Writing Up a Bunch of Powers

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Writing Up a Bunch of Powers

Post by Username17 »

Talisman wrote:I like writing up new powers/spells/feats/edges.
So it takes a lot of powers to make a super hero game. And beyond that, it takes a fuck tonne of power names for relatively similar uses of powers that characters can have as signature moves. After all, the characters in question may indeed be two lightning aspected Blasters, so there need to be enough lightning moves that they can feel different. It's not OK if they both end up having to take Thunder Strike as their big finishing move because there aren't any other finishing moves for a Lightning Blaster to have.

The goal is to write up enough maneuver names that people can make a fairly unique character no matter what character type they chose.

When drawing up a power, keep in mind the kind of attack that it is, and that giving a single character too rainbow of a set of attack options is potentially unbalanced:

You can tell by the way I use my walk that I'm a woman's man. No time to talk.
  • Dodge The character is really fast, incredibly intuitive, or just highly trained. Most attacks do not connect. It is an effective defense against Power and Shadow attacks (which have a tendency to be slow and easier to dodge), but it's an ineffective defense against explosions or mental attacks (as they aren't readily sidestepped).
  • Force Field The character has a force field. Maybe it's shining energy, a distortion in the air, or only shimmeringly visible when resisting an attack, but it's always there. It is an effective defense against Electricity and Ice attacks as they are disrupted by the energy of the field; but Gas and Laser attacks are strong against it (as gas and light pass through fields normally).
  • Magic Shield The character is protected by defensive spells, charms, and sorcerous counterspells. This type of defense is best against Magic and Gas attacks for which counterspells are most effective; but Speed attacks usually land before utterances can be made and Ice attacks dampen magic as effectively as heat.
  • Psychic Wall The character's psychic powers put up a barrier around his mind and body that clouds and dampens incoming attacks. This is most effective against attacks with light (Laser) and Mental power, and is at its least effective against attacks that disrupt the mind (Electricity) or which are already made of darkness (Shadow).
  • Toughness The character is simply nigh invulnerable and shrugs off attacks without injury. This may be from powerful armor or merely personal damage resistance. This is most effective against attacks that rely on surety of impact such as Explosions and Speed attacks, and is at its worst against overwhelming attacks such as Power attacks or Magic attacks that target the spirit directly.
You can also think of these things in terms of the Attack types:
  • Cold Cold is merely the absence of heat, but in superhero land there are ice beams and freeze rays that turn people into popsicles. These attacks dampen magic and are good against Magic Shields, but weak against Force Fields.
  • Electricity Electricity is fairly self explanatory I should hope. It is strong against Psychic Wall and weak against Force Fields.
  • Explosion Generally speaking, this damage type is held by burning things. Incendiaries, grenades, houses on fire – that sort of thing. It is weak against targets with Toughness, and strong against Dodging targets.
  • Gas Poisonous gas gets into things and poisons people. Surprisingly, many suits that will keep a man safe in vacuum will not protect them from Gas attacks because the gas attacks are corrosive. These attacks are at their best against Forcefields, and at their weakest against Magic Shields.
  • Laser Laser light should be fairly self explanatory. It often comes out of blasters that go “cue cue” and such. It is strong against Force Fields, and weak against Psychic Wall.
  • Mind Crush Some attacks destroy the mind, which only affects things that actually have[/] minds, for good or ill. This is weakest against Psychic Wall and strongest against Dodge.
  • Power We aren't talking about electrical power, or psychic power, but rather raw physical force. Super Strength or running people over with a dump truck produce power attacks quite frequently. These go right through superior Toughness, but are weak against Dodging enemies.
  • Spirit Magical power ad some psionics and super tech has the ability to directly attack the spirit. These attacks have no effect on inanimate objects, which is both good and bad from the standpoint of the attacker, depending upon what you want to do. It is weak against Magic Shield, and strong against Toughness.
  • Speed Speedsters can zoom around at high speed hitting people many times with rapid fists. This is a speed attack. Also bullets, and pretty much anything else that is of primary damaging capability because of its velocity rather than its mass. It is weak against Toughness, and strong against Magic Shields.
  • Shadow Shadow is negative energy. It comes in the form of gravity, void, or magical darkness. It sucks rather than pulls, and is accompanied by background music with low tones. It is strong against Psychic Wall and weak against Dodge.

So here are the power categories:


Maneuvers come in three types: Adventure maneuvers can be used just once in an Adventurer. For ease of reference, these maneuvers are titled in Bold Red. Charge maneuvers become unusable once used until they recharge during a Recovery phase. These maneuvers have a Recharge number on them that determines their chance of being restored during a Recovery phase, and they are titled in Bold Blue. And finally there are Unlimited maneuvers that can be drawn on however many times or as continuously as need. They are titled in Bold Green.

