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Gibberish of the day!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:36 pm
by Crissa
[url= wrote:Pastor Leroy Swailes[/url] via Pandagon]
Now when I, when I was growing up here sex was only between a male and female. Now it’s between Adam and Adam Eve and Eve which I can’t understand. You talk about discrimination and people’s rights. OK. The thing about it is you have rights and you have human rights but you have inhuman rights. If a man get with another man a woman get with another man. That’s it it’s inhuman. So me as a man that deals with the deals with the opposite sex I don’t see how you can put the two together. You have to separate them. Once you separate them that would be discrimination. Cause discrimination’s a negative and a positive. Me as a black men when they discriminated against me I came out of my mother’s womb like I didn’t have a choice. That was a negative discrimination. If you discriminate against a homosexual that’s a positive. Why? Cause of the children. You’ve got people they called pedophiles. Then you got pedophilia. What is pedophilia? It’s when your deception is Adam and Adam Eve and Eve. And you’re going to look in the eyes of a child and you’re going to tell a child that sex is between Adam and Adam Eve and Eve. You become a pedophile.
These books here. These books here. When they talk about King and King. And this and this Prince (unintelligible) Prince is a pedophile book. This book here that says Heather and Heather is a pedophile book. Pedophalia. Pha-Phaillia. This book here that talk about. Daddy’s Roommate? Is a pedophile book. This book here talk about All Families Are Different. Has to do with what? You have, let’s see God’s family which is a natural family. And you have the Anti-Christ family. Either you Christ or you Anti-Christ. Make your decision. Whatcha gonna be? You cannot be both. But if you can look in the eyes of a child and tell a child they have a choice to be hetero heterosexual or homosexual you have a serious problem. And we’re back to discrimination and human rights.
Everybody should have human rights but you have to be human. You and me you deal with the opposite sex. That’s by nature. That’s a blueprint. If there’s a plan there’s a plan. If there’s a design there’s a design. That’s the way the planet was designed. We cannot cha-change the cycle of life. That’s just like oxygen comes from plants. It goes up into the air. It mix with molecules with others in the air. It comes down hit Mother Earth. When they penetrate inserts Mother Earth we have what? What. We have life. Homosexuality’d destroy us. There would be extinction of the human race
If you go back five thousand years and do the research like I have (unintelligible) last culture it was the death of their culture why? Because they gave in to strange sexua sex strange. They gave in to strange flesh. The same sex. Which is a form of bestiality. Why is it a form of bestiality? Because a beast has four legs and one gender. If you put two men together they have four legs and two penises and still one gender. That’s a form of bestiality. That’s what we’re accepting here. If you put Adam Eve and Eve together two vaginas are still one gender. That’s a form of bestiality.
We have to separate it. And when you separate something you’re discrimination. If I put a glass of water here and a glass of poison, which one you’re gonna choose? You’re gonna choose the water. That’s discrimination. If you put a heterosexual girl here and a homosexual girl here I’m going choose a heterosexual. That’s discrimination. Discrimination is a negative and a positive. In order to have a future with our children and everything the word discrimination have to come in. To protect children. I cannot look in the eyes of a child and tell that child you got a choice to be heterosexual or homosexual. That would make me a sadist. So what is a sadist? A sadist is someone that distorts sex. Sex is only between a male and female and somebody comin around and tell you that they’d become a sadist. And I don’t practice Satanism.
And we as a city, D.C., we got to realize that you gotta ‘scriminate against something that’s inhuman. Thank you very much.
Crazy man is crazy.


Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:39 pm
by Crissa
[url= wrote:Fox and Friends' host Brian Kilmeade[/url]]...we [Americans] keep marrying other species...
I guess he's never heard of hybrid vigor.


Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:11 pm
by Prak um, I prefer my spiritual authorities to speak the same damned language as me...

Hell, if you can't speak the country's language, I think we can agree that you should get no say in the country's policies... I'm kinda wondering if this man speaks any language intelligibly. I mean, yeah, English can be pretty damned hard but... it's not that fucking hard...

