What do you see when you look at TGD?

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Psychic Robot
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What do you see when you look at TGD?

Post by Psychic Robot »

Before I begin, allow me to make the following absolutely clear:

This is not a “denounce and flounce” post. This is not ragequit or whining post. This is not an “omg butthurt” post. This is just my analysis of some of the problems on TGD. It’s also TL;DR.

Now, to begin:

I am exhausted, and I am going away for awhile. (This will undoubtedly please many of you, but my telling you this is not to give you any cheer.) I don’t know how long I’ll be gone; it might be a month, or it might be years, but, in the end, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that my reason for announcing my leave is because it is TGD itself that is causing me to take a break.

TGD has so much potential. Everyone here is reasonably intelligent, types in coherent sentences, and has fairly good ideas about games and game systems. TGD could be the closest thing to an intellectual oasis amid the ENWorlds and RPG.nets of the Internet—here, we can say what we want to say without having to deal with moderators censoring us. Unfortunately, TGD is the joke of the Internet among gamers—an asylum where the inmates are running things. We’re the Stormfront.org of games. And you know what? They’re right.

I will freely admit that my posts are part of the problem with TGD. I’ve partaken in the behavior that I’m going to critique (give me a paragraph or two), and I shouldn’t have. (You can still call me on this if you’d like, but I’m calling myself on it first.) However, given that the content on TGD is all user-generated, it’s our burden to bear. All of us. If we want to change things, we have to change them ourselves.
Problem 1: Manner of Debate
The first problem I’m going to address with TGD is the manner of debate. Yes, we all have our opinions, and yes, we’re all sure that we’re right and everyone else is wrong. The problem stems from how loudly we debate here. Since TGD has little restraint on what we can and cannot say—something I will touch on in a minute—we have the privilege of ranting, screaming, and swearing, and this is the form of many debates on TGD. This stifles the exchange of information and the invention of new ideas. Why? Because it’s a matter of pride.

If Poster A says, “Your idea is bad, and you’re a turd, to boot,” then Poster B is going to back up his position, using similar derogatory speech. Pretty soon, the board has an all-out flamewar, and neither party will budge an inch on their stances because if one backs down, then the other was right—both about system mechanics and the other Poster being a turd. (Even if this isn’t the case, it is how the Posters will perceive it.)

This is a maturity issue. Does Poster A need to tell Poster B to fuck off because he disagrees with Poster B? (That answer would be “no,” by the way.)

Solution: Be more civil. Ask questions instead of yelling.
Problem 2: Hostility to Different Ideas
The second problem goes hand-in-hand with the first. When someone comes in with a differing opinion from the norm, everyone goes apeshit and dogpiles on him or her. I could get into specifics here, but I will simply say “Elennsar.” While Elennsar was whiny and irritating, people treated him like shit because his ideas weren’t the standard fare of TGD’s ideas about D&D. And I know that I this will result in people posting about how Elennsar did this and Elennsar did that, but face it: he wanted to play a completely different game than what the members of TGD prefer, and, rather than accepting that difference, the members of TGD were total assholes to him.

If you’d like further examples, please refer to the “GOP—Sore Losers” thread, where commenting that abortion isn’t as open-and-shut as most people would like to believe (and that the entire issue is moot) has resulted in people accusing me of trolling (which I’m not), screaming and stomping their feet at me, and musing on how useful I would be if I were dead.

I could also point to the thread where there were spamwaves that amounted to “if you’re religious, you’re an idiot and a bad person.” Challenging that notion went unanswered, except for a tangent by another poster about how God is a jerk.

Folks, that’s just not good form, and it’s another maturity issue. I expect histrionics out of teenagers. They’re dumb, they don’t know the world, and they have strong ideas. I expect to be told that pro-lifers are violating human rights by 16-year-olds, not adults.

Solution: Read posts with an open-mind and be less reactionary.
Problem 3: Inappropriate Use of Moderation
Problem number three is an interesting one. I will go back to Elennsar. Here was someone who didn’t actually say anything inappropriate or offensive. He didn’t post anything like Frantic’s guro-spam. However, the people at TGD reported his posts anyway because they found him annoying and frustrating.

