My Feats(and other fantastical creations)

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My Feats(and other fantastical creations)

Post by Calibron »

I felt like having a thread to myself instead of being spread all over the board. 'Course I wouldn't start a thread without any new material so let's start with that.

New Material

Augment Summoning[Metamagic]
You‘re good at summoning things. From places.
Augment Summoning is a Metamgic feat that scales with base caster level.

Benefit: Any creature you Summon gains +2 to all ability scores.
1: The casting time of your Conjuration(Summoning) spells is lowered one step. Your Summoned creatures gain an additional +2 to their ability scores.
6: All of your Conjuration(Summoning) spells are Empowered. Your Summoned creatures gain an additional +2 to their ability scores.
11: The natural weapons of your Summoned creatures are magic weapons with an enhancement bonus based on your HD. The Natural Armor of your summoned creatures has an enhancement bonus like a minor magic item based on your HD. Your Summoned creatures gain an additional +2 to their ability scores.
16: When you use a Conjuration(Summoning) spell you Summon 1d3 creatures where you would normally Summon 1, 1d4+1 creatures when you would normally Summon 1d3, and 1d6+2 creatures when you would normally Summon 1d4+1.

It’s an armadillo! It’s a cannon ball! No, It’s Armor Man!
Pre-requisite: Must be wearing medium or heavy armor, and be proficient with the armor you’re wearing or have a natural armor bonus of at least +6.

+0: Imposing Invincibility: When an opponent misses you can make an immediate intimidate check against them. Usable once per round per opponent.
+1: Add your BAB to your Dexterity for the purposes of calculating AC.
+6: Weighty Defense: As a standard action or replacing the attack at the end of a charge you may fling your armored body into a target, if you succeed on an attack roll you do 1d12+Armor Bonus to AC(+armor spikes if applicable)+2*Str damage. Your mastery of this technique also gives you a +4 bonus to Bullrush attempts.
+11: Turtling: When using Combat Expertise for at least 4 you gain Improved Evasion and can add your armor’s enhancement bonus(or your enhancement bonus to natural armor) to your reflex saves, you also gain hardness equal to your Armor Bonus to AC(or your Natural Armor Bonus to AC, whichever's higher). When using Weighty Defense you can take a full round action and use it in a Line with a length equal to twice your speed.
+16: Meat Wall: All allies, not including you, within a radius of you equal to your space receive the benefits of cover, also, you block line of effect for your entire space. When using Weighty Defense you can take a full round action and use it as a Cone(as you ricochet from target to target or however else your want to justify it) with a length equal to your speed or in a Burst with a radius equal to half your speed.

Dirty Fighter[General]
Cheater? I wish! No, I‘ll still be trying to get rid of that guy‘s stink long after I‘m outta this cast.
This is a general feat that scales with the user’s HD.
Pre-requisite: Must be ridiculously filthy. If fully cleaned you lose the benefits of this feat and it’ll take you at least 1 week of concentrated effort to regain the proper levels of grime.

Benefit: Soap?: You haven’t bathed. Full Stop. Due to your personal hygiene habits you are host to a unique cocktail of diseases that you have, over time, built up a resistance to and whenever you hit a creature with a natural attack or an attack from a weapon that has been in your possession for at least a week that creature must make a Fortitude Save(DC10+½ HD+Con Mod) or suffer immediate damage to one of their ability scores(chosen at the time of taking this feat) equal to ½ your HD; every 6 hours they must make the save again or suffer the same ability damage, 2 saves in a row cures them. Creatures that bite you must make the save at a -2 penalty, and creatures that swallow you must make the save at a -5 penalty; creatures that swallow you are also nauseas for one minute, no save.
+1: Malicious Malodor: Your stench would make an onion cry. All creatures, other than you, within 10ft. of you must pass a Fortitude Save(DC10+½ HD+Con Mod) or become sickened until 1 round after they leave the AoE; a creature can hold it’s nose(or equivalent) to avoid having to make the save. Creatures that can’t smell or taste are immune.
+6: You are immune to non-magical disease and non-magical contact and ingested poisons; you expose yourself to much worse than an enemy could every single day.
Malicious Malodor Mk II: Your Stench would make a Troglodyte cry. All creatures, other than you, within 15ft. of you must pass a Fortitude Save(DC10+½ HD+Con Mod) or become exhausted, those that save become fatigued instead; a creature can hold it’s nose(or equivalent) to instead be affected by Malicious Malodor. Creatures that can’t smell or taste are immune.
+11: Grime Armor: Your thick coating of dirt and grime gives you a +4 to escape artist checks and natural armor.
Malicious Malodor Mk III: Your Stench would make a Troglodyte jealous. All creatures, other than you, within 20ft. of you must pass a Fortitude Save(DC10+½ HD+Con Mod) or become nauseated until 3 rounds after they leave the AoE, those that save become exhausted instead; a creature can hold it’s nose(or equivalent) to instead be affected by Malicious Malodor Mk II. Creatures that can’t smell or taste are immune.
+16: You are immune to all poison and disease, including supernatural, you really are just that filthy.
Malicious Malodor Mk IV: Your Stench would make a Troglodyte die. All creatures, other than you, within 30ft. of you must pass a Fortitude Save(DC10+½ HD+Con Mod) or become dazed for 2 rounds, creatures that fail their save by 5 or more die outright, those that save become nauseated until 4 rounds after they leave the AoE instead; a creature can hold it’s nose(or equivalent) to instead be affected by Malicious Malodor Mk III. Creatures that can’t smell or taste are immune.

Oversized Weapon Fighting[Combat]
(a.k.a. “I want to dual wield Greatswords!”)
The bigger they are, the harder they hit.

+0: You are considered one size larger for the purposes of wielding weapons.
+1: Collateral Damage: You always do max damage when striking unattended objects, and if you miss a target that has cover you strike the object giving cover.
+6: You can wield an object as a weapon, regardless of size, as long as its weight does not put you over a light load.
+11: Your weapons now grant you reach as if you were a typical creature of a size(Tall) that could wield them normally.
+16: Shattering Blows: When you miss a target, compare your attack roll to their touch AC, if you would have hit their touch AC then you may strike a piece of their gear; the first target is their shield, then any hand held items, then armor or equivalent, then any exposed magic items.

Contra Maneuver[Combat]
What’s yours is mine.

