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[SR4] Retooling CharGen

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:09 am
by Heath Robinson
Maybe it's because I'm British (yeah, let's go with that), but I look at Shadowrun Character Generation and bemoan the possibilities for additional distinction based on social background. Remember that I'm British, so when I say "social background" I mean "social class". Really, though, the class stratification of society that should form a major facet of the setting in any cyberpunk game is decidedly missing from the rules that you use to define your character. That's kind of a bother to someone like me.

Stage 0: Preparation

Ask your GM how much BP you get to spend. It is suggested that you use the amount stated in the BBB (400), but it's not like that's a hard'n'fast rule when your GM wants to run a lower or higher powered game than normal.

All of your Attributes begin at the base value of 1, including Edge and always begin with a maximum rating of 6. Essence begins at 6.
So why are we using Attributes in the range of 1 to 6 when base SR4 relies on varying ranges dependant on Metatype? I would say that this is because varying ranges lock particular roles to particular Metatypes for higher-end play. I think it sucks that the Elf will always be a better Shaman than a Human. In fact, I find it offensive that the most Charismatic person in the setting is an Ork, but Orks can never be as good as even Humans.

Character concepts like "Ork Shaman" should not be arbitrarily penalised. Every choice should be as viable as possible, and having fewer "trap" choices enriches the game by enabling more playable concepts. That is, more variety in characters. Every comparable choice also exerts an oppurtunity cost on a concept you're considering. Any Human Street Sam is competing indirectly with a potential Ork Street Sam. People want their characters to have a meaningful impact on the game, and ensuring that all choices are equal at the higher end helps to even the competition.
Stage 1: Select Metatype

There are 5 base Metatypes that you can select from. These are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Ork, and Troll. Each Metatype defines a set of Minimum Attribute Ratings that your character must have to be considered Valid. You must still pay the points cost to reach these minima as normal. Your Metatype also grants you a number of advantages and disadvantages that you pay nothing for. Finally, you receive 1 free increase to an Attribute that may be applied to any Attribute that has a declared Minimum for your Metatype.

You do not pay any BP for your Metatype, though meeting the Minimums for your selection will require you to expend BP. Enhancements from Adept Powers and Augmentations do not count towards Metatype Minimums - they are biologically inherent.

Human - Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Humans are quite lucky in the sixth world. By far the Metatype most highly represented in polite society (those portions of society that respond to census efforts), Human-originated culture (that suffuses polite society, and unregulated society by extension) discriminates against every other metatype both blatantly and insidiously. The degree of overt to covert discrimination varies quite significantly between different cultures, and even different social classes within the same culture, but in almost every nation on our home planet a Human sees a significantly larger degree of "employability" than their "Meta" cousins.

That is not to say that all, or even most, Humans are prejudiced against "Metas". The vast majority are pretty blameless, and it's not particularly their fault that people tend to find them a more attractive social prospect than an Ork or a Dwarf. At the same time, they do not particularly control the perpetuating stereotypes of Dwarves as technologically capable SOBs, Elves as sycophantic backstabbers, or Orks as rugged and violent. There are only a limited number of movies that any person can watch - the best made often coincide with these stereotypes, leaving lower budget movies that garner less popularity to break molds.

Despite their institutional privelege, Humans actually have few physical and mental advantages over the remainder of metahumanity. For a member of this priveleged group to become a disposable asset, therefore, they have to work harder and longer. In that process they more often develop that indefinable air of experience and luck that serves every veteran. This does not necessarily hold out for the more civilian members of the Metatype.

Humans must have an Edge Attribute of at least 2. They gain no special advantages otherwise.

Elf - Homo Sapiens Nobilis

Elves are one of the few Metatypes beyond Humans to see widespread polite society adoption. Having a lighter build than a Human on average, whilst demonstrating a slight edge in coordination and expanded appreciation for the favour of others, they are seen as more appealing to be around than any other Metatype. At the same time, however, stories always circulate of Elves being inherently untrustworthy, and likely to manipulate the honest feelings of others from behind an attractive poker face. Whilst academia is still undecided, some point to suggestions of a slower maturation rate as signs of longer lifespan and, importantly, a more self-centred attitude than a Human of similar age.