Some archetypes have Power Choices associated with them. This occasionally makes demands on what maneuvers they can have, but usually it merely influences certain effects of their maneuvers. For example, a Blaster can choose to have their powers be Laser, Lightning, or Fire based as exemplified by the iconic Blasters Positron, Thunderhead, and Brushfire respectively. Many maneuvers available to Blasters will have a specific effect based on which is chosen (for example: the Energy Bolt maneuver does Explosion damage for Brushfire, Laser damage for Positron, and Electricity damage for Thunderhead); but some maneuvers will have outright restrictions on what power options are required before they can be taken (Thunderhead can learn the Thunderclap maneuver, and Positron can learn Anti-Light Matrix).

Blaster Maneuvers

A Blaster's powers are focused around a type of energy that they blast with. Any maneuver that states “Power Option” as its Attack Type is an Electricity attack if used by a Blaster with the Electrical Powers option, an Explosive Attack if used by a Blaster with the Fire Powers option, and a Laser Attack if used by a Blaster with the Light Powers option.

Brick Maneuvers

A Brick's powers either come from intense strength or tremendous skill. A maneuver with “Power Option” as an attack type is Power for Strength Bricks, and Shadow for Martial Artist Bricks.

Cape Maneuvers

Regardless of what power option a Cape takes, their maneuvers are fixed in type (almost always Power, Speed, or Laser).

Controller Maneuvers

A Controller's powers are focused on what they control. Any maneuver with “Power Option” as an attack type is Cold for a character with the Ice Control Power Option, Shadow for a character with the Gravity Control Power Option, and Power for a character with the Plant Control Power Option.

Gadgeteer Maneuvers

A Gadgeteer's powers are focused on the technological level of his gadgets. Any maneuver with “Power Option 1” as an attack type is Explosion for a character with the Steam Gadgets Power Option, Gas for a character with the Oil Gadgets Power Option, and Electricity for a character with the Nuclear Gadgets Power Option. Any maneuver with “Power Option 2” as an attack type is Power for Steam Gadgeteers, Speed for Oil Gadgeteers, and Laser for Nuclear Gadgeteers.

Mentalist Maneuvers

A Mentalist's choice of power options does not affect the type of attacks that a maneuver counts as. Whether they have the Extraplanar, Crystals, or Mad Maths Power Option, a Telekinetic Smash is still a Power Attack and an Ego Whip is still a Mind Crush.

Monster Maneuvers

Few of a Monster's attacks vary based on Power Option. However, those special moves that do change are Laser for Space Monsters, Mind Crush for Astral Monsters, and Explosion for Demon Monsters. Most attacks are Shadow or Power.

Sorcerer Maneuvers

A sorcerer is defined by their signature magical abilities, but individual spells do not change attack types based on the Power Option chosen.

Speedster Maneuvers

Suit Maneuvers

Like Gadgeteers, a Suit is defined by its technological level.

Movement Powers
It's not when you get there, it's how you get there.

Every character has access to a signature movement ability. Characters do not get two movement abilities nor do they get to trade their movement powers in for something else. This is not because every masked hero has had exactly one – indeed Superman quite famously has super speed and flight while The Green Hornet merely “owns a sweet car.” However this is a fairly important game play demand. The running battlefield that super heroes fight in is simply too massive and, well, mobile for a character to be able to contribute just standing around. And it's not just battlefields either. Crime happens on the other end of Manhattan all the time, and your character needs to be able to do something about that. Characters in single author fiction can often be carried by their flying compatriots, but that's really just unreasonable to demand in a cooperative storytelling game. Of course, this very same argument falls down when we're talking about Villains. The opposition really doesn't need to be able to deploy in a hurry, because the action starts wherever they happen to be robbing a bank or taking hostages. So while movement powers are not optional for heroes, they are optional for villains.
  • Acrobatics – characters with Acrobatics have super leaping, rope swinging, and/or climbing abilities. This is one of the slower ways for a super hero to cross the city, but it is also one of the safer. Characters with acrobatics abilities can catch themselves when falling or hurled into things better than other characters, and take less damage from falls and knockback.

    Flight – characters who can fly can fly. They move through the air by their own impetus. This may be because of wings, jet packs, magic powers, or simply no reason (like Superman). Whether it uses props or not is largely a special effect – in any case flight fails if the character loses control over their movement. A flying character can hover if she wishes, but if dazed or entangled, she falls to the ground.

    Speed – characters with super speed are able to move ridiculously fast. We're talking so fast that gravity physically can't pull their feet back to Earth fast enough for them to be able to continue taking steps while running at that speed. But it works anyway, and it does so for no reason. Maybe it's time manipulation, or psychic impulse or something, but mostly it relies heavily on Comic Science. The key features of Super Speed is that it goes very fast but it doesn't allow characters to move far away from surfaces.