+0: When using the Grab On grapple maneuver you always have The Edge against the creature you are grabbing.
+1: When using the Grab On or Lift grapple options you can ready an action to change the area or target of a special attack or spell used by the creature you are grappling.
+6: When you kill a creature that has a special attack/spell you can remove the appropriate piece of that creature(a dragon’s head, a mage’s hand, a beholder’s eyestalk) as an attack action and use their special attack/spell 3 times(or however many times a day the creature could use it, whichever’s less) before it loses it’s potency(the piece loses its potency after 24 hours even if all its uses are not gone). If you have a weapon with the Sharpness special quality and you hack off the appropriate piece then you don’t have to kill the creature first.
+11: The DC to escape from a grapple with you is increased by 4.
+16: You can use this feat’s +1 bonus as an immediate action.

Joy of Battle[Combat]
Most people’s reaction to real life and death fighting is fear, anger, or a cold, mechanical determination, but you, you just have a ball with it.

+0: You are immune to morale penalties.
+1: Whenever you are affected by a positive morale effect all of its numerical bonuses are increased by 50%(round up).
+6: Whenever you are hit by a Mind effecting affect that would ruin your mood* you are instead affected by a Good Hope Spell(CL=your HD).
+11: Your good cheer is contagious, any morale effect that is affecting you also effects all of your allies that can see and hear you. Any allies within 30ft. Of you get to re-roll their saves with +3 morale bonus against any spells you are immune to by virtue of this feat. Whenever you are hit by a Mind effecting affect that would ruin your mood* you are instead affected by a Greater Heroism Spell(CL=your HD).
+16: Whenever you are affected by an effect that stops you from experiencing the joy of battle(taking an action) that hasn’t outright killed you, you get a save(a Will save if the effect doesn’t normally allow a saving throw) against the effect with a +3 bonus at the beginning of your next turn. Whenever you are hit by a Mind effecting affect that would ruin your mood* you are instead affected by a Holy Aura Spell(CL=your HD), except all the bonuses are Morale bonuses.
*effects such as Bane, Sleep, Fear, Hypnotism, Calm Emotions, and Rage would qualify as ruining your mood; while Daze, Confusion, Hideous Laughter, Dominate Person, Hold Person, and Feeblemind, would not.

Truly listen to de earth and it will listen back.
This is a Skill Feat that scales with your ranks in Knowledge(Nature).

0: You gain a +2 Bonus to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival when in a natural setting or in a place made from natural materials.
4: In a natural setting or in a place made from natural materials you can make any square adjacent to you into difficult terrain or raise or lower the ground in your square a few feet as a move action.
9: In a natural setting or in a place made from natural materials you may cause a 10*10*10 pit to form within close range as a full round action; the excess dirt or other material is not destroyed, but distributed along the surface of the surrounding area. You may only do this once per hour.
14: You gain the Earth Glide ability of an Earth Elemental.
19: In a natural setting or in a place made from natural materials you can create a Wall of Stone or Wall of Thorns, CL=your ranks in Knowledge(Nature), as a move action.

Peace be with you.
This is a Skill Feat that scales with your ranks in Knowledge(Religion).

0: Healing Hands: Through the sheer power of your faith you can heal wounds with a touch, as a standard action you can restore a number of hit points equal to your ranks in Knowledge(Religion) with a range of touch.
4: Purify the Flock: When you use your Healing hands ability you can remove one poison, disease, or curse affecting the target or heal one point of ability damage/drain if you succeed on a Knowledge(Religion) check versus the caster level of the effect+10. For effects with no caster level use the CR of the creature that inflicted the effect instead.
9: Feel the Spirit: When someone who shares your religion is affected by your Healing Hands ability(even if no damage is cured) they are filled with a burst of joy and receive the effects of a Good Hope spell, CL=your ranks in Knowledge(Religion).
14: Your Purify the Flock power now removes ability damage/drain equal to your ranks in Knowledge(Religion) per use and you may make the check against any and all harmful effects on the target instead of just one poison, disease, or curse. Your Benedictions can also drive out possessing spirits and demons and banish them back to their home plane, make a Knowledge(Religion) check versus the creature’s CR+10.
19: You are constantly under the effect of a Holy Aura Spell and those affected by your Feel the Spirit ability also gain the benefits of a Haste effect and a Protection from Evil effect along with the Good Hope effect.

Old Material

Duelist [Combat]
You wade into heavy melee with nothing but a rapier and some shiny pants, it's seems to work pretty well for you.

+0 Whenever you use the combat expertise option you gain a +2 Dodge Bonus to AC for every -1 you take on your attack rolls.(Any and all benefits of this feat only apply when wearing only Light or lighter armor, carrying no more than a light load, wielding only one weapon, and keeping one hand free.)
+1: You gain extra attacks due to BaB at multiples of 3 instead of 5, you gain your first extra attack at +4 BaB, your second at +7 Bab, ect., ect. You never take more than a -3 penalty to your attacks due to being secondary(ie. at level 10 your full attack would normally look like this: +10/+7/+7/+7.)
+6: You gain a +4 bonus to disarm checks. If you are disarmed or you disarm your opponent with your weapon you can spend an attack of opportunity to grab the disarmed item out of the air with your free hand. As an attack action you can immediately throw a newly disarmed and caught weapon. If the weapon normally has a range increment this can be a normal ranged attack, if it doesn't have a range increment then you can only target a square within 50ft. of you and not a creature. This thrown attack doesn't count against your one weapon only, one free-hand status.
+11: You may attempt to Feint, as a free action, once per attack granted by virtue of a high BaB by spending one attack of opportunity per Feint. You may use Sleight of Hand or an attack roll in place of Bluff for the purpose of Feinting if you wish.
+16: You can choose to make a single melee attack as a Standard Action to gain a +4 bonus on your attack roll and multiply your damage by 10. This attack may only be used against an opponent that is denied their dexterity bonus to AC or that you are Flanking.

Extraordinary Leaper[Skill]
You spend more time with your feet off the ground than on it, when you want to. (This is a Skill feat that scales with your ranks in Jump.)

0: The DCs for high jumps for you are only 2 times the height instead of 4. In addition you can hop up (see the Jump skill description) a number of feet equal to or less then your ranks in jump.
4: You can jump as a swift action.
9: By using an appropriate action(normally a move action) you can make an additional jump at any point during another jump.
14: The distance of your jumps in a round is no longer constrained by your land speed. If your jump check exceeds your land speed you may complete it in the same round using only the action used to initiate the jump.
19: The DCs for jump checks for you are cut in half.