Elves must have an Agility Attribute of at least 2, as well as a minimum Charisma of 3. They gain the benefits of Low-Light Vision.

Dwarf - Homo Sapiens Pumilionis

Dwarves are small, stocky, and often said to stubborn. Having originated in UGE, though, Dwarves are still significantly more appealing to polite society than our Goblinised bretheren. In fact, it is notable that Dwarves, appropriately dressed and made-up, exhibit similar enough proportions to Human children that some concern is expressed about relationships between Dwarves and larger Metahumans, which only increases when the smaller participant is a member of the Gnome Metavariant group. Equally so, Dwarves are assumed to require physical assistance far more so than strictly necessary.

With their social isolation, and frequent underestimation by strangers, Dwarves are more likely than any other Metatype to focus on technical and academic skills as both an outlet for their frutrations and as a way to make contact with the world around them without the biases they experience in face-to-face meetings.

Dwarves may have neither Body nor Strength lower than 2, nor a Willpower below 2 for that matter. They gain the benefits of Thermographic Vision and receive an additional 2 dice to resist toxins and pathogens, but they are significantly shorter than the assumed norm and need to have many types of equipment adjusted to their size, at cost. Their running speed is lower than normal as well.

Orks - Homo Sapiens Robusts

Orks are taller, stronger, and mature faster than a Human. Originally growing into their heritage at puberty, in a painful process that was presumed to be the results of a crippling disease, Orks have never really managed to escapre their heritage of fear and frustration. Their "beastial" features and obvious physical threat also divorce them from the upper echelons of polite society. Even Gary Cline is often tarred with the brush that paints him as a refined monster more than the cultured, likable person that he should be seen as.

In both computational collapses, the social ostracisation and economic disadvantages of Ork individuals have caused significantly more Orks than any other Metatype to fall through the cracks of society and become SINless. Orks have expressed a significantly higher fecundity than any other Metatype, so the growth of the SINless population has outstepped polite society.

Orks require a Body and Strength no lower than 3. They gain the benefits of Low-Light Vision as well.

Trolls - Homo Sapiens Ingenitis


Trolls may not have Body or Strength lower than 4. They possess Thermographic Vision, deposits of bone within their skin that grant them a point of Ballistic and Impact armour that stacks with worn armour (which they lose should they take a dermal enhancement), an additional point of Reach, and two natural Recoil Compensation from their mass. The size of an Ingenitis, however, significantly impairs them in their day-to-day life that even a Dwarf does not suffer. They require adjustments to many pieces of equipment prior to use, and these adjustments (unlike those for Dwarves) often increase the weight of these items. They do, however, run faster than every other Metatype.


Purchasing a Metavariant necessitates spending the BP for the positive Metagenetic Qualities that the Metavariant has on top of the base package. You also regain BP for the negative Metagenetic Qualities and lost benefits (I think that's a single case, though). You also qualify for taking additional Metagenetic Qualities without needing to take the SURGE Quality first.

Stage 2: Select Social Background

Social Background defines a person just as much as employment training and genetics. The debate over nature and nurture has essentially been concluded with the answer "both". A Social Background defines a number of Minimum Attribute and Skill ratings that your character must meet in order to be considered Valid.

The Minimums imposed by Social Background represent both environmental and interpersonal factors that nudge the character towards one development path or another. These urgings are applied over the lifetime of the character, and may even represent inherited biases and worldviews instead of developmental direction. The effort put forth in pursuit of these developmental goals serves to grant the Character a free rating point an Attribute, and three such points in Skills. All of these free points must be used to increase Attributes and Skills for which the Background has defined a Minimum rating, but you may not increase any Skill more than once. Increasing a Knowledge Skill only counts as using half a point.

Selecting a Social Background does not cost any BP, though meeting the Minimums for your selection will. Unlike Metatype Minimums, Augmentation and Adept Powers do count towards Social Background Minimums.