    Teleportation – characters with teleportation are able to move from one place to another without traveling through intermediate space. This is, of course, the fastest possible movement method, but it can't be used continuously so the maneuverability isn't up to any of the other movement powers.
Elective Powers

Not every power is directly associated with an archetype. Indeed, every character has a little flair that crosses over what their archetype normally does and into unique territory. Game mechanically this is represented by Elective Powers – powers that don't really have as much impact on a character as the core abilities like super speed or strength. Most notably, an elective power has many less associated maneuvers with it, providing just a couple of uses in a character's story.

Elective Movement Powers
Dude, I'm the Marquis of the Seas.

Crime hunters have access to a certain number of elective powers, and some of them are classified as movement powers. These powers are not always useful for chasing down criminals so these are in addition to the normal one super movement power that every character is required to have, not a replacement.
  • Dimension Shift – the character is able to move to one or more of the alternate worlds.

    Insubstantiality – characters who can move insubstantially can pass through walls like a ghost. This is great for getting past barricades, but it doesn't inherently get you there any faster than just walking normally would.

    Swimming – characters with swimming are able to move through the water at excessive speeds.

    Tunneling – characters with tunneling can move through solid matter leaving a tunnel behind that others can see and even walk through. This sort of worm movement is actually quite slow, but it can be hard to catch up with.

So anyway, a whole fuckety fuck tonne of abilities have to be written up. Like seriously crazy amounts. And if people want to start throwing in ability names for some of these, that would be great.

Example: Let's say you have the Teleportation movement option. That means that you can vanish from one place and appear in another place. Now some characters are going to want to be able to use that as some kind of crazy defensive action where they start phasing in and out like a blink dog. And that can be called "Blink." And another Teleporter might want something where they cash it in to teleport in behind someone and sucker punch them - and that can be called "Telepounce." I'm easy. The point is that there need to be enough teleport related abilities for teleporters to feel different. Just as there need to be enough gadgets n the list that two Oil Gadgeteers won't end up throwing the same kinds of gas bombs all the time.

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Post by Koumei »

So, for now it's just "lists of names and what these abilities do" then?

Steam-Powered Gadgeteer powers: (often assuming they are parts of a big robot or rail-less train)

Release Valve (sprays excess steam at an enemy, blinding & damaging)
Steam Punch (big steam-powered brass arm slams the foe)
Unstoppable Force (an actual steam engine. Fast one-way movement and damaging)
Pressure Bomb (a small boiler that can be thrown. It explodes in a sporay of shrapnel and steam)
Boiling Mist (a huge amount of steam is unleashed, creating a mist and possibly hurting enemies)
Pressurised Jet Pack (awkward flight)
Scalding Grasp (a big claw that's connected to the boiler that powers it, it burns foes)
Pump Jump (stand on the boiler of the device, get launched into the sky)
Clean-up Time (a big steam-cannon that puts fires out and sweeps the place)

Magical Ability Names:
d10 rollAdjectiveNounAttack

I added a couple of silly ones there, but you can just throw random words together for magical attack names. See: Pink Sugar Heart Attack, Hiryu Shouten Ha Revised: Horizontal Blast, Spectral Penile Shape, Plasma Twist, The Secret Sword: Shadow Slayer
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:So, for now it's just "lists of names and what these abilities do" then?

If you really wanted to, you could put the ability names in as:
Blue or

to indicate the kind of power you envisioned it as.

Fundamentally, there are several things that need to be done. For example, folks like the Gadgeteer need powers like Stun Bomb that is fairly generic save that it is specifically a burst of super heated steam if you're a Steam Gadgeteer, a stunning gas if you're a Modern Gadgeteer, and an electric stun blast if you're a Nuclear Gadgeteer. But they also need stuff like Glue Gun that you can only take if you're a Modern Gadgeteer and it is a Power attack that uses a Toughness defense to hold the target in place.

There are also Elective Powers. These are mini-power lists that people can select maneuvers off of that people can get access to. Think of it kind of like Paragon Paths from 4e. Only hopefully less retarded. You get to talk to animals or manipulate water or something.

Last edited by Username17 on Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Gelare »

Koumei wrote:Unstoppable Force (an actual steam engine. Fast one-way movement and damaging)
Needless to say, there needs to be a brick power called Immovable Object. And what happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object is anyone's guess.
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Post by the_taken »

Gelare wrote:
Koumei wrote:Unstoppable Force (an actual steam engine. Fast one-way movement and damaging)
Needless to say, there needs to be a brick power called Immovable Object. And what happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object is anyone's guess.
"Can a ninja create an object so heavy that he himself cannot lift?"
"The answer is most definitely: maybe." - Ask a Ninja


Lets get started.

Jolt Strike
Blaster, Gadgeteer, Sorcerer, Suite
Melee range, moderate damage. Usually involves punching or slapping.

Jolt Sap
Blaster, Gadgeteer, Sorcerer
Medium range, low damage, EMP effect?

Jolt Wave
Blaster, Sorcerer
Medium range, mederate AoE, moderate damage.

Jolt Spear
Blaster, Gadgeteer, Suite
Medium range, moderate damage, stuns weakened enemy. (Finishing Move?)

