difficulty: 1 point
Other: Designed for space travel, these are cheap to make and yet very valuable: you do not suffer damage from being in an atmosphere, and they maintain pressure and temperature, as well as providing 1 hour of air. It also blocks out a reasonable degree of radiation - enough to be unharmed normally in space, or to improve the AV by 3 against a Rad Cleanser.

AV: 0 SV: 5
Difficulty: 1
Other: This special spray-on armour is designed for the maximum possible stealth. It grants +2 dice to all Stealth and Larceny checks, and also adds an extra die of damage if you successfully hit with an unarmed attack. Three additional net hits are needed beyond the usual minimum in order to catch fire, so flame-retardant is it.

Heatproof Entry Plate:
AV: 3
Difficulty: 1
Other: This is a form of plate armour constructed of thick ceramite and atmospheric shielding. Although the wearer takes a -2 dice penalty on all Dexterity checks, there are benefits: the wearer is effectively immune to radiation (AV 7 against radiation), and highly heat-resistant. The character does not catch fire, counts as AV 5 against flame weapons, and furthermore, Melta weapons and Plasma weapons do not roll extra "armour piercing" dice, nor do they ignore this armour.

Upgrade: Chameleoline
This is a modification to the armour itself as well as camouflage netting and the like. This grants you 3 extra dice on Stealth checks to avoid being seen. Note that it blends, somewhat, into the environment, so although it looks like shades of green in the forest, it changes to orange in the desert.

-Melee Weapons:
All melee weapons, unless specified otherwise, add your Strength to the basic damage.

Unarmed Strike:
You can't actually buy these. You already have several of them attached to you. Woah, holy shit!
Damage: -1 (yes, Str 1 people seriously need net hits to do any damage unarmed)
Other: Counts as flechette ammunition for the purposes of damage

Difficulty: automatic
Damage: +0
Other: easy to conceal (threshold 1), light 1-handed weapon

Difficulty: automatic, 1 point for Low Priority
Damage: +1
Other: 1-handed or 2-handed, nothing special
-1 point upgrades to Latheworld Monoblade (bladed only)

Huge Melee Weapon:
Difficulty: 1 point, 1 for Low Priority, 1 on Lowest
Damage: +2
Other: a greatsword or sharpened girder. This is innately slow as a weapon, so the accuracy threshold increases by 1 and you take a -1 penalty to Initiative while wielding it. On the plus side, you can attempt to knock people over with it by making opposed Str+Ath checks. You gain +2 dice due to having such a big weapon. 2-handed weapon.
Cannot be concealed on your person.
-1 point upgrades to Latheworld Monoblade

Damage: automatic normally, 1 point on Low Priority, 1 on Lowest
Damage: +1
Other: 1-handed or 2-handed weapon, counts as flechette ammunition for the purposes of Armour, but can be used to disarm or trip foes. This is a Str + Martial Arts + 1 check against their Str + Ath.
-1 point upgrades with Latheworld Monoblade (Whip only)

Difficulty: 1 point, 1 on Low Priority
Damage: +2
Other: A chainsword rips and tears through flesh. Strength checks to soak damage are reduced by 2 dice (minimum of 0). Armour and Edge work normally. Stealth is impossible while it is switched on. Can be wielded in 1 or 2 hands.
-Can have Exterminator cartridge added for 1 point
-Contains enough fuel for 1 hour of continual use

Difficulty: 1
Damage: +4
Other: Much like the chainsword, the eviscerator rends flesh. No Strength may be used to soak damage, only Armour and Edge. On the other hand, it is very heavy, so you take a -2 penalty to Agility tests and Initiative while wielding it. 2-handed weapon, and Stealth is impossible when switched on.
-Can have Exterminator cartridge added for 1 point, or a pair fitted for 2.
-Contains enough fuel for 1 hour of constant use
-If you cock-up on the attack roll, the chain snaps, hitting you for Damage 2 and making the weapon count as a heavy melee weapon until repaired
-At +1 threshold you can have the weapon modified to be a fuel-guzzling nightmare with an extra-fast pair of chains. It consumes fuel twice as quickly, and a cock-up hits you for Damage 3 instead, but that's okay, because if it hits anyone else, it's Damage 5.

Power Weapon:
Difficulty: 1
Damage: +1
Other: 1-handed weapon that, if it successfully strikes, gains an additional number of dice to roll for net hits, equal to the AV of the target.
-Powered: will run for 24 hours before needing to be recharged (1 hour)
-Can be upgraded to a large, heavy, 2-handed power weapon for +1 Threshold. The power supply is doubled, but twice as much power is used. All this means is it takes 2 hours to recharge. This becomes Damage +3.

Difficulty: 1 (impossible on any lower)
Damage: +1
Other: as Power Weapon
-Stun: any target struck must make an Endurance test (threshold 2) or be Stunned for 1 round. Multiple hits are not cumulative.
-The power source can be upgraded for 1 point, so that it lasts only 12 hours before needing to be recharged, but increasing the Endurance test threshold to 3. It can even be increased to 4 with a +1 to damage, and power expiring in 6 hours, at the cost of +1 point on top of that.
-If you cock-up on the attack-roll you strike yourself with 0 net hits

Incense Burner:
Cost: 1
Damage: +1
Other: one-handed
-Can also be used as a flamer, although it only contains enough fuel for one blast.
-If at least 3 net hits are scored, the target catches fire.
-1 point grants an additional canister of fuel

Common Weapon Modifications:

-Latheworld Monoblade Enhancement: the blade is stupidly sharp now. Increase the damage by 1, and if the target is armoured and you hit, you may roll an extra die for a net hit, as it has some degree of penetration.

-Exterminator Cartridge: This is a single-use flamer.

-Spring-loaded: if a bayonet (dagger) or sarissa (sword) is upgraded to be spring-loaded, it has a little extra impact on the first use (though resetting the spring requires 1 action). This upgrade costs 1 point and, when it is spring-loaded, if you hit, allows for an extra d6 to be rolled to check for net hits.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

cthulhu wrote:Isn;t agility to good because you have a single Attack and defense stat?
Agility isn't particularly a defence stat. I mean, it handles Initiative and shooting people with non-heavy weapons. Strength handles soaking, punching people in the head (or using a chainsword) and heavy weapons.
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Post by cthulhu »

So there is no 'dodge' skill?

if so, fair enough.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, that's right. If someone hits you, then all you can do is either soak it or use Edge to reduce their successes in the hopes of forcing them to miss.

