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Alternity: ICC reports from a pickup group

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:07 pm
by deathdealingjawa
The story so far. We have been employed by a Nur (generally referred to as employer), who works for the Galactic Concord (think UN in space who have their own standing army). Nur has hired some individuals (the party) to placed them on a small neutral planet. Our task is to sway the planet into joining the Galactic Concord when their Allegiance vote comes up.
The party writes up status report every so often, these are to update players who missed the game, and recap. These reports are written from my characters point of view. He is generally disconnected from people, and reality.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:10 pm
by deathdealingjawa
Hello employer,

As you've read in the last report, your associates harassed a stripper
with psychic powers named Krissa. It has been revealed that Krissa is
also a spy for some other intergalactic organization, but there is a
more pressing matters. That matter is her drastically underestimated
psychic powers.
She has mind controlled an economy package of Voidcorptm Yourcost
Ourshield Health Enforcers, putting them under her control. Your
associates were unable to recognize the YOHE's Skin Trademark.
Krissa's tendrils have entangled Seamus's mind. While Seamus may be
the master of many stains, he also has significant power over the
She has also planted a psychic bomb in Seamus' mind that almost blew
the Showman's mind when he came into contact his mind.
I am wondering what the policy is on a mind controlled planet?
Another, possibly related question is how many orbital cleansing
satellites our company has?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:16 pm
by deathdealingjawa
Hello employer,

Since Seamus gave the Thuldan (Think Mr. Sinister from x-men but as a culture) the credit for salvaging the materials from the crash site. In response to this your employees have begun a smear campaign against the Thuldans. The videos below were captured and edited by the Mechalus throughout the day. While his editing and camera work are great, his audio leaves a bit to be desired.

Thuldans on environmental issues.
After leaving the ceremony the Thuldan propaganda figure used his gunship to level part of the forest. Mechalus felt that seeing the people rather than just a floating gunship would have more effect. ... re=related

Thuldan attacks local youth.
This video was heavily to show that the locals stand up for each other against the overbearing Thuldan. The Thuldan ended up with a hole in his head. "Slim" the guy who was getting beat up, drives a dump truck for us on occasion. ... re=related

Thuldans automated builders
Slim helped us get to the area the thuldans had cleared. It contained automated construction drones, which were in the process of building a base of operation for the thuldans.
(spoilers if you have not seen the iron gaint)
go to 1:40

Isabella's team gets a creature.
In order to leave the island without raising too many eyebrows we left on the pretense that we would capture some of the local animal life. After capturing one of the animals, the cage was handed over to Isabella's grad-students. Their extraction of the creature could have gone better.
NSFW (This one is fine, its the other gifs they have that might be questionable)
Was hoping to get the first sence from jurassic park, but this was the
best I could do.

Currently your employees are evaluating different methods of removing
the Thuldan from the planet as per your orders.

Thank you for the cash advance, it will be put to good use.

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:20 am
by deathdealingjawa
OoC: I wasn't there this session but the GM said the party blew up the enemy base, and left the planet. After doing so the group decided to go back to playing Traveller.