Combat Jumping[Combat]
You use your powerful leaps to great effect in a fight.
+0: You get a +3 bonus on jump checks, also, whenever you engage a land or sea bound opponent, or one who is flying with less than Good maneuverability, while you are jumping you are considered to have the Edge against them.
+1: Whenever you jump you can throw yourself at a creature and make a touch attack, if you succeed you may initiate a Bull Rush and use your jump check in place of a strength check.
+6: When moving out of an enemy’s threatened area(or moving into it in the case of high level enemies with Horde Breaker) via jumping you no longer trigger an attack of opportunity. Whenever you make a melee attack as a standard action or as part of a full attack you can hop five feet in any direction.
+11: Whenever you would be allowed an attack of opportunity you can instead jump.
+16: You can jump as an immediate action.

Feats I completely re-worked, but whose original ideas did not come from me. First two based on the ideas of Mister Sinister, and the last by the FBMF himself.

Rending Claws [Monstrous]
Your claws fvcking cut people in fvcking half.
Prerequisite: Two or more claw attacks.

This is a monstrous feat that scales by creature CR.

<1: Your claws are considered one size category larger for the purpose of dealing damage.
1: Rend -- If you hit an opponent with both claws, you rend them for an additional amount of damage equal to your normal claw damage.
6: Savagery -- You are so focused on your kill that you are on your prey faster than either of you know it, you can take a full attack with your natural weapons on any creature 10 or less feet beyond your reach; if you disabled your target you are now in(one of) their square(s), if not then you are adjacent to them. Additionally you ignore an amount of damage reduction equal to your HD when attacking with natural weapons.
11: Rapidstrike -- You may make iterative attacks with up to two of your claws as you would with manufactured weapons, also you may attack with both claws at once as a standard action. The range of Savagery increases to 20 feet beyond your reach.
16: Vital Strike -- Whenever you Rend an opponent or score a Critical Hit with your claws the target must make a Fortitude save(DC10+1/2 HD+Str Mod) or die; this is Precision Damage, so it does not work against creatures immune to critical hits, without a discernible anatomy, or that has total concealment against you. The range of Savagery increases to 30 feet beyond your reach.

Farspawn Tentacles [Monstrous]
'The Fisherman's Wife' ain't got nothing on you.
Prerequisite: A tentacle attack.

This is a monstrous feat that scales by creature CR.

<1: Improved Grab -- If you hit an opponent with a tentacle, you can start a grapple as a free action that does not provoke an AOO.
1: Your tentacles have 5ft more reach than normal. You count as being 1 size category larger for grapple purposes when using your tentacles.
6: You may grapple as many creatures as you have tentacles+1, for every creature beyond the first you are grappling you suffer a -3 penalty to your grapple checks; for every tentacle you have grappling a specific creature beyond the first you gain a +2 bonus to grapple checks against that creature.
11: You gain an additional tentacle attack, your tentacles have +10ft. reach instead of +5ft. reach, and are now considered one size larger for the purposes of damage. Your tentacles have become so large and swift that they protect you from projectiles; you may spend an AoO to make a tentacle attack against any thrown weapon or fired ammunition that comes within your natural reach. Weapons that only require a touch attack to hit and Magic weapons with the Seeking property are not affected by this ability.
16: Whenever you are using at least two tentacles to grapple a creature you can force one down it's breathing hole(or other appropriate orifice >:3) as a non-action, forcing a Fort save(DC10+1/2 HD+Str Mod) versus Nausea every round it remains in the grapple; every additional tentacle beyond the second adds +1 to the save DC. If you keep a creature like this long enough you can force it to save versus suffocation too. You count as being 2 size categories larger for grapple purposes when using your tentacles, and your tentacles are considered two size categories larger for the purposes of damage.

Bladesong [Skill]
It may look gay, but it works. This is a Skill Feat that scales with your ranks in Perform (Dance).
Prerequisites: You must be elven or half-elven, you must be able to cast arcane spells of second level

0: While wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand and nothing in the other, you gain a Dodge Bonus to Armor Class no greater than your ranks in Perform or half your caster level. You lose this bonus if you have anything in your other hand, wear armor with an ACP over 3, or carry more than a light load.
4: While holding a longsword or rapier in one hand and nothing in the other, you may use up a spellslot or prepared spell as a free action to use your caster level in place of your BAB and gain 1d6 damage to your melee weapon attacks per level of the spell used; this effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
9: While wearing armor with a natural(not modified by non-proficiency) ACP of 3 or less you ignore arcane spell failure chances.
14: While wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand and nothing in the other, you may take a full-round action to cast a harmful touch spell and make a full attack where all of your weapon attacks are empowered by the spell.
19: While wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand and nothing in the other, you may take a full round action to cast as many spells as you would be allowed attacks during a full attack. All spells cast using this special full round action must be 2 or more levels lower than the highest level spell you can cast.
Your layered magical defenses will not even slow me. You have interfered with my master’s plans for the last time; prepare to die.
-Zechariahs Corrint, Archanamach

The Archanamach are an ancient order with a dual purpose, to both protect and destroy powerful arcane casters. The thing is powerful wizards are hard to kill, I mean really friggin’ hard to kill, so you need training from those who know an arcanist’s weaknesses better than anyone; an arcanist. Your laser-like focus on killing enemy spell casters in order to keep your mentor safe somewhat limits your effectiveness against those who eschew magical protection and empowerment, but since you become a competent spell slinger in your own right, you’ve gotta fight fire with fire after all, you have plenty of options for fighting off more mundane enemies.

Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Listen 4 ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks
Feats: Mage Slayer, Iron Will, Danger Sense

Class Skills:
Bluff(Cha), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Disguise(Cha), Escape Artist(Dex), Hide(Dex) Jump(Str), Knowledge(Arcana)(Int), Knowledge(History)(Int), Knowledge(The Planes)(Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Search(Int), Spellcraft(Int), Spot(Wis), Swim(Str), Use Rope(Dex)
Skill Points at each level: 4+Int mod

D8 Hit Die
Full BAB
Saves: Good, Poor, Good

lvl 1: Expanded Knowledge, Reduced Spell Failure 5%, Tenacious Spells, Efficient Slayer, Mage Bound, Protect Patron

lvl 2: Expanded Knowledge, Dispelling Strike 2/day, Aggressive Abjuration

lvl 3: Expanded Knowledge, Reduced Spell Failure 10%, Pierce Magical Concealment

lvl 4: Expanded Knowledge, Extended Spell Strength, Dispelling Strike 4/day

lvl 5: Expanded Knowledge, Reduced Spell Failure 15%, Pierce Magical Protection, Flexible Abjurer

lvl 6: Expanded Knowledge, Dispelling Strike 1/round, Scribe Rune of Protection

Spells Per Day
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 2 1 - - -
2nd 3 2 1 - -
3rd 4 3 2 - -
4th 5 4 3 2 -
5th 5 5 4 3 -
6th 5 5 5 4 2

Spellcasting: An Archanamach with a high enough constitution score can cast arcane spells as shown in the tables above. An Archanamach casts his spells off of a specific class list; he can cast any of these spells spontaneously. An Arcanamach has a caster level equal to three times his class level*.
*alternate rule: an Archanamach has a caster level equal to their BAB, caster level penalties are applied before BAB based caster level is applied.