Final Jolt
Blaster, Sorcerer
Melee range, high damage. Involves punching or slapping. paralyzes weakened enemy. (Finishing move you'd save for the final boss?)

Jolt Escape
Gadgeteer, Suite
Melee range, great AoE, low damage, knockdown effect.
Last edited by the_taken on Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Strength Brick Powers

Seismic Smash You punch or tear up a section of the ground. This does moderate power damage damage and knocks enemies who are on the ground prone in a near area. This power has no effect on enemies who are flying or leaping one square or more above the ground.

Shockwave Clap You clap your hands together with such force that it sends out a shockwave, this pushes people away from you and does light explosive damage in a near area.

Leaping Pile Driver You grapple an opponent, then leap your movement with that opponent (ignoring the usual restrictions on moving while grappling), when you land, you slam him into the ground. This does heavy power damage and leaves the opponent prone in a square adjacent to you at the end of your movement.

Martial Arts Brick Powers

No Shadow Kick You kick an opponent and receive a bonus to your attack roll. If you hit, you deal moderate speed damage to that opponent.

Boards don't hit back Immediate Interupt. When an opponent within melee of you uses a power than includes you as the target, you may make a melee basic attack against him. If this attack hits, you do not deal damage, but instead you reduce the damage and status effects you take from the opponent's power.

Kippup Immediate Interrupt. When you are knocked prone, you may immediately stand back up.

Mutual Brick Powers

Hurl (strength)
Ninja Stars (martial arts)
You immediately find something handy and throw it. Make a basic melee attack at range. This attack deals power damage.

Bear Hug (strength)
Joint Lock (martial arts)
You grapple a foe dealing the usual amount of power damage. The difficulty of escaping the grapple is greater than usual

I got you now (strength)
No escape (martial arts)
(this is a stance, assuming we have stances)
Any opponent who ends their turn adjacent to you is slowed until the end of their next action.

That All you Got
Your Technique is Flawed
You take no damage nor status effects from an opponent's adventure power (assuming opponents have adventure powers).

More Power Names:

Fire Blaster:

Nova Flame
Smoke 'em Out
Hot Stuff
Where There's Smoke
"Get outta the kitchen" - slides folks
Heat Mirage
Fanning the Flames

Laser Blaster:
Blinding Light
Lightspeed Lance
Photon Beam
Solar Flare
Sparkle Strafe
Pinpoint precision beam

Electrical Blaster:

Lightning Blast
Ball Lightning
Static Cling
Overload - this does extra damage to machines and robots
Electrical Storm
Live Wire
Faster than Lightning
Electromagnetic Shove
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Username17 »

As an example of how these things get translated in, these are Koumei's suggestions:

Gadgeteer Maneuvers

A Gadgeteer's powers are focused on the technological level of his gadgets. Any maneuver with “Power Option 1” as an attack type is Explosion for a character with the Steam Gadgets Power Option, Gas for a character with the Oil Gadgets Power Option, and Electricity for a character with the Nuclear Gadgets Power Option. Any maneuver with “Power Option 2” as an attack type is Power for Steam Gadgeteers, Speed for Oil Gadgeteers, and Laser for Nuclear Gadgeteers.
Open Maneuvers
  • Just Shoot Them
    Sometimes the best gadget for the job is just a handheld ranged weapon.
Steam Maneuvers
  • Release Valve
    A jet of steam is released at close range, scalding and blinding a foe.
  • Pressure Bomb
    A small boiler is set to overload itself and is thrown. Shrapnel and steam spray in all directions when it blows.
  • Boiling Mist
    Rapidly condensing steam fills the area.
  • Scalding Grasp
    An opponent is grabbed and touched with the fully operating boiler, subjecting them to scalding heat.
  • Jet Overpressure
    The gadgeteer's movement abilities are temporarily enhanced by venting steam pressure as a jet.
  • Clean Up Time!
    A heated water cannon blows everything away, leaving the ground damp and clean.

Suit Maneuvers

Like Gadgeteers, a Suit is defined by its technological level.

Open Maneuvers
  • Unstoppable Force
    The suit jets itself at an unstoppable clip and crashes into a target.
Steam Maneuvers
  • Steam Punch
    The heavy weight of the metal arm is propelled into a foe as huge piston.
  • Boiling Mist
    Rapidly condensing steam fills the area.
  • Pneumatic Claw
    The power of hydraulics rends things.

And yeah, you'll notice that some things get shuffled around. This is because anyone running around in a big brass steam suit isn't a Steam Gadgeteer, they are a Steam Suit, which is a different class.

Also, a Gadgeteer gets movement powers off their movement power list. Which is normally going to be Acrobatics or Super Speed. So most of their movement powers should be coming off those lists rather than their power lists. Although I'm not sure, there might be some room for some maneuvers that are essentially "cross class" where a Gadgeteer might be able to grab a short jet pack style flight even though they aren't a normal flight class. I'll think about it.