Maybe certain things will have a special Dodge ability, where by dint of possessing the quality, the threshold to hit them increases by an arbitrary amount, but in general, combat is very clunky and people smack each other about the place a lot.
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Post by cthulhu »

It does seem weird to have a fixed threshold to hit someone - and it does preclude all sorts of character archetypes that are established in the 40k verse, like Calidus Assassins.

Maybe they can be reflected by the quality.

Intrestingly, the otherreason I think its a bad idea is it removes much of the scaling in the sr4 system - fixed thresholds can be optimised past so you 'auto hit'
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Post by Koumei »

The threshold is affected by other things, however. Range, cover and the like. It's just that 2 is the basic number before modifiers come into play.

So, firearms work like melee weapons, except with a different skill and at a range. For all the info, see the "shooting people" thread.

10cm on the table equals somewhere around 5-6 metres. It's not too precise.

Special ammunition gets listed later on. Every weapon gets a full clip to start with, extras are purchased with points.

Bolt Pistol:
Type: Pistol
Recoil: 0
Difficulty: 1 hit, 1 for Low Priority
Damage: 4
Range: 10cm
Clip: 30 rounds (costs 1 point for 2)
Other: one-handed.
-1 point upgrades with short-range laser sight

Type: Rapid Fire
Recoil: 1
Difficulty: 1
Damage: 4
Range: 15cm
Clip: 30 rounds (costs 1 point)
Other: two-handed. +2 dice within the first increment.
-1 point upgrades with scope
-1 point upgrades with Sarissa (counts as sword, 2-H)
-1 point upgrades with Exterminator cartridge
-1 point upgrades with recoil suppressor (Recoil 0)

Storm Bolter:
Type: Assault
Recoil: 2
Difficulty: 2 (if check fails by 1, can just drop to Bolter and make check)
Damage: 4
Range: 15cm
Clip: 100-round drum (1 point, 2 rounds are used per attack)
Other: two-handed, +4 dice to hit
-1 point upgrades with recoil suppressor (Recoil 1)
-1 point upgrades with single-round shotgun (1 action to reload) and 6 shells

Flame Pistol:
Type: Assault
Recoil: 0
Difficulty: 1 point
Damage: 3
Area: sprays out in a 5cm cone, +3 dice to hit
Clip: 5 jets of flame per canister (1 point each)
Other: one-handed, if successful the target catches fire

Type: Assault
Recoil: 0
Difficulty: 1
Damage: 4
Area: sprays out in a 15cm cone, +3 dice to hit
Clip: 5 jets of flame per tank (1 point each)
Other: two-handed, if successful the target catches fire
-ignores cover, just like in the wargame

Inferno Pistol:
Difficulty: 1
Type: Pistol
Recoil: 0
Damage: 6
Range: 10cm
Clip: 6 shots per canister (1 point each)
Other: one-handed
-if it successfully strikes and is within the first range increment, roll extra dice for net hits equal to half the target's AV.

Melta Gun:
Type: Assault
Recoil: 0
Difficulty: 2
Damage: 7
Range: 20cm
Clip: 10 shots per drum (1 point)
Other: two-handed, +1 die to hit
-if it successfully strikes and is within the first range increment, roll extra dice for net hits equal to the target's AV.

Cost: 1 point in Low Priority, 1 in Lowest
Type: Pistol
Recoil: 0
Damage: 3
Range: 10cm
Clip: 20 shots per (rechargeable) battery (1 point for 2)
Other: one-handed.
-The battery can be recharged in about ten minutes at a power point, or via solar power by keeping it in the sun for 2 hours.
-It can be recharged in an open fire in 5 minutes, but permanently damages it, reducing the number of shots by 1/2
-Can be upgraded to a Hell Pistol for 1 point
-Can be given a short-range laser sight (twin-linked!) for 1 point

Difficult: 1 point, 1 in Low Priority
Type: Rapid Fire
Recoil: 0
Damage: 3
Range: 20cm
Clip: 20 shots per (rechargeable) battery (1 point)
Other: two-handed, gains +2 dice to hit within the first increment
-The battery takes just as long to recharge as above
-Can be upgraded to a Hell Gun for 1 point
-Can be given a scope or a laser sight (again with the twin-linked joke!)
-Can be given a bayonet (dagger, 2-H) for 1 point

Long Las Sniper Rifle:
Difficulty: 1
Type: Heavy
Recoil: 1
Damage: 5
Range: 40cm
Clip: 1 shot per hot-shot battery (1 point for 3)
Other: two-handed, built-in scope (already accounted for)
-The battery can be recharged at a power point only, taking 1 hour
-Adds 3 dice to hit when within the first range increment

Cost: 1 point in Low Priority, 1 in Lowest
Type: Rapid fire
Recoil: 1
Damage: 3
Range: 20cm
Clip: 30 rounds (1 point for 2)
Other: two-handed, flechette ammunition by default
-Can be used as a club without damaging the gun
-Can have an Exterminator clip attached for 1 point
-Can be upgraded with a scope, torch or laser sight for 1 point
-Can have a combi-Autogun/Lasgun for 2 points

Plasma Pistol:
Difficulty: 1
Type: Pistol
Recoil: 0
Damage: 6 or 7 (two firing modes)
Range: 10cm
Clip: 10 shots per canister (1 point)
Other: one-handed, free action to swap settings
-Firing on high power mode uses up 2 shots
-If you roll a complete cock-up, then it overheats and you deal damage to yourself as if you had just shot yourself with zero net hits. The weapon also cannot even be held for 3 rounds as it cools down.

Combat Shotgun:
Cost: 1 point, 1 on Low Priority
Type: Rapid Fire
Recoil: 2
Damage: 3 (counts as flechette)
Area: a cone 15cm long
Clip: 6 rounds (pump-action) or 2 rounds (double-barrel), 1 point/6 shells
Other: two-handed
-Gains bonus dice to hit equal to the cover modifier to threshold
-If double barrelled, it becomes an Assault weapon with +3 dice to hit

Yes, there are plenty of other guns out there, but this can suffice just for now.

Plasma Gun:
Type: Rapid Fire
Recoil: 1
Difficulty: 2
Damage: 7 or 8
Range: 20cm
Clip: 10 shots per canister (1 point)
Other: free action to swap settings
-Firing on high power mode uses up 2 shots but re-rolls failed damage dice equal to the foe's AV
-If you roll a complete cock-up, it overheats. You take damage as if you had shot yourself with 0 net hits.
You also drop the weapon and cannot pick it up again for 3 rounds.