Expanded Knowledge: Pick any one spell of a level you can cast off of the Sorcerer/Wizard, Ranger, or Assassin list and add it to your Archanamach spell list.

Reduced Spell Failure: You know how this works.

Tenacious Spells: Add a number equal to the character’s class level to the DC to dispel the character’s Archanamach spells.

Efficient Slayer: Instead of the normal -4 penalty to caster level for spells and spell-like abilities from his Mage Slayer feat, an Archanamach takes only a -2 penalty. Ignore this ability if using Races of War rules.

Mage Bound: In order to take levels in Archanamach you must willingly serve an arcane caster capable of casting fifth level spells that knows the secrets of training the ancient order of assassins and guardians, the Archanamach. If you stop following your patron mage you retain all Archanamach abilities, but can take no further levels in the class until you return to the service of your patron or find a new one.

Protect Patron: When a sufficiently powerful Mage takes you on as his guardian he will inscribe a unique rune of protection somewhere on his body and its counter-part in the same area on your body. This rune allows you to change any hostile spell’s target from your patron mage to you if you are within 5 feet per class level; for the purposes of a spell blocked in this manner you are considered to have both mettle and evasion.

Furthermore, if your patron mage is within the range of your threatened squares you may attempt to deflect any melee or ranged attack made against him as an attack of opportunity; to deflect the attack you roll a normal melee attack roll and compare it to the attack you are deflecting, if your result is higher than the attack is considered to have missed, if your result is 1 to 4 lower than the incoming attack you take normal damage regardless of whether or not the attack would have beaten your AC, miss chance still applies if applicable, if your result is 5 or more lower than the incoming attack the attack is resolved as normal and you are disarmed(if possible).

Aggressive Abjuration: Starting at 2nd level add a number equal to the character’s class level to the character’s dispel checks.

Dispelling Strike: Twice per day, an Archanamach of 2nd level or higher can attempt a dispelling strike with a normal melee attack. If he hits, he deals normal damage, and the victim is subject to a targeted Greater Dispel Magic. At level 4 the Archanamach can use this ability 4 times per day, and at level 6 he may use it once per round.

Pierce Magical Concealment: At 3rd level you gain Pierce Magical Concealment as a bonus feat, and as an added bonus you may see through the visual portion of any Glamer or Figment as if it weren’t there; you may chose see or not see the Glamer or Figment as a non-action. In addition, the caster level inherent in this feat penalty is reduced to -2.

Extended Spell Strength: Beginning at 4th level, the duration of any spell the Archanmach casts on himself is doubled; as if by the extend spell metamagic feat, but without any adjustment to the casting time or spell slot used. Spells that target multiple targets are effected by this power, but only the Archanamch gains the extended duration. Spells effected by this power can be extended as normal, for a total of 4 times the normal duration.

Pierce Magical Protection: At 5th level you gain the Pierce Magical Protection as a Bonus Feat. In addition, the caster level inherent in this feat penalty is reduced to -2.

Flexible Abjurer: At 6th level An Archanamch can lose a number of spell slots whose combined levels equal 5 or more to cast a Greater Dispel Magic.

Scribe Rune of Protection: At 6th level you gain the ability to Scribe the counter-part of the special rune of protection on your body. By scribing the rune on a willing creature, a process taking several minutes, you designate them your patron mage for the purposes of your protect patron ability; the recipient of the rune does not need to be able to cast arcane spells to benefit from it.


Archanamach Spell List

1st level
Anticipate Teleport, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Protection from Alignment, Touch of Idiocy

2nd level
Animal’s Attribute, Blur, Barkskin, Break Enchantment, Darkvision, Dispel Magic, Find Traps, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Knock, Locate Object, Resist Energy, Swift Fly, Swift Haste, Swift Invisibility, Wraith Strike

3rd level
Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Detect Scrying, Displacement, Fly, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Haste, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Mystic Aegis(PHBII), Nondetection, Remove Curse, Protection from Energy, Slashing Dispel(PHBII), Stifle Spell(PHBII)

4th level
Death Ward, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Feeblemind, Field of Resistance(PHBII), Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Implacable Pursuer(CD), Locate Creature, Mana Flux(PHBII), Reciprocal Gyre(CA), Scrying, Spell Resistance, Wall of Ice

5th level
Antimagic Field, Globe of Invulnerability, Metal Skin(CA), Passwall, Slay Living, Teleport, Wall of Stone


Earth Bender
You really know how to Rock!

Class Skills: Balance(Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Gather Information(Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Jump(Str), Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge(Dungeoneering), Knowledge(Geography), Knowledge(History), Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Nature), Knowledge(The Planes), Listen(Wis), Perform(Cha), Sense Motive(Wis), Survival(Wis)
Skill Points at each level: 4+Int mod

D12 Hit Die
Full BAB
Saves: Good, Poor, Good
(Earth Bender is meant to have 15 levels, I don't know how to make proper tables in BBcode)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Earth benders are proficient with all simple weapons. Earth benders are proficient with light and medium armor, and any armor made of earth, as well as shields and any great shields made of earth.

Bones of the Earth: No matter how small or fragile-seeming an earth benders body may appear they are tough SoBs all. Earthbenders have DR/- equal to half there level(round down) and blanket energy resistance equal to twice their level.

Earth Bending Attributes: Every Earth bender relies on both body and mind, but different benders do so in different ways. Pick either Strength or Constitution and either Wisdom or Charisma these two stats will be your Earth Bending attributes the first will sometimes be referred to as Physical or Phs and the second Mental or Mnt. All of your save DCs for abilities gained from this class will be based on either you Phys or Mental score modifier or sometimes by the higher of the two, in these cases the stat is just called Earth.