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

The "Maneuver Power option: Power" and "Movement Powers" terminology is a little confusing.

Can heroes have X-ray eyes (laser power? shadow power?)? Would such eyebeams let them see through stuff?

Gravity Controller powers:
Reverse-gravity field

A general Controller power:
Glaciate/Magnify gravity/Entangle
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Post by zeruslord »

What does the action setup look like right now? I have some ideas for active defenses, but they only work if you have something equivalent to immediate actions.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Gelare wrote:Needless to say, there needs to be a brick power called Immovable Object. And what happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object is anyone's guess.
Game over, rocks fall, everyone dieslol
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Post by Username17 »

On Josh's advice, here are the Fire Blaster powers:

Fire Blaster Maneuvers
  • Blaze
    Fire bursts out in a barely controlled fashion.
  • Brushfire
    Fire rages out of control and persists indefinitely.
  • Burninate
    Target is burninated.
  • Can't Stand the Heat
    Fire is thrown at the target's feet, forcing them to dive for cover.[/color]
  • Fanning the Flames
    A burning target spreads fire to adjacent targets.[/color]
  • Fighting Fire
    A ranged attack is parried with a burst of fire.
  • Heat Mirage
    An illusion is created in the air by manipulating air with heat.
  • Hot Stuff
    An object is heated up with heat rays, making it hard to hold on to.
  • Liquefaction
    Heat rays turn the ground into scalding liquid.
  • Melt
    Heat rays turn the target to goo.
  • Eruption
    Heat rays are fired, causing the ground to explode, hurling hot stone in all directions.
  • Fireball
    A large explosion of fire appears where a hurled ball of flame lands.
  • Nova Flames
    The blaster goes nova, blowing fire out of his body until everything burns out.
  • Rain of Fire
    Fire comes out of the sky and strikes indiscriminately around the blaster as he holds his hands up and laughs.
  • Smoke 'em Out
    Choking smoke is sprayed into an area.
  • Super Nova
    The blaster pushes the nova fire beyond what their body can handle safely.
  • Torch
    The blaster's hand catches on fire.
  • Where there's Smoke...
    A target starts burning in an unexpected location after a subtle blast of firepower.

Catharz wrote:Can heroes have X-ray eyes (laser power? shadow power?)? Would such eyebeams let them see through stuff?
X-Ray Vision seems like a pretty good Elective Power. Capes get Laser Eyebeams as standard (which is how you know they are bards), but it seems to me that literally anyone could have X-Ray Vision as an elective. For every Gadgeteer who flips down a see through visor there's a sorcerer who conjures a mirror of see-through or a psychic with teleperception or a cape with X-ray eyes.
Catharz wrote:Gravity Controller powers:
Reverse-gravity field
Catharz wrote:A general Controller power:
Glaciate/Magnify gravity/Entangle
Nah. A general Controller power might be something like:
  • Entangle
    The Controller wraps the targets up in their controlled element, preventing them from moving.
So that would end up being a Cold entangle if you're after Ice Princess, and a Power entangle if you're after Mistletoe.
Zeruslord wrote:What does the action setup look like right now? I have some ideas for active defenses, but they only work if you have something equivalent to immediate actions.
I'm looking at essentially the D&D action types, with the exception that using an Immediate Action doesn't cost a Swift Action slot (to ease book keeping).

Basically you get an action phase (where you can use a Move, a Standard, and a Swift), and then you get yourself a Recovery Phase (where you can roll to regain Blue maneuvers and roll to break free of status effects). And then your turn is over, but you can take an Immediate action during other peoples' turns.

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Post by Maxus »

Gelare wrote:
Koumei wrote:Unstoppable Force (an actual steam engine. Fast one-way movement and damaging)
Needless to say, there needs to be a brick power called Immovable Object. And what happens when an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object is anyone's guess.
If the Internets are to be believe, the result is Mr. T.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Quantumboost »

Coming up with stuff at work yay.

Comet Punch
You strike at the opponent with a blur of fists, dealing Speed damage. Multiple attacks?

Binding Strands
Monster, Sorceror
Tendrils of Shadow tie the target to the nearest surface and leave them entangled.

Net Launch
You launch a constricting matrix of Power Option 2. The target is entangled, and probably not too happy about it.

Sonic Boom
A burst of overpressure from some part of you, or maybe all of you, deals Speed damage and possibly dazes them.

((Not sure what you want to do with non-attack abilities, but...))
Vortex Cushion
You run in a circle so fast it creates an updraft. Anything in the updraft descends more slowly as a cushion of air softens their fall.

The target is enveloped in a cocoon of your Power Option and bound tightly to, well, their self. They are immobilized and must break their way out to escape.

Energy Storm
A whirling Power Option cloud blasts enemies with the energy you emit and knocks them away. Probably into buildings or trees or something.

I'm presuming that Spidey is some sort of Gadgeteer, and Venom was mentioned as a Monster, so I figured their archetypes should have some sort of entangling move.