That’s…that’s not an appropriate reaction. The report button isn’t there so the mods can ban Elennsar for being annoying (which he wasn’t purposely doing). (And I am aware that Elennsar was not banned, but the fact is that people would have banned him.)

I should also comment about a more recent moderator message. If you’ll recall in the thread started by AlexandraErin, I called her fat, repeatedly. Just in one post, though. Strangely enough, this seemed to offend folks beyond telling them to “suck a barrel of cocks” or calling them “idiot,” “retard,” or “horse-fucker,” and I received a PM about how I should stop with the “fat posts.”

That sort of double-standard doesn’t sit well with me. (That’s more of a personal grievance, I am aware. I suppose you could call “butthurt” on this one, though it’s more of a mild irritation.)

Again, while TGD is mercifully free of most moderator intervention, the members of TGD need to learn how and when to use the report button. If, say, I were to report people on TGD every time they called someone else stupid, retarded, moronic, or anything like that, I would spend all day hitting the button. Since we’re in an environment that specifically allows for us to call others stupid, retarded, moronic, and so on, using the report button for that function would be inappropriate.

Frantic’s pictures of hentai-guro were a good example of a post to report.

Solution: Report buttons are there to report Bad Things.
Problem 4: The 4e Hate
The fourth major problem is something that you will undoubtedly be shocked to hear pass my lips: there’s too much 4e hate.

And I hate 4e.

We need to drop the complaints about 4e (even though there are many) and work on our own things. When lurkers visit the forum and see pages and pages of threads that are devoted to bashing 4e, it makes TGD look bad—not only do we hate 4e (sometimes irrationally so), but we’re completely obsessed with it (or so it would seem).

Similarly, we can see this problem magnified in the thread that AlexandraErin started. We’re like wolves on a dying moose. And while much of our 4e hate is justified, the dogpiling that we did to her was unacceptable. We’re no better than the 4e fans on the WotC forums if we do that.

And I know that it’s hard not to jump on someone like AlexandraErin when she says something stupid—you see the post and immediately want to respond with an appropriate verbal beating. That’s fine and dandy, but when she’s having to wade through seven posts for every one she makes, it’s ridiculous and it’s going to stifle her ability to respond/keep up the debate.

Solution: Temper your rage.

I have seen other problems, but they’re more nitpicky and generally covered by the four complaints above. If we can alter our behavior so that we can lessen these four problem areas, I think that TGD will become a better place.

I guess that’s the end of this post, then. See you guys sometime later.

--Psychic Robot
Count Arioch wrote:I'm not sure how discussions on whether PR is a terrible person or not is on-topic.
Ant wrote:
Chamomile wrote:Ant, what do we do about Psychic Robot?
You do not seem to do anything.
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Post by mean_liar »

You know, it really IS the Stormfront of gaming websites. Another analogy would be calling it the Bullshido of gaming sites.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

First of all, you don't go around calling people "fatties" for the same reason you don't go around calling them "[EDITED]". Here people's minds are on trial, not their bodies. I didn't report you for that post (I just ignored you, which I'm apparently not doing anymore), but I probably should have.

Secondly, you're totally right about the Den having too much vitriol. I understand the desire to vent, but as you say it creates terrible shitstorms that stain everything else with their shit. The freedom to say just about anything you want can be exhillerating (especially to someone not used to it), but hopefully respect for others takes precedence over the desire to call people bad names.

The point this stopped being fun was probably when we transitioned from Lago's 'kicked in the nuts' rants (which involved colorful language directed at professional game design) to tearing people's heads off because we can. Yeah, we've been trolled a lot (see Alexandra), but it pays to take the 'higher path'.

Anyway, I hope to see you again once you and everyone else have calmed down a bit.
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Post by Lago PARANOIA »

First of all, Psychic Robot, that's not something I want to hear from you. Ever. You and Roy have been repeatedly trying to stir up shit from other websites; you two got the goddamn Threads That Make Us Laugh/Cry/Both permanently banned because you wanted to troll other people and use TGD as your personal attack dogs. Just a couple of days ago you were crowing and piling on Alexandra Erin in a most unfriendly manner and now you want to complain about the tone?

