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Crafting, and crafting resources

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:03 am
by Judging__Eagle
I've started thinking about how the "cost" of resources will be done; and I'm thinking that having "ranks" in a skill allows the harvesting of the amount ranks in the skill in units of the product.

Cost of Items:

Right now, "equipment" in FAR is bought with a 1 to 10 rank scale. Each rank allows the maximum value in each rank to be raised to the item's base rank; so, you can't have a Hardness 3 sword, if you have a Standard (Rank 2) Sword.

Value: Ranks
1 Poor
2 Standard
3 Exceptional
Magical/High Tech
4 Masterwork
5 Imbued [Made of Special parts/materials; covered/decorated in special substances]
6 Enchanted [Full of Powerful Forces; Data/Lore, Nano-Machines; Magically enchanted items]
10 Epic [JLU Space Headquarters

Stages of Production

Nice and simple. Producing comes in three different stages: raw material; processed material; and fonished products.

The differences in these three is that a character gets up to 3x as much "resources" when they buy processed materials, over finished products. Raw materials yields x9 as much as finished products.

So, smithing costs X amount of resources (. Getting the metal for smithing ready yields 3X amount of

Characters who specialize in a speci