Also: is the Sorceror (and Monster insofar as it’s a Sorceror/Brick hybrid) expected to include things like elementalist-style spells or is it meant to be restricted to pure mystical power? In other words, could Dr. Strange launch fireballs by picking a specific ability?
Last edited by Quantumboost on Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IGTN »

It would seem to me like Monsters should get some blaster-y abilities, or blasters should be able to look like monsters. Trogdor needs to be able to burninate the countryside somehow, after all, and he can't do that if Burninate is restricted to blasters.

Of course, a fire mage might well be a magic-themed Fire Blaster instead of a Sorcerer.

Also, why isn't there an archetype that uses martial arts and flies?
Last edited by IGTN on Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by zeruslord »

This mostly represents Captain America, but I am also kinda trying to represent part of the powers of characters with names like Legionnaire. The name and a vague idea that he is, in fact, kind of like a Roman soldier is about all I have now.

Elective Power: Real Shield
When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield!

Fling Shield
boring basic ranged attack

Boomerang Shield
as fling shield, but you may reroll a miss

Ricocheting Shield
as fling shield, but, if you hit, you may make an additional attack against a character ricocheting shield has not hit this turn who is within range of your last target. You may continue the chain as long as you continue to hit and have a valid target.

Deflector shield
you bounce a speed, cold, electricity, or laser ranged attack off in a random, meaningless direction. It does not hit anything you care about, but may damage scenery.

Reflector Shield
You bounce a speed, cold, electricity, or laser ranged attack back at its user.

Shield Pin
You pin your opponent's weapons and arms, which prevents them from making melee attacks in the next round unless they move away or spend a swift action disengaging. You also deal a fairly minor amount of damage

Must Yield!
You throw your shield, dealing minor damage and driving your target to the floor. Your target is moved one square away from you, if possible, and knocked prone. If this movement would force your opponent off cliffs, into lava, etc, they instead end up hanging off the edge.

Meteoric Shield
You throw your shield, dealing big damage and driving your target way back. This can force your opponents off of edges and such, but if it does, your shield follows them and you have to retrieve it before it may be used again.

Shield Surfing (Recharge)
You throw your shield and ride on it. This round, you may use a single Unlimited attack twice. These attacks may be made at any point in your movement. You cannot use any other Shield powers until your next turn.
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Post by Quantumboost »

IGTN wrote:It would seem to me like Monsters should get some blaster-y abilities, or blasters should be able to look like monsters. Trogdor needs to be able to burninate the countryside somehow, after all, and he can't do that if Burninate is restricted to blasters.

Of course, a fire mage might well be a magic-themed Fire Blaster instead of a Sorcerer.
Yeah, if I wanted to play Tim the Enchanter I wouldn't even hesitate to make a Blaster with Magic Shield defense. And probably Speed as movement since he wouldn't be as afraid of the rabbit if he could fly. I'm mostly wondering if the idea is that there's a strict attack-type limitation on [edit: all] the archetypes, and if so what sort of types Sorcerors/Monsters should be laying down.
Last edited by Quantumboost on Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IGTN »

In no particular order, but mostly sorted by class:

Crater Break (Acrobatics): You jump and land on someone, inflicting Power damage

Circle Flank (Acrobatics): You jump past your enemy's guard to attack from an unexpected direction, gaining a bonus to hit and inflicting bonus Speed damage.

Static Charge (Blaster: Lightning) You apply a static charge to an opponent, causing them to take a penalty to hit and take damage whenever they make a melee attack

Energy Beam (Blaster) You shoot a beam of energy from your hands, inflicting Power Choice damage

Shining Shield (Blaster: Light) You glow with a halo of light, blinding enemies that look directly at you

Wall (Controller) You create a wall of Ice, Thorns, or repulsive force to reshape the battlefield.

Slick (Controller: Ice) You create an ice slick that fades quickly and impedes ground maneuverability.

Bramble (Controller: Plants) Plants in an area animate and sprout temporary thorns, impeding ground movement

Gravitic Surge (Controller: Gravity) If you hit, an enemy falls out of the sky and/or has their land movement slowed for one round, and maybe takes damage.
"No, you can't burn the inn down. It's made of solid fire."
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Post by Username17 »

Yeah, if I wanted to play Tim the Enchanter I wouldn't even hesitate to make a Blaster with Magic Shield defense. And probably Speed as movement since he wouldn't be as afraid of the rabbit if he could fly. I'm mostly wondering if the idea is that there's a strict attack-type limitation on the archetypes, and if so what sort of types Sorcerors/Monsters should be laying down.
Semi-strict. Characters should have the opportunity to get themselves the occasional maneuver that is a weird kind of attack.

That being said, I think the classic Sorcerer / Monster matchup should be Ryoko vs. Ayeka. Ryoko is a Space Monster, and has Teleportation and Magic Shield. Ayeka is a Sorcerer who also has Teleportation and Magic Shield.