Earth Bending: With a fullround action you can move* a 5’ by 5’ by 5’ or smaller piece of earth, stone, crystal, or magma 10ft., if you are physically holding the earth you are bending then you can move twice as much, or gain the ability to move normally. An earth bender can move half as much earth as normal as a standard action, one quarter as much earth as move action, and 10% as much earth as a swift action. The earth you are bending must stay within close range. At level 5 you may move four 5’ by 5’ by 5’ congruent pieces of earth or two separate ones. At level 6 you can move 10’ cubes instead of 5’ cubes. At level 8 the amount of earth you can move doubles and doubles again every 3 levels.
*includes raising or lowering terrain, ripping a section out of a wall or structure, and breaking a section of earth into pieces or fusing them together, this last ability allows you to change the general shape of the earth you’re bending.

If you try to encase someone's square(s) in earth they get a reflex save(DC10+1/2 HD+Earth Mod) to avoid it. If you manage to surround someone's square(s) in earth they can attempt to deal damage to destroy the enclosure(dirt and common stone has the same hardness and hp as wood) or use a strength check* to break out; if able the trapped individual may also attempt a DC 100 escape artist test to escape through the solid earthen walls. Once you have a creature's square surrounded by earth you may begin crushing them, dealing 1d6/level+Phys Mod damage and rendering them Pinned until they can escape from their prison. Creatures in this situation can still attempt strength checks or escape artist checks.
*Break DC for dense stone is 5 higher than dirt or common stone. DC to break through 4 or less inches of earth is 13, DC to break through 5 to 7 inches is 18, DC to break though 8 to 11 inches is 23, DC to break through 1ft. is 30, add 7 to the DC for each additional foot.

Earth Sense: An earth bender is extra-sensitive to vibrations moving through solid material, and gets a +4 to listen checks to hear things touching the ground or anything connected to it and sense motive checks to detect the lies of a creature touching the ground or anything connected to it.

Launch: As a standard action you can launch a piece of earth at an opponent; treat this as a ranged attack that does 2d6+hardness(hardness of dirt and common stone is 5) for a small sized object; you use your Mnt mod in place of your Dex mod for this attack roll. You can launch a small sized object out to close range, and a tiny sized object up to medium range. At level 3 you add you Phys Mod to damage. At level 7 any creature hit by one of your Launched projectiles must make a fort save(DC10+½ HD+Phs Mod) or be knocked prone.

At level 4 you can launch a medium object at close range and a small one at medium range. At level 6 you can launch a large object at close range, a medium object at medium range, and a small object at long range; a large object targets all creatures and objects in two concurrent 5’ squares. At level 8 you can launch a huge object at close range, a large object at medium range, and a medium object at long range; a huge object targets all creatures and objects in a 10’ square. At level 11 you can launch a gargantuan object at close range, a huge object at medium range, and a large object at long range; a gargantuan object targets all creatures and objects in two concurrent 10’ squares. At level 14 you can Launch 2 objects as a standard action instead of 1.

Earth Mastery: At level 2 any armor you wear that is made of earth or stone has its ACP and ASP reduced by 3. You may add you Earth mod to melee attack and damage rolls with any weapon made of earth or stone.

Earth Stride: A 2nd level earth bender can turn any difficult terrain made of earth they are going to enter into normal terrain as part of their move action. A 2nd level earth bender adds their Earth mod to their jump and balance checks made when standing on earth.

Fling:As a standard action a 3rd level Earth Bender can target a 5’ square within close range and force every creature in it to make a reflex save(DC10+½ HD+Phs Mod). All creatures that fail their save and objects take 1d20+Phs damage and all large or smaller creatures and objects are thrown 10’ per level; you may elect to have them thrown either upwards or horizontally. When thrown upwards they will fall and take falling damage as normal. If thrown horizontally they must make another reflex saving throw or be prone at the end of this distance. If any creatures hit a barrier while being flung, roll 1d6 for every 5’ they are prevented from moving. If that is enough to destroy the barrier, then it is destroyed and they continue to move. Otherwise, they take the damage. At level 5 you can target a 10’ square and throw creatures and objects of up to huge size. At level 10 you can target a 20’ square and throw creatures and objects of up to gargantuan size. At level 15 you can target a 30’ square and throw creatures and objects of up to colossal size.

An earth bender may use Fling on themselves and any willing creatures in the AoE without doing any initial damage.

Tremorsense: At level 3 an earth bender becomes increasingly sensitive to vibrations and gains tremorsense out to 10ft. per level. At level 6 any creature within an earth bender’s dust cloud, or any natural dust clouds, is considered to be touching the ground for the purposes of an earth bender’s tremorsense and earth sense.

Dirt Surf: As long as the surface an earth bender is on soil or clay a level 4 earth bender adds 5ft. to their land speed per level. An earth bender can spend an immediate action to negate falling damage if they land on earth or stone.

Burrow Speed: At level 5 an earth bender gain’s a burrow speed of 5ft. per level, can choose to leave a 5ft. wide tunnel behind them.

Dust Cloud: At level 5 an earth bender can, as a move action, cause a cloud of dust to fill a number of 10’ squares equal to your level; the dust settles in 10 minutes. The squares needn’t be concurrent, but all squares must be within medium range. The effect is similar to a Fog Cloud, but can be used under water and winds must be one category stronger to disperse the clouds. When surrounded by metal, but not earth or stone, you can only fill a number of 5’ squares equal to your level, all of which must be concurrent, and the range is close. This power does not work if the surrounding area doesn’t have much in the way of dirt, rock, or metal.

Choking Dust: By spending a standard action when you create a Dust Cloud you can make it much more aggravating to the body and any creature in the cloud must make a fortitude save(DC10+½ HD+Earth Mod)or cough and choke on the particles causing them to be dazed for one round and nauseas until 1d4 rounds after they leave. If the area has a significant amount of silicates the save DC is increased by 2.

Tremorsight: At level 8 an earth bender’s sensitivity to vibration and connection to the earth heightens to the point where they can actually “see” anything detected by there tremorsense; these new heightened senses aren’t as satisfying as real sight, and it misses a lot of details, you can’t see colors, tell what expression someone has on their face, or read with it for example, but it’s good enough to deny concealment to any creature that can be detected with tremorsense and remove the penalties of blindness as long the earth bender is touching the ground.

Thicken Dust Cloud: When you use your Dust Cloud power you can choose to halve the number of 10’ squares to employ heavier particles and more of them. This makes your cloud more like walking through mud than air so the effect mimics a Solid Fog rather than a Fog Cloud. If there’s a significant amount of magma in the area then you may elect to add the effects of an Incendiary Cloud(Ref Save DC10+½ HD+Phs Mod) to the cloud.