The part where homosexuality is a form of bestiality is just.... bizarre reasoning at it's finest, I think... does that mean that heterosexual sex creates a hermaphrodite? Or that birds, fish, insects, various creatures that walk on two legs... aren't beasts?

I think, that if God exists, he's just been shamed into a coma by this fucker...

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:40 pm
by CatharzGodfoot
I don't think anyone takes these people seriously. I seriously hope nobody does.

Also, there's no God and Pastor Leroy Swailes speaks English.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:23 am
by Heath Robinson
Prak_Anima um, I prefer my spiritual authorities to speak the same damned language as me...

Hell, if you can't speak the country's language, I think we can agree that you should get no say in the country's policies... I'm kinda wondering if this man speaks any language intelligibly. I mean, yeah, English can be pretty damned hard but... it's not that fucking hard...
Unfortunately, Christianity has a tradition of accepting "speaking in tongues" (glossolalia) as a divinely inspired event. So, Christians have a proven (possibly mild) preference for people who don't speak the local language. In fact, this preference is for people who speak nonsense.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:29 am
by Prak
CatharzGodfoot wrote:I don't think anyone takes these people seriously. I seriously hope nobody does.
oh, there are people... there are people...
Also, there's no God
didn't say there was...
and Pastor Leroy Swailes speaks English.
that's a scary thought... that was less intelligible than ebonics or red neck... which is saying something...
Heath wrote:Unfortunately, Christianity has a tradition of accepting "speaking in tongues" (glossolalia) as a divinely inspired event. So, Christians have a proven (possibly mild) preference for people who don't speak the local language. In fact, this preference is for people who speak nonsense.
oh yeah... I forgot that the religion has no grounding in logic or reason...

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:39 am
by Maxus
Okay, here's the story of Jimmy, who was in my 11th-grade Current Issues class.

The teacher encouraged open discussion and sharing of information. So when religion and the church/state division came up in the discussion of the Bill of Rights, someone mentioned Pentecostal.

Jimmy chimed right in. He was, I recall, tall, pale, black hair, and managed to convey being goth-inclined in his fashion sense despite the tan-and-khaki uniforms. Also, had one of the deepest voices I've ever heard. So, his revelation went like this:

"I was raised Pentecostal. The teacher of my Sunday School class told us that speaking in tongues was divinely inspired. I thought about this, then, towards the end of class, I faked a seizure and began saying Hebrew-sounding jibberish. The only thing I can recall I said was 'Yowana mihonda'. The teacher pointed me out as a boy with the spirit of Christ firmly in him. And gave me candy."

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:59 am
by Starmaker
4 corner time, cubes Earth.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:44 am
by Absentminded_Wizard
Crissa wrote:
[url= wrote:Fox and Friends' host Brian Kilmeade[/url]]...we [Americans] keep marrying other species...
I guess he's never heard of hybrid vigor.

And for anybody who didn't click the link, Kilmeade thinks Italians and Irish (or Americans descended from those two groups) are different species.

As for the original post: Words fail me.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:56 am
by TOZ
Yet another example of religion that saddens me.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:37 pm
by Roy
Religion = delusion. What else is new?

Gibberish, 7/9

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:35 pm
by Crissa
[url= wrote:Representative Steve King (R-Iowa)[/url]]This is just the latest example of a several year effort by liberals in Congress to scrub references to America's Christian heritage from our nation's Capitol. Liberals want to amend our country's history to eradicate the role of Christianity in America and chisel references to God or faith from our historical buildings.

Our Judeo-Christian heritage is an essential foundation stone of our great nation and should not be held hostage to yet another effort to place guilt on future Americans for the sins of some of their ancestors.
This is what he said to explain opposition to a memorial in the Congressional Visitor's Center explaining how slave labor built the capitol buildings; this is long after he insisted that 'In God We Trust' be inscribed over the historical 'E Pluribus Unum'.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:37 am
by Prak
isn't it funny how all the christians think that the "atheists" are trying to destroy them, while every one else thinks the christians are trying to take over?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:54 am
by erik
Prak_Anima wrote:isn't it funny how all the christians think that the "atheists" are trying to destroy them, while every one else thinks the christians are trying to take over?
All? Everyone?