It was cool and funny then, wasn't it? Now that you've been getting a taste of your own medicine in the other threads you want to Take a Break From The Gaming Den? Here's an idea. Stay on your break permanently. I would rather have Elennar back than you. I am not kidding.

What a wiener.


The Stormfront of gaming websites, mean_liar?

That's ridiculously harsh to the point of being untrue. Stormfront is unabashedly racist and sexist and coddles perpetrators of illegal RL activity.

Something Awful of gaming websites, sure. Angry Video Game Nerd of gaming websites, sure. Encyclopedia Dramatica of gaming websites? Ehn, that's pushing it since TGD doesn't specifically come out to shock people and it's mostly safe for work.

But Stormfront of gaming websites? Are you high, man? Just because this board bashes religion? I guess you've never been on a Progressive/Libertarian/anti-pseudoscience forum before. The Straight Dope is noticably harsher than this place and the idea of that place being the Stormfront of anything is laughable.
Last edited by Lago PARANOIA on Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Murtak »

About the only problem I have with this place is that sometimes (too often in my opinion, but thats my personal opinion) people pile into a discussion without arguments, substituting insults (or memes or whatever). I don't mind "you are an idiot and thats why". I do mind "you are an idiot" or "lolz sundertard", because those are just noise without any signal.

As for your calling AlexandraErin I suspect this pisses people off because we are on the net, we are supposed to insult people for how they think, not how they look.
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Post by JonSetanta »

I didn't bother to read any of the blocks because I have a good guess for what would be mentioned.
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Post by Akula »

I'm pretty sure we treated Elennsar like shit because he wouldn't listen to anyone about anything. And he insisted on posting everywhere. Then five people would respond to him and the thread would go off the rails. And he had something against math. He had ideas that we didn't like, but we really had other, larger, issues with him.
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Post by Absentminded_Wizard »

Addressing the spoiler blocks in order:

Tone of Debate: I do agree that the freedom to say anything you want doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to say the most vicious thing on your mind all the time. However, you've not only done this, you were a leading force in making "go suck x number of cocks" a cliche of TGD debate.

Hostility to Different Ideas: Is TGD really different from most web forums in that regard? I mean, ENWorld and Paizo are both just as hostile to different opinions as TGD is. The only difference is that those places have strict codes of conduct that keep people from expressing it the way Denners do. It is true that the political threads get way heated for a gaming forum. The fact that it's hard to be conservative (or even moderate) in this place probably drives away people who might be otherwise okay with TGD's general attitudes about gaming.

And Elennsar is the most bizarre example you could possibly give of this phenomenon. Elennsar was actively bitchy even to people who tried to help him make an effective game under his parameters. Apparently, you didn't participate in or read his Artorious project threads.

Moderation: I can't really talk about this one because I've never reported a single post on the Den. However, once again, Elennsar is a bizarre example, given that he bragged about reporting a post in which somebody gave reasons why a pre-existing game might be useful to him in designing Artorious.

Obsessive 4e Hatred:While most Denners hate 4e, I think the obsessive hatred you're talking about is only a problem with a couple of people who just post about it a lot. I doubt that most Denners really bother trying to actively engage 4rries in the way you suggest.[/whisper]
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Post by Crissa »

Like I said, the debate isn't fair to tzor not because he has conservative ideas, but because the people he relies upon as allies and sources actively mislead him. So he cites sources, and we have to show that they've lied to him. Which is sad and frustrating.

The world is frustrating. And I'm glad we have the den to come to, have words, and come out learning something. I learn things and change how I think every time I come here. I actively seek that out.

I was really saddened by the vitriol sent towards AErin, because it lowers the chance she might come back and seek out more of that world-changing views that I come here for. And she's not the only one. Even if she didn't have anything new to say here, what we said was entirely new to her.

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Post by Orion »

Re: The unaceptability of "No fat chicks."