Upper Crust

In High Society money and technology are assumed and fade into the background. Whilst some experience is guaranteed, those who grew up in such a priveleged environment do not focus so much on technical and academic skills as on the interpersonal skills that they enable. Being connected is more important than being competant, and so, despite the claims of Free Market Capitalism towards meritocracy, upper management positions are as often filled through nepotism as through means revolving around proven achievement.

Those who have been through a childhood in the Upper Classes are nearly always pressured into picking up some form of musical or artistic skill. They are both free and expected to develop a refined taste in the arts unburdened by the pressures of budget that those less fortunate might excpect to see.

Characters from an Upper Crust Background need a Charisma and Willpower of 2 or greater. An Ettiquette of at least 2, a Computer of 1 or higher, and an Artisan rating no lower than 1 are all mandatory for Characters with this Background. You must also have a combined total rating of 4 or more in Interests Knowledge Skills.

Educated Class

Whilst you can define the Middle Class in terms of particular levels of wealth and certain kinds of social networks, it is probably more accurate to refer to them as the Educated Class, especially in a high tech near future. Even the least academically inclined of the Educated Class will exhibit a degree more abstract intelligence than their peers from other social backgrounds. People from this social background form the vast majority of white collar wageslaves.

Whilst acquiring abstract knowledge is a major part of the learning environment, it is also true that academia has adapted to the ubiquitous availability of extensive repositories of academic knowledge. This reaction is mostly to teach students how to utilise these repositories properly, and respectably.

Characters from such a Background must have Logic and Intuition at 2 or greater. Taking Etiquette at 1 or more, Computer at least 1, and Data Search to 2 or higher are all strictly necessary. In addition, you may not have fewer than 4 rating points divided between Academic and Professional Knowledge Skills.

Blue Collar


It is unfortunate that violence, and the threat thereof, is such a common element of Blue Collar upbringings. Whilst efforts have been made, the under provision of teaching and supervisory staff in schools that serve Blue Collar communities (as well as just how densely packed those communities are) means that every child ends up touched by it in some way. There are two important responses - you learn to return every blow in like kind, or you learn to escape from your pursuers. No matter which you choose, though, you inevitably end up forced into situations where you must use the opposite skill.

A Blue Collar Character will find Strength and Body 2+ absolutely mandatory. They must further take Computer to 1 or higher, and one of Unarmed and Running to 2 or more, with the other being taken to at least 1. No fewer than 4 rating points of Street Knowledge Skills are to be taken, either.

Tech Rejects

A number of social groups reject the use of much modern Technology outright, from the traditional Amish to the more recent Pinkskin enclaves within some NAN lands. Their reasons are varied, but their rejection does not necessarily stunt their childrens' capacity to pick up technical skills. Some of each generation are necessitated to leave their communities in search of gainful employ, or simply leave due to ideological or interpersonal differences.

The majority of Tech Rejects are engaged in some form of farming, and even those that are not have a much stronger tradition of animal ownership than more technologically integrated societies.

A child of a Tech Reject community must have Charisma and Body at 2 or greater. They will need to take Navigation to at least 1, Etiquette at 1 or greater, and Animal Handling at least at 2. Furthermore, they will find themselves with at least 4 rating points divided amongst Academic and Interests Knowledge Skills as a matter of course.



There is nothing about a wandering social background that necessitates an abandonment of technological means (indeed, one of the strongest examples of this social background is Karavan), but some groups with strong traditional biases (such as the Romani) are mistrustful of technology at best.

A Wanderer finds that Body and Willpower of 2 or more is necessary. They also find it mandatory that they possess a Navigation of 1 or higher, a Survival of at least 2, and a minimum of 1 in First Aid. At the bare minimum they must have no fewer than 4 rating points divided between Language and Street Knowledge Skills.

Second Generation 'Runner


In cases where the parents of a Second Generation 'Runner "sold out" and turned into professional wageslaves, it is probably more appropriate to use the Educated Class Background over this one. Whilst it is not impossible for them to give their child the traditional hallmarks of a Second Genner upbringing, this Background represents the incidental learning that a Second Genner goes through more than a dedicated course of training.

Whilst many modern 'Runners are technologically apt, older 'runners are more mistrustful of computing systems after some quite personal betrayals. There is no guarantee that a child of 'Runner parents will have the same technological aptitude as a person from the Educated Class.