Everyone who generalizes is myopic.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:16 am
by Prak
clikml wrote:
Prak_Anima wrote:isn't it funny how all the christians think that the "atheists" are trying to destroy them, while every one else thinks the christians are trying to take over?
All? Everyone?

Everyone who generalizes is myopic.
"Only sith deal in absolutes"?

yes, I shouldn't have generalized, but it does seem to be the general disposition on either side of the issue...

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:08 am
by Crissa
Well, if you don't think there are some christians trying to take over... Let me show you some christians taking over.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:47 am
by Prak
Crissa wrote:Well, if you don't think there are some christians trying to take over... Let me show you some christians taking over.

ugh, yeah.. I live with two of them... and am house sitting for another...

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:22 am
by Starmaker
Russian Orthodox Church wants to transfer ownership of churches and stuff from the state to itself but have taxpayers pay for maintenance, repairs and basic necessities. Fuckers.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:50 am
by Absentminded_Wizard
Crissa wrote:Well, if you don't think there are some christians trying to take over... Let me show you some christians taking over.

They're trying to take over our history with this whole "America was founded on Christianity" bullshit.

And actually, since people used Biblical passages to justify slavery, we should tell Rep. King that slavery is part of our Christian heritage.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:58 pm
by erik
I was being a lil ironic with my self-contradictory assertion.

I reckon that Christian individuals more than not, have no interest in taking over society, it is the leaders of religious organizations who have a vested interest in growing their parishes and influence. Not really their fault. It's just a meme in action trying to spread. If religions didn't try to spread themselves then they would be weeded out through natural selection and be replaced with ones that are more aggressive.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:43 pm
by CatharzGodfoot
Really, who wouldn't want to take over society and remake it in her own image?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:50 pm
by Prak
CatharzGodfoot wrote:Really, who wouldn't want to take over society and remake it in her own image?
yeah, I think to some degree everyone wants their society to be completely tailored to their own desires and needs.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:54 pm
by Heath Robinson
More people need to read xkcd.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:59 pm
by Judging__Eagle
The Greeks, Romans, Turks, Persians all had homosexuality as part of their cultures. Oh... wait, they were around a long time ago, and were considered the peak of culture, learning, math, science and more importantly morality for centuries.

He's just a stupid religionfag fails at history. Then again..... most religionfags fail.

Also, he used an appeal to emotion, "for the children." Further Fail.

The assclowns who ever say this, don't actually give a shit about children I find. People who actually seem to give a real damn about children, also seem to give a damn about adults as well.

So, at least two fails. Failure of logic, and appeal to emotion.

Also, he has other fails; like strawmanning. You don't really choose your sexuality, if that was true, does he really believe that homosexuals who were in the closet would simply flip the switch and be straight? These are people who are suppressing something that's intrinsic about them, and probably suffer like dogs stuck under the midday sun. If they could stop themselves from suffering, they would have by now.

Really, no one makes a "choice" about who they want to either have sex with or develop relationships with. Do the people who write this bullshit idea actually have situations where they said to themselves "Gee... I sure do like girls, but you know, I could go for a guy as well; Nah, God said that I can't do that in the Bibble"?

I've got a feeling that no, no they did not.

Really people sort of realize "holy shit, that girls legs/that guys butt really turns my crank" (or whatever body part it is that a person obsesses over) when they're pretty young.

So, three failures of logic. At least.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:39 am
by Koumei
S*P also recently did a comic where people did the "Think of the children!" line. Someone had used that in their argument of "Cocaine should be legalised".

That's right. If ever you know you don't actually have a point to make or you're going to 'lose' the argument, just spout out a cliché.