Since Ryoko is a Space Monster, which is why she mostly fights with Shadow and Laser. Ayeka mostly fights with Electricity and Spirit.

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Post by Psychic Robot »

Why restrict characters to certain power "sets"? Why not let them pick, choose, and flavor as appropriate? (I'm guessing that balance is a factor.) Magic missile is arcane energy bolts for Doctor Strange, it's seeker missiles for Iron Man, and it's bone shards for Marrow.
Count Arioch wrote:I'm not sure how discussions on whether PR is a terrible person or not is on-topic.
Ant wrote:
Chamomile wrote:Ant, what do we do about Psychic Robot?
You do not seem to do anything.
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Post by Koumei »

Okay, so I'm now going to put character concepts down, so as to list the powers they should have. I'll also try to provide a generic version, because "You hit the enemy with (object) for (type) damage and they fall over" is probably better than 50 versions of that, where (object) and (type) get filled in separately each time.

So that I remember, as much as anything else:
Adventure, Charged, Whenever

Bombshell Billy

Billy has a Howitzer fused to his spine. Maybe it was a birth defect, maybe he was bitten by a radioactive Howitzer, or maybe he was servicing one when the area was flooded with cosmic rays.

Suppressive Fire
-the machine gun unloads a lot of bullets at an area, causing piddly damage but forcing enemies to keep their heads down. In a less specific case, this could be any kind of "throwing lots of small attacks" power, such as hundreds of ice shards or shuriken, or creating a sandstorm.

-a blank is fired, or separate smoke bombs are used, creating a cloud of smoke that provides concealment. More generically, a character can create a cloud of smoke whichever which way.
*Possibly taking a feat could allow him to link this to "The Big One", representing all the smoke and dust created just by firing the cannon.

-He whirls the barrel around, hitting people in the face and maybe knocking them over as well. It's close range, but targets everyone adjacent to him. Other people might swing an arm or a lead pipe.

Explosive Charge
-A heavy round is fired, either causing a small line/cone of explosive damage, or actually firing a shell at a target. More importantly, the recoil sends him flying in the opposite direction, for a powerful charge attack. At first this might seem like a very specific power, but really, anyone with afterburners on their jetpack or whatever can use it. Hell, actual jets could have this as an at-will.

Tracer Rounds
-A tracer round is fired. The smoke trail lingers in the air, helping the accuracy of further attacks. Probably works best on things that aren't really moving, but you never know with super powers. Other people might throw a magnet at the enemy to attract all of the axes they throw, or focus their magic or something.

Solid Steel
-Billy has the Toughness defence, and likely also has damage resistance in general. However, activating this as a reaction allows him to move so the armoured part takes the brunt of any attack. It provides a larger bonus to his Toughness defence, however that is implemented, and also soaks up additional damage as well as reducing any forced movement. So basically, its a defence that he'll be using once per round. Against a single foe, this is awesome. Against a tag-team or gang, not so much.
Other people might have a big turtle shell or whatever.

The Big One
-This is the main gun. A gigantic explosive shell is loaded in, then fired. It has good range, and has a large area of effect, with plenty of damage (and collateral damage). For someone else this may be a fireball, a thrown meteor/comet, or a gigantic pinball that creates a shockwave on impact.

Artillery Pounce
-This is a basic Flight (or Acrobatics?) power, that doesn't move about too fast or accurately, but modified with a Suit power. Every round that he wishes to propel himself in the air, he also needs to spend an action shooting at the ground. This creates a small area of effect below him (not directly below, he can fire at an angle to help propel himself in the right direction) of explosive damage, but mostly just keeps him aloft. Someone else might have a destructive pogo-stick or bounce around destructively ala Sonic the Hedgehog.

Napalm Shower
-A shell is fired, packed with the natural flavour and goodness of napalm. It explodes in a wide area of effect, not only causing explosive damage, but also causing lingering damage to those it hits, as well as creating a fire hazard in the area for a few rounds. It's really just a generic ranged fire area attack that burns. Can also work with intense cold, acid, poison/corrosive gas or whatever.

-He fires an armour-piercing round. This is a Power attack, and although the damage isn't super high, it treats damage resistance as lower. Which only differs from doing more damage when the damage resistance is lower than the amount the power lowers DR by.

-Artillery cannons are heavy. He plonks himself down, and although this means he can't move for as long as it's sustained (and may require an additional action to stop sustaining), he benefits from better accuracy/range, and greatly reduces any forced movement. Other characters might be super-heavy or have density control or something.
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Post by Koumei »

Psychic Robot wrote:Why restrict characters to certain power "sets"? Why not let them pick, choose, and flavor as appropriate? (I'm guessing that balance is a factor.) Magic missile is arcane energy bolts for Doctor Strange, it's seeker missiles for Iron Man, and it's bone shards for Marrow.
I believe Frank mentioned before that while it's certainly possible to have a superhero game that isn't class-based, the fact is there are other systems that do that already, and it could even be said they do that really well. So not restricting people basically means "Why don't we play this instead?"