Metal Bending: At level 11 an earth bender gains the ability to use their bending powers on metal. Metal Bending works much like Earth Bending, but much more limited. You must be in physical contact with metal to affect it, can only affect about a 5’ by 5’ by 1’ section, but you can move normally.[/b]

Raise Magma: At level 13 an earth bender can, as a Full-Round action, locate the nearest deposit of magma and begin raising it to the surface. In a very geologically active area a 10’ by 10’ by 10’ area of the ground, that is within close range of you, will be immediately filled with magma and if you maintain concentration another concurrent 10’ by 10’ by 10’ every round at the beginning of your turn. In a more geologically stable area it will take 1d4+1 rounds for the magma to begin arriving and you must spend a swift action every round for it to continue traveling towards the surface.
A polymorph fix:



Level: Sor/Wiz 3, 4, 5, 6 see text
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 10 minutes per level(D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spells changes your form, effectively disguising you and altering your abilities according to one of several of the following packages. Casting Polymorph again while under the effects of a previous Polymorph ends the current effect. The appearance of your Polymophed form is limited only by the general size and body type of the package used, you can emulate the appearance of a specific creature or type of creature(giving you a +10 to your disguise check), or create an appearance that is purely a fabrication of your imagination.

You gain access to different packages depending on which level of spell slot the spell occupies. A higher level spell slotted polymorph gains access to all the packages a lower level slotted version does. In a level 3 spell slot, Polymorph’s base spell level being 3, you gain access to the Disguise and Travel, Humanoid packages. In a level 4 spell slot you gain access to the Travel, Monstrous and Scout, Humanoid packages. In a level 5 spell slot you gain access to the Combat, Humanoid, Combat, Monstrous, and Scout, Monstrous packages.

If Polymorph occupies a sixth level or higher slot you may change packages and appearance with one round of Concentration. Regardless of package chosen you lose natural armor, natural weapons, Extraordinary movement modes, and Extraordinary senses of your normal form while Polymorphed.

Combat, Humanoid:
Size changes to Large
Natural Reach set to 10 feet
Gain +6 size bonus to constitution
Gain +10 size bonus to strength
Gain -2 size penalty to dexterity(minimum 1)
Retains humanoid form, and as such is able to wield weapons, wear slotted equipment, and cast spells as normal
Equipment resizes to fit new form
Base Land Speed is set to 40ft.; gain Climb Speed 30ft. or Swim Speed 30ft.
Gain Natural Armor bonus equal to one half caster level
Gain Slam attack for 1d8+1.5*Str mod damage; Slam benefits from BaB based iterative attacks as a manufactured weapon would

Combat, Monstrous:
Size Changes to Large or Huge; your choice
Natural Reach set to 10 feet
Gain +8 size bonus to constitution
Gain +12 size bonus to strength
Gain -4 size penalty to dexterity(minimum 1)
New form is non-humanoid and incapable of speech, and as such is unable to wield manufactured weapons, wear humanoid armor, wear most slotted equipment, and cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components
Equipment ineligible to be worn by new form melds and becomes non-functional, any other equipment resizes as necessary to fit new form
Base Land Speed is set to 50ft. or Base Land Speed is set to 20ft. and Fly Speed 60ft.(average) is gained or Base Land Speed is set to 30ft. and Climb Speed 30ft. is gained or Base Land Speed is set to 40ft. and a Swim Speed 40ft. is gained
Gain Natural Armor bonus equal to caster level
Gain a number of natural weapons equal to one half caster level; the form and nature of these natural weapons is up to you. A maximum of two natural weapons may be considered primary these do 2d6+Str mod in damage and use your full attack bonus, all other natural weapons do 1d8+½ Str mod in damage and use your full attack bonus -5.
At caster level 10 gain Rend for your primary natural weapons
At caster level 12 gain Improved Grab and Swallow Whole; swallowed opponents take Primary Natural weapon damage plus acid damage equal to 1d6/2 caster levels every round at the beginning of your turn. You can be cut out of with a light slashing or piercing weapon doing a total 25+ damage. You may only swallow creatures one or more size categories smaller than you.
At caster level 14 gain a number of Rake attacks equal to one quarter caster level; rake attacks do 1d6+½ Str mod in damage and use your full attack bonus -5
At caster level 16 gain Pounce

Scout, Humanoid:
Size Changes to Tiny, Small, or Medium
Tiny size sets Natural Reach to 0 feet
Gain +4 size bonus to dexterity
Gain +6 competence bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Spot, and Listen
Retains humanoid form, and as such is able to wield weapons, wear slotted equipment, and cast spells as normal
Equipment resizes to fit new form
Base Land Speed set to 30ft.; Gain 20ft. Climb Speed; Gain 30ft. Swim Speed; Gain 20ft. Burrow Speed; Gain 50ft. Fly Speed, Good Maneuverability
Gain Darkvision 120ft.; Gain Superior Low-light Vision; Gain Tremorsense 60ft.; Gain Blindsense(sound and scent based) 60ft.

Scout, Monstrous:
Size Changes to Diminutive, Tiny, or Small
Natural Reach set to 0 feet
Gain +8 size bonus to dexterity
Gain +8 competence bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Spot, and Listen
New form is non-humanoid and incapable of speech, and as such is unable to wield manufactured weapons, wear humanoid armor, wear most slotted equipment, and cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components
Equipment ineligible to be worn by new form melds and becomes non-functional, any other equipment resizes as necessary to fit new form
Base Land Speed set to 30ft.; Gain 30ft. Climb Speed; Gain 30ft. Swim Speed; Gain 30ft. Burrow Speed; Gain 60ft. Fly Speed, Perfect Maneuverability
Gain Natural Weapon(1+Str Mod damage) with Poison; initial damage: unconscious for 1d6 hours, secondary damage: none, DC is Con based
Gain Darkvision 150ft.; Gain Superior Low-light Vision; Gain Tremorsense 80ft.; Gain Blindsense(sound and scent based) 80ft.; Gain Blindsight(sound based) 60ft.