A Second Generation Runner needs an Intuition and Charisma of 2 or more. It is necessary for a Second Gen to have an Etiquette of at least 1, a Disguise Skill of 1 or greater, and a Perception Skill not lower than 2. Second Gens find themselves with a minimum of 4 rating points in the combined total of all their Interests and Street Knowledge Skills.

Stage 3: Other Stuff

Now progress through the Pick Qualities, Purchase Attributes, Acquire Skills, Assign Resources, and Finishing Touches sections of normal Character Generation as per normal. Remember that your Attribute Maximums are not as in normal

Optional Rules

You could reduce the cost of Strength by half to compensate for how little used these attributes are. In the case of Strength, it contributes to so few skills, and only contributes half its value to melee damage. This also reduces the problems that Orks and Trolls have going for non-combat roles under this system. In addition, reduce the cost for Exceptional Attribute (Strength) by the same proportion. Sure, it may seem that a higher-than-normal rating for Strength is gunning for an exploit but, seriously, it's freaking Strength. Give the player a goddamn break, man.

Use Karmagen. Hey, the Karmagen rules probably work better under this system. The increased Attribute Limit would seem to be a beneficial part of the system when you have to pay your way up to the minimums.

Throw in a "Memes" entry on the sheet. Mandate taking several. Give bonuses based on whether a social proposition furthers or conflicts with an entry in this section.

Stage 4: Check Validity

Only Valid Characters are acceptable. An Invalid Character should be rejected unless very good reasons are given. An Invalid Character is characterised by failing to meet any of the Minimums demanded by Social Background and Metatype.

Any commentary?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:27 am
by Username17
HR wrote:Any commentary?
This is a legitimately terrible idea. One of the central themes of Shadowrun is social mobility. Another is travel. Characters routinely spend some portion of their lives as a corporate scion and some portion of their lives as a homeless pariah. Characters routinely spend some portion of their lives in Trollish Myanmar where only might is recognized, and some portion of their lives megacorporate Pyongyang where shows of force or even emotion are universally condemned.

Simply put, a character who has "a social background" is a fucking boring character because it implies that nothing actually happened in their backstory. Fuck that.

There are real problems in SR4 chargen. Skills are too expensive, there are some extraneous attributes that don't do much, and many of the skills (especially combat skills) are unnecessarily narrow in their potential application and should thus be merged (or more general skills like Infiltration, Etiquette, and Sorcery should be chopped up - or both).

But your ideas on social class are bad ideas and you need to drop them.


Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:57 am
by Orion
Giving The free bonus point you're giving out are also stupid. You've got 400 BP, these bonuses are a fraction of that, they don't define the character in any way. All they really are is a slight increase the minimums that come with your race/class, and a pretty insignificant one, since it's hard to imagine who wouldn't want either a 4 Agi or 3 Cha, for instance.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:48 am
by Korwin
Did I get that right: Trolls have a max. Strenght of 6?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:40 pm
by Ganbare Gincun
FrankTrollman wrote:There are real problems in SR4 chargen. Skills are too expensive, there are some extraneous attributes that don't do much, and many of the skills (especially combat skills) are unnecessarily narrow in their potential application and should thus be merged (or more general skills like Infiltration, Etiquette, and Sorcery should be chopped up - or both).

Which skills have you chopped up in your games, and which ones have you merged? Or have you carried over your preferred skill divisions/mergers to the aWoD game already?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:16 pm
by CatharzGodfoot
Changing racial maxima to minima makes sense from a game balance perspective. However, as Korwin points out with trolls, might not actually make a lot of sense. That said, if there were better rules for lifting and carrying things then it could still work out fine; a Strength 4 troll with your writeup can use bigger weapons than a strength 4 human, which is how things should be--even if the human can punch just as hard.

Basically, I think you're going down the write track with minimum-based and quality-based metatypes, but I agree with Frank that the social backgrounds as written are too much oversimplification. If anything, a background system might just be a set of knowledge skills and situational benefits (and possibly contacts) of which you could select a great number.