Grenade Launcher:
Type: Assault
Recoil: 2
Difficulty: 2
Damage: as grenade
Range: 30cm (possible blast)
Clip: 4 grenades (1 point)
Other: a mixture of different grenades can be fielded in one purchase


+10 credits. This adds 10cm to the range, making it easier to shoot people who are far away.

Laser Sight:
This grants you +2 dice to hit within the first range increment.

It adds a light source. This light source uses small batteries that can be bought with sparechange and last 24 hours of continual use.
Shining it someone's eyes in the dark increases the threshold to hit you by 1.

Hell Weaponry:
This replaces the batteries with a large backpack. It contains enough power for 50 shots, and will charge up 1 shot every 10 minutes spent in sunlight. If you plug it into a power source it can fully charge in an hour.
Additionally, if you successfully hit within the first range increment, you may roll up to 2 extra dice (no more than their AV) for net hits.
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by zeruslord »

Is this meant to support any character archetype or just Sisters of Battle? If it's just Adepta, then it suddenly becomes far easier to create and balance.
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Post by Koumei »

Just Adepta Sororitas. Balancing a party that has both Guardsmen and Space Marines doesn't actually work.

That being said, it will also cover the three non-militant orders (who won't be pacifists, just... less militant), trainees (who are likely to have graduated from the Schola Progenum or be recruited from Hiveworld gangs) and maybe even assassins. Because I do like the idea of a Callidus hanging around with them, eating people, disguising herself with polymorphine and shredding people's brains. Oh, and cheating in chess.

"Did not! I had three queens when we started!"

Or a drug-fuelled "WRYYYYY!" machine of an Eversor, scarily similar to Doom Rider.
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Post by Koumei »

Heavy Weapons:

Heavy weapons are like firearms, except they use the "Steady Weapon" skill. If a heavy weapon is mounted and you needn't use your strength to handle it, you can use "Firearms" (or, if controlling it by mechanics, use "Technology"). But normally, it's "Steady Weapon". Remember, you need to spend 1 action bracing and another action firing, although you could move then brace on turn 1, then on turn 2, fire then move again.

If you're not bracing it against anything other than yourself, the recoil modifier applies as a penalty to your attack roll. There is a Quality to negate that, though.

Heavy Bolter:
Difficulty: 2
Type: Heavy
Damage: 5
Recoil: 3
Clip: 100-round belt (2 points, uses 2 rounds per attack)
Range: 25cm
-Gains +4 dice to hit
-Can be given a tripod for 1 point, so it can always be braced

Heavy Flamer:
Difficulty: 3
Type: Heavy
Damage: 5
Recoil: 1
Clip: 10 jets of flame per tank (1 point)
Area: sprays in a 20cm cone, ignoring cover
-if successful, it sets the target on fire
-can be upgraded to send a thin stream of flame out to 15cm increments, +2 dice to hit, for 1 point

Difficulty: 3 (if you fail by 1, you can just downgrade to a Melta and pass)
Type: Heavy
Damage: 8
Recoil: 1
Clip: 10 blasts per drum (2 points)
Increment: 30cm
Other: +2 dice to hit
-If it hits within 15cm, it ignores their Armour Value completely.

Type: Heavy
Difficulty: 3
Damage: 9
Recoil: 3
Clip: 10 shots per (rechargeable) battery pack
Range: 30cm
Other: +3 dice to hit
-Battery pack can only be recharged by a strong power source.
-This requires 10 minutes per shot
-Can be upgraded as a Tank Hunter, for Damage 10 and Recoil 5: 2 points
-Can be given a scope for 1 point
-Can be given a tripod for 1 point

Heavy Stubber:
Difficulty: 2
Type: Heavy
Damage: 4
Recoil: 2
Clip: 100-round belt (2 points, uses 2 bullets per attack)
Increment: 10 table inches
-Gains +3 dice to hit
-Fires flechette ammunition by default
-Can be given a tripod for 1 point

Rapid-fire Automatic Shotgun:
Type: Heavy
Difficulty: 2
Recoil: 2
Damage: 4 (counts as flechette)
Area: a cone 15cm long
Clip: 12 rounds (uses 3 rounds per attack, 1 point per 6 rounds)
-Gains bonus dice to hit equal to the cover modifier to threshold +4

Type: Heavy
Recoil: 4
Difficulty: 2
Damage: 7
Range: 50cm
Clip: 20 shells per drum (2 points)
-Anyone hit by an Autocannon round must make a Threshold 2 Strength check or be knocked prone.
-Can be upgraded to a Tank Hunter for 1 point, halving the ammunition per drum but adding 10cm range and +1 damage

Assault Cannon:
Type: Heavy
Recoil: 4
Difficulty: 3
Damage: 6
Range: 30cm
Clip: 100 rounds per ammo drum/belt (uses 10 rounds per attack, 1 point)
-Every 6 rolled allows you to roll an additional die, representing the weapon's capacity to chew through enemy armour
-Every consecutive round you fire it, the weapon gains a Stress point. After firing, roll 1d6. If you roll under the Stress
value, then the weapon jams (after firing) and needs to be un-jammed as a primary action.
Letting it cool for a round resets the Stress.

Plasma Cannon:
Type: Heavy
Recoil: 2
Difficulty: 3, unavailable on Low priority
Damage: 7 or 8 (HP)
Range: 50cm (Blast or Large Blast - HP)
Clip: 20 shots per fuel backpack (2 points)
Other: free action to swap settings
-Firing on high power mode uses up 2 shots but ignores armour
-If you roll a complete cock-up, it overheats. You take damage as if you had shot yourself with 0 net hits.
You also drop the weapon and cannot pick it up again for 3 rounds.

Rocket Launcher:
Type: Heavy
Recoil: 2
Difficulty: 2
Damage: 5 (frag) or 8 (krak)
Range: 60cm (Blast for frag)
Clip: 4 missiles (1 point)
Other: a mixture of different missiles can be fielded in one purchase
-Frag missiles count as flechette damage, but also ignore cover
-Krak missiles are Armour Penetrating

-Super Frag Missiles count as 2, have 80cm range and are a Large Blast at Damage 6
-Super Krak Missiles count as 2, have 100cm range and are a Small Blast at Damage 9



Not many heavy weapons, I know.

Specifically, special ammunition.

Metal Storm Frag Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point (not per clip, just total)
Effect: counts as flechette rounds, but rends like a chainsword.
-The target cannot use their Strength to soak the damage

Tempest Stun Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point per clip, 2 for a belt of 100 rounds
Effect: reduce damage by 2, but the target must make a threshold 3 Endurance test or lose 1 action from stunning. This is not cumulative with multiple shots.