Size changes to Small, Medium, or Large
Gain 6 attribute points that can be placed in either strength constitution, or dexterity, or a mix of the three
Gains a skill bonus equal to caster level that can be placed into any combination of strength, dexterity, or wisdom based skills that can be used untrained
Retains humanoid form, and as such is able to wield weapons, wear slotted equipment, and cast spells as normal
Equipment resizes to fit new form
Base Land Speed is set to 40 ft. or Land Speed is set to 30ft. and Climb Speed 30ft. is gained or Base Land Speed is set to 30ft. and a Swim Speed 30ft. is gained
Gain Dark Vision 60ft. or Superior Low-light Vision or Scent 30ft.
Optionally gain natural armor equal to one quarter caster level
Optionally gain up to three natural weapons(1d6+Str Mod damage), any or all of which may be considered primary or secondary

Travel, Humanoid:
Size Changes to Small or Medium
Gain immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion
Gain immunity to non-lethal damage incurred from a forced march
Retains humanoid form, and as such is able to wield weapons, wear slotted equipment, and cast spells as normal
Equipment Resizes to fit new form
Base Land Speed is set to 50 ft.; Gain 50ft. Climb Speed; Gain 50 ft. Swim Speed; Gain 30ft. Burrow Speed, Burrow Speed 20ft. if you want to leave a stable 5 foot tunnel behind you; Gain 80 ft. Fly Speed, Clumsy Maneuverability
Gain Tremorsense 30ft.

Travel, Monstrous:
Size Changes to Medium or Large
Gain +6 bonus to Strength
Gain immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion
Gain immunity to non-lethal damage incurred from a forced march
New form is non-humanoid and incapable of speech, and as such is unable to wield manufactured weapons, wear humanoid armor, wear most slotted equipment, and cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components
Equipment ineligible to be worn by new form melds and becomes non-functional, any other equipment resizes as necessary to fit new form

Base Land Speed is set to 80 ft.; Gain 60ft. Climb Speed; Gain 60 ft. Swim Speed; Gain 50ft. Burrow Speed, Burrow Speed 30ft. if you want to leave a stable 10 foot tunnel behind you; Gain 150 ft. Fly Speed, Average Maneuverability
Gain Tremorsense 50ft.; Gain Blindsense(sound based) 100ft.
Koumei style Major Weapons.
Plane of Force:
For the purposes of proficiency, this counts as a Long Sword, Battle Axe, or Scimitar. Select which whenever you pick it up.
Reach: Melee
Damage: 1d20 slashing damage per 6 levels. Strength modifier still applies. Cannot be wielded with more than one hand.
Critical Hit: 18-20 x2

A Plane of Force ignores Natural Armor and Non-Magical Armor/Shields.

A Plane of Force ignores hardness and bypasses material damage reduction.

On a confirmed critical threat(roll to confirm even against a creature immune to critical hits) the creature struck must pass a fortitude save or lose a limb as if the weapon had the Sharpness special quality.

A Plane of Force is a Force affect and thus can strike Incorporeal and Ethereal targets without the miss chance normally inherent in attacking something Incorporeal or Ethereal.

For the purposes of proficiency, this counts as a morning star or a spiked chain. Select which whenever you pick it up.
Reach(M): 5’-10’ threatens
Damage: 1d6 piercing damage per 2 levels.
Critical Hit: 18-20 x2

Two Headed: Can be used as a double weapon with 5’ reach.

Poison: Initial and Secondary Damage is 1d6 Con per 4 levels; Fort Save DC10+½ HD+½ BAB.

Death Gaze: During the Full Moon you can aim the two heads of the snake as a full-round action and force any 2 creatures within 30ft. to make a Fort Save(DC10+½ HD+Cha Mod) or die. When not under the full moon you can use this power to Confuse instead of kill. The snake’s lantern-like eyes also function as a pair of bullseye lanterns that require no oil and can be used under water.

Bite Footprints*: You can attack the ground in any square a creature moved through on their last turn in order to inflict base weapon damage, but not poison, on that creature. You can also harm a creature in this manner if you have a clear and complete footprint belonging to the target, regardless of how old it is or how far away the creature is.

Spit Venom: As a Swift action you may take a ranged touch attack against any two creatures within 30ft., if you succeed these creatures are blinded for one minute.

*I didn’t find any reference to this in the mythology, though I didn’t look very hard, but I’m including it because angelfromanotherpin suggested it.

Big Stick:
For the purposes of proficiency, this counts as a club.
Reach: Melee
Damage: 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 2 levels+1d6 if Large, 2d6 if Huge, 4d6 if Gargantuan, ect., ect..
Critical Hit: x5

Big: A Big Stick increases the wielder’s size by one category(as if they had gained enough HD to increase size). A Big Stick does not come in sizes smaller than large and resists all effects that would reduce it below large size.

Speak Softly: Simply having a Big Stick in your possession causes all [Sonic] effects within medium range of you to do minimum damage, or if they don’t do damage then they have their DCs reduced by 2.

Convincing: Having a Big Stick in your possession gives you a bonus to Intimidate equal to half your level and allows you to use Intimidate checks in place of Diplomacy checks.
Last edited by Calibron on Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:38 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Post by koz »

On Rending Claws and Farspawn Tentacles, your scale does not correspond with the one you described. Otherwise, awesome!
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by Calibron »

Two new feats added.
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Post by schpeelah »

Great, but I don't think it should be possible to combine the Duelist flurry attack with Two Weapon Fighting. You might want to specify that.
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Post by koz »

schpeelah wrote:Great, but I don't think it should be possible to combine the Duelist flurry attack with Two Weapon Fighting. You might want to specify that.
How do you TWF with a one-handed weapon and keep one hand empty again?
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by Elennsar »

Unarmed strike with the offhand.
Trust in the Emperor, but always check your ammunition.
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Post by koz »

Elennsar wrote:Unarmed strike with the offhand.
Lol, nicely spotted.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by zeruslord »

Benediction looks really interesting, but you need to define what a benediction is. I assume it is using the first ability, but is time changed for the upper level abilities?
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Post by koz »

zeruslord wrote:Benediction looks really interesting, but you need to define what a benediction is. I assume it is using the first ability, but is time changed for the upper level abilities?
I assumed it was a curator ability being referenced there.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by Bigode »

Mister_Sinister wrote:
zeruslord wrote:Benediction looks really interesting, but you need to define what a benediction is. I assume it is using the first ability, but is time changed for the upper level abilities?
I assumed it was a curator ability being referenced there.
I assume JE didn't read or remember the curator, and the feat's self-referential.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Calibron »

Under Tome rules there is no such thing as an unarmed strike, creatures that don't otherwise have natural weapons get a Slam attack. So there shouldn't be an issue with Duelist.
zeruslord wrote:Benediction looks really interesting, but you need to define what a benediction is. I assume it is using the first ability, but is time changed for the upper level abilities?
Thanks for catching that; fixed.
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Post by IGTN »

Dirty Fighter is way too long. Also, I don't particularly like the numerical natural armor bonus it hands out. Most of the status effects it slaps on scale fairly well, too; they don't need to keep being replaced.

