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Running a good one-shot

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:16 pm
by Archmage
So I've run a lot of D&D 3.5e and even some 4e more recently, but every game I've run has (thankfully) lasted for at least a school semester or so, anywhere from 12 to 18 sessions. I used to run a lot more episodic games when the majority of my roleplaying was online, but I had a tendency to tie episodes together and the characters were carried over from episode to episode, so it still felt like there was a coherent and lasting story.

However, I'm going to a convention in a couple weeks and it's been suggested that I should run a one-shot con-style 3.5e game for some people. I'm not really sure how to maximize the entertainment value of a single game where no one is ever likely to play the same characters again.

Does anyone have experience running that kind of game that might be able to give me some pointers on crafting a memorable one-shot adventure?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:54 pm
by ubernoob
Make it absolutely ridiculous as far as the RP goes. That's what the people are going to remember. For instance, create normal characters then write the names of the five original power rangers on the sheets (possibly print them on colored paper to make it even more clear) and then have fight the evil witch or whatever.

Basically, the more ridiculous the better. Just keep the actual rules simple.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:05 am
by Archmage
That's a really good suggestion. I might have to take a leaf out of Koumei's book and do something N1-inspired--that ought to go over really well with a bunch of cRPG geeks.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:35 am
by Maxus
Archmage wrote:That's a really good suggestion. I might have to take a leaf out of Koumei's book and do something N1-inspired--that ought to go over really well with a bunch of cRPG geeks.
There's a thread where Koumei ran a con game

Edit: And apparently made it fun for the players.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:10 pm
by Ferret
Anybody got a link to that thread? I'm thinking about doing a weekend-long one shot for my DM by way of thank-you for always being the DM, and tips from a convention game would be perfect.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:45 pm
by Pixels
I think this is the thread you are looking for.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:18 pm
by Ferret
Pixels wrote:I think this is the thread you are looking for.
Ah, thanks!