Kraken Penetrator Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point total
Effect: add 5cm range, and if it successfully hits, roll additional dice for net hits equal to half the target's AV (round down).

Inferno Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point total
Effect: -1 damage, but the target catches fire if hit.

Hellfire Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point per clip (2 for a 100-round belt)
Effect: this is filled with acids and poisons. If it deals any damage, then on the following round another box of damage is automatically dealt and the target must make a threshold 2 Endurance test or take a -3 dice penalty on all actions due to pain and nausea for 1 minute.

Stalker Silenced Rounds:
Weapon: any bolter
Cost Adjustment: automatic, 1 point for Low Priority
Effect: the weapon emits no noise or muzzle flare, making it excellent for stealth, however it does deal -1 damage.


Solid Shot:
Weapon: shotgun
Cost Adjustment: automatic
Effect: change area to Range: 20cm.
Does not count as flechette ammunition, does not get bonus dice based on cover, but gets +1 die to hit in all cases.

Manhunter Shells:
Weapon: shotgun
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point total
Effect: change area to Range: 20cm
Still counts as flechette, but at +1 damage. Does not get bonus dice based on cover.
+3 dice to hit if target is further than 10cm.

Flashfire Shells:
Weapon: shotgun
Cost Adjustment: automatic
The attack is only Damage 1 (not flechette), but completely ignores cover. Furthermore, if you have at least 2 net hits on a target, they catch fire.


Hot-shot Laser Battery:
Weapon: laspistol or lasgun
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point total
The battery holds only 1 shot, but gains +5cm range and deals +2 damage within the first (extended) range increment.


Holy Promethium:
Weapon: any flamer
Cost Adjustment: 1 extra point total
The weapon works as normal, except that protection gained from Power (magic bonuses, psyker powers or daemonic "natural" abilities) are ignored and do not contribute to the soaking.


Grenade: *grenades are thrown using an Athletics check, with 5cm range per point of Strength* (1 point for 4, * count as 2)

Frag: 4 Damage, Blast, ignores cover, counts as flechette
Krak: 5 Damage, Armour Piercing
*Choke: 0 Damage, Blast (then Large Blast next round), Threshold 3 Endurance check to resist Prone and Stunned 2 rounds
*Plasma: 6 Damage, Blast, Armour Piercing
*Spook: 0 Damage, Blast (then Large Blast next round), Threshold 3 Faith check to resist Fear for 3 rounds
*Incendiary: 3 Damage, Blast, 1 net hit causes the target to catch fire, ignores cover
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

-Other Equipment:

Difficulty: 1 point, 1 on Low Priority
Effect: Because your head is too small to build a cathedral on, you do the next best thing and keep a huge fire atop it. This radiates light and warmth to 20cm, until it runs out of fuel anyway. It has enough fuel to burn for 5 hours.
It can be adjusted, spending an action, to start churning out thick black smoke. This grants you cover (threshold +1) but you suffer the same penalty to hit others.
Additionally, if you make a headbutt attack against someone (unarmed attack) while it is lit up, they catch fire on a successful hit.

Cost: automatic
Effect: Zey do nothing!
They provide +1 die to Endurance checks against things such as smoke and tear gas. All it does is protect the eyes, not the facial skin, breathing and the like. Works best with a gas mask as well.

Clip-on Torch:
Difficulty: automatic
Effect: It provides light, and you don't need to hold it. It's a fairly dull light, out to 15cm. You can either let it run off your Power Armour, or use batteries. The batteries last for 24 hours and are very cheap. Whatever.

Difficulty: 2 days automatic, 1 point per week beyond that
Effect: It keeps you fed, with various nutrients, protein, vitamins and minerals. The taste is somewhat bland, but not awful, although to keep your sugar levels up there is what basically constitutes a Pixie Stick.

Daily Prayers:
Difficulty: 2 weeks worth automatically
Effect: First, you read them and generally feel good for it. Then, you eat them. No really, the paper and ink hold basic nutrients, designed to keep your body alive, give you some energy and soak up stomach acids. It's as bland as, well, paper, and a sustained diet would be unhealthy (to the degree of what Uni students eat, and the malnourishment they suffer from), but it's better than actually starving to death.

Difficulty: 1 point in Low Priority
Effect: Spending 10 minutes reading from the prayerbook and reciting praises to the Emperor will calm your mind, removing all morale penalties. It will also grant you +1 die on your next Faith check within 12 hours. For +5 credits there will also be hymns included. Singing them out loud improves this bonus to +2 dice, and singing with at least one other person gives you +2 dice on your next Camaraderie check within 12 hours.

Difficulty: 1
Effect: This contains purified water, salt tablets, bandages, spray-on plaster/bandaids, a sewing kit for stitches, tweezers, one dose of morphia, one dose of stimm, one dose of detox, antiseptic, a few different common medicines, a heat-pack, an ice-pack, a thermometer, and the other standard things you expect to find.
This provides +3 dice on medicine checks if you are actually using the contents. Every now and then you will probably need to buy a new one after using enough things - use your discretion.

Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: Extremely rarely, you won't want something to be on fire, for whatever reason. This will put out an area of flames roughly 5cm in diameter, and works from up to 15cm away.

Weapon Maintenance Kit:
Difficulty: automatic, 1 point on Low Priority
Effect: This contains the tools needed to disassemble and reassemble weapons, guides to unjamming weapons, a jar of blessed machine oil, cloth and dowel for clearing the barrel, and things to that effect. This provides +2 dice to Technology checks to un-jam a weapon or do similar things.

Repair Kit:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: This is a pretty decent tool kit, and provides +3 dice on Technology checks to repair (or for that matter, dismantle) machinery and vehicles, and +2 dice on Artisan checks to build machinery and vehicles.

Difficulty: 1 point per dose
Effect: using this requires a Medicine check (threshold 1) to find a vein in the heat of battle. If you're not in a hurry, it's automatic. After taking it, you will be in a hurry. Ignore all fatigue penalties for 1 hour. After that, you become exhausted, and have cravings for another dose for a little while.

Difficulty: 1 for access, 1 point per dose thereafter
Effect: the good stuff! Applied like Stimm, above. This stops your nervous system from bothering to transmit/receive pain signals, and makes you feel really fucking good. Ignore all wound penalties and pain effects for 1 hour, as well as up to 2 dice of morale penalties. After this, it all comes back and you will have minor withdrawal symptoms for a short while - longer if you take it regularly.
Note that for the Sisters of Battle, abusing Morphia is a whippable offence. Yes, they wait until the morphia is out of your system first.