I think it's pretty clear what the standard is, not only here but in life in general for ethical people. We insult *individuals* or *organizations* but not *demographics*

Acceptable: Your proposal is so shockingly stupid I am forced to assume you may in fact be a chimpanzee

Acceptable: The Catholic church is a shockingly evil organization consistently promoted genocide and ignorance form its inception to the present day. If you are a member of the church, you are contributing some amount of time and money to evil causes, regardless of how benign or welcoming your parish may be.

Unacceptable: Your proposal is shockingly stupid, probably because you spend all day sucking the pope's cock/crying in your ice cream.

And yes, fat-bashing is like race-bashing or gender-bashing. In fact, ties in with gender-bashing since it's mostly used against women.
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Post by Fuchs »

What is the difference between calling someone fat and calling someone stupid?
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Post by IGTN »

Fuchs wrote:What is the difference between calling someone fat and calling someone stupid?
Stupid is a mental thing. You can tell that someone is stupid from their arguments.

Fat is a physical thing. You can't actually know about that except for from seeing them.

We're supposed to be above calling people names for being ugly. Ideally,you aren't your physical body, just your ideas, here.

Also what Boolean said re: gender baiting.
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Post by TavishArtair »

I never call people stupid, at least intentionally, because I've actually met and spent time with people who are actually retarded, so I generally shy away from the "retard" and "stupid" and sometimes even "idiot" comments. However, there's a subtle degree, since I will still use those words. When someone is acting stupid I will tell them they are being stupid.

As a general rule, I avoid insulting people directly, even when I use very scathing remarks or swear a lot. My household considered swearing (somewhat) acceptable, "you're stupid" a high crime. That said, as you can tell by my policy, I still occasionally have to tell people they're failing to live up to their potential, and thus do so.
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Post by Fuchs »

IGTN wrote:
Fuchs wrote:What is the difference between calling someone fat and calling someone stupid?
Stupid is a mental thing. You can tell that someone is stupid from their arguments.

Fat is a physical thing. You can't actually know about that except for from seeing them.

We're supposed to be above calling people names for being ugly. Ideally,you aren't your physical body, just your ideas, here.

Also what Boolean said re: gender baiting.
So, it's more acceptable to insult someone for being stupid - what they usually can't change - than being fat? Weird. I'd consider both insults either unacceptable or acceptable.
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Post by Maj »

Being called stupid or fat or evil or... isn't cool, but more often than not, it just demonstrates a lack of creativity and desire to engage in serious discussion on the part of the insulter. But around here, that's not really a surprise.

I tend to see the Den as a board with a lot of extremists - usually on issues I'm not in full agreement with, but it can be a learning experience and an interesting read. I think a lot of people here argue to hear the sound of their own fingers typing because opposing sides are often so entrenched that any debate actually only cements their perspectives rather than changes them.
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Post by IGTN »

I suppose not.

"Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad" is close, though. Stupid is better said of ideas than of people.

Willful ignorance is worse than actual stupidity (in some cases calling people stupid is actually just picking on disabled people, as TavishArtair said). So I'll change my position to "Willful ignorance can and should be called out."
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Post by Crissa »

You can fix being stupid in an argument, by listening or aping correctly.

You can't fix being fat via an argument, usually this is an irreversible condition.

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Post by Draco_Argentum »

Crissa wrote:I was really saddened by the vitriol sent towards AErin, because it lowers the chance she might come back and seek out more of that world-changing views that I come here for. And she's not the only one. Even if she didn't have anything new to say here, what we said was entirely new to her.
I'll agree here. Theres no need to reach for the rude right away when we're talking about a game. Especially on new comers. Vitriol does not substitute for an argument. I'm willing to wade through a fair bit of it to figure out someone's point but my patience has a limit and theres several people who's posts I only bother skim reading because of it.
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Post by mean_liar »

Lago PARANOIA wrote: The Stormfront of gaming websites, mean_liar?

That's ridiculously harsh to the point of being untrue...

But Stormfront of gaming websites? Are you high, man? Just because this board bashes religion?
Ah. Sorry. I was misunderstood AND wrong.