Tank's +0 should be clarified as to action type (immediate? AoO? Special free action?)
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Post by Calibron »

IGTN wrote:Dirty Fighter is way too long. Also, I don't particularly like the numerical natural armor bonus it hands out. Most of the status effects it slaps on scale fairly well, too; they don't need to keep being replaced.
The majority of the text can be ignored once you've got the jist of the feat. The natural armor bonus is so high because you halve your natural armor bonus to AC if your armor bonus to AC is higher(and vice versa), so it'll only be +2 AC for most characters. As for your final complaint, I'll consider changing it if several others feel the same way.
IGTN wrote:Tank's +0 should be clarified as to action type (immediate? AoO? Special free action?)
No it shouldn't, it's a non-action just like a Fighter expending his Combat Focus to re-roll a save.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Bigode wrote:
Mister_Sinister wrote:
zeruslord wrote:Benediction looks really interesting, but you need to define what a benediction is. I assume it is using the first ability, but is time changed for the upper level abilities?
I assumed it was a curator ability being referenced there.
I assume JE didn't read or remember the curator, and the feat's self-referential.
Uh.... what? Are we talking about me talking in this thread, or an other?

The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Bigode »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Uh.... what? Are we talking about me talking in this thread, or an other?
Fvck if I know. Also fvck if I know what state I was in when I wrote that.
Caliborn wrote:Under Tome rules there is no such thing as an unarmed strike, creatures that don't otherwise have natural weapons get a Slam attack. So there shouldn't be an issue with Duelist.
Unfortunately, not really - the monk has that.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Calibron »

Bigode wrote:
Caliborn wrote:Under Tome rules there is no such thing as an unarmed strike, creatures that don't otherwise have natural weapons get a Slam attack. So there shouldn't be an issue with Duelist.
Unfortunately, not really - the monk has that.
It's somewhere, though it may not be in the actually body of the texts, but in the discussion afterward. Frank explained about how unarmed counting as natural and manufactured, and other bullshit mechanics concerning unarmed strikes were, well, bullshit, and people should just get a Slam attack instead.
Last edited by Calibron on Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by koz »

You can't TWF with a normal weapon and a slam?
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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Post by IGTN »

Combining manufactured and natural weapons uses different rules.

Also, a spiked gauntlet may well be empty, armor spikes (if you keep them in) leave your hand free, and I seem to remember hearing about a blade boot somewhere. But it's fixed so that those don't work.
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Post by Calibron »

Mister_Sinister wrote:You can't TWF with a normal weapon and a slam?
No, not really. Sure you can attack with them both, but you only get one attack for the slam just like any other natural weapon. You can do the same thing to add more attacks to a TWF based warrior, so there's no reason to add any special anti-natural weapon clauses to duelist.
IGTN wrote:Combining manufactured and natural weapons uses different rules.

Also, a spiked gauntlet may well be empty, armor spikes (if you keep them in) leave your hand free, and I seem to remember hearing about a blade boot somewhere. But it's fixed so that those don't work.
Duelist wrote:Any and all benefits of this feat only apply when wearing only Light or lighter armor, carrying no more than a light load, wielding only one weapon, and keeping one hand free.
Spiked gauntlet=Weapon, Armor Spikes=Weapon, and Boot Blades=Retarded Weapon

Duelist has been heavily vetted already and isn't really in any need of further scrutiny. Please feel free to ask questions, just don't expect to score any "AHA!" moments.
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Post by ZER0 »

I don't think Bladesong should be limited to elven spellcasters; that's the sort of ridiculous shit that leads to Arcane Archers. Just make it scale to ranks in Perform and leave it there.
Absentminded_Wizard wrote:
4e PHB, p. 57 under "Target" (bolding mine) wrote:When a power’s target entry specifies that it affects you and one or more of your allies, then you can take advantage of the power’s effect along with your team-mates. Otherwise, “ally” or “allies” does not include you, and both terms assume willing targets. “Enemy” or “enemies” means a creature or creatures that aren’t your allies (whether those creatures are hostile toward you or not). “Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you.
Yes, according to 4e RAW, you are your own enemy.
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Post by Bigode »

Caliborn wrote:It's somewhere, though it may not be in the actually body of the texts, but in the discussion afterward. Frank explained about how unarmed counting as natural and manufactured, and other bullshit mechanics concerning unarmed strikes were, well, bullshit, and people should just get a Slam attack instead.
He said it should happen - he didn't make it happen - nor did anyone. For example, what about the hilarity of everyone gaining a free extra attack?
Caliborn wrote:Duelist has been heavily vetted already and isn't really in any need of further scrutiny. Please feel free to ask questions, just don't expect to score any "AHA!" moments.
Hilarious given one of those just happened.
ZER0 wrote:I don't think Bladesong should be limited to elven spellcasters; that's the sort of ridiculous shit that leads to Arcane Archers. Just make it scale to ranks in Perform and leave it there.
While, if there are to be races at all, I think some things should be restricted, feats aren't one.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by schpeelah »

Well on the other hand...
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Post by Calibron »

schpeelah wrote:Well on the other hand...
That's a pretty wicked combo, but it's not game breaking in terms of damage, and completely lacks the mobility of the classic TWF/Whirlwind Attack Barbarian.
Bigode wrote:He said it should happen - he didn't make it happen - nor did anyone.
Look, if you're insistent on clinging to a poorly written and not particularly balanced rule when there's a simple and elegant solution right in front of you then I feel no obligation to accommodate you.
Bigode wrote:For example, what about the hilarity of everyone gaining a free extra attack?
If you are seriously arguing this is overpowered(especially since you get more attacks with unarmed strikes as it is), then I think you're just being an idiot on purpose.
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Post by Bigode »

Caliborn wrote:That's a pretty wicked combo, but it's not game breaking in terms of damage, and completely lacks the mobility of the classic TWF/Whirlwind Attack Barbarian.
Mobility supplied by Whirlwind, which isn't incompatible in any way.
Caliborn wrote:Look, if you're insistent on clinging to a poorly written and not particularly balanced rule when there's a simple and elegant solution right in front of you then I feel no obligation to accommodate you.
Except the simple elegant solution doesn't technically exist.
Caliborn wrote:If you are seriously arguing this is overpowered(especially since you get more attacks with unarmed strikes as it is), then I think you're just being an idiot on purpose.
More? Do you mean taking TWF, or what?
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by Calibron »

When actually using the options given to you by whirlwind Duelist+Whirlwind=Whirlwind, while TWF+Whirlwind=Whirlwind*2 or *1.5 or so if you're a Barbarian.
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