Difficulty: 1 point each
Effect: Detox will instantly remove all drugs from your system, causing drug effects to simply end. Additionally, it stops withdrawal/chemical addiction and also allows you to re-make any Endurance checks against poison in your system, with +3 dice.

Bottled Water:
Difficulty: automatic
Effect: You buy it by the litre. It's sealed, and purified so as to not contain any harmful chemicals, bacteria or chaos.

Armoured Backpack:
Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: It holds stuff, and has pouches and compartments for your convenience. Also, it's lightly armoured so a stray bolter round won't ruin all of your gear.

Difficulty: automatic for a pack of 3, 3 more for 1 point
Effect: They shed a really bright light out to 30cm, completely illuminating the area. This lasts for a couple of minutes until it burns out.

Gas Mask:
Difficulty: automatic, 1 point on Low Priority
Effect: When you wear this, you gain +3 dice to resist smoke and airborne toxins. After an hour or so, it will need cleaning out if it has been blocking out particularly thick particles such as smoke or sand, which requires a basic (threshold 1) Technology check.
-For 1 point it can have a bottled air supply added, with enough oxygen to last 2 hours. It can hold up to two such bottles, drawing from one at a time so you can detach an empty one and attach a spare while still breathing normally. This prevents you from needing to breathe the air around you at all, so you needn't make the check.

Purity Seals:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: Simply wearing these helps to empower you and protect you from the impure. As such, any Power-based attack (psychic powers, spells and special attacks from daemons) automatically takes a penalty to hit you equal to your skill ranks (not dice pool) in Faith, as well as suffering extra Drain equal to your Willpower rating, when used against you.
-You may also take the Iron Medallion of Purity, never worn without Purity Seals, for 2 points. This grants +2 dice on all Willpower checks (this +2 is not added to the Drain of Powers used against you).

Iron Halo:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: The Iron Halo helps reduce the severity of injuries, defending against otherwise lethal hits. Roll an additional 3 dice for Soaking damage (this counts as Armour despite not having a fixed value).

Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: Making a Technology check (threshold 1) allows you to detect the presence of anything emitting heat, electricity or radiation within 30cm. Every net hit allows you to gain a more accurate reading on 1 creature/object within this area. A critical success increases the range to 50cm and gives an accurate reading on everything.
Batteries are dirt cheap and last for 6 hours.

Cloak of St. Aspira:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: This holy relic provides much more protection than it appears to. Firstly, it increases your Armour Value by +1, and secondly it allows you to roll an additional 3 dice to Soak damage from psychic powers, magic or any attack from a Daemon.

Jump Pack:
Difficulty: 2 points
Effect: This allows you to fly about at a speed of 30cm as a regular action. You cannot make sharp turns, however, and must move in more-or-less a straight line. You can also slowly descend, so needn't worry about falling damage. It holds enough fuel to last an hour of sustained use. An additional hour of fuel costs 1 point.

Mantle of Ophelia:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: This provides a sort of forcefield, designed to interfere with piercing energy. If any attack ignores armour, it instead simply re-rolls failed dice to hit (if it hits in the first place - adding net hits) up to your AV. If an attack would normally roll extra dice up to your AV, it instead rolls only 1 extra die and the rest is soaked up as normal. It is powered by your faith, so does not require an energy source.

Sacred Banner:
Difficulty: 2 points
Effect: This can be used as a spear - a two-handed weapon that reaches out to 5cm with +1 Damage, however that is not the true purpose. It helps to inspire troops as well as get their attention. Just keeping it in the air grants you +2 dice to Command, and every ally within 20cm who can see you gains +1 die to Faith and Endurance checks.
-For another point it can be imbued with bones of saints and a shard of the Emperor's armour, granting +2 dice on any test you spend Edge on.

Bionic Arm:
Difficulty: automatic, if you actually lose an arm
Effect: This is a regular arm, designed to replace one that was removed.
-If you earn a favour, it can look like a human one, with synthetic muscle
-If you perform a major duty, it can be powered up to grant +1 Strength
-If you earn a favour it may contain a secret compartment (enough space to hold a single grenade)
-If you earn a favour it may have built-in recoil absorbers, reducing the recoil of any weapon by 1

Bionic Leg:
Difficulty: automatic, if you actually lose a leg
Effect: This works like a normal leg, to replace one that got lopped off.
-If you earn a favour, it can be made to look like a real, living leg
-If you earn a favour it may contain a secret compartment (could hold a pistol or a couple of grenades)
-For one achievement a pair of bionic legs may contain shock-absorbers, to reduce falling damage by 2
-For one great service a pair of bionic legs may be upgraded to add 5cm to your movement speed.

Bionic Eye:
Difficulty: automatic if you lose an eye
Effect: This works like a normal eye, being a replacement for one that was severely injured.
-If you earn a favour it can be made to look natural
-For a great service it can have a zoom function, effectively adding a scope to every rapid fire or assault weapon you wield.
-For an achievement you can gain advanced sensory abilities, adding +1 die to Perception checks
-For an achievement you can gain night-vision and infra-red
-For a great service you can add a Jokari digi-weapon (Needler)

Noble's Clothes:
Cost: 1 point
Effect: this is an expensive set of clothes that lets people know you are important. It can even include contact lenses, skin dyes and hair extensions.
Effectively, you have a new persona if you wish, so gain +4 dice on any check made to convince someone you are not actually yourself. Additionally, people will treat you like a noble.

Money to spend:
You automatically get 5 credits if Lowest Priority, 10 for Low, 50 for Normal, 100 for High and 250 for Highest.
1 point can double this, 2 points can triple it
Actually adding a Difficulty of 1 multiplies it by 10

Cost: 1, 5, 10 or 50 credits
Effect: this is the cost for a meal at a restaurant or similar. You get fed for free at your base and in many other military or church-run places. This pays for a poor meal, decent meal, excellent meal or banquet, per person, respectively. Drinks are included.

Cost: 1/day (small, bare room), 3/day (3-4* Hotel room), 10/day (5* Hotel room), 50/day (luxurious house/mansion) or 150/day (castle/palace, fully equipped, with guards and servants).
Effect: this is a place to stay when you're not at your base but are in civilised places.
Note: If you're guarding the place, it's free.