This one means we can toy with the benefits of class-based society ("I am a fire blaster. I blast people. With fire.") and make 4E actually useful for something.
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Post by Koumei »

The Empress of Acupuncture, Lady Stab

She's an incredible martial artist, the inheritor of an ancient technique that was handed down from generation to generation (and sometimes sideways from one generation to itself). Using metre-long chopsticks forged from Gekiganium (see: whatever hardest metal exists in a given setting, be it adamantium, Gundamium, Ceramite and Plasteel or Dragonforce), she can rapidly stab people in such a way as to paralyse them.

Probably a skill (martial arts) Brick, odd as it sounds.

Thousand Hornet Sting
see: Suppressive Fire (throws hundreds of chopsticks)

see: Penetrator (throws a powerful chopstick at a weak point)

Paralytic Strike
-The knees are stabbed, causing them to lose strength. This does minimal damage, but prevents the target from being able to use their legs (most movement, any kick attacks). A second application makes them fall prone (and unable to rise).

Spinal Tap
-The spine is impaled, causing a fair amount of damage and paralysing the foe for some amount of time.

Dis-arming Thrust
-The foe is stabbed in the shoulders, and rendered unable to use their arms for a while. Minimal damage is dealt.

Seize the Brain
-By pinching the back of the neck with chopsticks, she can gain limited control over the target, in a rather frightening display of puppetry. She has to move along with them, and can't use any of their Adventure powers.

Ki Blockade
-Striking a pressure point with a chopstick locks out the ability to recover or even use Charged powers. For the duration, such powers cannot be activated, and the target does not roll to regain use of them (or, if it's a timer, the timer does not count down for the duration).

Splinter Lobotomy
-A simple jab to the forehead momentarily sends the brain into a panic, causing loss of function. The target is dazed for a few rounds. If struck with the same power again within 1 minute, or already dazed. they are instead Stunned for a little while.

Chakra Healing
-Jabbing a few pressure points allows for her to restore some health, as well as getting a chance to re-roll to recover from status effects.

Beetle Footsteps
-A movement power, this involves running very fast over anything, including water, individual blades of grass and the like. Leaping from one bamboo shoot to another is a piece of cake. This can also be used as a reaction to instantly land, negating the prone status and taking no falling damage.

Whirling the chopsticks very quickly, she creates a sort of forcefield, batting objects away and even catching/pinching fists and weapons between them, throwing the attacks to the side. Normally enjoying a Dodge defence, using this instead grants a Force Field defence, and allows counter attacks (damage + throw the foe about) as a reaction if a foe fails to penetrate the field.
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:Probably a skill (martial arts) Brick, odd as it sounds.
The breakdown on Martial Artist characters is that E. Honda is a Brick, Scorpion is a Gadgeteer, and Law is a Speedster.

The cut off is that a Martial Artist who is a brick may well do precision damage rather than strength damage necessarily, but they still resist things mostly with their jaw. Think Krillan or Ryoga. A Martial Artist Gadgeteer jumps around a lot and has Dodge as their key defense, but their most memorable attacks involve pulling something out and hitting someone with it. Think Ninja Gaiden or Mousse. And finally a Time Dilation Speedster gets a bunch of super accuracy stuff and gets a bunch of light step type abilities, but doesn't carry a grappling hook.

So Iron Monkey is a Gadgeteer, but Jade Fox is a Speedster, and The Beast is a Brick.

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Post by Koumei »

Ah, probably a TD Speedster then. Odd that you should use Ranma 1/2 examples, by the way - I thought the character up while re-watching the first Ranma 1/2 movie, "Nihao my Concubine". Because I will always go back to the classics.

Anyway, I'm assuming this game will throw status effects around like confetti, and have a wide variety of "On hit:" effects, rather than the 4E "Damage you don't care about, plus one of 4 effects"?
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote:Ah, probably a TD Speedster then. Odd that you should use Ranma 1/2 examples, by the way - I thought the character up while re-watching the first Ranma 1/2 movie, "Nihao my Concubine". Because I will always go back to the classics.
That is of course the second movie - the first is Big Trouble in Nekonron, China. It's the one with the Seven Lucky Gods. And pickles.
Koumei wrote:Anyway, I'm assuming this game will throw status effects around like confetti, and have a wide variety of "On hit:" effects, rather than the 4E "Damage you don't care about, plus one of 4 effects"?
Right. The random status length is made a bigger deal, because people get a Recovery Phase where they roll a die for each status effect on them. And different status effects have different Recovery numbers. Archvillains straight up get an extra recovery phase at the start of their turn, rather than an RNG busting bonus to their die rolls during the recovery phase.

So when you're dealing with a major villain, stuns can fall off before they even get their action phase - which prevents fights with solos from degenerating into the stunlock chain that high level 4e degenerates into.

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