Re: misunderstood. My original intent was that TGD is the Stormfront of gaming as it regards gaming. I have no problems with the personal opinions people have here regarding anything non-gaming-related, and the comment was not intended to reflect that at all. When I think of TGD I don't really include MPSIMS in my estimation.

Re: wrong. You are right. It is a little TOO much to call it Stormfront, since not only is it unnecessarily inflammatory but TGD tolerates people who like 4e (and other systems considered inferior).

The Bullshido thing I stand by, but I don't expect many folks to understand the reference. They have a LOT in common with TGD.


My main complaint about TGD, such as I have them, is the vitriol. AlexandraErin didn't deserve the dogpile... no one does.
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Post by violence in the media »

Well, I think some of it has to do with the approach that some people take. You're pretty much asking for a fight if you come here with the attitude that you're going to set us all straight and show us what fools we've been for denouncing 4e (or whatever). I don't know if AE deserved everything she got, but I will say that she brought it on herself.

However, I wish some of the arguments would get better, or that some of the pointless attacks would get cut out. Just being hostile only obscures the legitimate arguments that people present against 4e. I feel kind of embarassed when someone presents a decent argument for some aspect of 4e, and the response is essentially, "your mom!" I was just using 4e as an example there, but this should really apply to all our arguments.

That said, I really don't want faux-politeness and PC speech and thought to take over and handicap the board. That would just make this place dull.
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Post by tzor »

Crissa wrote:Like I said, the debate isn't fair to tzor not because he has conservative ideas, but because the people he relies upon as allies and sources actively mislead him. So he cites sources, and we have to show that they've lied to him. Which is sad and frustrating.
Says who? Who is being mislead by whom? Are the people you rely on for allies and sources misleading you? Yes it is sad and frustrating on my side as well.

Absolutes are never easy to deal with and in general they tend to be to some extent wrong. (Then again everything is to some extent wrong; if you are certain of anything it’s probably wrong.) Once you polarize your sources, accept this and reject that, without actually doing the due diligence you enter the self delusion zone.

Goose and Gander I suppose; yes I can look myself in the mirror and say that, only I’m not going to post the argument I’ll have with myself here.

Having said that; other than Frank’s obsession with religion as the source and summit of all evil, (which is more of an extreme example of an absolute position that shuts down discussion faster than mentioning you know who,) the dealing is hot and heavy and the heat is always hot in this kitchen. I have no opinion whatever on 4E; I know it’s not the style most people prefer around here and I’m not sure it’s the style I prefer either, but I’ve mellowed as an old fart. To some extent this is no different from any other gaming site, tempers flare easily because people really get into gaming; and I mean really get into gaming. I know I did. I know I might again.
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Post by Crissa »

I was just saying that I'm currently 'lucky' and you're 'unlucky' in the way of sources, tzor. You're entirely right that it could be the other way around at the drop of a hat. I try my darnedest, but I have been wrong before, it will happen again.

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Post by JonSetanta »

Crissa wrote:I was just saying that I'm currently 'lucky' and you're 'unlucky' in the way of sources, tzor. You're entirely right that it could be the other way around at the drop of a hat. I try my darnedest, but I have been wrong before, it will happen again.
Hey, you already have my respect for admitting it.
Unlike some others here.
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Post by Caedrus »

Oh noes! PR left! Whatever will we do? :roll:
sigma999 wrote:
Crissa wrote:I was just saying that I'm currently 'lucky' and you're 'unlucky' in the way of sources, tzor. You're entirely right that it could be the other way around at the drop of a hat. I try my darnedest, but I have been wrong before, it will happen again.
Hey, you already have my respect for admitting it.
Unlike some others here.

None of us are above error. I know I'm not. And of course, falsifiability lies at the heart of good science.

I will even go a step further and say that there is not anything to be ashamed of in being proven wrong. In fact, being proven wrong should be an event to be celebrated, because it expands your awareness! :thumb:
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Post by Koumei »

Caedrus wrote:Oh noes! PR left! Whatever will we do?
Throw a party, perhaps? Given the difference in political leanings, it should be called "The Communist Party".
None of us are above error.
I'm above error.

Sadly, error is just really good at jumping.
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