Cost: 1/day (civilian vehicle), 3/day (military transport), 6/day (military/rescue vehicle that stays and fights), 10/checkpoint (small space vessel) or 50/checkpoint (Space Hulk or similar)
Effect: this is the price for someone to drive you around the place, or to get from A to B. A checkpoint can be thought of as an interplanetary bus stop - refuelling stations, planets along the way etc.
Note: sometimes, they will pay you (or negate the cost) to guard the place for them.

Tarantula Portable Heavy Weapon Platform:
Difficulty: 1
Speed: 10cm
AV: 4
Effect: This will follow you around by remote sensor, making enough noise to increase the threshold of all Stealth tests by 1. On the other hand, you can mount a heavy weapon on it and suffer no recoil (however you still need to spend two actions in order to fire).
It can travel for about 4 hours before needing to refuel. Doing so costs 5 credits at a place that sells fuel. Bringing spare fuel costs 1 point.
-for 1 point, it can be adjusted to mount a pair of identical weapons, allowing both to be fired with the same pair of actions. This does not make two attacks, it simply adds +3 dice to your attack.
-for +2 Difficulty credits, a Thunderfire Launcher or Inferno Cannon can be attached.

Thunderfire Cannon:
Type: Heavy
Recoil: cannot be fired without a heavy platform
Range: 50cm, explodes in a 10cm radius blast
Clip: 4 missiles (1 point for 4)
Damage: 6
-Special: can be fired as an air-burst, forcing everyone in a 15cm blast to make a Threshold 2 Faith test or go to the ground. This deals only 5 Damage.
-can be fired as tunnelling explosives, at threshold 4 to hit, but this ignores other forms of cover and explodes beneath the targets, knocking them all prone. Damage 4

Inferno Cannon:
Type: Heavy
Recoil: cannot be fired without a heavy platform
Area: 30cm cone
Clip: contains enough fuel for 5 scorching blasts (1 point to refill)
Damage: 6
Other: this weapon ignores cover. If it successfully hits, it sets the target on fire.
-The nozzle can be adjusted for +1 point, halving the width of the cone but doubling the length.

Motorbike (combat design):
Difficulty: 1
Speed: 50cm with a single turn using up 10cm
AV: 4
Effect: You ride it. Two people can sit on it if they don't mind a little discomfort.
-A rapid fire or assault weapon may be mounted on the front for free as long as you actually get the weapon
-Can take an Attack Bike upgrade for 1 point
-Attack Bike: AV 5, adds a compartment for 2 others, with a mount for a heavy weapon. Turning uses up 15cm now.

Rhino Transport:
Difficulty: 2 (1 if the driver has a Drive pool of 6+ and no history of ruining shit)
Speed: 20cm, with a single turn taking up 5cm
AV: 7 (6 at the rear)
Effect: this can carry up to 10 people, not including the driver.
-You can mount a storm bolter on the top at no cost (other than the weapon itself)
-A powerful searchlight (torch, double range) can be added for 1 point
-Smoke launchers (single-use, grants cover modifier of +2) can be added for 1 point
-A dozer blade can be added for 1 point. This adds +1 SV to the front, and helps clear rouble out of the way as well as adding +1 Damage to ramming and driving over people (usually Damage 4)

Suppressor Transport:
Difficulty: 3 (2 if the driver has a Drive pool of 6+ and no history of ruining shit, or 1 if they have 10+ dice for Drive and a good record)
Speed: 20cm, with a single turn taking up 5cm
AV: 6 (7 at the front)
Effect: this can carry up to 10 people, not including the driver.
-It always has a searchlight and dozer blade
-Six slits allow Rapidfire, Pistol or Assault weapons to be fired out
-The hatch at the top allows for another (non-heavy) weapon to be fired
-The cupola at the front has a Storm Bolter (1 point per extra clip)
-The turret at the top has a Heavy Flamer (1 point per extra canister)
-Frag-launchers can be added to the front for 1 point
-Laud Hailers and Smoke Launchers can be added for 1 point

Laud Hailer: stealth is impossible, but when you try to run people down they need to make a Threshold 4 Faith test or run away in fear. They even need to make a Threshold 1 Faith test just to attack you.

Frag Launchers: Explosives and shrapnel blast from the front as the crew disembark, allowing them to exit and ignore Overwatch as they do so. Additionally, anyone up to 10cm in front of the vehicle must make a Threshold 3 Faith test or go to the ground.

Difficulty: 1
Effect: This is a huge drill used for getting through thick walls and bulkheads. However it can be just as useful for getting through thick people and mutants. It shouldn't take very long to drill through any stationary object. As a melee weapon, it deals 4 damage but does not add your Strength. AV is applied as normal, however Strength cannot be rolled to soak it. On a critical hit (threshold +4 hits), the target's armour is both ignored and damaged, reducing its AV by 1 (and no damage is soaked).

Difficulty: 1 point, but unavailable at Low Priority
Effect: This is worn over armour and has a big servo-arm attached. It acts as a third arm with Strength 5 for the purpose of lifting and carrying things, but can also be used as a club weapon that uses its own Strength.
-For +1 point, it can be upgraded to Strength 6. For +2, Strength 7.
-For +1 point each, up to 4 tendrils may be added. These allow you to make "chain" attacks at up to 2cm, but also grant +1 die to Technology checks, each.
-For +1 point, an attachment can be added to provide bracing for any heavy weapon used.

Difficulty: 1 point on High Priority
Effect: This is a glove covered in small las-cutters and scalpels. It can be used as a melee weapon (+1 damage, with a threshold 1 Endurance test against taking another health box of damage from poison), but works better as an interrogation device and tool of surgeons. It grants +1 die to Intimidation, and +3 dice to Medicine tests relating to performing surgery or sealing cuts. It can apply a weak local anaesthetic as well.

Penitent Engine:
Something as immense and complex as this is hard to get, seeing as it needs the approval of the Ecclesiarchy, however it is indeed useful.
Difficulty: 2 (Repentia only, unavailable for Low and Lowest priority)
Speed: 20cm
AV: 5
-this counts as a vehicle, however the piloting Repentia needs assistance to get in and out of it, and it takes more time than is practical during combat, at least a minute.
-if attacking from the front, the attacker may take a +2 penalty to the threshold to try to strike the repentia instead.
-equipped with two Power Weapons (Strength 10)
-equipped with 2 Flamers that can be used together as a Heavy Flamer
-the engine contains additional fuel for 30 blasts of flame from each
-only robes/blessed robes/scriptures and a psychic hood may be worn

Animus Speculum:
Difficulty: 2 (null psyker only)
Effect: wearing this large helmet enhances your ability as an untouchable.
-The range doubles
-As a Primary action you may use the helmet to target a psyker
-Make a contested Faith check against a psyker within your aura
-If you win, then every net hit you gain over them becomes a damage level

Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: Threshold 1 to activate, this device helps detect things, each check needing a separate use as a primary action
-Electrical activity within 50cm
-Heat within 50cm
-Siesmic activity within 100cm
-Warp presence or psykic resonance within 30cm
-Harmful radiation within 50cm
-Each net hit increases the radius by 1/10 of the original range

Auto Repairer:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: Activate this while placing it in front of a broken piece of machinery, and it will get to work repairing it. It counts as having a Technology (select one at purchase) dice pool of 7.

Bio Booster:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: This small device helps to pump chemicals into you and force your heart to beat.
-treat your wound penalty as one level lower
-gain +2 dice to soak damage from poisons or diseases
-gain +3 dice to Endurance checks

Bio Scanner:
Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: making a Threshold 1 Technology test will tell you the general condition of a person scanned. Each net hit grants additional info:
-what poisons are affecting them (if any), another for remedies
-what diseases/infections they have (if any), another for cures
-any other health concerns that require attention (diet, fatigue, parasites)

Difficulty: 1 point per dose (null psykers only)
Effect: etherium has to be consumed orally, or can be fed into the Animus Speculum, which helps deliver it at a more regular pace. It lasts for 30 minutes in the first case, or 1 hour in the second.
-anyone within (Willpower*5)cm of the user must pass a Threshold 2 Faith test to fire upon or use a psychic power against the user. If they fail, then as a free action they can select another target.

Holo Projector:
Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: this projects an animated hologram - either up to an hour of recorded image, or a direct broadcast via live feed. It can be magnified up to x10 and works up to 100cm away. The flickering image is obviously not real and anyone can tell it for what it is. However a Threshold 3 technology check can fine tune it for just a few seconds (1 round) to make it seem solid and real.

Isotropic Generator:
Difficulty: 1
Effect: this basically provides unlimited electrical power. It's very heavy, so you take a 1 die penalty on all Str/Dex checks you make (except for soaking damage) unless wearing Power Armour or similar. This can be built into such armour, or any vehicle, providing endless power, likewise charging lasguns and power weapons. If a las weapon is fired while attached to this, it enjoys +2 dice of accuracy and +10cm range.

Jump Pack:
Difficulty: 1 point
Effect: it can't fly, but it can help you get around. You may move straight up or at any angle, but you fall if you don't land on a solid surface. Additionally, you may make a free move of 5cm at the beginning OR end of your turn.

Photo Contacts:
Photo Visor:
Plasma Engine:
Psychic Hood:
Vox Caster:
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:05 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:59 am

Post by ZER0 »

The skills you have listed for Intuition and Logic seem backwards. Shouldn't they be switched?

Just for the sake of maintaining a pretense of appropriate flavouring. :P
Absentminded_Wizard wrote:
4e PHB, p. 57 under "Target" (bolding mine) wrote:When a power’s target entry specifies that it affects you and one or more of your allies, then you can take advantage of the power’s effect along with your team-mates. Otherwise, “ally” or “allies” does not include you, and both terms assume willing targets. “Enemy” or “enemies” means a creature or creatures that aren’t your allies (whether those creatures are hostile toward you or not). “Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you.
Yes, according to 4e RAW, you are your own enemy.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Thanks, that's a good point. I must have accidentally listed them wrong. I'll go fix that now.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm making a note here so I don't forget:
Although you purchase your equipment, if you die then it goes back to the Imperium. This is accurate for the Adepta Sororitas and also prevents the situation of one character wandering in with a Thunderfire Cannon, dying, then bringing in a very skilled (and poor) character who inherits said cannon.

You can lend your equipment to others for short times, of course, but it still goes back if you die.
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Post by Username17 »

Hadn't noticed this.

I would suggest doubling the ranges straight across. In general, 5 cm = 2 inches. And while there is no pressing reason why any particular amount of table distance can't represent any particular amount of real-world distance, the fact is that Adeptus Soroitas models have 2.5 cm bases. It's just plain easier if you use 40k or Necromunda ranges for weaponry - which would put the short range for a Bolt Gun at 30 cm.

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Post by Koumei »

Thanks, I shall do that.

Yeah, I've been changing things based on the Shooting People thread.

Currently making a sample character, and I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't make equipment even more expensive, or just offer lots of other equipment (and accept that people will have varieties of gadgets) and perks.
Serious Badass
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Post by Username17 »

You could certainly add a lot of equipment:
Animus Speculum:
Auto Repairer:
Bio Booster:
Bio Scanner:
Cameleoline Cloak:
Clip Harness:
  • Frenzon:
Filter Plugs:
Grav Chute:
Holo Projector:
Infra Goggles:
Isotropic Generator:
Jump Pack:
Lobo Chip:
Photo Contacts:
Photo Visor:
Plasma Engine:
Vox Caster:
But honestly, I think you'll find that it is better to give a squad of Sisters a pile of equipment to start any particular mission with. Anyone who spent actual character points on having a heavy bolter is going to feel really stupid he first time the characters successfully loot a heavy bolter. And that's going to be what, the first encounter?

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Post by Draco_Argentum »

Well its probably expected that they turn in anything they loot after the mission. Or not use it at all for xenos gear, at least pretend they don't anyway. Purchasing kit means you have it, looting relys on it being there which isn't a given depending on where they get deployed.
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Post by Koumei »

Perhaps there could simply be some kind of Perk for "You start with some pretty sweet stuff, and are guaranteed good gear on any given mission" as a sort of guarantee.

Then, in theory they will be expected to hand stuff in to be purified and re-used, or burn stuff if it's Xeno tech. However, the Order totally understands that it's better to defile your hands with a shuriken cannon than it is to be killed because you ran out of ammo for your guns, so when it comes to the next gathering, they confess to the sin of using heathen equipment, get six of the best with the riding crop and move on.

Of course, this actually takes the previous problem I had - "I spent 200 on stats, bought Edge to 5, grabbed a decent handful of skills, bought a vehicle and a fully kitted out weapon with mods, on top of power armour and other stuff, and still had 20+ points left." and magnifies it.

I guess it just means "Include lots of exciting perks and perhaps some Faith Powers."
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Post by Koumei »

So here we have a sample character:

Sister Castella of the Order of the Martyred Lady

Cassie "Blackjack" never knew her parents, and as such, didn't have a real family to grow up with. Fairly early on, she found herself down in the lower levels of the hives of Necromunda. It didn't take long for her to fall in with gang Esher, first for protection and then to join in on their actions for her own gains.

It was pure fortune that when she was arrested, the Witch Hunters were investigating a daemon cult at the time. The gang had completely unintentionally aided the Inquisition when they made a hit on a rival gang - the cult in question. As the flames died down and Cassie administered another dose of morphia, already an addict, the Arbiters surrounded them.

The arrests were quick, but the Witch Hunters stepped in and offered several girls, including Cassandra, a chance at redemption. She took the chance and has never looked back, quickly growing to love her new family and ashamed of her past. She is still bitter at the life dealt to her, but is determined to make her new life matter, and this determination quickly led to her promotion.

Note: possibly due to an administration error, her criminal record has not been erased. If found and indentified on Necromunda, she could be arrested (or rather, Arbiters could try to arrest her).

S: 4 A: 4 I: 2
L: 5 C: 5 W: 4 E: 5

Athletics 2 (6)
Endurance 2 (6)
Martial Arts 1 (stabbing) (5/7)
Steady Weapon 1 (5)

Firearms 4 (Bolters) (8/10)
Piloting 2 (Rhino) (6/8)
Stealth 2 (6)

Logistics 3 (8)
Medicine 2 (first aid) (7/9)
Technology 1 (6)

Empathy 2 (4)
Tactics 2 (4)

Command 2 (6)
Faith 3 (7)
Survival 2 (6)

Persuasion 2 (7)
Camaraderie 5 (consoling) (10/12)

History, Bureaucracy, Crime [Master]

*Ex Ganger (Esher), *Determined, **Officer (Sister Superior)
*Addiction (Morphia), *Embarrassing Secret (her past), *Orphan, **Criminal History, **Hot Blooded

Sprint, Evade, Calm Under Pressure, Unstoppable Charge, Dirty Fighting, Hive Fighting, The Power of Faith, Unshakeable Faith

Faith Powers:
Empty Mind, Empty Soul
Extinguish the Flame of Chaos


400 points there. Now, to describe the Perks I invented.

Unstoppable charge: Gain +2 dice to attack in melee if you run first in the same turn

Dirty Fighting: If you hit someone in melee and get at least 2 net hits, you can knock them prone for free

Hive Fighting: You're used to fighting on narrow bridges and ramps. If on such terrain, any melee attack with at least 3 net hits knocks the foe off the edge. An Athletics check can be made (Threshold 2) and, if it gains as many net hits as your attack, they avoid falling.

Power of Faith: You can buy "Faith Powers" as perks.

Unshakeable Faith: Your Faith powers treat your Faith as though it were 2 higher.

Faith Powers:
Empty Mind, Empty Soul: By spending an Edge, you gain the "Blank" Trait and psychic immunity, both for a number of rounds equal to your Faith.

Extinguish the Flame of Chaos: By spending an Edge, you can make a Faith check as an attack against a Daemon within 10cm. This has a Damage rating equal to your Willpower and is soaked using only Willpower and Magic bonuses.
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Post by Koumei »

3. Perks

"I promise I won't make this a comment about perky nipples. Fuck."

Let's invent some more Perks to take.

Hive Spider: You are a champion at climbing. You can even hang onto the ceiling if there's something to grab, and climb along at 1/2 speed. Climbing straight up (or at an easier slope) can be performed at your regular speed at no increase in Threshold.

Bulging Biceps: You are so strong, or at least, bulky, that you can brace a heavy weapon against yourself. You don't need to mount it on a tripod, you can just hold it tight and not suffer the Recoil as a penalty to attacks.
It still takes 2 actions to fire, though.

Jump Back: If someone engages you in Hand-to-Hand combat, you may attempt to disengage. Both of you roll Agility. If you get more hits than the attacker, you can move back 3cm. They may choose to abandon the attack and instead move (or draw a firearm) rather than just losing the action.

Overwatch: When issuing covering/suppressive fire, you gain +3 dice. Your friends think it's wonderful how you shoot people who aren't them.

Disarm: As a melee attack, you may attempt to snatch an item held by your opponent. Make opposed Strength checks. If you get more hits, you have the item and they don't. They get +1 die if they are holding it in both hands.

Sidestep: Whenever someone misses you in melee combat, you may redirect them 3cm in the direction of your choice, even sending them off ledges.

Berserk Charge: You can charge recklessly, focusing on the kill. If you charge in melee (that is, moving then making a HtH attack), you can lower the threshold to hit by 1, however everyone gains +2 dice to hit you.

Frenzy: You may enter a mouth-frothing rage, more or less whenever you want. You can do it as a free action, and can snap out of it in one of three ways:
1. Running out of enemies
2. Getting knocked out
3. Making a Logic check (just 1 hit is needed) to realise you need your brains
You cannot make any Intuition, Charisma or Logic skill checks while in a Frenzy, nor any defensive perks, but there is a benefit: you roll an extra 2 dice to hit with any attacks, and temporarily count your Strength as being 2 higher.

Inspire Frenzy: You get so angry that you need other people just to contain your anger. By spending an Edge, you can make every ally within 10cm count as having the Frenzy perk. They may then choose to fly into a rage. This takes a primary action, unless folded into the act of entering a frenzy yourself.

Inspiring Battlecry: As a primary action, you may shout out to inspire your allies to shoot people in the face. Make a Command check. For every hit, one ally is effected, gaining the ability to reroll all failed dice from a single attack on their next turn.

Rallying Cry: As a primary action, you can remind your allies that fear is for the weak. Make a Command check. You have an aura that extends in a radius that is 10cm for every hit. They may immediately make a Faith check (against the original Threshold) to remove a fear effect on themselves, with bonus dice equal to your Willpower.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Koumei wrote: Disarm: instead of making a melee attack, you may attempt to snatch an item held by your opponent. Make opposed Strength checks. If you get more hits, you have the item and they don't. They get +1 die if they are holding it in both hands.
You might want to change to wording to 'as a melee attack' rather than "instead of"; doing so would make the mechanics of it more definite.

Looks like a fun game.
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Post by Koumei »

CatharzGodfoot wrote: You might want to change to wording to 'as a melee attack' rather than "instead of"; doing so would make the mechanics of it more definite.
Thanks, I have now fixed the wording.
Looks like a fun game.
I hope so. I intend on forcing some people to play this with me.
Incidentally, note how I've mostly refrained from mentioning lesbian sex, pillow fights, naked wrestling and spankings!
Until now. Shit.
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